bash: appc: command not found in appcelerator studio - appcelerator

I'm trying to log into appcelerator studio, but nothing works, when I try it through terminal with appc login, I get this error: bash: appc: command not found.

Make sure you install the CLI tools globally with npm install -g alloy appcelerator titanium. After that the appc command should be available in your CLI. Then you can run appc login. For a more details install instruction have a look at: How to install Axway Appcelerator in combination with Atom


Cordova installation and NPM path on Windows

I have installed cordova with npm install -g cordova and NPM path is C:\Users{yourName}\AppData\Roaming\npm but I want to install everything (specially cordova) on some other drive rather than 'C'. Not sure how it is possible.
I did this by installing cordova without '-g' as it does global installation.
To install cordova to desired location just change the directory to that location in command prompt and run below command
npm install cordova
and to check installation
cordova --version.

"Invalid Request" on Appcelerator Compile

I am using Appcelerator Studio, build: and when i try to run on iPhone 6s simulator i am getting the error below. I am using XCode Version 8.3.2 (8E2002)
Appcelerator Platform
Bad Gateway
Get Help
I have tried "appc logout" and "appc login" several times but nothing changed.
How can i fix this ?
Make sure your Ti SDK version is latest in your tiapp.xml file then try this following command via the terminal.
sudo npm install -g appcelerator
appc use latest
appc logout -D
appc login
appc setup
Then open Appcelerator Studio and try to run it.

How to use the signed apk file on phone?

Using the Android Studio I was able to build my app.
After building I navigated to Build Variant changed to release.
Then using the Generate Signed Apk got the apk file: app-release.apk
Before uploading this file on phone I wanted to use this in my emulator and see if it's working. I navigated to the platform-tools directory and tried to use this command: adb install app-release.apk
But I am getting this error:
you have a version higher of app in your device, please first uninstall it. after run again
It is already installed. Try Unstalling old first and install this new one.
The solution is open a command prompt and type:
adb uninstall package-name
adb install app-release.apk

When installing Appcelerator CLI, appc setup command throws error

I am trying to install the appcelerator cli but keep running into an issue that I haven't been able to find a fix for.
When running the "appc setup" command I get the error "cannot find module 'C:\cyclic.js'"
link to full screen capture of error
I am running windows 7 64 bit and am following the directions here
*Edit: If you are facing this same issue. Uninstall Node, and Appcelerator. Then make sure you install JDK 32 Bit (if using windows). DELETE the NPM and Appcelerator folders in your C:\Users[username]\AppData\Roaming\ directory. Then reinstall Node (I had success with 32 bit) and the Appcelerator CLI. That worked for me.
Hello make sure you have node.js and JDK installed and environment variable set properly. For reference!/guide/Installation_and_Configuration. Now, As you already tried "appc setup". You need to delete all cache of previous installation try and try reinstalling again. Run,
sudo rm -rf ~/.appcelerator
sudo npm uninstall -g appcelerator
appc use latest
appc setup
To setup the Appcelerator CLI, install Node.js, install the appcelerator module using the NPM CLI, then run the appc setup command to download and setup the latest CLI package. You can follow the guide here. Also you can check this link, if you experience an issue installing any of the npm packages.
If still not solved, I suggest you to start from scratch. I see you work on Windows, true?:
Remove install of NodeJS from "Uninstall programms" of control pannel
Remove install of Appcelerator from "Uninstall programms" of control pannel
Remove any folder from C:\Program Files or your user's folder referencing "node" "npm" or similar.
Go to your user's folder and remove any .app or .appcelerator folder (could be hidden, so look it well)
Don't forget to look in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming (probably will be hidden)
Now you have only Java JDK installed (I'm using 1.8).
Proceed with a new appcelerator.EXE install, it must detect that you don't have Node and will download by itself the proper Node version.

Titanium thinks I have 3.1.2 but I installed 3.4.1. What to do?

I opened Titanium after about a year without using it. I upgraded everything before doing anything but now everything crashes.
Here is what I have:
Under titanium studio I am able to set the SDK to 3.4.1, but when I try to create a project I get:
[31m Command "create" incompatible with this version of the Titanium CLI[39m
[WARN] : Requires version >=3.2.1, currently 3.1.2
So then I went to terminal and run
titanium -v
and I get
I tried
sudo npm install -g titanium
But it doesn't seem to do nothing.
I also tried to uninstall Titanium with
sudo npm -g uninstall titanium
but I get
npm WARN uninstall not installed in /Applications/Titanium Studio/ Studio/ Studio/ Studio/ Studio/ Studio/ Studio/ "titnaium"
When I run
type -a titanium
I get
titanium is /usr/local/bin/titanium
I also tried restarting my computer, opening and closing Studio, etc...but I am totally lost, for some reason I can't make it work.
Any idea on how to solve this will be appreciated! Thanks
First of all run following command in CLI
ti sdk select
Select the 3.4.1 as your sdk and let me know if that solved the problem
