Cannot open phpmyadmin after changing the user's password - macos

I'm doing an inventory management project in Java using XAMPP and JDBC. After downloading XAMPP and changing the user's password on localhost, I cannot log back in to phpmyadmin. I try configuring the file but cannot log back in to phpmyadmin. I need help.
I'm using Mac and XAMPP 8.2.0


Reset Password For phpMyAdmin

I recently downloaded XAMPP for macOS and I was able to use phpMyAdmin until I changed the root password. Now when I try accessing it I get an error reading "Access denied for user 'root'#'localhost' (using password: NO)" and on top of that I have forgotten the new password. I have read many other posts on this issue but none have seemed to work. Any suggestions?
This is for XAMPP on macOS only
You can go phpmyadmin directory inside the main root directory, you can check file and you need to create a new file if already not their.
Copy data from to
You need to make a few changes in the new file:
$cfg ['Servers'] [$i] ['AllowNoPassword'] = false;
Save and restart xampp and check.

How can I use MariaDB (XAMPP) in Windows?

I am new using XAMPP. I have installed it and everything works fine, but I don´t know how can I manage MariaDB engine to create and set new DDBB. My goal is to create a website in localhost and use MariaDB to develop a "Sign in" system for the users.
Every tip is welcome. Thanks!
Well, it depends on what you mean by 'using mariadb on windows'. If it's starting mariadb, then navigate to \xampp\mysql\bin and start mariadb i.e.
cd \xampp\mysql\bin
mysql -u root -p
If you want to create a website using with mariadb backend, make sure you save your work in the htdocs folder inside the xampp folder

how can I unsecure xampp in ubuntu?

when I access my IP in some other computer it requires username and password , I want no such type of security I want direct access to my xampp, phpmyadmin directory in any computer in same network. I've attached some snapshots :
Delete the .htaccess file in the htdocs folder. May be that is making your directory password protected.

Copy ec2 files to local

I would like to create a local copy of a live Magento website, so that I can test and develop on my local version.
I did the following so far:
installed XAMPP for Mac OS X 1.7.3;
created a blank database;
installed MySQL Workbench 6.0 for Mac;
tried to connect to AWS EC2 and RDS instances via SSH following this scheme;
but I can't connect (it says authentication failed but credentials are correct).
Maybe there's a simpler way to create a copy of my files on EC2 and RDS and run them locally?Or maybe am I just missing something?
Thank you
This is are the steps that you have to fallow to create a development site in your local pc
Zip all the magento files
zip -r /var/www/
Make a dump of the RDB
mysqldump -u username -p [database_name] -h rbs-Endpoint > dumpfilename.sql
Download the files to your local pc
Use sftp to download all the files and check the security groups to
make sure the ssh port is open
Import the RDB to the database that you create locally
Before restore the db pls check this
mysql -u username –p [database_name] < dumpfilename.sql
Unzip the files in your pc and move to your local webserver
Change the site url or
Update the magento local.xml with your local database access credential
Clean the magento cache
BUT, My recommendation is to create a development site in another EC2 in Amazon AWS

Changing permissions on Windows for FTP via XAMPP

I am developing a rather basic CMS locally and can not ftp due to permissions problems. I have FileZilla FTP server running in XAMPP and can connect without problems but receive error "550 Permission Denied" when my code tries to upload via ftp.
I tried changing permissions via my FileZilla FTP client but without success (presumably because it is windows- error: "504 Command not implemented for that parameter"). I also tried going to the target folder's properties --> security --> permissions and checking "full" for the user XAMPP is running under.
So how do I setup the permissions to allow my CMS to use ftp in XAMPP?
Finally figured it out. For anyone else who has this problem, there is no need to set permissions in Windows. Instead, on the FileZilla FTP server admin interface select edit --> users --> shared folders and check 'write'.
For a fix of this make sure that the root folder is allowed to write and pass rights permission. had this same issue for a script to run on local web xampp server windows xp.. just change the root file attributes to 755 then try it if that don't work try 777. should work now... hope this works for you... as it did me.
If that does not work go to your htdocs folder in your xampp directory then right click it and check properties .. if read only is ticked .. untick it and apply to all sub folders and files
You're behind firewall? Try to allow FileZilla server program in Firewall.
