Creating user in Windows Server 2016 - windows

I have a remote Windows server 2016. With RDP I can login to the server as an Administrator.
I created a new user with Admin rights and also with Remote access enabled. But I am unable to login via RDP with the new user.
I have created the user via Computer Managment-> Users and Groups

The created user should also be added to the Remote Desktop Users Group so as to give the users permission to access the machine remotely.


Windows 10: login and start local Desktop session remotely

I have Windows 10 machine with monitor. There is a user with name Admin. It has full Administrators rights.
I can login as Admin locally using password and get the Desktop on the monitor. I can login as Admin via RDP and get Remote Desktop. Also I can login as Admin remotely via SSH and get CLI (PowerShell console for example).
So what I want to get more? I need to start the local Desktop remotely. But not via RDP! I want to do it from CLI.
The scenario: some person sits near the Windows 10 machine and waits. I execute script via SSH/PowerShell, and local Desktop session starts. Person gets Desktop on the monitor.
Is it possible?

Start Process within Windows Container as a domain user

I have a Windows 2019 container started with a valid CredentialSpec from a valid working gMSA account. It currently hosts a .NET 4.x application on IIS with Windows Authentication working just great. I can also execute nltest commands successfully and communicate to the domain controller.
I want to run a Job or Process as a domain user (MyDomain\UserABC). All of my attempts have failed:
Execute start-process with a credential object errors out with:
he security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship.
Using a scheduled job as NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService fails to access the web because it is not using the gMSA credentials but the Network Service credentials.
Create a scheduled job with a Domain User results in the same error as above:
he security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship.
Any other ideas?
Sounds like cached credentials. Maybe you can take a look on this link:
Site single Domain

IBM Websphere 6.1 start up with limited user access

I have successfully installed IBM websphere on my windows 7 machine as administrator user.
Now, when I am trying to run the server using limited access user login, it is exiting with message .
However, when I try to run it using administrative login, server runs successfully.
Since my user Id is of limited access, what needs to be done for starting successfully the server with user login.
Do I need to first create a profile associated with user login.
If yes, then how to create new user profile.
Since IBM Websphere was installed as administrator user, its installation directory (c:/Program Files/IBM/Websphere/*) was not accessible by limited access user. Since log files were also in the same directory, system was not allowing to start the server.
Also, I needed admin access on my system for starting/stopping the server.
I got read-write access on the installation folder and then again tried to start server using command prompt (serverStatus.bat server1).
The server started successfully on ports 9060/9043.

pGina fork - RDP Connection with User of Domain Controller in Windows Server 2008 or 2012

When I am trying to login with a user of domain controller, pGina throw this message: "the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer".
The LDAP plugin has configured the Authentication, Gateway( rule with add user to group "Remote Desktop Users" ) and General Information tabs. After trying to login I verify the userĀ“s groups in the machine and the user was added to the group "Remote Desktop Users".
-> pGina.fork installed.
-> In the logs I don't see any error event.
-> the logs show that the user was successfully added to the "Remote Desktop Users" group.
This behavior only happens on Windows Server(2008 and 2012), with other operative systems( Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 ), it works fine.

Windows server RDP session remote control

I have RDP access and administrative privileges on Windows Server 2008 R2. While other users are connected via RDP, I can remotely contol their session. When user is disconnected (but the session is still alive), I can't use remote contol for some reason. Is there any way to login to user's session without entering his password?
Cannot remote control a session which is in disconnected state.
