Cleanly overwrite last output as displayed on the terminal in Bash loop - bash

I have the following loop to view changing dir size:
while true; do du -hcs . ; sleep 2 ; clear ; done
What I'm not happy with is the waiting time between the clear and the actual output of du. The result is more or less a blinking number.
How can I modify this to simply write the new number over the old, with no black screen in between?

watch du -hcs .
From the man page:
watch runs command repeatedly, displaying its output (the first screenfull). This allows you to watch the program output change over time. By default, the program is run every 2 seconds; use -n or --interval to specify a different interval.
watch is smart: it only redraws the parts of the screen that have changed, avoiding the full screen clears that cause the blinking you see with clear.

I think that watch is the correct tool for what you are looking for, but
while true;do echo -n $(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S) $(du -hcs ..|grep -v total);sleep 1;echo -e "\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b";done
might be just the poor substitute that you are looking for.
If, however your shell is dash rather than bash, then use:
while true;do echo $(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S) $(du -hcs ..|grep -v total)|tr -d '\n';sleep 1;echo $'\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b';done


Monitoring a log file until it is complete

I am a high school student attempting to write a script in bash that will submit jobs using the "qsub" command on a supercomputer utilizing a different number of cores. This script will then take the data on the number of cores and the time it took for the supercomputer to complete the simulation from each of the generated log files, called "log.lammps", and store this data in a separate file.
Because it will take each log file a different amount of time to be completely generated, I followed the steps from
to have my script proceed when the last line of the log file with the string "Total wall time: " was generated.
Currently, I am using the following code in a loop so that this can be run for all the specified number of cores:
( tail -f -n0 log.lammps & ) | grep -q "Total wall time:"
However, running the script with this piece of code resulted in the log.lammps file being truncated and the script not completing even when the log.lammps file was completely generated.
Is there any other method for my script to only proceed when the submitted job is completed?
One way to do this is touch a marker file once you're complete, and wait for that:
#start process:
rm -f finished.txt;
( sleep 3 ; echo "scriptdone" > log.lammps ; true ) && touch finished.txt &
# wait for the above to complete
while [ ! -e finished.txt ]; do
sleep 1;
echo safe to process log.lammps now...
You could also use inotifywait, or a flock if you want to avoid busy waiting.
to handle the case where one of the first commands might fail, grouped first commands, and then added true to the end such that the group always returns true, and then did && touch finished.txt. This way finished.txt gets modified even if one of the first commands fails, and the loop below does not wait forever.
Try the following approach
# run tail -f in background
(tail -f -n0 log.lammps | grep -q "Total wall time:") > out 2>&1 &
# process id of tail command
# wait for some time or till the out file hqave data
sleep 10
# now kill the tail process
kill $tailpid
I tend to do this sort of thing with:
So something like:
notify-when-up2 --greater-than-or-equal-to 0 'age /etc/passwd' 10
This doesn't look for a specific pattern in your file - it looks for when the file stops changing for a 10 seconds. You can look for a pattern by replacing the age with a grep:
notify-when-up2 --true-command 'grep root /etc/passwd'
notify-when-up2 can do things like e-mail you, give a popup, or page you when a state changes. It's not a pretty approach in some cases, compared to using wait or whatever, but I find myself using a several times a day.

