React/Redux form submission - ajax

In my application, I am using actions to do all of my ajax calls. When the results come back, it dispatches them to the reducer, which then puts it in the store. My component is bound to the property and will then be able to get it from the store.
However, I am having an issue trying to figure out the best way to do form submissions. From a listing page, a user can click on a link from any row to open a modal. This modal has a form in it. When the form is filled out, it will then pass the data along to an action, which will submit it. The only response from a valid submission is a HTTP 200.
Without using callbacks, how would the modal know that the ajax call is complete, so it can close itself? As of now, I have a flag in the store called form.processing. This is default to false, and the action will set it to true when it begins and false when its done. The component watches this and then knows when it goes from true to false and knows everything is done. However, I feel like there should be a better way.
Or should I be using callback in forms, even though we don't follow that process for any other ajax call?

Here are following pseudo code can help you:
constructor () {
this.state = {
disaplyModalPopup: false;
handleSubmit = () => {
this.setState({disaplyModalPopup: true})
let payLoad = { 'Key':this.state.something }
this.props.hitAPI(payLoad).then((res) => {
if ( {
'disaplyModalPopup': false
'disaplyModalPopup': true,
'errorMessage': 'something wend wrong'
rendor (){
let errorMessage = {this.state.errorMessage}
let disaplyModalPopup = {this.state.disaplyModalPopup}
return (
{disaplyModalPopup ? <modal> </modal> : ''}
{ errorMessage? 'errorMessage': ''}
Here I have handled your modalPopup with disaplyModalPopup state.
And After get in the response saved in reducer, it is changes as {disaplyModalPopup: false}
And modalPopUp HTML will disappear.
But in case your API get in failed while making response.
So that case: i have handle as error message in as text
errorMessage where you can show your error message. So that Modal is closed side by side.


Inertia: Reload page with updated data without modifying scroll position

I'm using Inertia/Laravel/VueJs. I have a page with many posts and each post can be marked as completed. When a post is marked as completed on the front-end I have a v-bind which toggles a CSS class which should be applied to completed tasks.
The behaviour I would like is: a user scrolls down a page, clicks the completed button, and the back-end sends that newly updated data to the front-end, making the v-bind true, causing the CSS class to be applied without jumping to the top of the page.
With the code below I can click the completed button, and it is updated in the database, but that new data isn't sent to the front-end.
public function markAsCompleted(Request $request)
$post = Post::find($request->id);
$post->completed = true;
return Redirect::route('posts');
Javascript function called at click of completed button:
completed(id) {
this.completedForm.put(`/endpoint/completed/${id}`, {
preserveScroll: true
If I change the Javascript function to:
completed(id) {
this.completedForm.put(`/endpoint/completed/${id}`, {
preserveScroll: true,
onSuccess: () => {
In this case, the new data is returned to the front-end with the post being marked as completed, but the preserveScroll doesn't work, and jumps the user to the top of the page.
Any ideas on how to get my desired use case working? Users could have hundreds of posts so I can't have the page jump up to the top every time.
Thank you for any help!
To update your app while preserving the state:
Inertia.get('posts', params, {
preserveState: true,
One way, not the cleanest, but it is a solution. Just click "Completed Button" to send a request to the backend, and ONLY to check if the response is success, then update that task in frontend as complete. So you just update (add class) this element and you don't rerender whole DOM. Because, if you get success response, thats done in the backend for sure.

How to make sure page loads completely in cypress

I am working in cypress.
Steps to repro
I just visit the login page by cy.visit()-spinner is loading
passed the credentials using type-spinner is still loading
click on submit.-spinner is still loading
its throwing error .. why because the login page XHR calls didnt get completed thats why still we can see spinner loading in top and i tried to click the submit button before it gets loaded,may be because of poor network-telling invalid credentials.
I believe you have to wait for the XHR request to get completed and validate the page load or perform other actions.
Here is a sample,
// Wait for the route aliased as 'getAccount' to respond
cy.wait('#getAccount').then((xhr) => {
Here is a similar solution which I have previously given - Cypress:Is there any way to check invisibility of an element
You check if the button is present and then click on the button.If
describe('check if button present', function () {
it('check for button using CSS Selector', function () {
let found = false
let count=0
while (!found) {
const nonExistent = Cypress.$('.btn-selector')
if (!nonExistent.length) {
found = false
found = true
cy.log('Element not found after 60 seconds..Exit from loop!!!')
found = true

