Filter Range Based on Data Validation Dropdown - validation

I have a Google Sheet that has a cell that I want to use as a drop-down filter for another range within the sheet.
You can take a look at the sheet HERE.
Cell G11 is the cell that I wish to have the drop-down filter in.
Range B15:H69 is the range that should be filtered upon using this filter.
So, for example - if I select 'Barbarian' in the G11 drop-down the sheet should go from something like this (cut short for size of post sake):
To something like this:
I've tried using Named Ranges, using a seperate sheet to filter the data, and a couple other methods I found. Nothing seems to work exactly how I want it to, like in picture #2.

(QUERY({ROW(Data!A2:D), SORT(Data!A2:D, 3, 0)},
"select Col1,Col2,'♀',Col3,Col4,'♂',Col5 where Col3 = '"&G11&"' label'♀''','♂'''")))
(QUERY({ROW(Data!A2:D)-1, SORT(Data!A2:D, 3, 0)},
"select Col1,Col2,'♀',Col3,Col4,'♂',Col5 where 2=2 "&IF(
REGEXMATCH(G11, "(?i)all|n\/a|^$"),," and Col3 = '"&G11&"'")&" label'♀''','♂'''")))


Get newest date in Sheet

i have a sheet with two tabs. In the first tab, i can select a site and i have a list of types. I have a second tab with many datas from each type (date, year, month week, and site attached to a type).
I would like in the first tab write a formula to automatically get the newest date of the type depending to the selected site.
I'm not good with formulas but i tried to write one, this one =IF((AND(C1=DATA!F:F),(B3=DATA!E:E)),LARGE(DATA!A:A),"") but i don't have result.
Anyone can help me with my problem please ? This is the link of my Sheet.
INDEX(array, [row])
Index gets the nth value in an array, when you pass in the value 1, it will get the top most value.
I created a sorted array by using the FILTER function. and the SORT function. I sorted it descending and only returned the dates in the FILTER function.

Google Sheets Query using dependent dropdown

Initially I set up a query based on a search by month and year in a single dropdown using this formula
=QUERY(Haulage!A2:R, "SELECT * WHERE 1=1 "&IF(A2="All Months",""," AND LOWER(M) = LOWER('"&A2&"')"), 1)
This works great but I have now adapted my dropdowns to become a dependent dropdown with the first dropdown being by year which then filters the 2nd dropdown by that year. In the second dropdown I want to include an "All 2022" option which will then filter my query by everything with 2022 in the date.
I am struggling to adapt my formula to be able to make this work though so would appreciate any help
Link to a test variant of the spreadsheet -
Note that the dependent dropdowns are the wrong way around at the moment - so the J1 dropdown triggers the A1 dropdown and then the selection in A1 transfers to the "Date Filter" sheet
Edit - 30/05/22:
Looking to build on and adapt the above to include a filter by specific date as well via a 3rd dependent dropdown.
It's in the initial stage in my head but my initial wondering is whether the filter can be applied using 3 different dropdowns. So I would have dropdown1 for YEAR, dropdown2 as MONTH & YEAR and then dropdown3 as DATE each dependent on the previous one.
Would it be possible to filter by year when dropdown1 is selected, then by month if a selection is made in dropdown2 and then by specific date if a selection is made in dropdown3 - ie I select 2022 in dropdown1 and all 2022 records are filtered, I then select May 2022 in dropdown2 and this changes the filter to records from May 2022 and then I select 2nd May 2022 from dropdown3 and that filters down to records from that date only?
=QUERY(Haulage!A2:R, "SELECT * WHERE " & if(A2="All","A is not null",if(left(A2,3)="All","(M) LIKE ('%"&SUBSTITUTE(A2,"All","")&"')","LOWER(M) = LOWER('"&A2&"') ")) , 1)
the sentence is if(A2="All","A is not null",if(left(A2,3)="All","(M) LIKE ('%"&SUBSTITUTE(A2,"All","")&"')","LOWER(M) = LOWER('"&A2&"') ")) it means that
if A2 is All, all rows will be selected when A is not null
if A2 starts with All, we will keep all rows containing A2 without All (like %yyyy),
and if A2 does not start with All, we will keep rows with an exact value than A2
if you encounter mixed values ​​(numeric and string), apply to_text and change A to Col1, B to Col2 etc. as follows
=QUERY(arrayformula(to_text(Haulage!A2:R)), "SELECT * WHERE " & if(A2="All","Col1 is not null",if(left(A2,3)="All","Col13 LIKE ('%"&SUBSTITUTE(A2,"All","")&"')","LOWER(Col13) = LOWER('"&A2&"') ")) , 1)

