How to keep cursors in v$sql_plan alive longer - oracle

I'm trying to analyse a query execution plan in my Oracle database. I have set
alter system set statistics_level = all;
Such that I can compare estimated cardinalities and times with actual cardinalities and times. Now, I'm running this statement in order to display that information.
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(
sql_id => '6dt9vvx9gmd1x',
cursor_child_no => 2,
But I keep getting this message
NOTE: cannot fetch plan for SQL_ID: 6dt9vvx9gmd1x, CHILD_NUMBER: 2
Please verify value of SQL_ID and CHILD_NUMBER;
It could also be that the plan is no longer in cursor cache (check
The CHILD_NUMBER was correct when the query was being executed. Also, when I run dbms_xplan.display_cursor at the same time as the query, I get the actual plan. But my JDBC connection closes the PreparedStatement immediately after execution, so maybe that's why the execution plan disappears from v$sql_plan.
Am I getting something wrong, or how can I analyse estimated/actual values after execution?

You could always pin the cursor, which is new in 11g -
dbms_shared_pool.keep ('[address, hash_value from v$open_cursor]', 'C');

Increase the shared_pool to create more caching space for the cursors.
If in 11g, capture the sql plan in the baselines using optimizer_capture_sql_plan_baselines. This stores the plans in dba_sql_plan_baselines.


Is optimizer_use_sql_plan_baselines and resource_manager_cpu_allocation oracle system parameter have impact on sql query performance

Is optimizer_use_sql_plan_baselines and resource_manager_cpu_allocation oracle system parameter have impact on sql query performance.
We have two envt suppose A and B. On A Envt query is running fine but in Envt. B its tacking time. I have compared system parameter and found difference in values in optimizer_use_sql_plan_baselines and resource_manager_cpu_allocation .
SQL plan baselines and the resource manager certainly could have a huge impact on performance, and you should use the below two queries or confirm or deny that those parameters are related to your problem.
GV$SQL stores which SQL plan baseline is associated with each SQL statement. Compare the SQL_PLAN_BASELINE column in the below query, and if they are equal then your problem is not related to baselines:
select sql_plan_baseline, round(elapsed_time/1000000) elapsed_seconds, gv$sql.*
from gv$sql
order by elapsed_time desc;
The Active Session History (ASH) views can tell you if the resource manager is an issue. If your queries are being throttled then you will see an event
named "resmgr:cpu quantum" in the below query. (But pay attention to the counts - don't troubleshoot a wait event if it only happens a small number of times.)
select nvl(event, 'CPU') event, count(*)
from gv$active_session_history
group by event
order by count(*) desc;
Resource manager can have other potentially negative affects. If you're in a data warehouse, and using parallel queries, it's possible that resource manager has downgraded the queries on one system. If you're using parallel queries, try comparing the SQL monitoring reports from both systems:
select dbms_sqltune.report_sql_monitor(sql_id => '&YOUR_SQL_ID') from dual;
However, I have a feeling that you're using the wrong approach for your problem. There are generally two approaches to Oracle database performance - database tuning and query tuning. If you're only interested in a single query, then you should probably focus on things like the execution plan and the wait events for the operations of that specific query.

SQL Plan change reasons

One of the job schedulers is running in the production environment on a daily basis which use to take only 20 mins based past execution history, but today it's been more than 2 hours still not completed.
a) How to check whether the SQL plan has changed today or not?
b) What could be the reasons for the plan change? One I know due to code change. What else could cause plan change?
You can check if the SQL execution plan has changed by using the Active Workload Repository (AWR). First, you need to find the SQL_ID for the relevant query. The view GV$SQL contains the most recent SQL. If you can't find the query in this view, try DBA_HIST_SQLTEXT instead.
select sql_id, sql_text
from gv$sql
where lower(sql_fulltext) like '%some unique string%';
With the SQL_ID, you can start investigating historical information. The table DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT contains lots of summary information about the SQL. The most important column is PLAN_HASH_VALUE; if that value changes, then the execution plan has changed.
select snap_id, sql_id, plan_hash_value, executions_delta, elapsed_time_delta/100000 seconds_delta
from dba_hist_sqlstat
--join to dba_hist_snapshot if you want to find precise times instead of SNAP_IDs.
where sql_id = '&SQL_ID'
order by dba_hist_sqlstat.snap_id;
If the plan has changed, you can view both plans with this:
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_awr(sql_id => '&SQL_ID'));
Unfortunately, the most difficult part of query tuning with Oracle is that there are a dozen different ways to view the execution plans, and each of them provides slightly different data.
This query only returns numbers for the last execution, but it returns actual numbers and times, which helps you focus on the specific operation and wait events that caused the problem.
select dbms_sqltune.report_sql_monitor(sql_id => '&SQL_ID', type => 'text') from dual;
This query returns some additional execution plan information, specifically the Note section. Most graphical IDEs leave out that section, but it's vital for complex troubleshooting. If something weird is going on, the Note section will often explain why.
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(sql_id => '&SQL_ID'));
There are many reasons why execution plans can change. If you add additional information to the question I may be able to make an educated guess.
Quick Check :
Please check whether the Statistics, is upto Date, both System and Table statistics.
Pleae check if any changes to table or index made ?

