Joomla 2.5 API Key error "This page does not load Google Maps correctly" - joomla

I entered the billing information in my Google Cloud Platform account but the generated API key does not work on my Joomla 2.5.8 site with the included googlemap2 plugin. The message that appears on the map is: "This page does not load Google Maps correctly".
Many thanks!

Typically entering your billing information should fix any problem you have with maps. If it doesn't, then the problem is usually with the extension - if updating the extension doesn't fix it (or is not possible, because of your old Joomla site), then your 2 options are to: 1) update your Joomla website to the latest version (3.8.13 as of the time of writing this) or 2) modify the code in your maps extension to address the problem.


Joomla friendly URLs not working after update?

Hi and thanks for reading&answering my question. I am fairly new to Joomla,however I have built a directory website and started to put some content. I have created the standard pages(contact us, privacy etc) and added businesses. I would like SEO friendly URLs so I set Search Engine Friendly URLs, URL Rewriting --YES, and Suffix --No. However, Joomla somehow rewrites my alies and change them. example: mywebsite/bar-and-dinner is displayed now as my website/bar-din-r. I contacted the support of the plugin I use and they told me that I must have had some filters on Joomla that creates such a problem. I tried to purge cache on the website & server still the same. I just updated to Joomla 4.0. Thanks in advance for your help.

Magento 2.3 Integration issues with post-back tracking

A Magento 2.3 site is experiencing problems with the API module integration. The specific recent issue is that the post-back data does not seem to function. The merchant is expecting to see an order that was "processing" automatically "complete" when they complete the shipping process on software side. They also expect tracking data for that shipment to appear on the Magento order automatically. That is not occuring.
Overview of situation:
Site is Magento 2.3.4 version
Merchant admin/shipping manager is using the Software from Stamps on their end provided some less than ideal documentation, but some. They provided the Module for the API which is properly installed to the site. So we are using the module provided directly by them without alteration.
The module is successfully connected between Magento site and and recognizing the orders being imported to the Stamps account.
When the shipping admin completes the shipment of the order on their end, nothing happens to auto-update the order status or post tracking info to the order inside Magento.
Shipping admin claims it did work with their previous Magento 1 site (although Magento 1 was a different program).
Here is the official instructions provided by Stamps related to the software method (click on Software tab):
I shared these instructions with the shipping admin, and asked them to make sure they were following the recommended settings on their software end. Unfortunately that software is beyond our control or visual, and I have not yet received any actual error details from them or Stamps other than "it does not do anything".
We also reviewed the actual code in the Magento module provided by, and didn't notice anything obvious to indicate a post-back or tracking data feature. There are no specific errors present in the error log on the Magento site.
Is anyone familiar with this module or similar challenges with Stamps and Magento 2 integration? I have attempted to contact Stamps support without any response so far.

Payment modules not stored in VirtueMart

I have a huge problem with my VirtueMart. I try to develop a new payment module for it. The main problem is that no matter how I do it VirtueMart seems to refuse to let me store the plug-in in the database and also it refuses to let me choose it as a payment method.
I have disabled all other "countries" except the one that the module is written for. I have followed all guides on joomla mastery. I am convinced that my constructor is correct according to the scarce documentation I have found. I have even copy/pasted an existing payment module and changed all names for the database to something different so I can see if it's created and it's a no-go.
I am starting to get desperate. Does anyone have a good virtuemart developer guide? Do I need to turn some flags on (the flag to update/write to database is on in joomla and virtuemart) or off? How can I programatically FORCE VirtueMart to actually listen to what it say should work in all documentations I've found?

Is there a way in Joomla to have public user profiles?

I installed Joomla 1.7 and I noticed that you can have user profiles with the user profile plugin. However, is there a way to publicly access a user's profile (without loging in)?
For instance, I noticed that you can go to:
However, that seems to pull up my own profile, If I am logged out it always redirects you to the login form. I have tried adding additional variables like "id=1", "user_id=1", or "userId=1".
Is there a way to do this? Or will I have to develop a component to pull in this information publicly?
Even though it not possible with clean Joomla website a lot of useful code come with it, which you could include to your component if you prefer to create one.
But... there is a great extension Community Builder with a great team behind it. Having used it in the past, I would highly recommend it as a solution for community based sites.
It changes the login form to a much better & bug-free form, enables more fields to be created for registration, and allows special pages for individual users, plus, community builder has extension-specific plugins.
EDIT: This answer needs an update as since it was added more extensions have been introduced like JomSocial or EasySocial. I cannot recomment CommunityBuilder any more
This post is tagged with Joomla 1.7 however I wanted to mention that if using Joomla 3.7.4 you now have the ability to show the User Profile plugin data from the core Contacts component. You can also add more custom fields to the Users component and they will also show from the Contacts component. You can set the display of the Users Profile info by going to the Admin panel -> Contacts -> Options. Turn on the option under; Contact -> User Profile -> set to "Show".

Adding products to Google Base/Content in Magento?

I've been trying to add the products in my Magento store to Google's product search for the last day. I was using the built-in Google base, then found that that 'API' was retired a month or two ago and that the Magento Connect 'Google Content' plugin is what I should be using.
Having installed that, when I then try and add products to Google Content all I ever get is:
"Captcha confirmation error." (I'm typing the captcha correctly).
I've mapped all the required attributes accordingly and all my Google merchant account settings as they should be in Magento's configuration.
Couldn't find anyone with the same issue via Google or Stackexchange, but hopefully someone will have an idea for as to where to start troubleshooting! I've tried adding individual products, not just the whole lot...
Install this extension :
From Mage Core team
I've just managed to solve our problem, in the settings for Google API there is an 'Account Type' dropdown, I've set this to google and now the CAPTCHA problem isn't tripping things up and it's submitting product to our merchant account.
log into your google account then put this in the address bar:
