Joomla reCaptcha reloading form instead of showing error - joomla

I built a website using Joomla and in my contact form I used Google's reCaptcha v.2. When the user checks the captcha, the form is sent correctly and the success message is displayed. However when the user does not check the captcha, the form is reloaded and the error is not displayed. On the console, I get an ajax containing:
{"success":false,"message":"Please, fill the CAPTCHA.","messages":null,"data":null}
How can I keep the form filled and show the error message to the user?
Joomla version 3.9.0
Theme: flex - Joomshaper (paid theme. I got in touch with them but the support is horrible)
Contact form using Page builder - Joomshaper
reCaptcha v.2


Magento checkout cart success page on customer suggestion form

On Checkout cart success page on message after i want display
suggestion or feedback form with multiple option.
After fill information send mail.
Comment and feedback option validation without page refresh.
You need to develop your own module with ajax capabilities, sending information to the controller of your module.
The module should also include a block which should be added in the checkout_onepage_success layout.
More on module creation here : Magento wiki custom module with database
To create the form and have the mail notifications you can check it out at inchoo here: Custom email contact form with notification system
Good luck.

Joomla registration error

In the website, I am using joomla 2.5 & getting an below error during registration
It registered the user but, does not send the activation link, however it is set as a self in user options.
when user click on register after filling form it shows an 404 error. (personally i dont change any thing core, & i dont want to but i am getting an error i checked all the things)
Some Plugin Information
I installed virtue mart in it, but every thing is defualt
I am user Super Login Module for login registration which calls the default joomla signup page.
Kindly guide what i am missing..I am tired to sort that out but none of my idea works.
Thanks it start working now, below i have mentioned the reason why it showing error.
The email i was inserted is actually registered before & when i remove that id i did'not remove the product related to it in virtue mart.
second virtue mart registration activation link which send in email has some problems, on the below link solution is discussed.

Pyro cms admin login

I have installed latest version of PyroCMS but I can´t login into admin section.
When I filled out email and password fields and clicked on login button nothing happend. Website was loading until execution time has been reached....I have tried it in Chrome, Mozilla, IE, Safari....When I used Opera warning message has appeared : An Error Was Encountered The action you have requested is not allowed.
I´m using Wamp, Windows 8.
Thanks for help !

Validation not working for Joomla registration form

I have joomla site with Version 1.5.23.
I am new to joomla and php but in the existing site I am trying to add "Sign up for mailing list" functionality.
For this I have added:
<a href="index.php?option=com_user&view=register" class="jregister">
Sign up for our Mailing List</a>
in my index.php page.
Due to above code I got panel on right side of page.
On click of that link one registration form is displaying, on click of register button validations are not working.
But if I enter correct information then I get successful registration message with confirmation email.
Please suggest why validation for name, password, email are not working.
I'm sure this is a really simple error somewhere but its beyond me I'm afraid.
registration form in joomla is a joomla Component that linked to login module and login form.
you should write validation code "by yourself" for registration form in this path:

Yahoo / Gtalk link in Joomla

I have a website developed in Joomla. I want to add my gtalk id on image of gtalk. That is if any user clicks on image of gtalk than he/she should be able to add my id to their gtalk account. Same way for Yahoo.
I have tried to do it in module with code
<a mce_href="http://mce_host/gtalk:call?" href="gtalk:call?">
but joomla removes my code mce_href="http://mce_host/gtalk:call?"
Some code will get stripped out on save if you have an editor enabled. Disable the editor from the config by setting to none and then Joomla will not strip out your code.
