How to start a Jmeter thread from another thread? - jmeter

I have Thread A that performs user login, setting some settings and creating some records. While working on the records page, there is a background thread, Thread B, that is being called every 15s, performs some sort of sycnronisation, but only when I'm on the records page.
What I managed to do is created a second thread that will fire these requests each 15s. Using a BeanShell PreProcessor I share the cookies between the two threads, so that the Http cookie manager in the second thread uses the same variables/values as the first one. My requests are working fine.
What I can't figure out is how to trigger Thread B when the Thread A has reached the step that involves records. One option is to delay Thread B for a certain amount of time, but this isn't very reliable as I can't know before hand how long it takes Thread A to finish creating the users.
Is there a way to trigger a thread from another thread?

Take a look at Inter-Thread Communication Plugin - it allows synchronizing actions between different threads (even if they are in different thread groups) basing on a simple FIFO queue.
The logic would be:
When you did some action by Thread A put something into the queue using fifoPut function
Thread B will be scanning the queue and if anything comes up it will get the value and start execution of its own actions.
Check out SynchronizationExample.jmx test plan for reference implementation.
You can install Inter-Thread Communication plugin using JMeter Plugins Manager
Also be aware that starting from JMeter 3.1 it's recommended to use JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language for scripting so kindly avoid Beanshell going forward.


How do I maintain sessions between Thread Groups in JMeter

I have 5 thread groups (Ultimate Thread Group) in JMeter. When I run the entire test, the samples in the first thread group work fine, those in the second thread group invoke the web sites timeout page, but when the same samples (in the second thread group) are put in the first thread group and the test run, they work fine and do not invoke the timeout page. I realise that I need to pass the session from the first thread group to the other thread groups, please how do I do this?
The following is the cookie data:-
The following are the thread groups:-
If you need to pass data between different Thread Groups most probably your test is badly designed.
Each JMeter thread (virtual user) must represent a real user with all its stuff (Cookies, Cache, Headers, think times, etc). If these 5 business actions are a part of a single used workflow - they need to be put under the same thread group.
Use different thread groups to represent different groups of business users.
If you really need to pass cookies between thread groups it can be done using JSR223 Scripting or Inter-Thread Communication Plugin

JMeter - How to handle Long polling transport request method

In my Jmeter script request which contains the 'LongPolling' transport method and it takes a high load time or response time
Also, the response message content value is used for the next consecutive request. How can I handle that scenario?
I don't want this my wait time for the server response
JMeter thread model assumes that a thread (virtual user) always waits for the previous sampler to fully complete before starting the new one.
The easiest solution is moving your "long-polling" requests into a separate thread group and if you need to pass data between thread groups either use __setProperty() and __P() functions combination or go for Inter-Thread Communication Plugin
If you need to have everything within the single Thread Group - you can consider using Parallel Controller, however it might not be fully suitable for your needs as it is still a Sampler hence it waits for all its children completion prior to proceeding
Depending on your use case you can find jmeter-asynchronous-http plugin useful, see How to Load Test Async Requests with JMeter article for more details if needed.

Start JMeter thread after another thread

I want to run a thread x times. The thread group contains three samplers and because I dont want them to be mixed up in the result windows I only want to start the next thread when another is finished. I don't want to use a Ramp-Up Period because a thread could take 1 to 20 seconds.
You could use 3 thread groups and module controller (to referencd in the 2 other thread groups the elements in the first one to avoid copy ) and check on test plan the option:
Run Thread Group sequentially
Your use case is not very clear, however if you need to limit JMeter to X concurrent threads only the most obvious choice would be going for the Concurrency Thread Group
As per Advanced Load Testing Scenarios with JMeter Part 4 - Stepping Thread Group and Concurrency Thread Group article:
The Concurrency Thread Group provides a better simulation of user behaviour because it lets you control the length of your test more easily, and it creates replacement threads in case a thread finishes in the middle of the process.
You can install Concurrency Thread Group as a part of Custom Threads Group bundle using JMeter Plugins Manager
Regarding your three listeners bit, I would recommend reconsidering this approach as per JMeter Best Practices you should not be using any listeners, instead of it you need to run JMeter in non-GUI mode and use -l command-line argument to specify the results file name. Once your test is finished you can open the .jtl results file with a listener of your choice or generate a reporting dashboard from it.
You can use "jp#gc - Ultimate Thread Group". The Ultimate Thread Group provides flexible thread scheduling to your test scenario. It allows us to create a scheduled thread with advanced configuration. Start Threads Count, Initial Delay, Startup Time and Hold Load Time can be defined separately for each record.
You can define tasks to run consecutively.
This platform support flexible thread scheduling. You can read detailed wiki docs about the ultimate thread group.
Link: thread

Not able to achieve synchronization with the help of Synchronizing timer in JMeter

Building a test plan in JMeter. I have different Transactions and each of them has number of HTTP samplers and "if conditions".
So basically each user might not perform the same action based on the "if condition". I want all the users to start performing the same transaction at the same time and also wait for the other users(Threads) if they have not reached to the current transaction.
I know that I can achieve this with the help of Synchronizing timer but somehow I am not able to achieve this with it.
How to achieve it with any possible method ?
PS - I just want the threads to start transaction at the same time. it does not matter if they performing same sampler or not.
I can suggest another approach,
You can use tearDown Thread Group,
execute after the test has finished executing its regular Thread Groups.
After all threads are done you execute tearDown and can execute anything you want, including Module Control which can reuse transaction from your main thread group
It is quite hard to guess what's going wrong without seeing your Test Plan structure. Just in case be aware that Timers obey Scoping Rules so if you want a request to be executed by N threads in parallel - you need to put the Synchronizing Timer as a child of this request.
See Using the JMeter Synchronizing Timer article for comprehensive information and example test plan.

Run Multiple requests of single thread group concurently

I want to simulate a scenario in which a page contains multiple requests for differ data. All runs concurrently. I created a Thread Group with all those requests and ran it for 10 users(Threads) in 0sec ramp up time. But in this Test Plan all users starts concurrent but they all process requests in sequential way i.e.(always completes first request then starts 2nd,then third,so on).
I want that all requests of each user starts at same time then completes according to their response time (Like if 3rd takes less time than first then it should complete before 1st and 2nd). I have tried Synchronize time.
I don't think it is possible at the moment, the relevant enhancement is being tracked as Bug 53159
In the mean time you have 2 options:
Use different Thread Groups to kick off the requests. If you need to synchronize the requests you can use i.e. Inter-Thread Communication plugin.
Develop some custom code using JSR223 Sampler or even create your custom sampler, see How to Load Test AJAX/XHR Enabled Sites With JMeter for details on how this can be done.
