Parallel Hints in "Select Into" statement in PL/SQL - oracle

Parallel hints in normal DML SQL queries in oracle can be used in following fashion
select /*+ PARALLEL (A,2) */ * from table A ;
In similar fashion can we use parallel hints in PL/SQL for select into statements in oracle?
select /*+ PARALLEL(A,2) */ A.* BULK COLLECT INTO g_table_a from Table A ;
If i use the above syntax is there any way to verify whether the above select statement is executed in parallel?
Edit : Assuming g_table_a is a table data structure of ROWTYPE table

If the statement takes short elapsed time, you don't want to run it in parallel. Note, that e.g. query taking say 0.5 seconds in serial execution could take 2,5 second in parallel, as the most overhead is to set up the parallel execution.
So, if the query takes long time, you have enough time to check V$SESSION (use gv$sessionin RAC) and see all session with the user running the query.
select * from gv$session where username = 'your_user'
For serial execution you see only one session, for parallel execution you see one coordinator and additional session up to twice of the chosen parallel degree.
Alternative use the v$px_session which connects the parallel worker sessions with the query coordinator.
from v$px_session
where qcsid = <SID of the session running teh parallel statement>;
Here you see also the required degree of parallelism and the real used DOP

YOu can easily check this from Explain Plan of the query. In case of Plsql you can also have trace of the procedure and check in the TKprof file.


Restrict sql execution for multiple users in oracle

I am new to oracle. I am using oracle database 19c. I need to restrict the query execution in such a way that if a query is executed once, concurrent execution should get warning or wait until the first query is complete.
--First time execution
select count(*) from table;
--At the same time, another user execute the query
select count(*) from table; <<== Either wait or get a warning
Thanks in advance !

T-SQL : why is running multiple sql statements in one batch slower without GO?

I have come to very interesting problem (at least for me).
When I run following SQL:
SELECT count(*) AS [count]
FROM [dbo].[contract_v] AS [contract_v]
WHERE 1 = 0;
FROM [dbo].[contract] AS [contract]
LEFT JOIN ([dbo].[contract_accepted_garbage_type] AS [garbageTypes->contract_accepted_garbage_type]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[garbage_type] AS [garbageTypes] ON [garbageTypes].[id] = [garbageTypes->contract_accepted_garbage_type].[garbage_type_id])
ON [contract].[id] = [garbageTypes->contract_accepted_garbage_type].[contract_id]
WHERE [contract].[id] IN (125018);
Execution takes 21s
However when I add GO statement as following:
SELECT count(*) AS [count]
FROM [dbo].[contract_v] AS [contract_v]
WHERE 1 = 0;
FROM [dbo].[contract] AS [contract]
LEFT JOIN ([dbo].[contract_accepted_garbage_type] AS [garbageTypes->contract_accepted_garbage_type]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[garbage_type] AS [garbageTypes] ON [garbageTypes].[id] = [garbageTypes->contract_accepted_garbage_type].[garbage_type_id])
ON [contract].[id] = [garbageTypes->contract_accepted_garbage_type].[contract_id]
WHERE [contract].[id] IN (125018);
It takes only 2s.
The view used in first SQL statement is based on the table called in second statement.
Could you please explain this behaviour to me? I know that GO statement makes database create separate execution plan for every batch. I have checked the execution plans, and the actual steps are identical.
Thank you!
The GO keyword separates execution batches. If the underlying tables are the same in both queries, and they are executed in the same batch, both queries have to be executed with the same transaction context. This ensures that the underlying data in both tables is the same during both executions.
If using separate batches (GO statement in-between), you cannot guarantee that the data will be consistent in that rows could theoretically be modified in between executions.
If you don't care about the chance of the data changing in between queries, then by all means use GO for performance. If you do care, consider it a dangerous move.
SQL Server applications can send multiple Transact-SQL statements to an instance of SQL Server for execution as a batch. The statements in the batch are then compiled into a single execution plan. Programmers executing ad hoc statements in the SQL Server utilities, or building scripts of Transact-SQL statements to run through the SQL Server utilities, use GO to signal the end of a batch.

