Inertia: Reload page with updated data without modifying scroll position - laravel

I'm using Inertia/Laravel/VueJs. I have a page with many posts and each post can be marked as completed. When a post is marked as completed on the front-end I have a v-bind which toggles a CSS class which should be applied to completed tasks.
The behaviour I would like is: a user scrolls down a page, clicks the completed button, and the back-end sends that newly updated data to the front-end, making the v-bind true, causing the CSS class to be applied without jumping to the top of the page.
With the code below I can click the completed button, and it is updated in the database, but that new data isn't sent to the front-end.
public function markAsCompleted(Request $request)
$post = Post::find($request->id);
$post->completed = true;
return Redirect::route('posts');
Javascript function called at click of completed button:
completed(id) {
this.completedForm.put(`/endpoint/completed/${id}`, {
preserveScroll: true
If I change the Javascript function to:
completed(id) {
this.completedForm.put(`/endpoint/completed/${id}`, {
preserveScroll: true,
onSuccess: () => {
In this case, the new data is returned to the front-end with the post being marked as completed, but the preserveScroll doesn't work, and jumps the user to the top of the page.
Any ideas on how to get my desired use case working? Users could have hundreds of posts so I can't have the page jump up to the top every time.
Thank you for any help!

To update your app while preserving the state:
Inertia.get('posts', params, {
preserveState: true,

One way, not the cleanest, but it is a solution. Just click "Completed Button" to send a request to the backend, and ONLY to check if the response is success, then update that task in frontend as complete. So you just update (add class) this element and you don't rerender whole DOM. Because, if you get success response, thats done in the backend for sure.


How to call a collection from a dynamic action in oracle apex18.1

I have a requirement to refresh one interactive report when user click on Refresh button and I need to generate that report from a collection.
I have created a collection in the process which is in pre-rendering region:
but when I am clicking on Refresh Button(button is in adifferent region) it is not calling( also I created a dynamic action in button and have written collection code in that too).
If someone knows this how to do this..please let me know. Many thanks in advance!!
change your process to be executed on ajax callback and then make your ajax request as following
'your process name', // Process or AJAX Callback name
success: function (pData) { // Success Javascript
apex.event.trigger( "#myRegionStaticID", "apexrefresh" );
dataType: "text" // Response type (here: plain text)

Oracle JET : Want to create a login page in which after click on login button should route me to home page

Hi I am using the example application with navigation list but I want to create a login page on top of it in which once I click login button and after authentication i have to route the application to main page.
I tried below code but nothing happened.
please help.
Application : Oracle JET distribution
function (oj, ko, app) { // this callback gets executed when all required modules are loaded
$(function() {
function init() {
function () {
// Bind your ViewModel for the content of the whole page body.
ko.applyBindings(app, document.getElementById('globalBody'));
// navigate the user to login or wherever you want them to be now
function (error) {
oj.Logger.error('Error in root start: ' + error.message);
You'll want to move your router go() commands out of the main.js and into a viewModel that backs the login page and only runs if and when the user passes your authentication test by entering the right username/password.
If login is the default page you want them to see, change the router.configure and navData setup in appController.js to make that the default page:
'login': {label: 'Login', isDefault: true},
Have a look at the FixItFast sample code for an example of a login page and the structure that supports it. FixItFast is a much more involved example than the standard Starter templates because it assumes mobile-first, but the signin.html view and signin.js viewModel might give you good ideas.
First you make your login page as default page.
Then (in your login.html) on button click you can call a function (function in login.js) where validation of your username and password takes .
self.signIn = function()
//your validation
if (login==success)
alert("check your details");
Make sure that you have add your dashboard page in router config
'dashboard': {label: 'Dashboard'},
'login': {label: '',isDefault: true}

cannot click links contained within ajax response

I have some content returned via ajax, and that content contains some links, but if I click them nothing happens (they don't respond to the JS written for them). Then, If i refresh the page, the first time I click, it works, and then it doesn't again.
How can I make it work normally?
This is basically my ajax call:
$('a.add').click(function() {
var data = {
action: 'ADD_PROD'
// make the request
$.get(ajax_object.ajax_url, data, function(response) {
// $('#vru_div').html(data);
// $('div.left').html('<img src=712.gif>');
// alert('code');
return false;
The new links won't have any event handlers attached to them.
try using
//your logic

