How to upload a file to a slack channel using a bot - slack

I have a slack bot and the token starting with xoxb is used to upload a file to a channel.
I am using below format
curl -F token="${SLACK_TOKEN}" -F -F channel="${SLACK_CHANNEL}" -F as_user=true
This throws

You are missing the # in your argument to let curl know you want to transmit a file. The following should do the trick:
curl \
-F token="${SLACK_TOKEN}" \
-F \
-F channel="${SLACK_CHANNEL}" \
-F as_user=true \
p.s. Breaking a long curl into multiple lines can help you see things more clearly ;)


Curl changes multipart/form-data path parameter

I try to send some multipart/form-data data using curl in a msys shell to a NAS named Synology. The form-data needs a parameter named "path" and must formated like "/dir/dir2". The slashes can't be changed.
My problem is, when i am using curl the path variable will be changed to "C:/git-sdk-64/dir/dir2" and i don't know how to prevent it. My command looks like this:
curl -X POST \
'http://url:port/webapi/entry.cgi?_sid=secret&api=SYNO.FileStation.Upload&method=upload&version=2' \
-F "path=/dir/dir2" \
-F 'overwrite=true' \
-F 'filename=#/c/Temp/test.txt'
Thanks to Daniel Stenberg's info i found out this is a "problem" with msys self. Msys fills up the path variable. Written down here The solution is to put an semicolon at the end of the path. The complete command now looks like this:
curl -X POST \
'http://url:port/webapi/entry.cgi?_sid=secret&api=SYNO.FileStation.Upload&method=upload&version=2' \
-F "path=/dir/dir2;" \
-F 'overwrite=true' \
-F 'filename=#/c/Temp/test.txt'

Windows curl Batch file

I want to make a mailgun curl call using windows batch file. Since windows shell doesn't support multiple lines, how can I execute the below curl function in windows batch file?
curl -s --user 'api:key-xxxxxxxxxx' \ \
-F from='user <>' \
-F to='user <>' \
-F subject='Hello' \
-F text='body!' \
-F attachment=#test.txt \
When I tried to execute the command after removing the multiple lines it returned this error:
curl -s --user 'api:key-xxxxxxxxxx' -F from='user -F to='user -F subject='Hello' -F text='body!' -F attachment=#test.txt 0< 1>'
The system cannot find the file specified.
PS: The attachment file is in the same directory
simply on one line and put the <> redirection char between " or escape it with ^:
curl -s --user 'api:key-xxxxxxxxxx' -F from="user <>" -F to="user <>" -F subject='Hello' -F text='body!' -F attachment=#test.txt
You can also create variable for each element :
set "$ApiKey=api:key-xxxxxxxxxx"
set "$Url="
set "$"
and then
curl -s --user '%$ApiKey%' %$Url% -F from="user <%$From%>" -F to= ....

curl call with parameters into variable doesn't work

I'm working with installr API.
I'm trying to do the following curl request via a script :
curl -H "X-InstallrAppToken: mytoken" \
-F 'qqfile=#'$APKPATH \
-F 'releaseNotes=These are my release notes' \
-F 'notify=true'
and it works perfectly.
However, when I try to get my release notes from a file with a variable like this :
RELEASENOTES=`cat "release_notes/"`
curl -H "X-InstallrAppToken: mytoken" \
-F 'qqfile=#'$APKPATH \
-F 'releaseNotes='$RELEASENOTES \
-F 'notify=true' > /dev/null
it doesn't work at all, only the first word is sent. For the others, I have the error Could not resolve host: xxx.
I did a echo on these two curl request and the exact same thing is printed.
is that the catcommand which return a specific format ?
Probably an issue with the quotes and spaces. You can use double-quotes around a variable to allow variable expansion in the shell.
RELEASENOTES=$(cat "release_notes/")
curl -H "X-InstallrAppToken: mytoken" \
-F "qqfile=#${APKPATH}" \
-F "releaseNotes=${RELEASENOTES}" \
-F 'notify=true' > /dev/null

Google speech recognition API returns null result

I am trying to use Google's Speech Recognition API from a shell command, but I am having issues.
My Shell file contains the following Code:
arecord -D plughw:1,0 -q -f cd -t wav -R 16000 | flac - -f --best --sample-rate=16000 -s -o test.flac
wget -q -U "Mozilla/5.0" --post-file test.flac --header "Content-Type: audio/x-flac; rate=16000" -O - "" | >stt.txt
I have validated that the test.flac file does contain my recording. Also, I have confirmed that the Google Server is indeed receiving my requests. Meanwhile, I am returned a Null result from the Web Server.
The syntax used to create my file was wrong. It should have been the following:
arecord -D plughw:1,0 -q -t wav -r 16000 file.wav
flac -f --sample-rate=16000 -s file.wav
Use to double check that your file is 16bit-PCM and mono.

Entering Password Automatically for Stripe From Bash Script

I am using Stripe's Curl API to create subscriptions.
My bash script looks like this
set pass MyPasword123
curl -u sk_test_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2 -d card[number]=4242424242424242 -d card[exp_month]=12 -d card[exp_year]=2016 -d card[cvc]=123 -d plan=EarlyAdopter -d
expect -re "Enter host password for user 'sk_test_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2:':"
send "${pass}\r"
This does now work.
How do I enter automatically a password for the Stripe Curl API?
The issue here is that you are only passing the API key but you're missing the : at the end. This is mentioned in the documentation about the Authentication. It should be like this:
curl \
-u sk_test_XXX: \
-d card[number]=4242424242424242 \
-d card[exp_month]=12 \
-d card[exp_year]=2016 \
-d card[cvc]=123 \
-d plan=EarlyAdopter \
