Visual studio 2017 problem with namespaces in F# - visual-studio

I wrote this in HelperFunctions.fs:
namespace Tutorial1.HelperFunctions
module Factorials =
let rec fact n =
match n with
| 0 -> 1
| 1 -> 1
| _ -> n * fact (n - 1)
And then this in Tutorial.fsx:
#load "HelperFunctions.fs"
open Tutorial1.HelperFunctions
module start =
let x = Factorials.fact 5
printfn "%d" x
Code compiles and returns 120 as expected BUT: VS throws FS0039 error: Factorials and Tutorial1 namespace, type or module not defined... Tried many other combinations of open, module etc but then codes does not even compile. What is the problem I am not seeing here?

Okay, apparently the order of files in the vstudio matters, even if you include the file with #load. I had to shift the files upwards and it worked


Debug.EvaluateStatement Microsoft Visual Studio

I am using Intel Fortran along with Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. In debug mode with a breakpoint at line 21 for the following dummy program:
program hello
implicit none
integer, dimension(2,2) :: Array
type Test
integer :: a
integer :: b
integer :: c
end type Test
type (Test) :: TestVariable
Array(1,1) = 22
Array(1,2) = 2
Array(2,1) = 22
Array(2,2) = 25
TestVariable%a = 1
TestVariable%b = 2
TestVariable%c = 3
print *, Array(1,1)
print *, Array(2,2)
print *, TestVariable%b
print *, ubound(Array)
end program Hello
At line 21 (my breakpoint) the variable i is defined and accessible from the Locals Window. It is also accessible from the command window using the following command:
Debug.Print i
Now what I am exploring is the Debug.EvaluateStatement functionality.
Debug.EvaluateStatement i returns 1, as it should.
Debug.EvaluateStatement i+i returns 2, as it should.
Debug.EvaluateStatement 1 returns 1, as it should.
Debug.EvaluateStatement 1+1 returns 2, as it should.
Debug.EvaluateStatement i+1 however, throws the following error:
Undefined address
Why does this error occur, and what can I do to prevent it and obtain the (what I think is correct) value of 2?

setTargetReturn in fPortfolio package

I have a three asset portfolio. I need to set the target return for my second asset
whenever i try i get this error
asset.ts <- as.timeSeries(asset.ret)
spec <- portfolioSpec()
setSolver(spec) <- "solveRshortExact"
constraints <- c("Short")
setTargetReturn(Spec) = mean(colMeans(asset.ts[,2]))
efficientPortfolio(asset.ts, spec, constraints)
Error: is.numeric(targetReturn) is not TRUE
MV Efficient Portfolio
Estimator: covEstimator
Solver: solveRquadprog
Optimize: minRisk
Constraints: Short
Portfolio Weights:
0 0 0
Covariance Risk Budgets:
Target Return and Risks:
mean mu Cov Sigma CVaR VaR
0 0 0 0 0 0
Sat Apr 19 15:03:24 2014 by user: Usuario
i have tried and i have searched the web but i have no idea how to set the target return
for a specific expected return of the data set. i could copy the mean of my second asset # but i think due to decimal it could affect the answer.
I ran into this error , when using 2 assets.
Appears to be a bug in the PortOpt methods.
When there's 2 assets, it runs : .mvSolveTwoAssets
Which looks for the TargetReturn in the portfolioSpecs.
But as you know, targetReturn isn't always needed.
But in your code , you have 2 separate variables for spec.
'spec' , and 'Spec'
i.e.: 'Spec' .. assuming this is a typo, then this line needs to be changed.
setTargetReturn(Spec) = mean(colMeans(asset.ts[,2]))

Simple debugging in Haskell

I am new to Haskell. Previously I have programmed in Python and Java. When I am debugging some code I have a habit of littering it with print statements in the middle of code. However doing so in Haskell will change semantics, and I will have to change my function signatures to those with IO stuff. How do Haskellers deal with this? I might be missing something obvious. Please enlighten.
Other answers link the official doco and the Haskell wiki but if you've made it to this answer let's assume you bounced off those for whatever reason. The wikibook also has an example using Fibonacci which I found more accessible. This is a deliberately basic example which might hopefully help.
Let's say we start with this very simple function, which for important business reasons, adds "bob" to a string, then reverses it.
bobreverse x = reverse ("bob" ++ x)
Output in GHCI:
> bobreverse "jill"
We don't see how this could possibly be going wrong, but something near it is, so we add debug.
import Debug.Trace
bobreverse x = trace ("DEBUG: bobreverse" ++ show x) (reverse ("bob" ++ x))
> bobreverse "jill"
"DEBUG: bobreverse "jill"
We are using show just to ensure x is converted to a string correctly before output. We also added some parenthesis to make sure the arguments were grouped correctly.
In summary, the trace function is a decorator which prints the first argument and returns the second. It looks like a pure function, so you don't need to bring IO or other signatures into the functions to use it. It does this by cheating, which is explained further in the linked documentation above, if you are curious.
Read this. You can use Debug.Trace.trace in place of print statements.
I was able to create a dual personality IO / ST monad typeclass, which will print debug statements when a monadic computation is typed as IO, them when it's typed as ST. Demonstration and code here: Haskell -- dual personality IO / ST monad? .
Of course Debug.Trace is more of a swiss army knife, especially when wrapped with a useful special case,
trace2 :: Show a => [Char] -> a -> a
trace2 name x = trace (name ++ ": " ++ show x) x
which can be used like (trace2 "first arg" 3) + 4
You can make this even fancier if you want source locations
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
import Debug.Trace
withLocation :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
withLocation f = do
let error = locationString =<< location
appE f error
locationString :: Loc -> Q Exp
locationString loc = do
litE $ stringL $ formatLoc loc
formatLoc :: Loc -> String
formatLoc loc = let file = loc_filename loc
(line, col) = loc_start loc
in concat [file, ":", show line, ":", show col]
trace3' (loc :: String) msg x =
trace2 ('[' : loc ++ "] " ++ msg) x
trace3 = withLocation [| trace3' |]
then, in a separate file [from the definition above], you can write
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
tr3 x = $trace3 "hello" x
and test it out
> tr3 4
[MyFile.hs:2:9] hello: 4
You can use Debug.Trace for that.
I really liked Dons short blog about it:
In short: use ghci, example with a program with code called HsColour.hs
$ ghci HsColour.hs
*Main> :set -fbreak-on-exception
*Main> :set args "source.hs"
Now run your program with tracing on, and GHCi will stop your program at the call to error:
*Main> :trace main
Stopped at (exception thrown)
Ok, good. We had an exception… Let’s just back up a bit and see where we are. Watch now as we travel backwards in time through our program, using the (bizarre, I know) “:back” command:
[(exception thrown)] *Main> :back
Logged breakpoint at Language/Haskell/HsColour/Classify.hs:(19,0)-(31,46)
_result :: [String]
This tells us that immediately before hitting error, we were in the file Language/Haskell/HsColour/Classify.hs, at line 19. We’re in pretty good shape now. Let’s see where exactly:
[-1: Language/Haskell/HsColour/Classify.hs:(19,0)-(31,46)] *Main> :list
18 chunk :: String -> [String]
19 chunk [] = head []
20 chunk ('\r':s) = chunk s -- get rid of DOS newline stuff
21 chunk ('\n':s) = "\n": chunk s