Jquery Mobile submit button not working after page refresh

I have a single page mark-up with popup divs that contain forms that the user can use to update his/her account information. After form submission the popup closes and the page refreshes showing the updated information that is located within a li (this seems to be working). The problem is, if the user goes back and tries to update again the button within the popup is not submitting.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!!!
$('#updateadmin').click(function() {
var admin = $('#adminform').serializeArray();
type: "POST",
url: 'adminupdate.php',
data: admin,
success: function(data) {
if(data=="success") {
$.mobile.changePage('companyinfo.php', {
allowSamePageTransition: true,
transition: 'none',
reloadPage: true,
changeHash: false
} else {
$('#adminupdatestatus').html(data).css({color: "red"}).fadeIn(1000);
return false;
It sounds like the #updateadmin link/button is located on the page that gets reloaded, if this is the case then you should delegate your event handler so it affects matching elements in the DOM for all time, not just when the code runs.
You would change this:
$('#updateadmin').click(function() {
to this:
$(document).on("click", "#updateadmin", function() {
This works because you're now attaching the event handler to the document element which always exists. When events reach the document element they are checked to see if the element on which they originally fired matches the selector we put as the second argument for .on().
Documentation for .on():

AJAX/prototype reset call

I have an AJAX / prototype related question. I have an AJAX call currently placed inline, in the onclick (i promise i'll move it out of there :) event, looking like this:
onclick="var pn = $('yards').value; $('inventory').update('Working...');
new Ajax.Updater('inventory','ajax.php?ac=checkInventory&productID='.$someproductid.'&yards='+pn,{method:'get', evalScripts: true, asynchronous: true, onComplete:function(tr){$('inventory').update(tr.responseText);}});"
File called ajax.php then gets the data from $_GET[], displays a small text input field. When filled in and clicked on a submit button, it calls a function which reads the relevant data from the file, and prints a result on the screen. The purpose of all this code is inventory check.
So, when a user clicks on the "get inventory" button with the onclick defined as above, everything works nice, the user fills the yardage, the right result pops up, everybody happy. But what makes it less usable is the fact that in case a user wants to do another inventory check, the entire page needs to be refreshed. If it's not, then when clicking on "get inventory" button, the user will be getting the same result of the last check again, not the text input field.
So, my question is, how do I make that after one inventory check, the whole thing sort of resets itself so that the next time a user clicks on "get inventory" button, he'll be offered to fill the text input field again, and hence get the new result.
I'm sorry if I didn't make myself clear enough. I'm very new to AJAX and prototype, and this is my colleague's work I need to finish...Thanks!
Ah I see,
I don't think Ajax.Updater works like that; have a look at the doc:
new Ajax.Updater({ success: 'items', failure: 'notice' }, '/items', {
parameters: { text: $F('text') },
insertion: Insertion.Bottom
var pn = $('yards').value;
new Ajax.Updater('inventory','/ajax.php
parameters: { ac: 'checkInventory'
, productId: /*put productId here*/
, yards:/*put yards here too*/
, method:'get'
, evalScripts: true
, asynchronous: true
, onSuccess: function(tr){
//try an alert(tr.repsonseText); just to see what you get back
Things to try:
Clear the text input field before your repopulate it when the onComplete event fires in your ajax.updater call.
Alert the response to make sure your getting a different response from the server.
*Use Fiddler to make sure your passing in a different productId
Change onComplete to onSuccess
Hope this helps
Since you've promised to move the code out of the onclick handler do:
var inv = $('inventory');
new Ajax.Request('ajax.php', {
onSuccess: function(response)