Use PS0 and PS1 to display execution time of each bash command

It seems that by executing code in PS0 and PS1 variables (which are eval'ed before and after a prompt command is run, as I understand) it should be possible to record time of each running command and display it in the prompt. Something like that:
user#machine ~/tmp
$ sleep 1
user#machine ~/tmp 1.01s
However, I quickly got stuck with recording time in PS0, since something like this doesn't work:
PS0='$(START=$(date +%s.%N))'
As I understand, START assignment happens in a sub-shell, so it is not visible in the outer shell. How would you approach this?
I was looking for a solution to a different problem and came upon this question, and decided that sounds like a cool feature to have. Using #Scheff's excellent answer as a base in addition to the solutions I developed for my other problem, I came up with a more elegant and full featured solution.
First, I created a few functions that read/write the time to/from memory. Writing to the shared memory folder prevents disk access and does not persist on reboot if the files are not cleaned for some reason
function roundseconds (){
# rounds a number to 3 decimal places
echo m=$1";h=0.5;scale=4;t=1000;if(m<0) h=-0.5;a=m*t+h;scale=3;a/t;" | bc
function bash_getstarttime (){
# places the epoch time in ns into shared memory
date +%s.%N >"/dev/shm/${USER}.bashtime.${1}"
function bash_getstoptime (){
# reads stored epoch time and subtracts from current
local endtime=$(date +%s.%N)
local starttime=$(cat /dev/shm/${USER}.bashtime.${1})
roundseconds $(echo $(eval echo "$endtime - $starttime") | bc)
The input to the bash_ functions is the bash PID
Those functions and the following are added to the ~/.bashrc file
bash_getstarttime $ROOTPID
These create the initial time value and store the bash PID as a different variable that can be passed to a function. Then you add the functions to PS0 and PS1
PS0='$(bash_getstarttime $ROOTPID) etc..'
PS1='\[\033[36m\] Execution time $(bash_getstoptime $ROOTPID)s\n'
PS1="$PS1"'and your normal PS1 here'
Now it will generate the time in PS0 prior to processing terminal input, and generate the time again in PS1 after processing terminal input, then calculate the difference and add to PS1. And finally, this code cleans up the stored time when the terminal exits:
function runonexit (){
rm /dev/shm/${USER}.bashtime.${ROOTPID}
trap runonexit EXIT
Putting it all together, plus some additional code being tested, and it looks like this:
The important parts are the execution time in ms, and the user.bashtime files for all active terminal PIDs stored in shared memory. The PID is also shown right after the terminal input, as I added display of it to PS0, and you can see the bashtime files added and removed.
PS0='$(bash_getstarttime $ROOTPID) $ROOTPID experiments \[\033[00m\]\n'
As #tc said, using arithmetic expansion allows you to assign variables during the expansion of PS0 and PS1. Newer bash versions also allow PS* style expansion so you don't even need a subshell to get the current time. With bash 4.4:
# PS0 extracts a substring of length 0 from PS1; as a side-effect it causes
# the current time as epoch seconds to PS0time (no visible output in this case)
PS0='\[${PS1:$((PS0time=\D{%s}, PS1calc=1, 0)):0}\]'
# PS1 uses the same trick to calculate the time elapsed since PS0 was output.
# It also expands the previous command's exit status ($?), the current time
# and directory ($PWD rather than \w, which shortens your home directory path
# prefix to "~") on the next line, and finally the actual prompt: 'user#host> '
PS1='\nSeconds: $((PS1calc ? \D{%s}-$PS0time : 0)) Status: $?\n\D{%T} ${PWD:PS1calc=0}\n\u#\h> '
