Select filter dhtmlx show html encoded special chars - dhtmlx

I have a Select filter on a dhtmlx grid table,
on this filter, we have values that containst "&", "<", and ">".
On the table, the values of these fields, are good, but on the select filter, the values of these fields are on html encoded "&" -> &, "<" -> < and ">" -> >
How we can show the correct character on Select Filter?

Please, try to use the "edtxt" column type instead of "ed".
Here is the example:


Filter Range Based on Data Validation Dropdown

I have a Google Sheet that has a cell that I want to use as a drop-down filter for another range within the sheet.
You can take a look at the sheet HERE.
Cell G11 is the cell that I wish to have the drop-down filter in.
Range B15:H69 is the range that should be filtered upon using this filter.
So, for example - if I select 'Barbarian' in the G11 drop-down the sheet should go from something like this (cut short for size of post sake):
To something like this:
I've tried using Named Ranges, using a seperate sheet to filter the data, and a couple other methods I found. Nothing seems to work exactly how I want it to, like in picture #2.
(QUERY({ROW(Data!A2:D), SORT(Data!A2:D, 3, 0)},
"select Col1,Col2,'♀',Col3,Col4,'♂',Col5 where Col3 = '"&G11&"' label'♀''','♂'''")))
(QUERY({ROW(Data!A2:D)-1, SORT(Data!A2:D, 3, 0)},
"select Col1,Col2,'♀',Col3,Col4,'♂',Col5 where 2=2 "&IF(
REGEXMATCH(G11, "(?i)all|n\/a|^$"),," and Col3 = '"&G11&"'")&" label'♀''','♂'''")))

Google Sheets - How to Combine Filter Function with Filter View

I've been working on a spreadsheet with over 100 rows, and found a hacky way to incorporate a "hide" checkbox that will hide any row where column C matches a specific value (building type), specified beside the box. To do this, I first created a function like this: =FILTER(Data!A1, OR(Data!$C1<>$O$2, $P$2)) and dragged that across every row and column in a seperate sheet. This reads as, "Display current cell if the corresponding column C in that row in Data does not match the building type, or if the the checkbox is checked. This way, the whole row is hidden when the building type matches, and the box is unchecked. A1 adjusted to each row individually, $C1 referenced the building's type, $O$2 referenced the targeted type to potentially hide, and $P$2 was the checkbox.
Problem #1: This created a lot of formulas in hundreds of cells, and when the building type was not found, it displayed #N/A across the entire row. A Filter View was able to hide these values, but it was inconvenient to have to reset the values every time I wanted to hide or unhide another building type.
My Attempt to Fix: I used a filter function once again to recreate the entire sheet from one cell, hiding the appropriate rows, using this: =FILTER(Data!A2:J191, ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C2:C191<>$O$2)+(Data!D2:D191*$P$2)) This is the hacky part. I multiplied the checkbox's "true" by an array arbitrary positive numerical values in the D column to "OR" it with each building type value to achieve the same goal as before, but for EVERY cell.
Problem #2 arose: When I get my beautiful sheet, I can not sort it via a filter view, or it will throw an error and display nothing. I'm resorting to sorting the original tab, but intend to have it be ignored entirely. So how do I combine these two, Filter View, and Filter Function, to create a nice spreadsheet where I can SORT AND HIDE rows?
Bonus Problem #3: To add more buttons, my formula is this: =FILTER(Data!A1:J191, ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C1:C191<>$O$2)+(Data!D2:D192*$P$2)), ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C1:C191<>$O$3)+(Data!D2:D192*$P$3)), ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C1:C191<>$O$4)+(Data!D2:D192*$P$4)), ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C1:C191<>$O$5)+(Data!D2:D192*$P$5)), ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C1:C191<>$O$6)+(Data!D2:D192*$P$6)), ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C1:C191<>$O$7)+(Data!D2:D192*$P$7)), ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C1:C191<>$O$8)+(Data!D2:D192*$P$8)), ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C1:C191<>$O$9)+(Data!D2:D192*$P$9))) This is ugly, and very slow to load. Is there a way to create a function range to handle the same checks on multiple rows, and crunch it into a single formula?
Here is another monstrosity (this one has less repetition) for you:
& "WHERE Col3 is not null "
& IF(COUNTIF(P2:P9, False) = 0, "", "AND NOT Col3 MATCHES '^" & JOIN("$|^", IFNA(FILTER(O2:O9, P2:P9 = False))) & "$' ")
& IF(COUNTIF(A2:K2, ">0") = 0, "", "ORDER BY Col" & JOIN(", Col", IFNA(FILTER(COLUMN(A2:K2) & IF(COLUMN(A2:K2) = 1, "", " DESC"), A2:K2)))),
Your checkboxes should remain. The second row can have just True/False values, no need for column number (a simple change will be needed COUNTIF(A2:K2, ">0") -> COUNTIF(A2:K2, True)). Also consequent sort works now (but only in the actual order of columns: if checked 1, 3, 4 then it will be sorted first by 1, then by 2, then by 4). You could place another config table on the right about sorting, where you would select all the columns you wish to sort by, their mutual order, and desc/asc for them.
Edit: added IFNA so FILTER won't return an error, changed multiple ANDS to MATCHES and simple regexes.

Cast a column to a different type in PowerQuery

I have the following query to combined two fields of different types:
= Table.AddColumn(#"New Column", "Calculated Column", each [Age] + [#"New-Name"])
Age is a number, and New-Name is a text field. However, I would like to cast the Age to a text field to concatenate the two fields together. How would I do this?
Try this
= Table.AddColumn(#"New Column", "Calculated Column", each Text.From([Age]) & [#"New-Name"])
Text.From to cast as text
& to concatenate

How to split a Webix datatable column into multiple columns?

In my webix datatable, I am showing multiple values in the cells for some columns.
To identify which values belong to which header, I have separated the column headers by a '|' (pipe) and similarly the values under them as well.
Now, in place of delimiting the columns by '|' , I need to split the columns into some editable columns with the same name.
Please refer to this snippet :
In this above snippet, for example the Scores column will be split into two more editable columns as Rank and Vote. Similarly for Place column into Type and Name.
How the values of the first array elements is shown under each of them will remain as is.
How can this be done ?
While creating the column configuration for webix, you can provide array to the header field for the first column along with the colspan like below:
var columns = [];
columns[0] =
{"id":"From", "header":[{"text":"Date","colspan":2},{"text":"From"}]};
columns[1] =
{"id":"To","header":[null, {"text":"To"}]};
column[0] will create Date and From and column[1] will be creating the To.

Spotfire to transform text value before loading

I've column [A] with various texts and need to transform that text (i.e., replace with abbreviations) before loading.
So, a table has values: J1, J2, J3, PLAB, CIVIL, ENGG etc.
I need to transform it to "J1" to "Java", "J2" to "Stack", while keeping the PLAB, CIVIL & ENGG as they are.
Hope I am clear.
PS: I don't need a calculated column, as column [A] has other text that does not need transformed.
This can be done when you add the data table to the analytic.
File > Add Data Table > (Select your data)
At the bottom of the window, you will see Transformations... select Calculate and replace column
Add the expression below, and give it the same column name as the original column
Select OK
Custom Expression:
when [yourColumn] = 'J1' then 'Java'
when [yourColumn] = 'J2' then 'Stack'
else [yourColumn]
