Validation Webflux ReactiveMongo - spring

I wanna ask about Webflux using Spring-data-mongoreactive. how you perform checking data exist? I've been search for 3 days but still not found the way.
public Mono<TenantRegistrationModel> registration(TenantRegistrationModel registrationModel1) {
return Mono.just(registrationModel1).flatMap(registrationModel -> {
TenantEntity tenantEntity = new TenantEntity();
BCryptPasswordEncoder passwordEncoder = new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
tenantEntity.setUpdatedAt(new Date());
tenantEntity.setCreatedAt(new Date());
Mono<TenantEntity> tenantEntityMono =;
return this.tenantRepository.findByEmail(registrationModel.getEmail()).next().doOnNext(tenantEntity1 -> {
if (tenantEntity1.getEmail() != null)
throw new ApiExceptionUtils("email already eixst", HttpStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY.value(), StatusCodeUtils.VALIDATION_FAIL);
}).switchIfEmpty(tenantEntityMono).map(tenantEntity1 -> {
return registrationModel;
I want to validate 2 query from mongoreactive and comparing the result.


Insert in DB for multiple records not working in webflux R2DBC

I am trying to insert some records in DB in one go, also tried for loop but it never happens, If I save a single record, it works
public class UserServiceImpl {
private final UserRepository userRepo;
private final FamilyRepository familyRepo;
public Mono<ServerResponse> insertUserData(ServerRequest serverRequest) {
return serverRequest.bodyToMono(UserAndFamilyRequest.class)
// .map(userAndFamilyRequest -> {
// List<FamilyMember> list = userAndFamilyRequest.getFamilyMemberList();
// ->
// {
// System.out.println(familyMember.getName());
// FamilyMemberEntity familyMemberEntity = new FamilyMemberEntity();
// familyMemberEntity.setAge(familyMember.getAge());
// familyMemberEntity.setName(familyMember.getName());
//;//doesn't work either
// try{
// Thread.sleep(2000);
// }catch(Exception ex){
// }
// });
// return userAndFamilyRequest;
// })
.map(userAndFamilyRequest -> {
List<FamilyMember> list = userAndFamilyRequest.getFamilyMemberList();
var entityList = -> {
FamilyMemberEntity familyMemberEntity = new FamilyMemberEntity();
return familyMemberEntity;
familyRepo.saveAll(entityList);//doesn't work
return userAndFamilyRequest;
.flatMap(userAndFamilyRequest -> {
UserEntity userEntity = new UserEntity();
User user = userAndFamilyRequest.getUser();
// .flatMap(userAndFamilyRequest -> {
// FamilyMember familyMember = userAndFamilyRequest.getFamilyMemberList().get(0);
// FamilyMemberEntity familyMemberEntity = new FamilyMemberEntity();
// familyMemberEntity.setAge(familyMember.getAge());
// familyMemberEntity.setName(familyMember.getName());
// return;//single save works
// })
.flatMap(userEntity -> ServerResponse.created(URI.create("users"+userEntity.getId()))
no error in the console
add try {} catch in function save data, so you can know what error you face it
Well I found the answer by myself, the inside map will not work by itself because it returns a Flux which will execute only when subscribed, replacing it with flatMap(which automatically subscribes) resolved the issue.

Springboot webflux reactor delete items from mongoDB

I use springboot + mongodb, and I am a beginer for webflux. I write code for CRUD. When I access delete ids in Controller, code not working because count alway return 0. Any one help me?
#ApiOperation(value = "Delete multi cities")
public Mono<ResponseEntity<AtomicInteger>> deleteByIds(#RequestBody #NotNull Set<String> ids) {
AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0);
.flatMap((id) -> {
return cityService.findById(id)
.flatMap((c) -> {
return cityService.deleteById(c.getId());
log.debug("count = {}", count);
return Mono.just(ResponseEntity.ok(count));
The Flux is not be subscribed
you should try like this
return Flux.fromIterable(ids)
.flatMap((id) -> {
return cityService.findById(id)
.flatMap((c) -> {
return cityService.deleteById(c.getId());
.then(Mono.defer(() -> {
log.debug("count = {}", count);
return Mono.just(ResponseEntity.ok(count));