(The %N date directive does not seem to be implemented as part of \D{...} expansion with bash 4.4. This is a pity since we only have a resolution in single second units.)
Since PS0 is only evaluated and printed if there is a command to execute, the PS1calc flag is set to 1 to do the time difference (following the command) in PS1 expansion or not (PS1calc being 0 means PS0 was not previously expanded and so didn't re-evaluate PS1time). PS1 then resets PS1calc to 0. In this way an empty line (just hitting return) doesn't accumulate seconds between return key presses.
One nice thing about this method is that there is no output when you have set -x active. No subshells or temporary files in sight: everything is done within the bash process itself.
I took this as puzzle and want to show the result of my puzzling:
First I fiddled with time measurement. The date +%s.%N (which I didn't realize before) was where I started from. Unfortunately, it seems that bashs arithmetic evaluation seems not to support floating points. Thus, I chosed something else:
$ START=$(date +%s.%N)
$ awk 'BEGIN { printf("%fs", '$(date +%s.%N)' - '$START') }' /dev/null
This is sufficient to compute the time difference.
Next, I confirmed what you already described: sub-shell invocation prevents usage of shell variables. Thus, I thought about where else I could store the start time which is global for sub-shells but local enough to be used in multiple interactive shells concurrently. My solution are temp. files (in /tmp). To provide a unique name I came up with this pattern: /tmp/$USER.START.$BASHPID.
$ date +%s.%N >/tmp/$USER.START.$BASHPID ; \
> awk 'BEGIN { printf("%fs", '$(date +%s.%N)' - '$(cat /tmp/$USER.START.$BASHPID)') }' /dev/null
cat: /tmp/ds32737.START.11756: No such file or directory
awk: cmd. line:1: BEGIN { printf("%fs", 1491297723.111219300 - ) }
awk: cmd. line:1: ^ syntax error
Damn! Again I'm trapped in the sub-shell issue. To come around this, I defined another variable:
$ date +%s.%N >/tmp/$USER.START.$INTERACTIVE_BASHPID ; \
> awk 'BEGIN { printf("%fs", '$(date +%s.%N)' - '$(cat /tmp/$USER.START.$INTERACTIVE_BASHPID)') }' /dev/null
Next step: fiddle this together with PS0 and PS1. In a similar puzzle (SO: How to change bash prompt color based on exit code of last command?), I already mastered the "quoting hell". Thus, I should be able to do it again:
$ PS0='$(date +%s.%N >"/tmp/${USER}.START.${INTERACTIVE_BASHPID}")'
$ PS1='$(awk "BEGIN { printf(\"%fs\", "$(date +%s.%N)" - "$(cat /tmp/$USER.START.$INTERACTIVE_BASHPID)") }" /dev/null)'"$PS1"
Ahh. It starts to work. Thus, there is only one issue - to find the right start-up script for the initialization of INTERACTIVE_BASHPID. I found ~/.bashrc which seems to be the right one for this, and which I already used in the past for some other personal customizations.
So, putting it all together - these are the lines I added to my ~/.bashrc:
# command duration puzzle
date +%s.%N >"/tmp/${USER}.START.${INTERACTIVE_BASHPID}"
PS0='$(date +%s.%N >"/tmp/${USER}.START.${INTERACTIVE_BASHPID}")'
PS1='$(awk "BEGIN { printf(\"%fs\", "$(date +%s.%N)" - "$(cat /tmp/$USER.START.$INTERACTIVE_BASHPID)") }" /dev/null)'"$PS1"
The 3rd line (the date command) has been added to solve another issue. Comment it out and start a new interactive bash to find out why.
A snapshot of my cygwin xterm with bash where I added the above lines to ./~bashrc:
I consider this rather as solution to a puzzle than a "serious productive" solution. I'm sure that this kind of time measurement consumes itself a lot of time. The time command might provide a better solution: SE: How to get execution time of a script effectively?. However, this was a nice lecture for practicing the bash...
