How to find the next occurrence of a string in a file starting from $x line number. - bash

In the following example, I have a variable $line set to "14" which relates to the 14th line of the file which is "four".
I need to find a way in BASH to start at whichever line number is set in ($line) (14) and find the line number of the next occurrence of a string (foo) in the same file. In this case , the result would be line 16.
$line = "14"
$search = "foo"

Lots of ways to do this. But if you want to do it in bash alone (i.e. no awk, perl, etc), here's one way:
$ mapfile -t -O 1 a < ttt
$ for ((i=$line; i<=${#a[#]}; i++)); do [[ "${a[$i]}" = "$string" ]] && echo "$i" && break; done
The mapfile command sucks your file into an array (in a way that performs better than read in a loop), and the -O 1 causes it to start numbering array indices at 1 instead of 0. The for loop steps through the array, starting at $line, with a [[ that compares the current array value with $string.
I'd still love to see what solution you came up with, and help you understand why it didn't work.

Try awk:
awk '(NR > n && $0 == s){ print NR; exit }' n=$line s="$search" file
You can assign the result to a variable this way:
declare -i var=$(awk '(NR > n && $0 == s){ print NR; exit }' n=$line s="$search" file)

sed one-liner -
Using your data, naming it "infile", I get
$: line=14 search=foo sed -n $line,\${/$search/\{=\;q}} infile
This sets variables for the env before executing sed, and tells it not to output anything unasked with -n.
the command $line,\${/$search/\{=\;q}} evaluates to 14,${/foo/{=;q}}
That means "from line 14 to the end, find the next line that has "foo" in it, and then
print the line number (=) and
quit (q) without processing the rest of the file.


How can I assign each column value to Its name?

