Could not find driver Laravel - laravel

Sorry for bad english.
I've been trying to fix this error in Laravel "could not find driver".
I'm using wampserver. Please help me
configuration .env

I created a file with the code
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
PDO drivers exist.
PDO drivers
In my php.ini file i have this extension
It's the first time i use Laravel :/
I couldn't find the solution

I think this problem is when you haven't installed php-mysql extension with your wamp installation of PHP. Take a look at your php configuration and enable it.

Create a file containing the following code
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
check it in your browser (for example: http://localhost/test.php)
then serach PDO drivers in this page (CTRL + F and type PDO).
1- If you don't see PDO drivers, You should add it , in your php.ini
2- Restart your Apache


Unable to guess the MIME type as no guessers are available. How do I install php_fileinfo extension in cPanel?

I'm trying to upload an image with validation:
Works fine on local. But fails on cPanel.
The cPanel version is 90.0.6
I've tried a couple things inside cPanel. But I couldn't figure out how do I enable the fileinfo extension.
Please help.
Sorry, couldn't comment due to profile limitations that's why posting it in the answer section.
You can contact your hosting provider and ask them to enable the extension for you. There is no way to enable it by yourself in shared hosting.
Make sure your host provider added the extension file in their PHP config.
You can enable fileinfo extension from Cpanel,
Kindly Go to Software => Select PHP Version =>
enable the check box fileinfo to use fileinfo extension.
You should enable the following line in your php.ini and then restart your apache
Enabling mean just uncomment the line in your php.ini file
i.e: From this ;extension=php_fileinfo.dll to extension=php_fileinfo.dll
just remove (;) and save it then restart your apache.

Where is the /etc/nginx folder?

I'm getting a 413 Request Entity Too Large error when I try to upload a large image (~1MB) to my Laravel api. The solution everyone gives is to modify the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file, but I canĀ“t seem to be able to find that file. Where is it exactly located? I'm using Windows 10 and Laravel 6.8.
There is no /etc/nginx/ directory on windows because this is a path in Linux operating system, in windows you either have installed XAMP or WAMP for both of them you need to increase upload_max_filesize and post_max_size in your php.ini file, follow this Article to change php.ini for XAMP and it's very similar to WAMP
"/etc/nginx" is for linux. In Windows maybe you are using Xampp (which uses Apache instead Nginx). You may not even be using Apache because you probably run the application with php artisan serve. I recommend you check php settings in for c:\xampp\php\php.ini (edit upload_max_filesize and post_max_size directives)
More info:

Laravel ! QueryException: could not find driver (SQL: select * from student). What does this driver refer to?

I put Laravel file in xammp/htdocs and I want to connect to Postgresql, but I still got the error that the drive could not find. Do I need to find a driver or another thing wrong in my Laravel file?
Open your php.ini: to verify what file is loaded: terminal: php --init
Uncomment the line with PDO.
Restart server

Where does MAMP keep its php.ini?

I have recently got a mac an am not used to developing on a mac at all.
I have MAMP Pro I did a locate on php.ini and got this:
$ locate php.ini
/Library/Application Support/appsolute/MAMP PRO/conf/php.ini
I changed the name of all of them. Restarted MAMP. It loaded without a hitch (I know odd right?). I am using PHP version 5.2.
All of these files are now different names (done one by one for process of elimination).
So I figure restart the mac. Same, MAMP loaded no problems, even though all of the php.ini files had been move. On Lamp this that wouldn't even load. But either there is another php.ini file I'm missing (quite possible I don't know how to updatedb), MAMP is really intelligent and just pulls in all of them (less likely) or it doesn't use one.
Note: If this doesn't help, check below for Ricardo Martins' answer.
Create a PHP script with <?php phpinfo() ?> in it, run that from your browser, and look for the value Loaded Configuration File. This tells you which php.ini file PHP is using in the context of the web server.
I'm not sure if in MAMP (non-PRO) is the same, but MAMP overrides the modified php.ini everytime it starts.
In my case, I needed to use the MAMP menu to change my php.ini file (File -> Edit Template -> PHP -> PHP 5.xx -> php.ini).
To be clearer (as i read this thread but didn't SEE the solution, also if it was here!), I have the same problem and found the cause: I were modifying the wrong php.ini!
Yes, there are 2 php.ini files in MAMP:
The right php.ini file is the second: Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.10/conf/php.ini
To prove this, create a .php file (call it as you like, for example "info.php") and put into it a simple phpinfo()
echo phpinfo();
Open it in your browser and search for "Loaded Configuration File": mine is "/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.10/conf/php.ini"
The error was here; i edited Applications/MAMP/conf/php5.5.10/php.ini but this is the wrong file to modify! Infact, the right php.ini file is the one in the bin directory.
Take care of this so small difference that caused me literally 1 and a half hours of headaches!
The file you have to edit is in MAMP Pro and uses the php.ini file everytime it starts up.
Edit File > Edit Templates > PHP 5.3.2 php.ini
Restart MAMP Pro
Your changes should stick.
I don't know if you ever found an answer to this but I DIDN'T need MAMP PRO to do this. Simply goto the correct path by following what others have said. It's something like...
MAMP-> bin-> php-> php(your php version)-> conf-> php.ini
The key here is where you're editing the file. I was making the mistake of editing the commented part of the ini file. You actually have to scroll down to LINE #472 where it says "display_errors = Off and change it to On. Hope this helps any
Just run the following command from your terminal, it will show you your Loaded Configuration File easiest way I have ever found.
php --ini
Change /Applications/MAMP/conf/php5.2/php.ini if you are using 5.2 version of php. If you are using the 5.3 php version, edit the /Applications/MAMP/conf/php5.3/php.ini.
If you are using OSX Lion or OSX Mountain Lion, I recommend you using the default installation of apache and php.
After running the MAMP server, you have php info link in toolbar
Once click, You will get all information about php
Probably the fastest way to access the PHP.ini for the currently loaded version of PHP in MAMP PRO (v.4.2.1):
Open MAMP Pro
Click on "PHP" under the "Languages" section on the sidebar
Tap on the arrow button right next to the drop-down that lets you select the "Default Version" of PHP.
It depends on which version of PHP your MAMP is using. You can find it out on: /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/httpd.conf looking for the configured php5_module.
After that, as someone said before, you have to go to the bin folder. There you'll find a conf folder with a php.ini inside.
example: /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.4.10/conf
After going through all the solutions here, the easiest way to find the loaded php.ini file is to go into phpinfo on the loaded MAMP webpage, which will show you the loaded php.ini file.
This will also confirm if the parameters you change, like max_file_size, have updated correctly.
On my Mac, running MAMP I have a few locations that would be the likely php.ini, so I edited the memory_limit to different values in the 2 suspected files, to test which one effected the actual MAMP PHP INFO page details.
By doing that I was able to determine that this was the correct php.ini:
I only have the non-pro version of MAMP but just because it loads it doesn't mean the PHP file is being found/without errors.
I renamed my php.ini files and MAMP still started but Apache returned several errors.
What are you trying to change in your php.ini file?
I have checked all answers and of course I have used phpinfo() to check the exact location of php.ini. I don't see a File option in the menu bar on my mac. I changed both php.ini and php.ini.temp files in that folder. No vail.
Until I realized that I forgot to uncomment the modified always_populate_raw_post_data line.
I was struggling with this too. My changes weren't being reflected in phpInfo. It wasn't until I stopped my servers and then restarted them again that my changes actually took effect.

Location of php.ini?

I have to increase my memory limit, but there is no php.ini anywhere on my server.
When I query php_info(), it says it's in a folder called web/conf, but there is no such folder on my server. I looked in every folder.
Run the script:
<? phpinfo() ?>
And you'll see the path under the "Loaded Configuration File" value/row.
Try to do a
find / -name "php.ini"
to locate your php.ini. If you have php installed, it will be there. If not, reinstall php.
If you don't have access to your php.ini file you can always set a configuration option at runtime with ini_set()
You can (re)install PHP by downloading this package and you can see a full tutorial over
here. Goodluck!
I found this here:PHP.ini location
