Adding a gatling test to a Spring Boot gradle project on IntelliJ - gradle

I have a Spring Boot 2 application written in Kotlin (could be Java). The project uses gradle (not maven). The application exposes HTTP endpoints that I want to load test using gatling.
I created a MySimulation.scala file under src/test/gatling. IntelliJ suggested and I accepted the intallation of the Scala IntelliJ plugin. So, I got syntax highliting on the scala editor. :^)
I'd like to have code assist (drill down, code completion) for the scala gatling tests.
What other tools/plugins/configuration do I need to add?
(I have the gatling bundle already installed on my computer. IntelliJ version is 2018.2.4.)


Debug Spring Boot 3 in IntelliJ Community

Since the migration to Spring Boot 3 my application doesn't hold at breakpoints any more, when I run the Maven Spring Boot goal mvn spring-boot:run.
This is because Spring forks the thread or the process and the debugger is not attached to this.
In former Spring-Boot versions you could disable forking by passing (see How to debug spring-boot application with IntelliJ IDEA community Edition?).
Unfortunatly this option was removed as you can read in the Spring Boot 3.0 Migration Guide:
The fork attribute of spring-boot:run and spring-boot:start that was deprecated in Spring Boot 2.7 has been removed.
Is there any possibility to make breakpoints work again?
Ideas so far
Of course IntelliJ Ultimate has better Spring Boot integration. I'm trying to make it work with the Community Edition.
I also tried not to run the Maven goal but to make an Application run configuration. This failed so far, because of java.lang.ClassNotFoundException, it doesn't find the Main class. Not sure if I should investigate that option further.
Last idea was to start the Maven goal with debug options such that an external debugger can attach. That didn't work either and even if it would, I could only attach the debuger after startup with would make debugging the creation of spring context impossible.

Debugging not working for Spring Boot 2.2 and IntelliJ Idea

By running the app in debugging mode (spring-boot:run) with IntelliJ Idea CE, no breakpoints work at all when using Spring Boot 2.2. Instead, when rolling back to Spring Boot 2.1.1, everything works fine. What am I doing wrong? Is there an option/flag to add for 2.2 to make the debugger work?
I would recommend running the app directly from the IDE rather than using mvn spring-boot:run. Doing so will give you the best experience in the IDE.
The release notes indicate that the Spring Boot Maven Plugin now forks the process by default which is the reason why you can't debug the application as you used to with 2.1. If you really have to run the app using the maven plugin, you can disable forking the process (e.g. using
Edit Configuration -> Application -> in Main Class: select your Main class (the one that contain your main method(public static void main) ) and run

Making a spring boot fat jar file with gradle WITHOUT a spring boot gradle plug-in (no access to bootJar)

I have a spring-boot application in which I loaded all the necessary (or so I believe) dependencies to run without using spring-boot initializer or the spring-boot gradle plug-in. These tools are not available for me at my work. I can run the application through intellij without issues, but when attempting to run a fat jar, I am met with
No auto configuration classes found in META-INF/spring.factories.
Now the spring.factory files ARE located inside the fat jar (there are multiples of them) and they are inside the meta-inf directory.
Spring boot has so much automated functionality, I am not sure where to begin. There are a lot of similar posts and everyone just tells people to use the spring-boot gradle plugin bootJar task but as I said these are not available to me. I need to get it running without those tools,
if anyone has insight into what the issue may be or how to resolve it, any help is appreciated. I will try to add more details later.
I am using spring-boot v. 2.1.1 and spring 5.1.4

how to write a code for database connection from eclipse using spring. This should be a simple spring maven project without using spring boot

I am new to spring. I am not able to figure out how to write a spring project for creating DB connection using maven , without using spring -boot or hibernate. it is supposed to be a simple spring maven project.
can you help me with few sample codes.
Install the Spring tools suite plugin for eclipse from the following link.
With spring tools suite, access the spring dashboard
Select the Import Reference App, this will provide several example applications from the Spring guides, choose the example and the example will be installed onto your eclipse workspace. These examples are well documented , with clear instructions on how to run the project. Hopefully this should help you get started with learning Spring framework.

Error from "spring-test" and "spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf"

If we start from this Spring guide , and just add the following additional dependencies in the build.gradle (without modifying any Java code), there will be a lot of error messages coming out during project compilng.
However, if we switch the version of spring-test from 4.1.1.RELEASE to 3.2.11.RELEASE, we can run this Spring project again.
Does anyone know the reason of this "conflict"?