Running PLSQL in parallel

Running PLSQL script to generate load
For some reasons (reproducing errors, ...) I would like to generate some load (with specific actions) in a PL SQL script.
What I would like to do:
A) Insert 1.000.000 rows in Schema A Table 1
B) In a loop and as best in parallel (2 or 3 times)
1) read from Schema-A.Table-1 one row with locking
2) insert it to Schema-B.Table-2
3) delete row from Schema-A.Table-1
Is there a way to do this B-task in a script in parallel in PLSQL on calling the script?
Who would this look like?
It's usually better to parallelize SQL statements inside a PL/SQL block, instead of trying to parallelize the entire PL/SQL block:
execute immediate 'alter session enable parallel dml';
insert /*+ append parallel */ into schemaA.Table1 ...
insert /*+ append parallel */ into schemaB.Table2 ...
delete /*+ parallel */ from schemaA.Table1 where ...
dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('SCHEMAA', 'TABLE1', degree => 8);
dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('SCHEMAB', 'TABLE2', degree => 8);
Large parallel DML statements usually require less code and run faster than creating your own parallelism in PL/SQL. Here are a few things to look out for:
You must have Enterprise Edition, large tables, decent hardware, and a sane configuration to run parallel SQL.
Setting the DOP is difficult. Using the hint /*+ parallel */ lets Oracle decide but you might want to play around with it by specifying a number, such as /*+ parallel(8) */.
Direct-path writes (the append hint) can be significantly faster. But they lock the entire table and the new results won't be recoverable until after the next backup.
Check the execution plan to ensure that direct-path writes are used - look for the operation LOAD AS SELECT instead of LOAD TABLE CONVENTIONAL. Tuning parallel SQL statements is best done with the Real-Time SQL Monitoring reports, found in select dbms_sqltune.report_sql_monitor(sql_id => 'SQL_ID') from dual;
You might want to read through the Parallel Execution Concepts chapter of the manual. Oracle parallelism can be tricky but it can also make your processes runs orders of magnitude faster if you're careful.
If objective is fast load and parallel is just an attempt to get that then do.
Create table newtemp as select old
To create table.
Create table old_remaning as select old with not exists newtemp
Then drop old and new tables. Then do rename table . These operations will use parallel options at db level

How can I see the SQL execution plan in Oracle?

I'm learning about database indexes right now, and I'm trying to understand the efficiency of using them.
I'd like to see whether a specific query uses an index.
I want to actually see the difference between executing the query using an index and without using the index (so I want to see the execution plan for my query).
I am using sql+.
How do I see the execution plan and where can I found in it the information telling me whether my index was used or not?
Try using this code to first explain and then see the plan:
Explain the plan:
explain plan
select * from table_name where ...;
See the plan:
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);
Edit: Removed the brackets
The estimated SQL execution plan
The estimated execution plan is generated by the Optimizer without executing the SQL query. You can generate the estimated execution plan from any SQL client using EXPLAIN PLAN FOR or you can use Oracle SQL Developer for this task.
When using Oracle, if you prepend the EXPLAIN PLAN FOR command to a given SQL query, the database will store the estimated execution plan in the associated PLAN_TABLE:
FROM post p
FROM post_comment pc
pc.post_id = AND = 'Bingo'
ORDER BY p.title
To view the estimated execution plan, you need to use DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY, as illustrated in the following example:
The ALL +OUTLINE formatting option allows you to get more details about the estimated execution plan than using the default formatting option.
Oracle SQL Developer
If you have installed SQL Developer, you can easily get the estimated execution plan for any SQL query without having to prepend the EXPLAIN PLAN FOR command:
##The actual SQL execution plan
The actual SQL execution plan is generated by the Optimizer when running the SQL query. So, unlike the estimated Execution Plan, you need to execute the SQL query in order to get its actual execution plan.
The actual plan should not differ significantly from the estimated one, as long as the table statistics have been properly collected by the underlying relational database.
To instruct Oracle to store the actual execution plan for a given SQL query, you can use the GATHER_PLAN_STATISTICS query hint:
FROM post p
FROM post_comment pc
pc.post_id = AND = 'Bingo'
ORDER BY p.title
To visualize the actual execution plan, you can use DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_CURSOR:
Enable STATISTICS for all queries
If you want to get the execution plans for all queries generated within a given session, you can set the STATISTICS_LEVEL session configuration to ALL:
This will have the same effect as setting the GATHER_PLAN_STATISTICS query hint on every execution query. So, just like with the GATHER_PLAN_STATISTICS query hint, you can use DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_CURSOR to view the actual execution plan.
You should reset the STATISTICS_LEVEL setting to the default mode once you are done collecting the execution plans you were interested in. This is very important, especially if you are using connection pooling, and database connections get reused.
Take a look at Explain Plan. EXPLAIN works across many db types.
For sqlPlus specifically, see sqlplus's AUTO TRACE facility.
Try this:
The execution plan will mention the index whenever it is used. Just read through the execution plan.

How to keep cursors in v$sql_plan alive longer

I'm trying to analyse a query execution plan in my Oracle database. I have set
alter system set statistics_level = all;
Such that I can compare estimated cardinalities and times with actual cardinalities and times. Now, I'm running this statement in order to display that information.
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(
sql_id => '6dt9vvx9gmd1x',
cursor_child_no => 2,
But I keep getting this message
NOTE: cannot fetch plan for SQL_ID: 6dt9vvx9gmd1x, CHILD_NUMBER: 2
Please verify value of SQL_ID and CHILD_NUMBER;
It could also be that the plan is no longer in cursor cache (check
The CHILD_NUMBER was correct when the query was being executed. Also, when I run dbms_xplan.display_cursor at the same time as the query, I get the actual plan. But my JDBC connection closes the PreparedStatement immediately after execution, so maybe that's why the execution plan disappears from v$sql_plan.
Am I getting something wrong, or how can I analyse estimated/actual values after execution?
You could always pin the cursor, which is new in 11g -
dbms_shared_pool.keep ('[address, hash_value from v$open_cursor]', 'C');
Increase the shared_pool to create more caching space for the cursors.
If in 11g, capture the sql plan in the baselines using optimizer_capture_sql_plan_baselines. This stores the plans in dba_sql_plan_baselines.
