Elasticsearch 6.4.2 | Graph not able to see anything - elasticsearch

Installed ES 6.4.2 & Kibana 6.4.2.
Installed a trial license using the API on ES.
When I opened the graph workspace on Kibana and loaded my index pattern, nothing actually is shown. Also, the query text field is read only.
Is there any settings I'm missing somewhere? Also, are there any simple examples of Graph in GitHub somewhere?

Once you select the index pattern click on the + icon to add the index pattern. Select a field, add it and you should be able to use the query text field


Fields missing on an Index of Elasticsearch from one moment to another

A strange situation happened with the elasticsearch i use to log things.
I'm using Nlog with a target elasticsearch that conforms with ECS (elastic common schema)
By some reason since today, some fields went missing, one of them is the very important field message.
Looking the logs of the stream of kibana inside the Observability menu i see the following:
We can see here that the message field simple disappeared. Can something provoke this? If yes, what steps can i do to fix it?
I did something wrong on the logs,
In the advanced options, for the template, i added an include field.
This was only letting that specific field being logged.

How to filter a message in Kibana?

I am trying to create a Dashboard in which the message field has the following entry
echo <version>
The version keeps on changing per execution. I want the Dashboard to display all version and corresponding count. How do I configure the dashboard to visualize the same?
I used the timelion to achieve it

Disable initial search when accessing kibana 4

simple question regarding kibana 4.
When you navigate to the kibana page, by default it queries "*" for the last 15 minutes in a certain index.
Is there a way to disable this automatic search? I checked the advanced settings but didn't see anything obvious.
You may want to set kibana.defaultAppId in de kibana.yml file to "settings". This opens the settings-page at startup, so no query gets executed.
You can disable discover:searchOnPageLoad in advanced settings.

How to delete index in custom java connector

I have build a custom connector to get the data from a web service and then index it. The web service response returns only the data to be indexed.
I want to delete the documents from index which are not part of the web service response during the crawl but were added to the index in the last crawl.
Is there any way to achieve the above or can I flush the full index programmatically in the connector code and then add the recent content to the index.
Marged is correct. A feed (which is what the connector can send to the GSA) of type full will purge the existing feed and replace it. Otherwise, your connector is going to have to manage state and prune out documents as you decided.
Thanks Marged and Michael for the help.. I guess i have to write the custom logic in connector to delete the data from index.
What you're trying to achieve is exactly what happens when you send a "full" content feed. This is from the documentation:
When the feedtype element is set to full for a content feed, the system deletes all the prior URLs that were associated with the data source. The new feed contents completely replace the prior feed contents. If the feed contains metadata, you must also provide content for each record; a full feed cannot push metadata alone. You can delete all documents in a data source by pushing an empty full feed.
Marged is correct that v4.x is the way to go in the future, but if you've already started this with the 3.x connector framework and you're happy with it there's no need to rush to upgrade it. All the related code is open source and 3.x won't disappear any time soon, there are too many 3rd party connectors based on it.

Windows Update Agent API - search update by name

I would like to use the Windows Update Agent API to search Update for Root Certificate (KB931125), but I have no idea to search specific Update from Catalog. Could you please advise me how to search a specific update based on the name(KB931125) by Windows Update Agent API?
The IUpdateSearcher::Search method doesn't support searching based on the name, or at least not according to the documentation. You could search for the relevant update IDs (although these might change if the update is later re-released) or you could search for all updates of the appropriate type and then filter the results yourself.
