Where to put Apex static files? - oracle

I'm installing Apex.
The installation went correctly but when browsing : http://localhost:8080/apex i'm getting the error :
There is a problem with your environment because the Application Express files have not been loaded. Please verify that you have copied the images directory to your application server as instructed in the Installation Guide. In addition, please verify that your image prefix path is correct. Your current path is /i/ (it should contain both starting and ending forward slashes, such as the default /i/). Use the SQL script reset_image_prefix.sql if you need to change it.
I don't know where I have to physically put the images folder.
Apex images are physically stored in the folder : C:\Apex\apex\images
When I run reset_image_prefix.sql and specify the same folder C:\Apex\apex\images, it's still not working and I get the error : Your current path is C:/Apex/apex/images/ (it should contain both starting and ending forward slashes, such as the default /i/). Use the SQL script reset_image_prefix.sql if you need to change it.
Can anyone help please ?

Here is the answer :
in standalone.properties file of ORDS configuration, there is a line that specifies the physical path of files :


how to customize login page for shibboleth idp

I would like to customize the login page and I'm trying to follow the shibboleth wiki, but I'm not sure where to find " src/main/webapp/login.jsp within your IdP distribution package" in order to modify it. My shibboleth resides in /opt/shibboleth-idp, but I don't have a src folder in there. Any help would be appreciated.
For IdP version 3, you can customize by changing the files in the "views" directory. These are Apache Velocity templates, and you can make changes that become active without having to rebuild the war file.
(sorry this is two months late, but...)
the files for login are not stored inside your shibboleth-idp directory. (well, they're sorta in there...rolled into the java war file.)
somewhere, there should be a directory that was used to build your shibboleth-idp instance. many times i've seen it in the same folder as the shibboleth-idp folder, but it doesn't have to be. so since yours is /opt/shibboleth-idp, it might be at /opt/shibboleth-identityprovider-version.number. if not, use the find command as already suggested, but maybe try something like
find / -name 'shibboleth-identityprovider*' -ls 2>/dev/null
unless someone built it off-box, that folder should exist somewhere. inside there is the src directory where login.jsp resides.
the install script the shib doc tells you to run after making your changes is at the top level of that shibboleth-identityprovider-version.number folder too (install.sh for unix). when you run the install script, you tell it where to put the idp files (in your case, /opt/shibboleth-idp).
also, before running the install script, it's a good idea to back up your conf directory. you might accidentally tell the install script to overwrite it. or it might do it even if you told it not to (bug in some versions).
I recommend starting with the Linux find command:
find /opt/shibboleth-idp/ -name login.jsp

WKHTMLTOPDF and "Error: Unable to create temporery file"

I've written a piece of code in PHP to generate PDF using WKHTMLTOPDF binary file. It was working fine till I had to recompile my Apache. Now it fails with error Error: Unable to create temporery file (this is the exact wording).
The situation in which the error is reproducible is a little complicated. I managed to narrow down the error and now I'm pretty sure that the error happens because of the user that Apache runs as. It seems to me that when WKTHMLTOPDF is running as a user with no home folder, it's unable to access a temporary folder within the user's home folder.
Surely I can change the Apache's user but I would rather resolve this problem once and for all. To this end it would be great if I could somehow set the temp folder for WKHTMLTOPDF or at least print its current value to make it valid! Does anyone know how to do any of these two?
BTW, I'm using WKHTMLTOPDF 0.11.0 rc1.
I saw the same error today in Rails4 + pdfkit gem(0.8.2) + wkhtmltopdf( under CentOS 6.7.
This error came from wkhtmltopdf and the reason was it couldn't create temporary file. wkhtmltopdf depends on some temporary filename creation API (I'm not sure), but probably following shows some hints:
$ man tempfile
$ man tempnam
In my case, my TMPDIR environment variable showed wrong path (I had accidentaly deleted the directory!) so that wkhtmltopdf couldn't create work file.
When I unset TMPDIR, then it worked! Of course, setting correct existence directory to TMPDIR should be OK too.

Getting Obstructing Warning with .pbx workspace file svn local copy.