How to make HATEOAS render empty embedded array

Usually CollectionModel will return an _embedded array, but in this example:
public ResponseEntity<?> getProductMaterials(#PathVariable Integer id) {
Optional<Material> optionalMaterial = materialRepository.findById(id);
if (optionalMaterial.isPresent()) {
List<ProductMaterial> productMaterials = optionalMaterial.get().getProductMaterials();
CollectionModel<ProductMaterialModel> productMaterialModels =
new ProductMaterialModelAssembler(ProductMaterialController.class, ProductMaterialModel.class).
return ResponseEntity.ok().body(productMaterialModels);
return ResponseEntity.badRequest().body("no such material");
if the productMaterials is empty CollectionModel will not render the _embedded array which will break the client. Is there any ways to fix this?
if (optionalMaterial.isPresent()) {
List<ProductMaterial> productMaterials = optionalMaterial.get().getProductMaterials();
CollectionModel<ProductMaterialModel> productMaterialModels =
new ProductMaterialModelAssembler(ProductMaterialController.class, ProductMaterialModel.class).
if(productMaterialModels.isEmpty()) {
EmbeddedWrappers wrappers = new EmbeddedWrappers(false);
EmbeddedWrapper wrapper = wrappers.emptyCollectionOf(ProductMaterialModel.class);
Resources<Object> resources = new Resources<>(Arrays.asList(wrapper));
return ResponseEntity.ok(new Resources<>(resources));
} else {
return ResponseEntity.ok().body(productMaterialModels);

Skip chain of CompletableFuture based on a specific condition

There are several CompletionFutures methods that I'd like to chain. The problem is that I want to skip other chain and go to last method of the pipeline if some condition is met. Mentioned as comment in the below code. For example:
public CompletableFuture<Void> process() {
CompletableFuture<Set<String>> service1 = new CompletableFuture();
return service1
.thenCompose(data -> {
if (!data.isEmpty()) {
SomeObject obj = prepareSomeObject();
//Here want to check some condition and if it meets, then go to last method of the pipeline
//Otherwise continue with the current flow
CompletableFuture<String> someFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
CompletableFuture<String> someOtherFuture= new CompletableFuture<>();
return CompletableFuture.allOf(someFuture, someOtherFuture)
.thenApply(aVoid -> {
String user = someFuture.join();
String unit = someOtherFuture.join();
return obj;
.thenCompose(this::someOtherMethod); // last method in the pipeline
return completedFuture(null);
I have tried something like this, Please critique on the right way to do it.
public CompletableFuture<Void> process() {
CompletableFuture<Set<String>> service1 = new CompletableFuture();
return service1
.thenCompose(data -> {
if (!data.isEmpty()) {
SomeObject obj = prepareSomeObject();
if(condition not match) { //condition match
CompletableFuture<String> someFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
CompletableFuture<String> someOtherFuture= new CompletableFuture<>();
return CompletableFuture.allOf(someFuture, someOtherFuture)
.thenApply(aVoid -> {
String user = someFuture.join();
String unit = someOtherFuture.join();
.thenCompose(this::someOtherMethod); // last method in the pipeline
} else return someOtherMethod(obj);
return completedFuture(null);

Getting multiple Mono objects with reactive Mongo queries

I'm using the webflux framework for spring boot, the behavior I'm trying to implement is creating a new customer in the database, if it does not already exist (throw an exception if it does)
and also maintain another country code database (if the new customer is from a new country, add to the database, if the country is already saved, use the old information)
This is the function in the service :
public Mono<Customer> createNewCustomer(Customer customer) {
if(!customer.isValid()) {
return Mono.error(new BadRequestException("Bad email or birthdate format"));
Mono<Customer> customerFromDB = customerDB.findByEmail(customer.getEmail());
Mono<Country> countryFromDB = countryDB.findByCountryCode(customer.getCountryCode());
Mono<Customer> c = customerFromDB.zipWith(countryFromDB).doOnSuccess(new Consumer<Tuple2<Customer, Country>>() {
public void accept(Tuple2<Customer, Country> t) {
System.err.println("tuple " + t);
if(t == null) { Country(customer.getCountryCode(), customer.getCountryName())).subscribe();;
Customer cus = t.getT1();
Country country = t.getT2();
if(cus != null) {
throw new CustomerAlreadyExistsException();
if(country == null) { Country(customer.getCountryCode(), customer.getCountryName())).subscribe();
else {
return c;
My problem is, the tuple returns null if either country or customer are not found, while I need to know about them separately if they exist or not, so that I can save to the database correctly.
country == null is never true
I also tried to use customerFromDB.block() to get the actual value but I receive an error that it's not supported, so I guess that's not the way
Is there anyway to do two queries to get their values?
Solved it with the following solution:
public Mono<Customer> createNewCustomer(Customer customer) {
if(!customer.isValid()) {
return Mono.error(new BadRequestException("Bad email or birthdate format"));
return customerDB.findByEmail(customer.getEmail())
.defaultIfEmpty(new Customer("empty", "", "", "", "", ""))
.flatMap(cu -> {
if(!cu.getEmail().equals("empty")) {
return Mono.error(new CustomerAlreadyExistsException());
return countryDB.findByCountryCode(customer.getCountryCode())
.defaultIfEmpty(new Country(customer.getCountryCode(), customer.getCountryName()))
.flatMap(country -> {
return Mono.just(customer);});
Instead of doing both queries simulatneaously, I queried for one result and then queries for the next, I think this is the reactive way of doing it, but I'm open for corrections.
