jquery validation invalidHandler - jquery-validate

I am using jquery validation for my form and i have set an invalidHandler that show an error on the top of form and scroll to that message.
I am trying to hide that message when field validation is success but i can not find anything in validate() option that will help me.
(not when user click submit.For example if i have one textbox on the form and click submit i display the message, when the user write something to textbox and it pass the validation i want to hide the message without the user click submit)
Maybe i can count the number of errors on success but i dont know how.

if you give your error at the top of your form an id of 'foo',
<div id="foo">error here</div>
and set the errorContainer option, then when the form is valid again the element #foo will disappear
errorContainer: "#foo"
note the element #foo must be within the form


dojo validation textbox error display

I have dojo Vaslidation textbox with required set to "true". But when I hit the submit button and submit the form,the form is prevented from submitting, but doesnot display error messages either.
But when I click the textbox, it is highlighted to red and show the message.
My requirement is, When i click on submit without entering data or invalid data, it should display the error message without having to click the input field.
How do I achieve this?
Setup an event (dojo/on) to listen for the form submit and return true/false. See example here: http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.10/dijit/form/Form.html#validate

JSF validate dialog form

I have a dialog form popup when I click one button, this form is used to create a new school record with just one field.
I have add required validation to this only input field, and everything works fine, but the only thing I don't know how to do is when I click submit, whatever form validate or not, the dialog will dismiss by following code:
// Dismiss the dialog
before the dialog close, I should put the form validation check (something like the return from validation class), how I can do this in javascript? I'm using JSF 2.1 implementation.
Btw, I don't want to use client side validation, because not only required validation needed for this field.
Thanks. ;)
If I got you right you want to keep dialog open in case of validation errors?
Than you can add the following code somewhere in your page
<h:panelGroup id="global_flag_validation_failed_render">
<h:outputText id="global_flag_validation_failed" value="true" rendered="#{facesContext.validationFailed}"/>
And upon clicking your submit button render the above block like this:
<f:ajax onevent="closeMyDialogIfAllOk" render="#form global_flag_validation_failed_render"></f:ajax>
and in your js code
function closeMyDialogIfAllOk(data){
if(data.status === 'success') {
if($("#global_flag_validation_failed").length === 0){
For more info take a look over here: How to find indication of a Validation error (required=“true”) while doing ajax command

KnockoutJS validation plugin on viewmodel components

My viewmodel has a ko.observable members that store dialog state objects. Each dialog object has all sorts of members corresponding to input fields in a dialog. I would like to add validation to the dialogs using the KnockoutJS validation plugin.
I don't, however, want to add validation to my entire view model, but rather just to my dialogs. When I tried extending the dialogs like this:
this.dialog = ko.observable(new RegistrationDialog(self)).extend({validatable: true});
things didn't work right: the isValid() and errors() methods were not defined, and validation wasn't working properly. I've created a jsfiddle to illustrate this. When I press the start button, the dialog opens (pardon the lack of CSS), but pressing enter doesn't generate any error messages. email validation also fails to work, showing the message 'true is not a proper email address.'
I would go with the documentation:
this.dialog = ko.validatedObservable(new RegistrationDialog(this));
Then fix some bugs in your fiddle:
click handler on the form (instead of submit, I assume)
on the register button you have enable: isValid which should be enable: isValid() (I also removed the click binding because of fixing the form submit binding)
I think that was it. Updated fiddle here
Here is a working version:
I added an errors group inside and check it before allowing your register method to succeed, otherwise I show the errors.

MVC3 Restricting validation to the submitted form only

I have a view with two forms on it. Each form is marked like this:
Html.BeginForm("Details", "Forum", new { page = Model.PagedList.CurrentPage }, FormMethod.Post)
And each form has its own input button (type="button").
My problem is, when I click the button for one of the forms, the validation errors for the other form are added to the ModelState, so ModelState.IsValid == false.
How can I limit the scope of the validation to just the form I am clicking a button on?
Use Shared View instead to control your validations on different form.

MVC 3 Form validation

I have an app that is using standard out of the box form validation so when a user clicks the submit buttons and there are required fields not filled in, the validation message pops up next to the empty field. This is great, however, because our form is quite long we also like to display the same error messages at the top of the page in a bulleted list or something. Is there a quick way to do that? I can't seem to find where the validation is getting triggered in the jquery code to add new code to it. Anyone have any suggestions?
I figured out a way to do this that was quite simple. I just put a div at the top of the page and put all the #Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.Email) for every field in that div. This way they show up in both places.
