Non-submit button in oTree - form-submit

I have a form made of buttons and a submit button. I want to submit only from the submit button.
I tried to use button type="button", but when I try to submit I get a "This field is required" error. How can I accomplish this?

Have you tried to set the Blank = True in for the fields that do not submit?


show a button on the same page after submitting another button

I want a button to appear on index.blade after another button is clicked on the same page.the second button returns results in index.blade too and i want to show the new button after these results come back.
what's the easiest way to do it in Laravel.
sorry I'm a beginner.

How can i get data from database for dropdownlist in Form in Laravel using laravel collectives?

I have used usual dropdown list and it's not worked,
when i click the submit button for all the data in the form except drop down value were sent to can i fix it??
Your <select> is missing a name="foo" attribute.
A form will only submit elements with a name as part of the request.

Oracle Apex add text to same page field after submit page button clicked?

I'm having a stressful issue with Oracle Apex. After pressing submit on a button (which is set to submit page) I would like validations to occur and then after that a message to appear as text into a display only text field. So when the page submits and "refreshes" the fields are cleared and the display only field := 'successful addition' or whatever. However, the page submits successfully but the after submit process to add the text into the display only field doesn't work. Do you guys know a way around this?
One aproach is to set the source of your DISPLAY_ONLY item to be your TEXT_FIELD item.
For more sophisticated solutions you can use Branch or Process.
For example: my TEXT_FIELD is named: P10_SOURCE
Thank you, all.
I've solved it by altering the sequence of validations and processes.

dojo validation textbox error display

I have dojo Vaslidation textbox with required set to "true". But when I hit the submit button and submit the form,the form is prevented from submitting, but doesnot display error messages either.
But when I click the textbox, it is highlighted to red and show the message.
My requirement is, When i click on submit without entering data or invalid data, it should display the error message without having to click the input field.
How do I achieve this?
Setup an event (dojo/on) to listen for the form submit and return true/false. See example here:

jquery validation invalidHandler

I am using jquery validation for my form and i have set an invalidHandler that show an error on the top of form and scroll to that message.
I am trying to hide that message when field validation is success but i can not find anything in validate() option that will help me.
(not when user click submit.For example if i have one textbox on the form and click submit i display the message, when the user write something to textbox and it pass the validation i want to hide the message without the user click submit)
Maybe i can count the number of errors on success but i dont know how.
if you give your error at the top of your form an id of 'foo',
<div id="foo">error here</div>
and set the errorContainer option, then when the form is valid again the element #foo will disappear
errorContainer: "#foo"
note the element #foo must be within the form
