Is it possible to give a promo code for a paid Mac App (no in-app purchases) - macos

I have a paid app and I would like to give some users free access.
I have no in-app purchases and the Features tab in App Store Connect says "Promo Codes can only be generated for approved versions".
How do I generate a promo code?

Provided you have a released version of your app it should be listed in the Features tab, the message you are seeing suggests your app is not yet approved and available for purchase. Just wait until it is. HTH
Edit: The link in your question did not work for me so I assumed the app was not approved. However I just found it by searching the App Store. It has only just been released, the Features tab is probably lagging a bit, as before just wait a while and it should appear.


Can I show subscription plans in my app without IAP

Can I show subscription plans of my audit platform, no prices, only descriptions, in my app, with buttons that navigates to my website, to buy there, without need to use In-App Purchases?
No. even though Google Play is more lenient about this but it is completely prohibited in both platforms Apple App Store & Google Play.
you can see how Spotify handels this in its iOS app
install Spotify App and see how they do not even link to the main website of the service from the app because this is not allowed.
you can only show description and tell people to go to your website without linking to your website.

Play Store updates/installs app using a different account than the one the user made IAP through

On this bug report on Github we were asked to raise the issue here.
The issue is simple. The user has 2 or more accounts on their phone, let's say and They install an app with the account They purchase some IAP items. The app updates and now the app is under and the user has lost the purchase. This happens a lot when using staged rollouts.
The main issue, as developers we aren't allowed to let the user choose which account to buy with or which account to check for purchases with.
The second issue, the Play Store app on Android ignores the user account selected on the hamburger menu. The only workaround for this is to use the Play Store website as described in this workaround on the same bug report.
I don't know what the ideal solution is, all I know is that this is a huge hassle for developers leading to a lot of 1-star reviews after each update.
EDIT: As pointed out in a comment, when I refer to multiple accounts I am talking about multiple Google accounts for a single Android User, I am not talking about multiple Android users within the same phone.

How to measure number of installs on versions of an iOS app

I have an app published on Apple's app store via iTunes Connect. I also have the same app published on Google's Play store.
Both platforms are on their 3rd version and I need to measure the number of installs of each version. Google have made this easy - in the developer console click 'Statistics' then 'App Version':
However, I'm struggling to find a similar report in iTunes Connect.
Is there a way to achieve this with iOS apps?
You can get similar (but not the same nice overview!) information for apps using iOS8+ via Apple's own App Analytics without integrating any 3rd party SDK.
Go to > Your App > Metrics
Then choose from the "Usage" metrics on the left either "Installations" or "Sessions" (1) and plot them by "App Versions" (2). Please note that usage metrics only included "opt-in" data. (I'd also adjust the time interval if needed)
You can get your opt-in rate by clicking on the little "?" in the top right next to "About App Analytics" in almost every view.

When I select the Pricing & Distribution tab in the Google Play Developer console, it displays 'Loading'

I'm trying to publish an app that is based on a free app that supports in-app billing and which is already published. Rather than use in-app billing in the new app, I decided to remove it and make it a paid app (the difference between the two apps is that the paid app has some enhancements that I want to get paid for).
So I created a new product in Google Play, different package name, etc. Everything went fine until I selected Pricing & Distribution, set the pricing ($0.99) and the distribution. When I tried to publish, I get the Android mascot with the text "Loading" alongside it and it stays like this. The app never appears in searches, even when it's enclosed in quotes. The original app does come up, but not the new one (the difference between the names is that the new one has the word "Pro" after it). And yes, the package names are different.
One more thing: when I uploaded the APK to the store, I got a warning about the app using in-app billing (which it does not) but there is no billing permission in the manifest. Since it was a warning and I don't do in-app billing, I ignored it and continued with the upload. I don't think this has anything to do with the "Loading" problem because it was happening before I removed in-app billing.
Any idea what's wrong?
Eventually, the problem somehow resolved itself. The app is visible in searches, although the "Loading" message in Pricing and Distribution is still stuck. Very weird.

In-app purchase testing mzfinance.InAppBuyLoginRequired_message (sandbox)

I am working on an in-app purchase... I had things working fine in the simulator/(sandbox mode). I’m still working on some stuff with the app and testing. Today when I tested the in app purchase I get.
In-app purchase testing mzfinance.InAppBuyLoginRequired_message (sandbox)
I looked in iTunes connect and it said “Rejected” under the in app purchase. I didn’t put complete descriptions but didn’t think it mattered because I had previously developer rejected the app.
So I deleted the in app purchase... uploaded/rejected another binary and added the new in app purchase. I used the same apple-id to test. The first time, it said Successful. I try it again and I get the same error message.
In-app purchase testing mzfinance.InAppBuyLoginRequired_message (sandbox)
Any idea what’s going on? I assume the code is fine since I haven’t changed it. Its something with iTunes connect setup or something.
I had the same problem, i couldnt buy any in-app because i've seen every time :
mzfinance.InAppBuyLoginRequired_message (sandbox)
Earlier i tested my in-app purchases on this test account and everything was fine.
I created new test account in iTunesConnect and it helps!.
Go to:
"Manage users" >> "Test user"
Next "Add new user" and create new user with any e-mail adress (i used imaginary e-mail adress).
This work for me, i'm using now this second account to testing.
Same stuff happening since 31 May 2012. Noticed this behavior only in the simulator, on the device everything is ok.
I've managed testing on the simulator every time creating new test user at iTunesConnect. It's very time consuming but otherwise it doesn't work.
It doesn't come when you buy the app for the first time. (Creating new user means buying it first time). It comes when you are trying to restore the InApp purchase and haven't properly handled the restore purchases.
See the "Restoring Transactions" section in In-App Purchase Programming Guide.