Google Sheets - How to Combine Filter Function with Filter View

I've been working on a spreadsheet with over 100 rows, and found a hacky way to incorporate a "hide" checkbox that will hide any row where column C matches a specific value (building type), specified beside the box. To do this, I first created a function like this: =FILTER(Data!A1, OR(Data!$C1<>$O$2, $P$2)) and dragged that across every row and column in a seperate sheet. This reads as, "Display current cell if the corresponding column C in that row in Data does not match the building type, or if the the checkbox is checked. This way, the whole row is hidden when the building type matches, and the box is unchecked. A1 adjusted to each row individually, $C1 referenced the building's type, $O$2 referenced the targeted type to potentially hide, and $P$2 was the checkbox.
Problem #1: This created a lot of formulas in hundreds of cells, and when the building type was not found, it displayed #N/A across the entire row. A Filter View was able to hide these values, but it was inconvenient to have to reset the values every time I wanted to hide or unhide another building type.
My Attempt to Fix: I used a filter function once again to recreate the entire sheet from one cell, hiding the appropriate rows, using this: =FILTER(Data!A2:J191, ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C2:C191<>$O$2)+(Data!D2:D191*$P$2)) This is the hacky part. I multiplied the checkbox's "true" by an array arbitrary positive numerical values in the D column to "OR" it with each building type value to achieve the same goal as before, but for EVERY cell.
Problem #2 arose: When I get my beautiful sheet, I can not sort it via a filter view, or it will throw an error and display nothing. I'm resorting to sorting the original tab, but intend to have it be ignored entirely. So how do I combine these two, Filter View, and Filter Function, to create a nice spreadsheet where I can SORT AND HIDE rows?
Bonus Problem #3: To add more buttons, my formula is this: =FILTER(Data!A1:J191, ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C1:C191<>$O$2)+(Data!D2:D192*$P$2)), ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C1:C191<>$O$3)+(Data!D2:D192*$P$3)), ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C1:C191<>$O$4)+(Data!D2:D192*$P$4)), ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C1:C191<>$O$5)+(Data!D2:D192*$P$5)), ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C1:C191<>$O$6)+(Data!D2:D192*$P$6)), ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C1:C191<>$O$7)+(Data!D2:D192*$P$7)), ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C1:C191<>$O$8)+(Data!D2:D192*$P$8)), ARRAYFORMULA((Data!$C1:C191<>$O$9)+(Data!D2:D192*$P$9))) This is ugly, and very slow to load. Is there a way to create a function range to handle the same checks on multiple rows, and crunch it into a single formula?
Here is another monstrosity (this one has less repetition) for you:
& "WHERE Col3 is not null "
& IF(COUNTIF(P2:P9, False) = 0, "", "AND NOT Col3 MATCHES '^" & JOIN("$|^", IFNA(FILTER(O2:O9, P2:P9 = False))) & "$' ")
& IF(COUNTIF(A2:K2, ">0") = 0, "", "ORDER BY Col" & JOIN(", Col", IFNA(FILTER(COLUMN(A2:K2) & IF(COLUMN(A2:K2) = 1, "", " DESC"), A2:K2)))),
Your checkboxes should remain. The second row can have just True/False values, no need for column number (a simple change will be needed COUNTIF(A2:K2, ">0") -> COUNTIF(A2:K2, True)). Also consequent sort works now (but only in the actual order of columns: if checked 1, 3, 4 then it will be sorted first by 1, then by 2, then by 4). You could place another config table on the right about sorting, where you would select all the columns you wish to sort by, their mutual order, and desc/asc for them.
Edit: added IFNA so FILTER won't return an error, changed multiple ANDS to MATCHES and simple regexes.