Ember RSVP promise stopped working

For some reason an RSVP promise I created in an action stopped working for me and I can't figure out what when wrong where to make it stop working.
I have a component that sends an action and waits for a response
callAjaxAction() {
Ember.RSVP.cast(this.attrs.action()).finally(() => {
left: 0
This particular instance of the component calls this action in the controller
placeBid() {
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise((resolve,reject) => {
if(this.get('winning')) {
this.get('notification')._confirm({message: "You are currently the highest bidder, would you like to continue with your bid?",isConfirm: true}).then(()=>{
return true;
return false;
} else {
This action is calling a confirm method on a service and waiting for the user to hit yes in the case of the user already winning this item. Otherwise I'm just calling the actual ajax action right away, that action looks like this
placeBidActual() {
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise((resolve,reject) => {
(do some stuff with the response)
}, (reason)=>{
(do something with rejection reason)
In the console I'm getting the error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined
On the line where it states this.send('placeBidActual')
Here is maybe a better explanation to the expected process flow.
The user attempts to place a bid, the user swipes a component over to indicate they wish to bid. The UI at this point shows a loading indicator and waits for the ajax action to complete before it resets the UI.
If the user is not already the highest bidder of the item it will go straight to the ajax action and upon completion signifies to the component to reset the UI.
However, if the user is the highest bidder of the item it should instead show a confirm message (using the notification service I have setup) and wait for the user to either confirm or deny. If they deny it just cancels and signifies to the component to reset the UI. If the user confirms then it calls the ajax action and upon completion signifies to the component to reset the UI.
Updated answer:
This isn't working because send doesn't return the value of the action.
I suggest moving the placeBidActual action to a method on the controller and call it like any normal method. This way you will get the return value and be able to call .then on it.
You should pass a function, whithout invoke it.
Instead this:
Ember.RSVP.cast(this.attrs.action()).finally(() =>
Try it:
Ember.RSVP.cast(this.attrs.action).finally(() =>
Invoking the funcion this.attrs.action() does it pass undefined for the Promise.

Validate (Bassistance) before sending to fancybox

I'm using the bassistance validation plugin and have a small script that catches the second submit-button (called preview) and sends the data via ajax to fancybox. I'ld like to validate the forms before they are send to fancybox. At the moment they're only validatet, if I send the forms via the submit-button. I tried in various ways (e.g. I put the call for validation directly after the if and so on) but couldn't get it work. Maybe there's a way to let validate know that it should also react, when the preview-button is hit?
My Code:
$(function() {
$('#myform *').tooltip();
$('#myform ').validate();
for (var i in CKEDITOR.instances){
var value = $(this).attr("id");
if (value == 'preview') {
type : "POST",
cache : false,
url : "../mypath/",
data : $('#myform').serializeArray(),
success : function(data) {
$.fancybox(data, {
'minWidth': '100%',
'minHeight': '100%',
return false;
If i'm not wrong, the Bassistance Validator plugin relies on the fact that if you SUBMIT a form, and the requirements are not met, the function returns a "false" on that submit, enabling you to visually see the errors made.
In your source code, you correctly initialized the Bassistance validator plugin at the very beginning of your code ( I assume you created the rules for it directly on the input fields for example minlength="2" required ) but there is a problem: there is no hook for the SUBMIT event of the submit button, but only for the CLICK event on that button.
There is a simple example on the Bassistance website that shows how you can use custom submit events for the plugin:
Basically, what you need to do is to insert the intelligent part of your code into
submitHandler: function(form) {
Here you can do the following:
1) Update the instances of CKEDITOR
2) Check if the submit is in the preview mode
3) If yes
- do your fancy stuff
- return false so that the real submit is not triggered
If not
- return true so that the real submit handler is evaluated by the browser and the POST is triggered

Can't get form to submit after successful AJAX validation with PHP and Prototype

I have forms on a site that are processed by PHP, including validation. Normally, if there's errors, the user is returned to the form with the appropriate error messages. For users with javascript enabled, I'm trying to write a javascript with Prototype that uses AJAX to do the same PHP validation (to avoid code duplication) and display the error messages without having to actually submit the form and wait for it to reload.
The script works very well at grabbing the errors via AJAX and displaying them. But, when there are no errors, I cannot get the form to submit and move forward to the next page. I've been working with Event.stopObserving, but it just reloads the page (which is not the form action url, the form submits to a different page than the form itself, so it's not the server sending the browser back). I'm not that good with javascript and Prototype, so I'm probably missing something obvious, but any help would be greatly appreciated. Anyway, here is my code:
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
$$('form')[0].observe('submit', validate);
function validate(event) {
// remove any existing error messages
var curErrors = $$('ul.error');
for( i=0, im=curErrors.length; i<im; i++ ) curErrors[i].remove();
parameters: { 'js' : 1 },
requestHeaders: {Accept: 'application/json'},
onSuccess: function(req) {
var errors = req.responseText;
if( errors == '[]' ) {
// no errors, submit form to server
$$('form')[0].stopObserving('submit', validate);
} else {
// have errors, display error messages
var errors = errors.evalJSON(true);
for( var error in errors ) {
var errorMsg = '<ul class="error"><li>' + errors[error] + '</li></ul>';
var input = $$('[name="'+error+'"]')[0];
// display error message next to form field
. . .
onFailure: function() {
// can't validate here, let server do it
$$('form')[0].stopObserving('submit', validate);
Don't call event.stop() immediately within your validate method - the event handler will occur before the event does, meaning that the validate method will run before the form is submitted. Simply move that line within the branch of the if statement regarding validation failure, and it ought to work just fine.
