Where can I find the implementation of cblas_sgemm() function in OpenBlas project? - openblas

I find cblas_sgemm() was declared in cblas.h,but I cannot find the implementation of it.Which file contains the implementation of cblas_sgemmor cblas.h?
Thanks a lot.

You will find all cblas definitions here:


How to distinguish syslog(2) and syslog(3)?

I see that there are syslog(2) and syslog(3).
Since they have the same function time, I don't see how the linker can distinguish them at link time. Could anybody help me understand how the linker correctly resolve the object code under the hood? Thanks.
It doesn't.. syslog(2) has to be called using klogctl() wrapper or using syscall() at your own peril.. syslog(3) is the only definition present in the C library.

How is is_standard_layout implemented?

In general one can implement typical type_traits using template techniques.
However I didn't imagine how std::is_standard_layout could be implemented in these terms. http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/types/is_standard_layout
When I checked the gcc standard library, I found that it is implemented in terms of __is_standard_layout(T) which I could not find defined anywhere else. Is this a compiler magic function?
Would it be possible to implement std::is_standard_layout explicitly?
For example one of the conditions is that it inherits from a single class.
That seems to be impossible to determine at compile time.
No, std::is_standard_layout is not something you can implement without compiler intrinsics. As you've correctly pointed out, it needs more information than the C++ type system can express.

how to use AssertString() Addrouter() functions in CLIPS's dll of C++?

i have used CLIPSWIN32.DLL in my program,and the functions in the dll is so limited.I even can not find the AssertString() Addrouter() functions in the dll.
the question is :
if there is a dll that contains the factions?
if not,is there a function that can repalce the twos above?
If you download clipsnet from the CLIPS SourceForge Files area (http://sourceforge.net/projects/clipsrules/), there are examples included that utilize the AssertString and AddRouter methods. Search the project to find the methods.

Where is append() implementation?

I cannot find implementation code of append() or any other builtin functions anywhere? I tried finding the code through godoc and using jump-to-definition feature of IDE's. May be i am looking at wrong places. Could anyone show me the way to see actual implementation?
You may be interested by :
the code generating bit append is in here https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.16.7/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/ssa.go
and growslice, used by the former, and that lives in here : https://github.com/golang/go/blob/go1.16.7/src/runtime/slice.go

Is it possible to read .mat files in Go?

I'd like to load a MATLAB file that stores a 1x1 struct with 4 fields using Go. I haven't found anything comparable to Python's SciPy which has a "loadmat" function. What is the best way to read .mat files in Go?
You may have to write your own Go package. MathWorks suggests that you interface with their MATLAB MAT-file C API. To do that in Go, use cgo.
MATLAB MAT-File Format - MathWorks
Command cgo
C? Go? Cgo!
No, there doesn't seem to be any project for reading MalLab files in pure Go (in CGo, see PeterSO's answer):
go-search doesn't list any relevant project
GitHub doesn't have any either.
the Libraries list doesn't include any
And, there were performance consideration as well, mentioned in "Go matrix library".
The discussion was more about calling go from Matlab.