Extract sql_id from hash_value

I have sql hash value of a query.
I don't have the sqltext, plan hash or sql_id - only the hash value of the sql.
When I'm querying the v$sql view there are no result (I guess the sql is not in the memory already):
select * from v$sql where hash_value = 'hv_Example';
Is there a way to achieve the sql_id from the hash_value?
I didn't found a view that holds the hash value and the sql_id togather...
V$SQL contains both HASH_VALUE and SQL_ID, but not forever.
According to Tanel Poder's blog, the HASH_VALUE can be derived from the SQL_ID, but the inverse operation is not possible. But converting HASH_VALUE to SQL_ID wouldn't solve your problem anyway.
First of all, I'm not sure why you would have access to the HASH_VALUE but not the SQL_ID. The SQL_ID is much more commonly used for performance tuning. Whatever program or source is providing the HASH_VALUE should be modified to return the SQL_ID instead.
But the real problem here, whichever value you have, is that data is not permanently stored in V$SQL. As statements get old they are aged out of the shared pool, and disappear from V$SQL. Also, if you're using a clustered system, make sure you're using GV$SQL.
If you are using Enterprise Edition, and have licensed the Oracle Diagnostic Pack, you may be able to find historical SQL_ID values with one of these two statements:
select sql_id
from gv$active_session_history
where sql_full_plan_hash_value = 'XYZ';
select sql_id
from dba_hist_active_sess_history
where sql_full_plan_hash_value = 'XYZ';
Data in GV$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY typically lasts for about a day. Data in DBA_HIST_* stays for 8 days by default, but is configurable. You can check the AWR retention with this query: select retention from dba_hist_wr_control;
If the HASH_VALUE is less old than the retention period, but still not in AWR, then you can probably ignore it. ASH and AWR use sampling, which means they do not capture everything that happens in a database. ASH takes a sample every second and AWR takes a sample every 10 seconds.
A lot of people struggle with this concept but it's helpful to come to terms with the idea of sampling. Systems that capture all of the information, like tracing everything, are overwhelming and use up too much space and processing power. If we're looking at performance problems then we do not care about something that doesn't happen for more than 10 seconds out of 8 days.

What is Plan hash value in Oracle?

What is Plan hash value in Oracle ? Does this imply anything related to time of execution of a query ? How do I find execution time of a query in Oracle ?
There are 3 views that show SQL statements that ran in your SGA.
V$SQL shows stats and is updated every 5 seconds.
V$SQLAREA shows parsed statements in memory, ready to execute.
V$SQLSTATS has greater retention than V$SQL.
So if you look in V$SQL you will see every statement has a unique SQL ID. When the statement is parsed, oracle generates an explain plan for the SQL and then associates that plan with a hash value which is a unique value for that plan. Certain factors can cause the plan to change, making it execute better or worse. Then you will get a new plan and a new hash value for that plan.
To see the history of this, look at view DBA_HIST_SQL_PLAN.
There is a lot more theory around explain plans and how to optimize SQL statements, and how to give them profiles and baselines, but I hope this gives you an idea of the basics.

How can I see the SQL execution plan in Oracle?

I'm learning about database indexes right now, and I'm trying to understand the efficiency of using them.
I'd like to see whether a specific query uses an index.
I want to actually see the difference between executing the query using an index and without using the index (so I want to see the execution plan for my query).
I am using sql+.
How do I see the execution plan and where can I found in it the information telling me whether my index was used or not?
Try using this code to first explain and then see the plan:
Explain the plan:
explain plan
select * from table_name where ...;
See the plan:
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);
Edit: Removed the brackets
The estimated SQL execution plan
The estimated execution plan is generated by the Optimizer without executing the SQL query. You can generate the estimated execution plan from any SQL client using EXPLAIN PLAN FOR or you can use Oracle SQL Developer for this task.
When using Oracle, if you prepend the EXPLAIN PLAN FOR command to a given SQL query, the database will store the estimated execution plan in the associated PLAN_TABLE:
FROM post p
FROM post_comment pc
pc.post_id = AND = 'Bingo'
ORDER BY p.title
To view the estimated execution plan, you need to use DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY, as illustrated in the following example:
The ALL +OUTLINE formatting option allows you to get more details about the estimated execution plan than using the default formatting option.
Oracle SQL Developer
If you have installed SQL Developer, you can easily get the estimated execution plan for any SQL query without having to prepend the EXPLAIN PLAN FOR command:
##The actual SQL execution plan
The actual SQL execution plan is generated by the Optimizer when running the SQL query. So, unlike the estimated Execution Plan, you need to execute the SQL query in order to get its actual execution plan.
The actual plan should not differ significantly from the estimated one, as long as the table statistics have been properly collected by the underlying relational database.
To instruct Oracle to store the actual execution plan for a given SQL query, you can use the GATHER_PLAN_STATISTICS query hint:
FROM post p
FROM post_comment pc
pc.post_id = AND = 'Bingo'
ORDER BY p.title
To visualize the actual execution plan, you can use DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_CURSOR:
Enable STATISTICS for all queries
If you want to get the execution plans for all queries generated within a given session, you can set the STATISTICS_LEVEL session configuration to ALL:
This will have the same effect as setting the GATHER_PLAN_STATISTICS query hint on every execution query. So, just like with the GATHER_PLAN_STATISTICS query hint, you can use DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_CURSOR to view the actual execution plan.
You should reset the STATISTICS_LEVEL setting to the default mode once you are done collecting the execution plans you were interested in. This is very important, especially if you are using connection pooling, and database connections get reused.
Take a look at Explain Plan. EXPLAIN works across many db types.
For sqlPlus specifically, see sqlplus's AUTO TRACE facility.
Try this:
The execution plan will mention the index whenever it is used. Just read through the execution plan.