I have a MetaData.csv file that contains many values to perform an analysis. All I want are:
1- Reading column names and making variables similar to column names.
2- Put values in each column into variables as an integer that can be read by other commands. column_name=Its_value
I wrote the following codes but it doesn't work well:
Col_Names=$(head -n 1 MetaData.csv) # Cut header (camma sep)
Col_Names=$(echo ${Col_Names//,/ }) # Convert header to space sep
Col_Names=($Col_Names) # Convert header to an array
for i in $(seq 1 ${#Col_Names[#]}); do
N="$(head -1 MetaData.csv | tr ',' '\n' | nl |grep -w
"${Col_Names[$i]}" | tr -d " " | awk -F " " '{print $1}')";
${Col_Names[$i]}="$(cat MetaData.csv | cut -d"," -f$N | sed '1d')";
HWE=1E-06: command not found
Geno_Missing=0.01: command not found
Inds_Missing=0.01: command not found
cut: 2: No such file or directory
cut: 3: No such file or directory
cut: 4: No such file or directory
=: command not found
Expected output:
1- I want to use array length (${#Col_Names[#]}) as the final iteration which is 5, but the array index start from 0 (0-4). So MAF column was not captured by the loop. Loop also iterate twice (once 0-4 and again 2-4!).
2- When I tried to call values in variables (echo $MAF), they were empty!
Any solution is really appreciated.
This produces the expected output you posted from the sample input you posted:
$ awk -F, -v OFS='=' 'NR==1{split($0,hdr); next} {for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) print hdr[i], $i}' MetaData.csv
If that's not all you need then edit your question to clarify your requirements.
If I'm understanding your requirements correctly, would you please try something like:
nr=1 # initialize input line number to 1
while IFS=, read -r -a ary; do # split the line on "," then assign "ary" to the fields
if (( nr == 1 )); then # handle the header line
col_names=("${ary[#]}") # assign column names
else # handle the body lines
for (( i = 0; i < ${#ary[#]}; i++ )); do
printf -v "${col_names[i]}" "${ary[i]}"
# assign the variable "${col_names[i]}" to the input field
# now you can access the values via its column name
echo "Fnames=$Fnames"
echo "MAF=$MAF"
fname_list+=("$Fnames") # create a list of Fnames
(( nr++ )) # increment the input line number
done < MetaData.csv
echo "${fname_list[#]}" # print the list of Fnames
19.vcf.gz 20.vcf.gz 21.vcf.gz 22.vcf.gz
The statetemt IFS=, read -a ary is mostly equivalent to your
first three lines; it splits the input on ",", and assigns the
array variable ary to the field values.
There are several ways to use a variable's value as a variable name
(Indirect Variable References). printf -v VarName Value is one of them.
Based on the OP's updated input file, here is an another version:
nr=1 # initialize input line number to 1
while IFS=, read -r -a ary; do # split the line on "," then assign "ary" to the fields
if (( nr == 1 )); then # handle the header line
col_names=("${ary[#]}") # assign column names
else # handle the body lines
for (( i = 0; i < ${#ary[#]}; i++ )); do
printf -v "${col_names[i]}" "${ary[i]}"
# assign the variable "${col_names[i]}" to the input field
(( nr++ )) # increment the input line number
done < MetaData.csv
for n in "${col_names[#]}"; do # iterate over the variable names
echo "$n=${!n}" # print variable name and its value
# you can also specify the variable names literally as follows:
echo "MAF=$MAF HWE=$HWE Geno_Missing=$Geno_Missing Inds_Missing=$Inds_Missing"
MAF=0.05 HWE=1E-06 Geno_Missing=0.01 Inds_Missing=0.01
As for the output, the first four lines are printed by echo "$n=${!n}" and the last line is printed by echo "MAF=$MAF ....
You can choose either statement depending on your usage of the variables in the following code.
I don't really think you can implement a robust CSV reader/parser in Bash, but you can implement it to work to some extent with simple CSV files. For example, a very simply bash-implemented CSV might look like this:
set -e
while IFS=',' read -ra ROW; do
if test "$ROW_NUMBER" == '0'; then
for (( I = 0; I < ${#ROW[#]}; I++ )); do
declare -A DATA_ROW_MAP
for (( I = 0; I < ${#ROW[#]}; I++ )); do
# DEMO {
echo -e "${DATA_ROW_MAP['Fnames']}\t${DATA_ROW_MAP['Inds_Missing']}"
# } DEMO
Note that is has multiple disadvantages:
it only works with ,-separated fields (truly "C"SV);
it cannot handle multiline records;
it cannot handle field escapes;
it considers the first row always represents a header row.
This is why many commands may produce and consume \0-delimited data just because this control character may be easier to use. Now what I'm not sure about is whether test is the only external command executed by bash (I believe it is, but it can be probably re-implemented using case so that no external test is executed?).
Example of use (with the demo output):
./ < MetaData.csv
19.vcf.gz 0.01
I wouldn't recommend using this parser at all, but would recommend using a more CSV-oriented tool (Python would probably be the easiest choice to use; + or if your favorite language, as you mentioned, is R, then probably this is another option for you: Run R script from command line ).

Use `sed` to replace text in code block with output of command at the top of the code block

I have a markdown file that has snippets of code resembling the following example:
$ cat docs/
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Hello, world"
This means there there's a file at the location docs/, whose contents is:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Hello, world"
I'd like to parse the markdown file with sed (awk or perl works too) and replace the bottom section of the code snippet with whatever the above bash command evaluates to, for example whatever cat docs/ evaluates to.
Perl to the rescue!
perl -0777 -pe 's/(?<=```\n)^(\$ (.*)\n\n)(?^s:.*?)(?=```)/"$1".qx($2)/meg' < input > output
-0777 slurps the whole file into memory
-p prints the input after processing
s/PATTERN/REPLACEMENT/ works similarly to a substitution in sed
/g replaces globally, i.e. as many times as it can
/m makes ^ match start of each line instead of start of the whole input string
/e evaluates the replacement as code
(?<=```\n) means "preceded by three backquotes and a newline"
(?^s:.*?) changes the behaviour of . to match newlines as well, so it matches (frugally because of the *?) the rest of the preformatted block
(?=```) means "followed by three backquotes`
qx runs the parameter in a shell and returns its output
A sed-only solution is easier if you have the GNU version with an e command.
That said, here's a quick, simplistic, and kinda clumsy version I knocked out that doesn't bother to check the values of previous or following lines - it just assumes your format is good, and bulls through without any looping or anything else. Still, for my example code, it worked.
I started by making an a, a b, and an x that is the markup file.
$: cat a
#! /bin/bash
echo "Hello, World!"
$: cat b
#! /bin/bash
echo "SCREW YOU!!!!"
$: cat x
$ cat a
" b a z ! "
$ cat b
" b a z ! "
Then I wrote s which is the sed script.
$: cat s
#! /bin/env bash
sed -En '
/^```$/,/^```$/ {
# for the lines starting with the $ prompt
/^[$] / {
# save the command to the hold space
# write the ``` header to the pattern space
# print the fabricated header
# swap the command back in
# the next line should be blank - add it to the current pattern space
# first print the line of code as-is with the (assumed) following blank line
# scrub the $ (prompt) off the command
s/^[$] //
# execute the command - store the output into the pattern space
# print the output
# put the markdown footer back
# and print that
# for the (to be discarded) existing lines of "content"
' $*
It does the job and might get you started.
$: s x
$ cat a
#! /bin/bash
echo "Hello, World!"
$ cat b
#! /bin/bash
echo "SCREW YOU!!!!"
Lots of caveats - better to actually check that the $ follows a line of backticks and is followed by a blank line, maybe make sure nothing bogus could be in the file to get executed... but this does what you asked, with (GNU) sed.
Good luck.
A rare case when use of getline would be appropriate:
$ cat tst.awk
state == "importing" {
while ( (getline line < $NF) > 0 ) {
print line
state = "imported"
$0 == "```" { state = (state ? "" : "importing") }
state != "imported" { print }
$ awk -f tst.awk file
See for getline uses and caveats.

bash script increment number at end with zero prefix

given a file with contents like this:
foo: 8.3.1
bar: 803001
I need a bash script to read this file only increment the last digit and consider the second line's last three digits as space for the the z in x.y.x to grow to three digits (and overwrite the original file with the new data:
Input 1:
foo: 8.3.1
bar: 803001
Output 1:
foo: 8.3.2
bar: 803002
Input 2:
foo: 8.3.9
bar: 803009
Output 2:
foo: 8.3.10
bar: 803010
Input 3:
foo: 8.3.199
bar: 803199
Output 3:
foo: 8.3.200
bar: 803200
I could do this in 2 seconds in java but I need to do it in a shell script or i'll face endless taunting from the build team.
Short of some rough string splitting any slick sep command would be a big help!
awk to the rescue!
awk -v d='.' '{n=split($2,v,d);
if (n>1) $2=v[1] d v[2] d v[3]+1;
else $2++}1' file
depending what else is in the file, you may need to qualify the replacement with a condition before the statement.
while read key val _; do
val_left="${val%.*}" val_right="${val##*.}"
printf '%s ' "$key"
[[ $val = *.* ]] && printf '%s.' "$val_left"
printf '%d\n' $(( 1+val_right ))
Bikeshedding and slightly golfing. Increment the number formed by the digits at the end of line:
perl -i -pe '/^(foo|bar):/ && s/\d+$/$&+1/e;' input

Parse out key=value pairs into variables

I have a bunch of different kinds of files I need to look at periodically, and what they have in common is that the lines have a bunch of key=value type strings. So something like:
Version=2 Len=17 Hello Var=Howdy Other
I would like to be able to reference the names directly from awk... so something like:
cat some_file | ... | awk '{print Var, $5}' # prints Howdy Other
How can I go about doing that?
The closest you can get is to parse the variables into an associative array first thing every line. That is to say,
awk '{ delete vars; for(i = 1; i <= NF; ++i) { n = index($i, "="); if(n) { vars[substr($i, 1, n - 1)] = substr($i, n + 1) } } Var = vars["Var"] } { print Var, $5 }'
More readably:
delete vars; # clean up previous variable values
for(i = 1; i <= NF; ++i) { # walk through fields
n = index($i, "="); # search for =
if(n) { # if there is one:
# remember value by name. The reason I use
# substr over split is the possibility of
# something like Var=foo=bar=baz (that will
# be parsed into a variable Var with the
# value "foo=bar=baz" this way).
vars[substr($i, 1, n - 1)] = substr($i, n + 1)
# if you know precisely what variable names you expect to get, you can
# assign to them here:
Var = vars["Var"]
Version = vars["Version"]
Len = vars["Len"]
print Var, $5 # then use them in the rest of the code
$ cat file | sed -r 's/[[:alnum:]]+=/\n&/g' | awk -F= '$1=="Var"{print $2}'
Howdy Other
Or, avoiding the useless use of cat:
$ sed -r 's/[[:alnum:]]+=/\n&/g' file | awk -F= '$1=="Var"{print $2}'
Howdy Other
How it works
sed -r 's/[[:alnum:]]+=/\n&/g'
This places each key,value pair on its own line.
awk -F= '$1=="Var"{print $2}'
This reads the key-value pairs. Since the field separator is chosen to be =, the key ends up as field 1 and the value as field 2. Thus, we just look for lines whose first field is Var and print the corresponding value.
Since discussion in commentary has made it clear that a pure-bash solution would also be acceptable:
''|[0-3].*) echo "ERROR: Bash 4.0 required" >&2; exit 1;;
while read -r -a words; do # iterate over lines of input
declare -A vars=( ) # refresh variables for each line
set -- "${words[#]}" # update positional parameters
for word; do
if [[ $word = *"="* ]]; then # if a word contains an "="...
vars[${word%%=*}]=${word#*=} # ...then set it as an associative-array key
echo "${vars[Var]} $5" # Here, we use content read from that line.
done <<<"Version=2 Len=17 Hello Var=Howdy Other"
The <<<"Input Here" could also be <file.txt, in which case lines in the file would be iterated over.
If you wanted to use $Var instead of ${vars[Var]}, then substitute printf -v "${word%%=*}" %s "${word*=}" in place of vars[${word%%=*}]=${word#*=}, and remove references to vars elsewhere. Note that this doesn't allow for a good way to clean up variables between lines of input, as the associative-array approach does.
I will try to explain you a very generic way to do this which you can adapt easily if you want to print out other stuff.
Assume you have a string which has a format like this:
key1=value1 key2=value2 key3=value3
or more generic
With fs1 and fs2 two different field separators.
You would like to make a selection or some operations with these values. To do this, the easiest is to store these in an associative array:
array["key1"] => value1
array["key2"] => value2
array["key3"] => value3
array["key1","full"] => "key1=value1"
array["key2","full"] => "key2=value2"
array["key3","full"] => "key3=value3"
This can be done with the following function in awk:
function str2map(str,fs1,fs2,map, n,tmp) {
for (;n>0;n--) {
map[tmp[1]]=tmp[2]; map[tmp[1],"full"]=map[n]
delete map[n]
So, after processing the string, you have the full flexibility to do operations in any way you like:
awk '
function str2map(str,fs1,fs2,map, n,tmp) {
for (;n>0;n--) {
map[tmp[1]]=tmp[2]; map[tmp[1],"full"]=map[n]
delete map[n]
{ str2map($0," ","=",map) }
{ print map["Var","full"] }
' file
The advantage of this method is that you can easily adapt your code to print any other key you are interested in, or even make selections based on this, example:
(map["Version"] < 3) { print map["var"]/map["Len"] }
The simplest and easiest way is to use the string substitution like this:
echo "'$name' : '$value'"
The output is:
'' : '1234567890=='
Using bash's set command, we can split the line into positional parameters like awk.
For each word, we'll try to read a name value pair delimited by =.
When we find a value, assign it to the variable named $key using bash's printf -v feature.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
line='Version=2 Len=17 Hello Var=Howdy Other'
set $line
for word in "$#"; do
IFS='=' read -r key val <<< "$word"
test -n "$val" && printf -v "$key" "$val"
echo "$Var $5"
Howdy Other
an awk-based solution that doesn't require manually checking the fields to locate the desired key pair :
approach being avoid splitting unnecessary fields or arrays - only performing regex match via function call when needed
only returning FIRST occurrence of input key value. Subsequent matches along the row are NOT returned
i just called it S() cuz it's the closest letter to $
I only included an array (_) of the 3 test values for demo purposes. Those aren't needed. In fact, no state information is being kept at all
caveat being : key-match must be exact - this version of the code isn't for case-insensitive or fuzzy/agile matching
Tested and confirmed working on
- gawk 5.1.1
- mawk 1.3.4
- mawk-2/
- macos nawk
# gawk profile, created Fri May 27 02:07:53 2022
{m,n,g}awk '
function S(__,_) {
return \
! match($(_=_<_), "(^|["(_="[:blank:]]")")"(__)"[=][^"(_)"*") \
? "^$" \
: substr(__=substr($-_, RSTART, RLENGTH), index(__,"=")+_^!_)
BEGIN { OFS = "\f" # This array is only for testing
_["Version"] _["Len"] _["Var"] # purposes. Feel free to discard at will
} {
for (__ in _) {
print __, S(__) } }'
So either call the fields in BAU fashion
- $5, $0, $NF, etc
or call S(QUOTED_KEY_VALUE), case-sensitive, like
As a safeguard, to prevent mis-interpreting null strings
or invalid inputs as $0, a non-match returns ^$
instead of empty string
S("Version") to get back 2.
As a bonus, it can safely handle values in multibyte unicode, both for values and even for keys, regardless of whether ur awk is UTF-8-aware or not :
1 ✜
2 Version
3 Var
4 Len
5 ✜=🤡 Version=2 Len=17 Hello Var=Howdy Other
I know this is particularly regarding awk but mentioning this as many people come here for solutions to break down name = value pairs ( with / without using awk as such).
I found below way simple straight forward and very effective in managing multiple spaces / commas as well -
change="foo=red bar=green baz=blue"
#use below if var is in CSV (instead of space as delim)
change=`echo $change | tr ',' ' '`
for change in $changes; do
set -- `echo $change | tr '=' ' '`
echo "variable name == $1 and variable value == $2"
#can assign value to a variable like below
eval my_var_$1=$2;

