BigCommerce Uploading a blueprint theme - themes

I have exported an old Blueprint theme and I would like to import it into a new trial store I have created. The first thing I did was import the blueprint theme directly to the BigCommerce platform but I get the following error:
TR-600 The .zip file is missing a required file
Now, this is expected since the Blueprint theme does not contain that file. Afterward, I saw this tutorial on how you can change your platform to support the Blueprint theme:
I have added the URL snippet provided to my store url:
My active theme is a Stencil theme, as this is the default theme it comes with, and there is no other way to upload a Blueprint theme as of now. I have connected to my BigCommerce platform via
WebDav but I cannot seem to find the Templates directory as mention on this tutorial
How I can upload a Blueprint theme to my BigCommerce platform?

Blueprint is a deprecated theme framework that can't be enabled on new stores. Stores that enabled a Blueprint theme prior to 2015 can continue to use it, but any new stores are provisioned only with Stencil.
The documentation you linked on enabling Blueprint developer mode was actually the old process that theme partners used to use to make updates to Blueprint themes that were sold in the BigCommerce theme marketplace--it won't switch a Stencil store over to the legacy framework.
Although it isn't possible to upload your Blueprint theme to your trial store, I'd recommend taking a look at Stencil. It's built on a modern JS framework and incorporates a lot of features that Blueprint did not:


How to customize html in Aimeos?

First time using aimeos and I'm having difficulty locating the file with the html code.How do I access the files? e.g, using this demo link where do I find the html code responsiveble for displaying the navbar?
You can do this through the settings provided by laravel aimeos:
You can also create a theme extension (this is the recommended option) and make changes according to your needs.
You can find the documentation at this link:
Also, you can use the following tool to generate a theme extension:
This way you will be able to customize all the html, css, javascript, php without losing changes when you upgrade the laravel aimeos package.

How to integrate metronic theme with DNN9?

We have a DNN9 platform for our Business2Business website. It has basic look of reports however we wanted to show some advance look to reports and charts so that we are planning to integrate metronic theme in DNN9. I tried multiple ways to do it but failed. kindly help regarding this for the same.
Not sure what you have tried but we succeeded in displaying reports module data using Mandeeps Porto css and boostrap classes.
We achieved this using the xsl stylesheet option in reports module settings.
If the theme resources are part of your portal skin on the page that the reports module resides then xsl elements will display fine. If not part of the portal theme, you can either declare the resource in page setting header or in the xsl stylesheet itself.
Hope this helps

How can I customize Docfx documentation (themes or templates)?

I just started using Docfx and set up some basic conceptual documentation. Now I want to make some adjustments to the theme (company logo, perhaps some font changes, etc.) Minor stuff.
The official documentation only gives a high-level description of how to create a new template. I've never used a templating language before, so I'd like to avoid that for now if possible.
My question is: how can I make small adjustments to the default theme, like some CSS changes and perhaps adding external resources (like font awesome)?
Do I have to create an entire template (or a part of it) or can I include a CSS file somehow? The documentation mentions a theme option but so far I've found no examples or existing themes to learn from.
A mere link to a project that uses a custom theme or template would already be very helpful. The docfx repo has a folder and the default template is also in there I believe, but I couldn't really figure out which files I would have to provide to roll my own.
Export template:
Run docfx template export default, then you'll see default template in _exported_templates\default
Change themes in default template, e.g:
Adding external resource: modify styles\head.tmpl.partial
CSS change: modify styles\docfx.css or styles\main.css
Use customized template:
Run docfx -t _exported_templates\default, which will use your customized template!
NOTE: It is possible that DocFX updates its embedded templates when releasing new version. So please make sure to re-export the template if you overwrite or dependent on that template in your custom template.