Tracing all functions calls and printing out their parameters (userspace)

I want to see what functions are called in my user-space C99 program and in what order. Also, which parameters are given.
Can I do this with DTrace?
E.g. for program
int g(int a, int b) { puts("I'm g"); }
int f(int a, int b) { g(5+a,b);g(8+b,a);}
int main() {f(5,2);f(5,3);}
I wand see a text file with:
puts("I'm g");
puts("I'm g");
puts("I'm g");
puts("I'm g");
I want not to modify my source and the program is really huge - 9 thousand of functions.
I have all sources; I have a program with debug info compiled into it, and gdb is able to print function parameters in backtrace.
Is the task solvable with DTrace?
My OS is one of BSD, Linux, MacOS, Solaris. I prefer Linux, but I can use any of listed OS.
Here's how you can do it with DTrace:
script='pid$target:a.out::entry,pid$target:a.out::return { trace(arg1); }'
dtrace -F -n "$script" -c ./a.out
The output of this command is like as follows on FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT:
dtrace: description 'pid$target:a.out::entry,pid$target:a.out::return ' matched 17 probes
I'm g
I'm g
I'm g
I'm g
dtrace: pid 39275 has exited
3 -> _start 34361917680
3 -> handle_static_init 140737488341872
3 <- handle_static_init 2108000
3 -> main 140737488341872
3 -> f 2
3 -> g 2
3 <- g 32767
3 -> g 5
3 <- g 32767
3 <- f 0
3 -> f 3
3 -> g 3
3 <- g 32767
3 -> g 5
3 <- g 32767
3 <- f 0
3 <- main 0
3 -> __do_global_dtors_aux 140737488351184
3 <- __do_global_dtors_aux 0
The annoying thing is that I've not found a way to print all the function arguments (see How do you print an associative array in DTrace?). A hacky workaround is to add trace(arg2), trace(arg3), etc. The problem is that for nonexistent arguments there will be garbage printed out.
Yes, you can do this with dtrace. But you probably will never be able to do it on linux. I've tried multiple versions of the linux port of dtrace and it's never done what I wanted. In fact, it once caused a CPU panic. Download the dtrace toolkit from Then set your PATH accordingly. Then execute this:
dtruss -a yourprogram args...
Your question is exceedingly likely to be misguided. For any non-trivial program, printing the sequense of all function calls executed with their parameters will result in multi-MB or even multi-GB output, that you will not be able to make any sense of (too much detail for a human to understand).
That said, I don't believe you can achieve what you want with dtrace.
You might begin by using GCC -finstrument-functions flag, which would easily allow you to print function addresses on entry/exit to every function. You can then trivialy convert addresses into function names with addr2line. This gives you what you asked for (except parameters).
If the result doesn't prove to be too much detail, you can set a breakpoint on every function in GDB (with rb . command), and attach continue command to every breakpoint. This will result in a steady stream of breakpoints being hit (with parameters), but the execution will likely be at least 100 to 1000 times slower.

F# 2010 Seq.generate_using

Is there an alternative/workaround for Seq.generate_using in Visual Studio 2010? The FSharp.PowerPack.dll is not available for 2010 AFAIK
(Sorry about the PowerPack still not being available for 2010 yet.)
I don't recall if this already is true of the CTP update, but in internal bits I get the warning:
This construct is deprecated. This
function will be removed in a future
release. If necessary, take a copy of
its implementation from the F#
PowerPack and copy it into your
so here is the code from the PowerPack:
#nowarn "9"
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Compatibility
open System.Collections.Generic
module Seq =
let combine ie1 ie2 = ie1 ie2
let nonempty (ie : seq<'T>) = use e = ie.GetEnumerator() in e.MoveNext() //'
let generate openf compute closef =
seq { let r = openf()
let x = ref None
while (x := compute r; (!x).IsSome) do
yield (!x).Value
closef r }
let generate_using (openf : unit -> ('b :> System.IDisposable)) compute = //'
generate openf compute (fun (s:'b) -> s.Dispose()) //'
let cons (x:'T) (s: seq<'T>) =
seq { yield x
yield! s }
FYI, the PowerPack binaries for .Net 4.0 Beta1 came online today:
