I'm trying to install phpmyadmin on vps. I did everything like here but when i was first installing phpmyadmin in configuration i cancel it (configurarion program with intsalling) now i can't get to work. I got 404 error when i'm going to /phpmyadmin
apache and mysql works but phpmyadmin is not properly configured. Can I do something with that?
I'm doing an inventory management project in Java using XAMPP and JDBC. After downloading XAMPP and changing the user's password on localhost, I cannot log back in to phpmyadmin. I try configuring the config.inc.php file but cannot log back in to phpmyadmin. I need help.
I'm using Mac and XAMPP 8.2.0
I'm getting a 502 Bad Gateway nginx/1.17.10 error when trying to visit a Laravel .test site with Valet. I'm having no issues with another Laravel app running on .test. I have tried reinstalling nginx, php, valet, and have tried using php versions 7.2 ,7.3 & 7.4 for valet. Any ideas?
For anyone still experiencing this issue:
Open your Homestead.yaml file
Add the following lines to the sites option:
type: apache
Run the command vagrant reload --provision
This question is on AWS Laravel Implementation on Apache + mySQL AWS EC2 instance.
After copying the working Laravel folder from xampp/htdocs/my_project_name, migration to create tables in mySQL database and seeder are working.
However, I could not connect to my APIs using Postman. (404 not found)
I following these solution links
laravel the requested url was not found on this server
I managed to modify the httpd.conf. However, I could not find file .htaccess
where .htacces i can find? Sorry for stupid question, but i can't find :) – MilanNz Mar 11 '15 at 12:30
#MilanNz The .htaccess can be found in the public directory of your application. However the code from this answer goes inside a vhost file. The location of that depends on your server. (e.g. for apache2 and unix it's usually at /etc/apache2/sites-available)
Also, I was not able to reboot my Apache using "service apache2 restart".
So I "sudo reboot"ed the EC2 instance and reconnected using Postman, the API urls were still not found.
There is a possibility that my URL is wrong. So I attach it here:
The URL used is http://ec2-??-??-???-??.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com/my_project_name/public/api/resultCRUD/list
The working xampp URL is http://localhost/my_project_name/public/api/resultCRUD/list
The Laravel project folder is located at /var/www/html/my_project_name on AWS EC2.
http://ec2-??-??-???-??.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com/phpinfo.php and
http://ec2-??-??-???-??.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com/phpMyAdmin/ are working.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
It's finally working.
The reason I was stuck is because most of the answers are for ubuntu while I am using RedHat.
For RedHat EC2 instance, need first change the content of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf following https://pinecode.io/article/setting-up-laravel-56-on-aws-linux,
In this step, I actually changed all "AllowOverride None"s to "AllowOverride All" instead of only line 151 of httpd.conf.
Then need to restart httpd using sudo service httpd restart
following https://gistpages.com/posts/enable_mod_rewrite_in_apache2_on_red_hat_linux
Then it is working all fine.
I didn't restart my apache service after saving changes to httpd.conf when I was asking this question.
i got error 404 not found on laravel 5.2 after i deployed my project on ubuntu server 16.04
i gave permission to storage and too i created virtual host and its directory on public folder of my project
Not Found
The requested URL /login was not found on this server.
Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) Server at www.xxx.com Port 80
the laravel home page show but nothing work like login and register
i got the answer
you should run this on server:
a2enmod rewrite
that worked perfectly! xD
So I have Ubuntu 12.04 with nginx, php5-fpm, I re-installed all many times to make phpMyAdmin work but when I install Varnish before or after, it crashes my phpMyAdmin:
Throws this error:
phpMyAdmin - Error
Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your
PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation
I already have Googled a lot, changed and set permissions etc, but still not working.
It redirects to 8080, I solved it by adding cfg, and the default session.save_path is set to /var/lib/php5, I can see some files in it (session), created with permission 0600. Is it correct?
Also nothing in Ngnix or PHP error logs.