convert: not authorized `tieps' # error/constitute.c/ReadImage/412 - imagemagick-convert

I want to create a png by use convert from ImageMagick. After issuing the command:
convert tes.eps tes.png
i got the following error:
convert: not authorized `tieps' # error/constitute.c/ReadImage/412.
I have already visited the previous stack overflow question here:enter link description here and changed line
<policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="EPS" />
<policy domain="coder" rights="read|write" pattern="EPS" />
it doesn't work. I can create a eps by convert timg.png ti1.eps. However it still have the same error for convert tes.eps tes.png .

You wrote that you changed the original line to an other but if however you did comment the old line and wrote the new line remember to use comment style
<!-- the_commented_command -->
Using # character for starting a comment won't work in the policy file


Pandoc: [WARNING] Could not convert TeX math

I tried to convert html to docx by using Pandoc:
here is my html code:
<p> Example: ${v_1} = {\rm{ }}{v_2}$</p>
with MathJax config in head:
extensions: ["tex2jax.js", "TeX/AMSmath.js", "TeX/AMSsymbols.js"],
jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"],
tex2jax: {
inlineMath: [['$', '$'], ["\(", "\)"]],
displayMath: [['$$', '$$'], ["\[", "\]"]],
"HTML-CSS": {availableFonts: ["TeX"]}
Pandoc command that i used (Pandoc version
pandoc -s test.html --mathjax -f html+tex_math_dollars --pdf-engine=xelatex -o xxx.docx
then i got a warning:
[WARNING] Could not convert TeX math '{v_1} = {\rm{ }}{v_2}', rendering as TeX:
{v_1} = {\rm{ }}{v_2}
unexpected "{"
expecting "%", "\\label", "\\nonumber" or whitespace
Someone please tell me how to fix this. Thanks!
Use the LaTeX \textrm instead of the plain tex \rm, and pandoc will be able to handle it.
Since 7k users have viewed this question since it was asked... perhaps others have made the same mistake I made as a novice RStudio user.
The first comment in both the and the README.Rmd file is
<!-- is generated from README.Rmd. Please edit that file -->
The intended meaning is (at least arguably) apparent if you pay sufficient attention to the this/that relative pronouns!
<!-- You should edit the README.Rmd file, not the file -->
To repair the damage... I'm currently trying the suggestion to use an explicit devtools::build_readme() which I found in RStudio README.Rmd and should be both staged use 'git commit --no-verify' to override this check
No luck yet ... but I feel like I'm (finally!) making forward progress on getting $\sqrt{x}$ to display properly in my github README!

Displaying Metarunner parameters for build steps

I've created a metarunner in TeamCity, but I can't figure out how to display information from it on the list of build steps, which leads to several identical rows. Other (built-in) runners have the ability to display some basic information to help clarify what the step is doing. For example, in the image below, I have:
A metarunner with no description
The built-in Command Line task, with a "Command" displayed
Five instances of the same metarunner with different parameters, which all look the same.
The built-in SMB Upload task, with a "Target SMB share" displayed
One parameter from the "Copy config" metarunner looks like:
<param name="FileName" spec="text display='normal' label='File Name' description='Name of the file to be copied'" />
Is this something that can be edited via the metarunner XML? Or is this a feature that's only available to built-in runners?
I see parameters/param tags before the build-runners/runner section containing parameters/param (the latter being inputs to the wrapped runner, I guess). The former allow editable inputs. I am new so I feel uncomfortable with the multiple inheritance. I would rather see the parameters configuration from the runner to show up in the Parameters section of the build. I would also prefer if the runner could configure the artifact mapping as well. So far I am going to configure parameters in the root project separately from my custom runner. I did not look at custom plugins.
I figured I do not have to HTML-escape special characters in the runner's custom script, I could use the CDATA marker-wrapped clear text of the script as the param tag's text.
<runner name="Run my runner" type="simpleRunner">
<param name="use.custom.script" value="true" />
<param name="script.content"><![CDATA[#echo on
if not exist %env.CYGBINSLASH%python2.7.exe (
powershell "$r = New-Object System.Net.WebClient; $r.DownloadFile('%env.scriptweb%fixcygwin.bat', 'fixcygwin.bat')"
call fixcygwin.bat /f
) 1>&2
#rem CMD.EXE would destroy leading double quotes in continuation lines, so sticking white space.
%env.CYGBINSLASH%bash -exc '^
if [[ "${my_param}" != "true" ]] ; then ^
exit; ^
fi; ^
/usr/bin/curl -o "${MY_SCRIPT}"; ^
source "PROJ_%Project%" "%Project%/%Project%.csproj"; ^
' 1>&2]]></param>
<param name="teamcity.step.mode" value="default" />

