Previous result in Chez Scheme - read-eval-print-loop

In the Chez Scheme REPL, is it possible to get the previous result? For example in ruby's irb repl, underscore can be used.
For example can I do the following?
> (+ 2 3)
> (+ 1 <something>)
And get 6?

Chez Scheme does not have a built in way to do this, but being scheme, we can roll our own:
(define repl
(let ([n 1])
(lambda (expr)
(let-values ([vals (eval expr)])
(for-each (lambda (v)
(unless (eq? (void) v)
(let ([sym (string->symbol (format "$~a" n))])
(set! n (+ n 1))
(printf "~a = " sym)
(pretty-print v)
(set-top-level-value! sym v))))
(new-cafe repl)
repl is now a function that takes an expression, evaluates it, stores the non-void results into ids of the form $N where N is monotonically increasing, and prints out the results. new-cafe is a standard chez function that manages the Reading, Printing, and Looping parts of REPL. It takes a function that manages the Evaluation part. In this case, repl also needs to manage printing since it shows the ids associated with the values.
I found a slightly better way to do this. Instead of having a custom repl, we can customize only the printer. Now this function is no longer responsible for also evaluating the input.
(define write-and-store
(let ([n 1])
(lambda (x)
(unless (eq? (void) x)
(let ([sym (string->symbol (format "$~a" n))])
(set! n (+ n 1))
(set-top-level-value! sym x)
(printf "~a = " sym)
(pretty-print x)
(flush-output-port (console-output-port)))))))
(waiter-write write-and-store)
A simple usage example:
> (values 1 2 3 4)
$1 = 1
$2 = 2
$3 = 3
$4 = 4
> (+ $1 $2 $3 $4)
$5 = 10


Scheme prime number assignment

I have this Scheme assignment where I need to display whether the integers in the range of 2-100 are prime or not. I know that Scheme does not allow one to change the value of a variable, but given how I did this I was wondering if this is fixable.
(let loop ((i 2))
(begin (print "")
(let loop ((j i))
(begin ()
(if (and (= (mod i j) 0) (not (= i j)))
(print i " is NOT PRIME"))
(if (= j 2)
(print i " is PRIME")
(loop (- j 1)))))
(if (= i 100)
(print "done first")
(loop (+ i 1)))))
You need to forget about counting/for loops for the moment, look for recursive patterns and helpful abstractions.
For instance this snippet may be helpfull
(define (test n)
(if (prime? n)
(begin (display i) (display " is prime.") (newline))
(begin (display i) (display " is NOT prime.") (newline))))
Also (let loop ((var binding) ...) body) is not what you think it is. It's not a variation of the C for i=x... Loop is just a name here, you could just as easily call it hiccup or roses. The form is used where defining an internal recursive function and calling it with specific expressions would do just as well, but where the sub-function wouldn't benifit from highly descriptive function and free variable names.

How to fix this error: begin (possibly implicit): no expression after a sequence of internal definitions

I'm having problems implementing one generator called fib in a function.
I want the function to return me a generator that generates the first n Fibonacci numbers.
(define fib
(let ((a 0) (b 1))
(lambda ()
(let ((return a))
(set! a b)
(set! b (+ b return)
(define (take n g)
(define fib
(let ((a 0) (b 1) (cont 1))
(lambda ()
(if (>= cont n) #f
(let ((return a))
(set! cont (+ cont 1))
(set! a b)
(set! b (+ b return)
I expect a generator to return the Fibonacci numbers up to N (delivered to the function). But the actual output is :
begin (possibly implicit): no expression after a sequence of internal definitions in:
(define fib
(let ((a 0) (b 1) (cont 1))
(lambda ()
(if (>= cont n) #f
(let ((return a))
(set! cont (+ cont 1))
(set! a b)
(set! b (+ b return))
Just as the error says, you have no expressions in your function's definition except for some internal definition (which, evidently, is put into an implicit begin). Having defined it, what is a function to do?
More importantly, there's problems with your solution's overall design.
When writing a function's definition, write down its sample calls right away, so you see how it is supposed / intended / to be called. In particular,
(define (take n g)
suggests you intend to call it like (take 10 fib), so that inside take's definition g will get the value of fib.
But fib is one global generator. It's not restartable in any way between different calls to it. That's why you started copying its source, but then realized perhaps, why have the g parameter, then? Something doesn't fit quite right, there.
You need instead a way to create a new, fresh Fibonacci generator when you need to:
(define (mk-fib)
(let ((a 0) (b 1))
(lambda ()
(let ((ret a))
(set! a b)
(set! b (+ ret b))
ret)))) ;; ..... as before .....
Now each (mk-fib) call will create and return a new, fresh Fibonacci numbers generator, so it now can be used as an argument to a take call:
(define (taking n g) ;; (define q (taking 4 (mk-fib)))
Now there's no need to be defining a new, local copy of the same global fib generator, as you were trying to do before. We just have whatever's specific to the take itself:
(let ((i 1))
(lambda () ; a generator interface is a function call
(if (> i n) ; not so good: what if #f
#f ; is a legitimately produced value?
(set! i (+ i 1))
(g)))))) ; a generator interface is a function call
Now we can define
> (define q (taking 4 (mk-fib)))
> (q)
> (q)
> (q)
> (q)
> (q)
> (q)

Calling a function that takes no parameter with a parameter in scheme

How does this code work? It does not seem like any of these functions have a parameter but yet you are able to call it with a parameter
(define (make-add-one)
(define (inc x) (+ 1 x))
(define myfn (make-add-one))
(myfn 2)
This runs and returns 3.
Lets use substitution rules. make-add-one can be rewritten like this:
(define make-add-one (lambda ()
(define inc (lambda (x) (+ 1 x))
Since inc is just returned we can simplify it further to this:
(define make-add-one (lambda ()
(lambda (x) (+ 1 x)))
Now myfn we can replace the call to make-add-one with the code that the lambda has inside:
(define myfn (make-add-one)) ; ==
(define myfn (lambda (x) (+ 1 x)))
And at last, we can use substitution rules on the last call:
(myfn 2) ; ==
((lambda (x) (+ 1 x)) 2) ; ==
(+ 1 2) ; ==
Now make-add-one makes a new function that is identical to all other functions it makes. It doesn't really add anything. A good example of where this is useful is this example:
(define (make-add by-what)
(lambda (value) (+ value by-what)))
(define inc (make-add 1))
(define add5 (make-add 5))
(map add5 '(1 2 3)) ; ==> (6 7 8)
(map inc '(1 2 3)) ; ==> (2 3 4)
Just to see it's the same:
(add5 2) ; ==
((make-add 5) 2) ; ==
((lambda (value) (+ value 5)) 2) ; ==
(+ 2 5) ; ==
; ==> 7
And how does this work. In a lexically scoped language, all lambda forms captures the variables that are not bound in their own parameter list from the scope which it was created. This is known as a closure. A simple example of this is here:
(define x 10)
(define test
(let ((x 20)
(lambda (y) (+ x y))))
(test 2) ; ==> 22
So in Scheme test uses x from the let even after the scope is out since the lambda was created in that scope. In a dynamically scoped language (test 2) would return 12 and the two previous examples would also produce other results and errors.
Lexical scoping came first to Algol, which is the predecessor to all the C language family languages like C, java, perl. Scheme was proably the first lisp and it was the essential design of the language itself. Without closure first version of Scheme was the same as its host langugage, MacLisp.
Lift the definition of inc out of make-add-one:
(define (inc x) (+ 1 x))
(define (make-add-one)
Now it's clearer that the expression (make-add-one) is the same as inc, and inc is clearly a procedure with one parameter.
In other words, invoking make-add-one with no arguments produces a procedure that takes one argument.
You can use the substitution method to follow the evaluation:
(myfn 2)
==> ((make-add-one) 2)
==> (inc 2)
==> (+ 1 2)
==> 3

Increment and Decrement operators in scheme programming language

What are the increment and decrement operators in scheme programming language.
I am using "Dr.Racket" and it is not accepting -1+ and 1+ as operators.
And, I have also tried incf and decf, but no use.
They are not defined as such since Scheme and Racket try to avoid mutation; but you can easily define them yourself:
(define-syntax incf
(syntax-rules ()
((_ x) (begin (set! x (+ x 1)) x))
((_ x n) (begin (set! x (+ x n)) x))))
(define-syntax decf
(syntax-rules ()
((_ x) (incf x -1))
((_ x n) (incf x (- n)))))
> (define v 0)
> (incf v)
> v
> (decf v 2)
> v
Note that these are syntactic extensions (a.k.a. macros) rather than plain procedures because Scheme does not pass parameters by reference.
Your reference to “DrRacket” somewhat suggests you’re in Racket. According to this, you may already be effectively using #lang racket. Either way, you’re probably looking for add1 and sub1.
-> (add1 3)
-> (sub1 3)
The operators 1+ and -1+ do /not/ mutate, as a simple experiment in MIT Scheme will show:
1 ]=> (define a 3)
;Value: a
1 ]=> (1+ a)
;Value: 4
1 ]=> (-1+ a)
;Value: 2
1 ]=> a
;Value: 3
So you can implement your own function or syntactic extensions of those functions by having them evaluate to (+ arg 1) and (- arg 1) respectively.
It's easy to just define simple functions like these yourself.
;; Use: (increment x)
;; Before: x is a number
;; Value: x+1
(define (increment x)
(+ 1 x)

Print value -and- call function?

I am new to scheme, and have the following question:
If I want a function to also print -the value- of an expression and then call a function, how would one come up to doing that?
For example, I need the function foo(n) to print the value of n mod 2 and call foo(n/2), I would've done:
(define foo (lambda (n) (modulo n 2) (foo (/ n 2))))
But that, of course, would not print the value of n mod 2.
Here is something simple:
(define foo
(lambda (n)
(display (modulo n 2))
(when (positive? n)
(foo (/ n 2)))))
Note the check of (positive? n) to ensure that you avoid (/ 0 2) forever and ever.
I'm terrible at Lisp, but here's an idea: Maybe you could define a function that prints a value and returns it
(define (debug x) (begin (display x) (newline) x))
Then just call the function like
(some-fun (debug (some expression)))
As #Juho wrote, you need to add a display. But, your procedure is recursive without a base case, so it will never terminate.
Try this:
(define foo
(lambda (n)
((integer? n) (display (modulo n 2))
(foo (/ n 2)))
(else n))))
> (foo 120)
7 1/2
Usually when dealing with more than one thing it's common to build lists to present a solution when the procedure is finished.
(define (get-digits number base)
(let loop ((nums '()) (cur number))
(if (zero? cur)
(loop (cons (remainder cur base) nums)
(quotient cur base)))))
(get-digits 1234 10) ; ==> (1 2 3 4)
Now, since you use DrRacket you have a debugger so you can actually step though this code but you rather should try to make simple bits like this that is testable and that does not do side effects.
I was puzzled when you were taling about pink and blue output until I opened DrRacket and indeed there it was. Everything that is pink is from the program and everything blue is normally not outputed but since it's the result of top level forms in the IDE the REPL shows it anyway. The differences between them are really that you should not rely on blue output in production code.
As other has suggested you can have debug output with display within the code. I want to show you another way. Imagine I didn't know what to do with the elements so I give you the opportunity to do it yourself:
(define (get-digits number base glue)
(let loop ((nums '()) (cur number))
(if (zero? cur)
(loop (glue (remainder cur base) nums)
(quotient cur base)))))
(get-digits 1234 10 cons) ; ==> (1 2 3 4)
(define (debug-glue a d)
(display a)
(cons a d))
(get-digits 1234 10 debug-glue) ; ==> (1 2 3 4) and displays "4\n3\n2\n1\n"