PowerBI: Slicer to filter a table Only when more than 1 value is selected

I have a table with 5 categories and units displayed into 2 types, Actual and budget.
I want to filter this table. Only when 2 or more values are selected in the slicer. Something like this.
I though of adding a measure, but dont know how to work the if statement exactly.
Measure = IF(COUNTROWS(ALLSELECTED(Report[Shipment Group])) = 1, "Something which would not filter the units", SELECTEDVALUE(Report[Units], SUM(Report[Units])))
Not sure if this is correct approach.Would like to know if any other approach is possible. Any help would be helpful. Thank you in advance.
This is a bit of an odd request, but I think I have something that works.
First, you need to create a separate table for your slicer values (or else you can't control filtering how you want). You can hit the new table button and define it as follows:
Groups = VALUES(Report[Shipment Group])
Set your slicer to use Groups[Shipment Group] instead of Report[Shipment Group].
Define your new measure as follows:
Measure = IF(COUNTROWS(ALLSELECTED(Groups[Shipment Group])) = 1,
Report[Shipment Group] IN VALUES(Groups[Shipment Group])),
or equivalently
Measure = IF(COUNTROWS(ALLSELECTED(Groups[Shipment Group])) = 1,
Report[Shipment Group] IN VALUES(Groups[Shipment Group]))))
Note: Double check that Power BI has not automatically created a relationship between the Groups and Report tables. You don't want that.

Google Sheets - Dependent drop-down lists

I am recreating and expanding on a doc I had previously made. I have already brought in the script I had used originally, and tweaked it where I believed appropriate to get it working in this sheet, but I must have missed something. Editable samples of the 3 spreadsheet files involved can be found here. These files are a sample "Price List", "Catalog"(which aggregates manufacturer names from all price lists, and also has a "Catalog" tab for misc items not sold by one of my primary vendors), and "Addendum B" which is the file I require assistance with.
This document is an addendum to my contracts which lists all equipment being sold as part of that contract. It has 2 sheets in it ("Addendum B" and "XREF"), and "Addendum B" has several dependent columns: Vendor, Manufacturer, Model, Description, and Price. Their dependencies are as follows:
Currently Working
Vendor: Basic data validation pulling from XREF!A2:A.
Not working, script in file
Manufacturer: Based on the Vendor selected, should be a drop-down
list generated from the column headed with that vendor's name on
Now here's were it gets tricky beyond what I had previously done.
Model: I want this column to be a drop-down listing all model numbers
associated with that manufacturer, from a completely separate price
list provided to me by my vendor. (I have shared a sample price list which reflects column positions as they appear in all such files.
Description: Displays the corresponding description for the Model selected, from the price list selected in the Vendor column.
Price: Displays the corresponding markup price for the Model selected, from the price list selected in the Vendor column.
And that about summarizes my goals and what I'm struggling with.
So I looked into your script file in sheet Addendum B.
I have made few edits and it should be working now, the modified code:
function onEdit()
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(),
sheet = ss.getActiveSheet(),
name = sheet.getName();
if (name != 'Addendum B') return;
var range = sheet.getActiveRange(),
col = range.getColumn();
if (col != 6) return; //You col was set to 5 changed it to 6!
var val = range.getValue(),
dv = ss.getSheetByName('XREF'),
data = dv.getDataRange().getValues(),
catCol = data[0].indexOf(val),
list = [];
for (var i = 1, len = 100; i < len; i++) // Problem is here, you have too many items in list! Cannot have more 500 items for validation
var listRange = dv.getRange(2,catCol +1,dv.getLastRow() - 1, 1)
var cell = sheet.getRange(range.getRow(), col-1)
var rule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation()
.requireValueInRange(listRange) // Use requireValueIn Range instead to fix the problem
The reason your validation was not working was you had more than 500 items in your data validation list. I just modified it to take the same values from range instead. Hope you find that helpful!
Now for the remaining 3 questions, here are my comments and thoughts on it:
1) I didn't find any code related to the problem you mentioned in your question. So, I am gonna assume you are asking for general ideas on how to achieve this?
2) You basically approach the problem the same as you did with the above code! Once a manufacturer is selected, the script looks for that manufacturer in the sheet and update the Data validation in the corresponding model column.
You will modify the code like so
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1nbCJOkpIQxnn71sJPj6X4KaahROP5cMg1SI9xIeJdvY")
//The above code with select the catalog sheet.
dv = ss.getSheetByName('Misc_Catalog')
//The above code will open the Misc_Catalog tab.
3) A better approach would be to use Sidebar/Dialog Box to validate your input then add it to the sheet at the end. (Looks Cleaner and also prevents unnecessary on edit trigger in the sheet, which can take a while to update.)
You find more details here:
