I have a template which uses a keystore. locally, i just point it to my folder and it works. On the cloud, it doesnt seem to be working. i placed the keystore (jks) object under home/ec2-user/FUTBIN.jks . i did chmod777 on home , home/ec2-user and home/ec2-user/FUTBIN.jks .
I also placed the keystore on AWS S3 which has the same symptoms. Uploading the sql JDBC driver on S3 works without any problem
Please find screenshot attached of nifi controller config and error

When you are running NiFi on a Linux file system, I believe you need a leading slash ('/') to indicate an absolute path from the root of the file system, like /home/ec2-user/FUTBIN.jks. Without the leading slash for the root, it is interpreted relative to the NiFi process directory.

Changing directory to /opt/ worked correctly.


Where to put Apex static files?

I'm installing Apex.
The installation went correctly but when browsing : http://localhost:8080/apex i'm getting the error :
There is a problem with your environment because the Application Express files have not been loaded. Please verify that you have copied the images directory to your application server as instructed in the Installation Guide. In addition, please verify that your image prefix path is correct. Your current path is /i/ (it should contain both starting and ending forward slashes, such as the default /i/). Use the SQL script reset_image_prefix.sql if you need to change it.
I don't know where I have to physically put the images folder.
Apex images are physically stored in the folder : C:\Apex\apex\images
When I run reset_image_prefix.sql and specify the same folder C:\Apex\apex\images, it's still not working and I get the error : Your current path is C:/Apex/apex/images/ (it should contain both starting and ending forward slashes, such as the default /i/). Use the SQL script reset_image_prefix.sql if you need to change it.
Can anyone help please ?
Here is the answer :
in file of ORDS configuration, there is a line that specifies the physical path of files :

Get actual project directory of Gitlab

I'll straight to my point. I have an machine which installed gitlab and nginx, and I have an fresh laravel project that already has commited, but I need to access the source code of "public" directory of laravel for my nginx. how to get source code of public directory, so I can put into line "root path" in files "sites-enabled" nginx, so nginx can access those files ?
The GitLab API doesn't expose the filesystem location directly so you need to stitch the url together.
To get the entry point of all your repositories check you GitLab configuration. (Normally /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb). Find the key gitlab_git_http_server['repo_root'].
In there you will see folders which represent your namespaces in these folders are your project.

YAML exception: unacceptable character '' (0x0)

This error appears on Elastic Beanstalk after uploading (with a zip) a new version to Elastic Beanstalk! with a file .ebextensions/singlehttps.config that sets the https for a single instance server.
If you're doing the Amazon AWS workshop LAB:
ie. Upload and Deploying your Elastic Beanstalk app
and getting this PROBLEM error:
*ERROR Failed to deploy application.
*ERROR The configuration file __MACOSX/.ebextensions/._setup.config in application version 1.1.0 contains invalid YAML or JSON. YAML exception: Invalid Yaml: unacceptable character '' (0x0) special characters are not allowed in "", position 0, JSON exception: Invalid JSON: Unexpected character () at position 0.. Update the configuration file.
*INFO Environment update is starting.
This is because MACOS includes some extra hidden folders which you need to exclude from your ZIP file. To do this, run this command in terminal on your zip:
$ zip -d __MACOSX/\*
Now re-upload, and you should get a success message:
INFO Environment update completed successfully.
INFO New application version was deployed to running EC2 instances.
Hope this solved your issue!
The reason for this problem in the Elastic Beanstalk system was in fact in the zip that is created in the Mac osx platform.
if you upload the new version with eb deploy command and not by zipping the application, then the problem doesn't appear!
Hope this helps someone, as it has been troubling me for so long!!
When you zip folders on MACOSX, it will add its own hidden files in there alongside yours.
If you want to make a zip without those invisible Mac resource files such as “_MACOSX” or “._Filename” and .ds store files, use the “-X” option in the zip command
$ zip -r -X folder_to_compress
If this is a pre-existing zip file, you can use the command others here have mentioned
$ zip -d __MACOSX/\*
Work around on Mac
Since it opens up the zip file and when you compress it, Elastic Beanstalk gives the error mentioned above. If you run command in previous comments to remove MACOSX related stuff, it still gave me an error about one of the files not found.
Workaround is that before doing the download, rename the zip file to some other extension and change to zip once its on the Mac.
When you upload this file to Elastic Beanstalk, it will work fine.

how do I change the location of the httpd.conf for Apache on windows?

I am working on setting up a load balancing cluster on windows server 2012 and have a shared drive where I want the configuration files for Apache to exist at. This way each member of the LB can load the exact same config files. How do I change where the config file is located independently of where the ServerRoot is?
Start the Apache process with the -d parameter and give your alternative ServerRoot as an argument, though I'd imagine it would be a much better idea for you to use some mechanism to sync the files locally to each server.
Also read, as it's advised if you're running from a networked file system.
If you just want to specify the main config file, start the process with the -f parameter and the path to the config file as an argument.

Using NGINX server to deploy a Meteor App from Amazon Linux AMI 2013.09.2 instance receive Module Error

I am attempting to deploy my first web application (a version of Telescope from the MeteorJS framework) via Heroku to a custom subdomain from a Amazon Linux AMI 2013.09.2 instance. I am following along with this tutorial - - but once I attempt to run Telescope using PORT=3000 MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:3000/Telescope ROOT_URL= node client/main.js, I receive this error message: Error: Cannot find module '/home/ec2-user/bundle/programs/server/node_modules/fibers/client/main.js'
What I have attempted to do to solve this problem is performed cp || mv on the file main.js which is originally located in the ~/Telescope/client directory over to /home/ec2-user/bundle/programs/server directory and even '/home/ec2-user/bundle/programs/server/node_modules/fibers but I cannot seem to separate main.js from the /client directory. I am not sure if that is the issue or if there is some other underlying problem but I want to find a work around to using a proxy server at this point. I thought that moving the main.js file out of the /client directory was sufficient but apparently not. I am not sure it is imperative for my purposes to continue attempting to use a proxy but if there is a fix, I would not mind learning about it.
Or if any one could direct me on how this - - could be a potential work-around to using an NGINX server proxy your help would be much appreciated.
You are getting the error because you are not running the command from your home folder.
You were at bundle/programs/server/node_modules/fibers.
Either use absolute path for client/main.js, or cd to ~
MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:3000/Telescope ROOT_URL= node client/main.js
PS: It will be helpful for others if you asked the question on the post itself, instead of here