Plone Theme without requirements

I'm looking for a way to create a Plone theme without any extra tools required. As a wordpress user I was going to use the native sunburst theme and modify it (but as a full theme not a child).
I created an egg and tried to extract the essentials* from the sunburst theme.
*(the browser folder and parts of the configure.zcml, in order to have a "mytheme" tag under the [Site Setup>Themes] selection)
For some reason that didn't work. I am able to activate the "add-on" but nothing else happens..any ideas?
If you're looking for a hassle-free way to create and use themes (Plone 4.x), I'd suggest you forget about the addon style and start working on Diazo themes.
A Diazo theme is just a zip file which you can easily upload to Plone and use. No addon required.
You may also find Codapress themes (which is designed using Diazo) as a good starting point --at least that's the way I learned it.
In Plone 4.3, there is an in-Plone theme editor in the control panel, using Diazo technology. You can't modify Sunburst, but there is a sample theme based on Twitter Bootstrap that you can use for inspiration. If you're comfortable with HTML and CSS, the rest should be pretty easy.
There's detailed help available from that control panel as well.
It's an old question but my final solution to the problem was:
[terminal-prompt]:src: ../bin/paster create -t plone3_theme
Selected and implied templates:
ZopeSkel#basic_namespace A basic Python project with a namespace package
ZopeSkel#plone A project for Plone add-ons
ZopeSkel#plone3_theme A theme for Plone 3
Enter project name: plonetheme.[project]
egg: plonetheme.[project]
package: plonetheme[project]
project: plonetheme.[project]
Expert Mode? (What question mode would you like? (easy/expert/all)?) ['easy']: all
Namespace Package Name (Name of outer namespace package) ['plonetheme']:
Package Name (Name of the inner namespace package) ['[project]']:
Skin Name (Name of the theme (human facing, added to portal_skins)) ['']: [Project] Theme
Skin Base (Name of the theme from which this is copied) ['Plone Default']: [dependent on base theme]
Empty Styles? (Override default public stylesheets with empty ones?) [False]:
Include Documentation? (Include in-line documentation in generated code?) [True]:
Version (Version number for project) ['1.0']: 0.1.0
Description (One-line description of the project) ['An installable theme for Plone 3']: [description]
Register Profile (Should this package register a GS Profile) [True]:
Long Description (Multi-line description (in ReST)) ['']: [long description]
Author (Name of author for project) ['']: HSTS Web Development Center
Author Email (Email of author for project) ['']:
Keywords (List of keywords, space-separated) ['web zope plone theme']:
Project URL (URL of the homepage for this project) ['']:
Project License (Name of license for the project) ['GPL']:
Zip-Safe? (Can this project be used as a zipped egg? (true/false)) [False]:
Zope2 Product? (Are you creating a product for Zope2/Plone or an Archetypes Product?) [True]:

Is it possible to change the location of the default theme folder in VAADIN?

I'm currently using vaadin 6 with OSGi.
I'd like to create a new theme, but since I'm using OSGi I can't add one under the VAADIN/theme folder since I don't have access to it.
I want to tell vaadin to look for my theme using another URL in my HTTP namespace.
Can I achieve this? The setTheme() method accepts only strings and I couldn't find anywhere if it's possible to register another default folder for themes.
You can do this by creating your theme in a fragment Bundle and then attach it to the Vaadin bundle. This will practically merge/append the resources to the host bundle.
So you provide:
in your fragment bundle and create the manifest with the
set to
Vaadin 6: com.vaadin;bundle-version="${vaadin.version}"
Vaadin 7: com.vaadin.client-compiled;bundle-version="${vaadin.version}"
No, unfortunally this is not possible.
From here :
Custom themes are placed in VAADIN/themes folder of the web application (in the WebContent directory) as illustrated in Figure 8.1, “Contents of a Theme”. This location is fixed. You need to have a theme folder for each theme you use in your application, although applications rarely need more than a single theme. For example, if you want to define a theme with the name mytheme, you will place it in folder VAADIN/themes/mytheme.
You might also try pax for vaadin, it's not released yet and I'm laking some time to work on it more, but it should work for your use case. It tries to find vaadin applications and themes in your bundles.