I am working with svn server to upload my updated file to server. But at last when i upload latest copy to server at that time i get Obstructing warning in my below given Xcode project file. I dont know what to do for this please help me to get it out.
Following is my file which is giving me Obstructing warning.
When i search this file in finder it give me location of xproject workspace.path as below:
I can't understand how to remove this warning. I can't remove project and upload fresh copy because it is on client server.
So, If it possible please help me to solve it manually without deleting project.
I have solved this by replacing all required files from my back up.You can get above file from .pbx extract your project file with show in package content and replace it.It's work for me fine.

squirrel sql client settings folder location

I installed the squirrel client 3.4.0 on my windows 7 64 bit machine.
I see a squirrel client settings folder
created in:
Is there any way I can specify the folder location to be in my squirrel install location i.e.
The reason I want to do this is to make my squirrel set up easily movable between machines; I could just take the dump of the application and I will be ready to go on any machine.
Also is there a Squirrel-sql distribution that does not do the installation; but rather just a simple zip file that I can unzip to any location and start working?
About the local settings directory of SQuirreL:
SQuirrel SQL is an application written in Java and it uses the Java System Property user.home to store the local configuration files. Per default, this Java Property points to the home directory of the user. You can change this by the following steps:
Open squirrel-sql.bat in a text editor and navigate to the end of the file. One of the last lines should start with "start "SQuirreL SQL Client" - you have to change this line. Add -Duser.home=PathToStoreTheSquirrelConfigDir just after the -Xmx argument and ensure, that the new Argument is separated by a space from the others.
Here an example:
-Xmx256m -Duser.home=C:/temp -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true
Note, that I use the slash and not a back-slash!
Now you can move the existing .squirrel-sql directory to the new place.
e.g C:\temp\.squirrel-sql
Now, if you start SQuirreL SQL, it will use the new storage location. You can verify this in the global properties of SQuirrel (see the section SQuirreL paths)
About the installer version of SQuirreL:
SQuirreL SQL also offers a plain zip instead of a installer version. Here is the link to the latest stable version
SQuirreL is offering 3 packages (base, standard, optional). The difference between them are the packaged plugins. I use the optional package - but the standard package is also fine.
You can use the Squirrel-Parameter --user-settings-dir, but unlinke the other answer with -Duser.home you have to use the actual Squirrel-Settings-Directory, e.g. the one with all the xml-Settings files and the folders logs and plugins.
You can use that parameter on the .jar / main-class directly, but also on the squirrel-sql.bat or squirrel-sql.sh file, so you don't need to edit those.
C:\dev\squirrel-sql\squirrel-sql-3.9.0\squirrel-sql.bat --user-settings-dir=C:\dev\squirrel-sql\squirrel-sql-settings
This is from the Squirrel-Manual, strangly enough, i couldn't find an online-source for it (only an outdated one), buts inside the squirrel installation folder, e.g. squirrel-sql-3.9.0/doc/quick_start.html
On Windows you can make whole settings directory portable using argument --user-settings-dir "%CD%\settings" in the link to .bat file.
Thus in the Target of your link you will get something like this:
"C:\...\squirrelsql\squirrel-sql.bat" --user-settings-dir "%CD%\settings"

Error during installation of Joomla extension

I'm trying to install the Jumi extension in my Joomla 1.5.22 installation. I've downloaded the zip from Jumis homepage, , and followed this guide, but it gives me this error:
JFolder::create: Could not create directory
Warning! Failed to move file.
Under Help->System info->Directory Permissions all directories have "writable" in green except .../logs and .../tmp. I've checked in my ftp client and they both have access rights 777 (what should they really have?) so they should be writable but they are still marked Unwritable.
How do I make them writable?
The Directory Permissions listing will only tell you if the permissions are set properly, it does not necessarily mean that the extension install will work. Assuming that your temp directory path is correct, the next place to look is the FTP layer. If your server is not set up to run PHP in CGI mode, then you have to enable the FTP layer so that Joomla can write to the file system.
Also, UPDATE YOUR SOFTWARE! Joomla 1.5.9 is almost 2 years old!! You need to update to 1.5.22 ASAP. I would actually do that before messing with this error, it's entirely possible you are dealing with an old bug that has since been squashed.
I think the path to your Joomla website is incorrect
Check Global Configuration
1) System tab : Make sure the "Path to Log folder" is correct
2) Server tab : Make sure the "Path to Temp-folder" is correct
3) Server tab : Make sure the "FTP Settings" are correct