Use awk to parse source code

I'm looking to create documentation from source code that I have. I've been looking around and something like awk seems like it will work, but I've had no luck so far. The information is split in two files, file1.c and file2.c.
Note: I've set up an automatic build environment for the program. This detects changes in the source and builds it. I would like to generate a text file containing a list of any variables which have been modified since the last successful build. The script I'm looking for would be a post-build step, and would run after compilation
In file1.c I have a list of function calls (all the same function) that have a string name to identify them such as:
newFunction("THIS_IS_THE_STRING_I_WANT", otherVariables, 0, &iAlsoNeedThis);
newFunction("I_WANT_THIS_STRING_TOO", otherVariable, 0, &iAnotherOneINeed);
The fourth parameter in the function call contains the value of the string name in file2. For example:
iAlsoNeedThis = 25;
iAnotherOneINeed = 42;
I'm looking to output the list to a txt file in the following format:
Is there any way of do this?
Here is a start:
NR==FNR { # Only true when we are reading the first file
split($1,s,"\"") # Get the string in quotes from the first field
gsub(/[^a-zA-Z]/,"",$4) # Remove the none alpha chars from the forth field
m[$4]=s[2] # Create array
$1 in m { # Match feild four from file1 with field one file2
sub(/;/,"") # Get rid of the ;
print m[$1],$2,$3 # Print output
Saving this script.awk and running it with your example produces:
$ awk -f script.awk file1 file2
The modifications you require affects the first line of the script:
NR==FNR && $3=="0," && /start here/,/end here/ {
You can do it in the shell like so.
eval $(sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9=]//g' file2)
while read -r line; do
case $line in
set -- $line
while test $# -gt 1; do shift; done
eval x=\$$x
printf '%s = %s\n' $string $x
done < file1.c
Assumptions: newFunction is at the start of the line. Nothing follows the );. Whitespace exactly as in your samples. Output
You can execute file file2.c so variables will be defined in bash. Then, you will just have to print $iAlsoNeedThis to get value from iAlsoNeedThis = 25;
It can be done with . file2.c.
Then, what you can do is:
while read line;
name=$(echo $line | cut -d"\"" -f2);
value=$(echo $line | cut -d"&" -f2 | cut -d")" -f1);
echo $name = ${!value};
done < file1.c