Don't forget that this code pollutes your /tmp directory with a growing number of small files. Either clean-up the /tmp from time to time or add the appropriate commands for clean-up (e.g. to ~/.bash_logout).
Arithmetic expansion runs in the current process and can assign to variables. It also produces output, which you can consume with something like \e[$((...,0))m (to output \e[0m) or ${t:0:$((...,0))} (to output nothing, which is presumably better). 64-bit integer support in Bash supports will count POSIX nanoseconds until the year 2262.
$ PS0='${t:0:$((t=$(date +%s%N),0))}'
$ PS1='$((( t )) && printf %d.%09ds $((t=$(date +%s%N)-t,t/1000000000)) $((t%1000000000)))${t:0:$((t=0))}\n$ '
$ sleep 1
PS0 is not evaluated for empty commands, which leaves a blank line (I'm not sure if you can conditionally print the \n without breaking things). You can work around that by switching to PROMPT_COMMAND instead (which also saves a fork):
$ PS0='${t:0:$((t=$(date +%s%N),0))}'
$ PROMPT_COMMAND='(( t )) && printf %d.%09ds\\n $((t=$(date +%s%N)-t,t/1000000000)) $((t%1000000000)); t=0'
$ sleep 1
That said, if you do not require sub-second precision, I would suggest using $SECONDS instead (which is also more likely to return a sensible answer if something sets the time).
As correctly stated in the question, PS0 runs inside a sub-shell which makes it unusable for this purpose of setting the start time.
Instead, one can use the history command with epoch seconds %s and the built-in variable $EPOCHSECONDS to calculate when the command finished by leveraging only $PROMPT_COMMAND.
# Save start time before executing command (does not work due to PS0 sub-shell)
# preexec() {
# }
# PS0=preexec
# Save end time, without duplicating commands when pressing Enter on an empty line
precmd() {
local st=$(HISTTIMEFORMAT='%s ' history 1 | awk '{print $2}');
if [[ -z "$STARTTIME" || (-n "$STARTTIME" && "$STARTTIME" -ne "$st") ]]; then
__timeit() {
if ((ENDTIME - STARTTIME >= 0)); then
printf 'Command took %d seconds.\n' "$((ENDTIME - STARTTIME))";
# Do not forget your:
# - OSC 0 (set title)
# - OSC 777 (notification in gnome-terminal, urxvt; note, this one has preexec and precmd as OSC 777 features)
# - OSC 99 (notification in kitty)
# - OSC 7 (set url) - out of scope for this question
export PROMPT_COMMAND=__timeit
Note: If you have ignoredups in your $HISTCONTROL, then this will not report back for a command that is re-run.
Following #SherylHohman use of variables in PS0 I've come with this complete script. I've seen you don't need a PS0Time flag as PS0Calc doesn't exists on empty prompts so _elapsed funct just exit.
# string preceding ms, use color code or ascii
_ELAPTXT=$'\E[1;33m \uf135 '
# extract time
_printtime () {
local _var=${EPOCHREALTIME/,/};
echo ${_var%???}
# get diff time, print it and end color codings if any
_elapsed () {
[[ -v "${1}" ]] || ( local _VAR=$(_printtime);
local _ELAPSED=$(( ${_VAR} - ${1} ));
echo "${_ELAPTXT}$(_formatms ${_ELAPSED})"$'\n\e[0m' )
# format _elapsed with simple string substitution
_formatms () {
local _n=$((${1})) && case ${_n} in
? | ?? | ???)
echo $_n"ms"
echo ${_n:0:1}${_n:0,-3}"ms"
echo ${_n:0:2}","${_n:0,-3}"s"
printf $((${_n:0:3}/60))m+$((${_n:0:3}%60)),${_n:0,-3}"s"
printf $((${_n:0:4}/60))m$((${_n:0:4}%60))s${_n:0,-3}"ms"
printf "too much!"
# prompts
PS1='$(_elapsed $PS0time)${PS0:(PS0time=0):0}\u#\h:\w\$ '
img of result
Save it as _prompt and source it to try:
source _prompt
Change text, ascii codes and colors in _ELAPTXT
_ELAPTXT='\e[33m Elapsed time: '

mpg123 plays only 10 songs then quits

ls |sort -R |tail -$N |while read file; do
mpg123 "$file"
sleep 3
any idea why it only plays 10 mp3's and exits?
There are hundreds of mp3's in the same directory as this file (
As Marc B said the problem occurs due to the variable N not being set which leads tail to default to its default number of lines which is 10. (Obviously it can also occur if N is actually set to 10.)
The fundamental problem here is you didn't understand what this code actually does. I suspect you didn't actually write this code yourself. Even though it's a bash script, it expects a variable N to be set. This is highly unorthodox for a bash script, you would normally use
instead of $N, or better still
which would display an error and exit immediately, if you forgot to pass in a command-line argument.

Can Unix shell be used to report completion status in some manner?

I have seen some ideas for progress bars around SO and externally for specific commands (such as cat). However, my question seems to deviate slightly from the standard...
Currently, I am using the capability of the find command in shell, such as the follow example:
find . -name file -exec cmd "{}" \;
Where "cmd" is generally a zipping capability or removal tool to free up disk space.
When "." is very large, this can take minutes, and I would like some ability to report "status".
Is there some way to have some type of progress bar, percentage completion, or even print periods (i.e., Working....) until completed? If at all possible, I would like to avoid increasing the duration of this execution by adding another find. Is it possible?
Thanks in advance.
Clearly, you can only have a progress meter or percent completion if you know how long the command will take to run, or if it can tell you that it has finished x tasks out of y.
Here's a simple way to show an indicator while something is working:
echo "launching: $#"
spinner() {
while true; do
for char in \| / - \\; do
printf "\r%s" "$char"
sleep 1
# start the spinner
spinner &
# launch the command
# shut off the spinner
kill $spinner_pid
echo ""
So, you'd do (assuming the script is named "progress_indicator")
find . -name file -exec progress_indicator cmd "{}" \;
The trick with find is that you add two -print clauses, one at the start, and
one at the end. You then use awk (or perl) to update and print a line counter for each
unique line. In this example I tell awk to print to stderr.
Any duplicate lines must be the result of the conditions we specified, so we treat that special.
In this example, we just print that line:
find . -print -name aa\* -print |
awk '$0 == last {
print "" > "/dev/fd/2"
printf "\r%d", n++ > "/dev/fd/2"
It's best to leave find to just report pathnames, and do further processing from awk,
or just add another pipeline. (Because the counters are printed to stderr, those will not
If you have the dialog utility installed (), you can easily make a nice rolling display:
find . -type f -name glob -exec echo {} \; -exec cmd {} \; |
dialog --progressbox "Files being processed..." 12 $((COLUMNS*3/2))
The arguments to --progressbox are the box's title (optional, can't look like a number); the height in text rows and the width in text columns. dialog has a bunch of options to customize the presentation; the above is just to get you started.
dialog also has a progress bar, otherwise known as a "gauge", but as #glennjackman points out in his answer, you need to know how much work there is to do in order to show progress. One way to do this would be to collect the entire output of the find command, count the number of files in it, and then run the desired task from the accumulated output. However, that means waiting until the find command finishes in order to start doing the work, which might not be desirable.
Just because it was an interesting challenge, I came up with the following solution, which is possibly over-engineered because it tries to work around all the shell gotchas I could think of (and even so, it probably misses some). It consists of two shell files:
# File:
# Usage: root-directory find-tests
# Fix the following path as required
TD=$(mktemp --tmpdir -d gauge.XXXXXXXX)
find "$#" -print0 |
tee >(awk -vRS='\0' 'END{print NR > "'"$TD/_total"'"}';
ln -s "$TD/_total" "$TD/total") |
{ xargs -0 -n50 "$PROCESS" "$TD"; printf "XXX\n100\nDone\nXXX\n"; } |
dialog --gauge "Starting..." 7 70
rm -fR "$TD"
# File:
TD="$1"; shift
if [[ -f $TD/count ]]; then COUNT=$(cat "$TD/count"); else COUNT=0; fi
for file in "$#"; do
if [[ -z $TOTAL && -f $TD/total ]]; then TOTAL=$(cat "$TD/total"); fi
printf "XXX\n%d\nProcessing file\n%q\nXXX\n" \
$((COUNT*100/${TOTAL:-100})) "$file"
# do whatever you want to do with $file
echo $COUNT > "$TD/count"
Some notes:
There are a lot of gnu extensions scattered in the above. I haven't made a complete list, but it certainly includes the %q printf format (which could just be %s); the flags used to NUL-terminate the filename list, and the --tmpdir flag to mktemp. uses tee to simultaneously count the number of files found (with awk) and to start processing the files.
The -n50 argument to xargs causes it to wait only for the first 50 files to avoid delaying startup if find spends a lot of time not finding the first files; it might not be necessary.
The -vRS='\0' argument to awk causes it to use a NUL as a line delimiter, to match the -print0 action to find (and the -0 option to xargs); all this is only necessary if filepaths could contain a new-line.
awk writes the count to _total and then we symlink _total to total to avoid a really unlikely race condition where total is read before it is completely written. symlinking is atomic, so doing it this way guarantees that total either doesn't exist or is completely written.
It might have been better to have counted the total size of the files rather than just counting them, particularly if the processing work is related to file size (compression, for example). That would be a reasonably simple modification. Also, it would be tempting to use xargs parallel execution feature, but that would require a bit more work coordinating the sum of processed files between the parallel processes.
If you're using a managed environment which doesn't have dialog, the simplest solution is to just run the above script using ssh from an environment which does have dialog. Remove | dialog --gauge "Starting..." 7 70 from, and put it in your ssh invocation instead: ssh user#host /path/to/ root-dir find-tests | dialog --gauge "Starting..." 7 70

Performance profiling tools for shell scripts

I'm attempting to speed up a collection of scripts that invoke subshells and do all sorts of things. I was wonder if there are any tools available to time the execution of a shell script and its nested shells and report on which parts of the script are the most expensive.
For example, if I had a script like the following.
echo "hello"
echo $(date)
echo "goodbye"
I would like to know how long each of the three lines took. time will only only give me total time for the script. bash -x is interesting but does not include timestamps or other timing information.
You can set PS4 to show the time and line number. Doing this doesn't require installing any utilities and works without redirecting stderr to stdout.
For this script:
#!/bin/bash -x
# Note the -x flag above, it is required for this to work
PS4='+ $(date "+%s.%N ($LINENO) ")'
for i in {0..2}
echo $i
sleep 1
echo done
The output looks like:
+ PS4='+ $(date "+%s.%N ($LINENO) ")'
+ 1291311776.108610290 (3) for i in '{0..2}'
+ 1291311776.120680354 (5) echo 0
+ 1291311776.133917546 (3) for i in '{0..2}'
+ 1291311776.146386339 (5) echo 1
+ 1291311776.158646585 (3) for i in '{0..2}'
+ 1291311776.171003138 (5) echo 2
+ 1291311776.183450114 (7) sleep 1
+ 1291311777.203053652 (8) echo done
This assumes GNU date, but you can change the output specification to anything you like or whatever matches the version of date that you use.
Note: If you have an existing script that you want to do this with without modifying it, you can do this:
PS4='+ $(date "+%s.%N ($LINENO) ")' bash -x scriptname
In the upcoming Bash 5, you will be able to save forking date (but you get microseconds instead of nanoseconds):
You could pipe the output of running under -x through to something that timestamps each line when it is received. For example, tai64n from djb's daemontools.
At a basic example,
sh -x 2>&1 | tai64n | tai64nlocal
This conflates stdout and stderr but it does give everything a timestamp.
You'd have to then analyze the output to find expensive lines and correlate that back to your source.
You might also conceivably find using strace helpful. For example,
strace -f -ttt -T -o /tmp/analysis.txt
This will produce a very detailed report, with lots of timing information in /tmp/analysis.txt, but at a per-system call level, which might be too detailed.
Sounds like you want to time each echo. If echo is all that you're doing this is easy
alias echo='time echo'
If you're running other command this obviously won't be sufficient.
See enable_profiler/disable_profiler in
which is what I use now. I haven't tested on all version of BASH & specifically but if you have the ts utility installed it works very well with low overhead.
My preferred approach is below. Reason is that it supports OSX as well (which doesn't have high precision date) & runs even if you don't have bc installed.
_profiler_check_precision() {
if [ -z "$PROFILE_HIGH_PRECISION" ]; then
#debug "Precision of timer is unknown"
if which bc > /dev/null 2>&1 && date '+%s.%N' | grep -vq '\.N$'; then
_profiler_ts() {
if [ "y" = "$PROFILE_HIGH_PRECISION" ]; then
date '+%s.%N'
date '+%s'
profile_mark() {
profile_elapsed() {
local NOW="$(_profiler_ts)"
local ELAPSED=
if [ "y" = "$PROFILE_HIGH_PRECISION" ]; then
ELAPSED="$(echo "scale=10; $NOW - $_PROF_START" | bc | sed 's/\(\.[0-9]\{0,3\}\)[0-9]*$/\1/')"
echo "$ELAPSED"
do_something() {
sleep 10
echo "Took $(profile_elapsed) seconds"
Here's a simple method that works on almost every Unix and needs no special software:
enable shell tracing, e.g. with set -x
pipe the output of the script through logger:
sh -x ./slow_script 2>&1 | logger
This will writes the output to syslog, which automatically adds a time stamp to every message. If you use Linux with journald, you can get high-precision time stamps using
journalctl -o short-monotonic _COMM=logger
Many traditional syslog daemons also offer high precision time stamps (milliseconds should be sufficient for shell scripts).
Here's an example from a script that I was just profiling in this manner:
[1940949.100362] bremer root[16404]: + zcat /boot/symvers-5.3.18-57-default.gz
[1940949.111138] bremer root[16404]: + '[' -e /var/tmp/weak-modules2.OmYvUn/symvers-5.3.18-57-default ']'
[1940949.111315] bremer root[16404]: + args=(-E $tmpdir/symvers-$krel)
[1940949.111484] bremer root[16404]: ++ /usr/sbin/depmod -b / -ae -E /var/tmp/weak-modules2.OmYvUn/symvers-5.3.18-57-default 5.3.18-57>
[1940952.455272] bremer root[16404]: + output=
[1940952.455738] bremer root[16404]: + status=0
where you can see that the "depmod" command is taking a lot of time.
Copied from here:
Since I've ended up here at least twice now, I implemented a solution:
It runs your script, transparently clocks all lines printed, and at the end prints a top 10 list of the lines that were on screen the longest:
~/s/shellprof (master|✔) $ ./shellprof ./
Timings for printed lines:
1.01s: slow
0.00s: <<<PROGRAM START>>>
0.00s: quick
0.00s: quick
~/s/shellprof (master|✔) $
I'm not aware of any shell profiling tools.
Historically one just rewrites too-slow shell scripts in Perl, Python, Ruby, or even C.
A less drastic idea would be to use a faster shell than bash. Dash and ash are available for all Unix-style systems and are typically quite a bit smaller and faster.