Umlauts in filenames are truncated (are shown as question marks)

On one of our ColdFusion 10 enterprise / CentOS 6.5 servers umlauts in filenames are saved as ?.
For example:
<CFSET VARIABLES.umlauts = "ümläüté" />
<CFSET VARIABLES.filename = createUUID() & "-" & VARIABLES.umlauts & ".txt" />
<CFFILE action="write" output="#VARIABLES.umlauts#" file="#expandpath("./" & VARIABLES.filename)#" />
<CFOUTPUT>#VARIABLES.filename#</CFOUTPUT> <!--- outputs something like: A9C9BC8C-983A-5EA6-A4ED411BA0E63C72-ümläüté.txt --->
writes a file called A8B49720-020A-2500-605F4CC73129D07C-?ml??t?.txt to disk. The content of the file is like expected "ümläüté".
Manual creating files with umlauts in filename is no problem (e.g. touch äöüß.txt works like expected).
More details of server:
Java Version: 1.6.0_29
Tomcat Version:
Java File Encoding: UTF8
$ cat /etc/sysconfig/i18n
$ locale
Any ideas what could cause this behaviour?
I'll put it out as an answer for more clear visibility.
A user of Open Blue Dragon (an alternative CFML Engine) was having exactly the same issue.
If I try to upload a file with, for example, the filename "testätest.pdf", then I have the following situation:
The file, OpenBD stores to my filesystem, is named: test?test.pdf
The filename, reported via #cffile.ServerFile# is: testätest.pdf
He later came back with this answer
It seems like this has been resolved by setting "LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8". It seems to be a tomcat problem that it sets question marks for special characters if the charset is unknown.
Or, in the OP's case, to set LC_All to "de_DE.UTF-8" perhaps.
Source: Issue 516: Special characters (like german "Umlauts") in filenames of uploaded files are replaced with "?"

Change some fields in a file

I need to analyses a file and change some fields.
<taskdef uri="xxxxxx" resource="/mnt/data/yyy.xml">
<classpath path="/mnt/data/test.jar"/>
<target name="test"
description="this is a xml file">
<fileset dir="/tmp/data/output/test_1/" includes=all/>
In my case I need to find this part:
<fileset dir="/tmp/data/output/test_1/" includes=all/>
and change just the name (for example) test_1
At the end, save the file
In your comment you say you "cannot use libraries like Nogokiri to parse the file". So I can only guess you're not doing full XML parsing.
Assuming you do not have to parse XML you could just use Ruby's String.replace method on the line in question. Just iterate over the lines in the file until you get to the one in quesion and call replace. Here's some pseudocode.
open file
for each line
is this what I want to change
change line
save (new) file

Bro IDS Signature file error

I am trying to run bro in my bash terminal. I have got a duplicate local.bro file which i renamed as localv2.bro, and put it in my working directory /home/bibin, so its not in default path. I am just trying to do a simple signature match, therefore i have created a signature.sig file in the directory. In my localv2.bro file i have tried using both ways:
#load-sigs ./signature
redef signature_files += "signature.sig
The signature.sig file has the signature my-first-sig example from site.
In the terminal when i try to execute this command:
bro -r traffic.pcap localv2.bro
I get an error message saying:
line 27: unrecognized character -
I have also tried doing it in a different route:
bro -r traffic.pcap -s signature.sig
This also gives me the same unrecognized character error.
Am i doing something wrong, please can you guide me to a solution ?
