I have a grid table in restructuredText. Is there a way to add a caption to it?
|Name |Age |
|Bill |39 |
|Jane |38 |
There's no directive, so it's not like the figures:
.. figure:: strawberryicecream.png
Strawberry Ice Cream
Oh, never mind, the table directive works. I tried it earlier but didn't indent the table definition properly.
.. table:: Personnel
|Name |Age |
|Bill |39 |
|Jane |38 |
I have this table:
[width="10%", cols="^", options="header"]
| header
| one
| two
| three
| four
Which renders as:
In order to get to none-striped:
I do this:
[width="10%", cols="^", options="header"]
| Header
| one
{set:cellbgcolor:white}| two
| three
| four
But the disadvantage of this is clear (verbosity, forcing specific color, ...), not to state that it doesn't work in other AsciiDoctor variants (e.g. PDF)
I am aware of issue #1365, but it's very new, and only implemented in the ruby variant of AsciiDoctor, not in its JS variant (with which most of the WYSIWYG editors work).
Long story short - is there anyway to achieve it in present state?
Did you try 'stripes=none' (manual)?
[cols="2,4,2,4,2", stripes=none, grid=none, frame=none]
| ^.>| +++_____________________+++ | ^.>| +++_____________________+++ |
| ^.<| Unterschrift | ^.<| Unterschrift |
I have two tables TableA and TableB
TableA looks similar to following:
customerId | name | email |telephone
00001 | Anne | anne#gmail.com | 123456
00002 | Ben | ben#gmail.com |
00003 | Ryan | ryan#yahoo.com |
TableB looks similar to following:
customerId | name | email | telephone
76105 | Anne | anne#gmail.com |
89102 | Ben | ben#gmail.com | 567890
23390 | Ryan | ryan#yahoo.com | 756541
43769 | Abby | abby#yahoo.com | 890437
I'm trying to achieve the following 2 tables.
customerId | name | email |telephone
00001 | Anne | anne#gmail.com | 123456
00002 | Ben | ben#gmail.com | 567890
00003 | Ryan | ryan#yahoo.com | 756541
customerId | name | email |telephone
43769 | Abby | abby#gmail.com | 890437
I was using a tmap with TableA as the main and the TableB as the look up. In the tmap I created an inner join between TableA and TableB using email as the foreign key. I wrote innerJoin outputs to one table and innerJoin rejects to another. However I find some of the records missing in TableC.
What is the correct way to achieve this in Talend DI?
I think the choice of the main and the lookup impact the reject catching, here is what you need :
tmap :
tFixedFlowInput : to simulate your data
tLogRow: to display output data
I am working in SAS/STAT 12.1 and I have only one issue with my code below, I need to show "Total" for the bottom row (displaying columns sums and percentages), instead of "Both Genders." And yes, the top right-hand column header (displaying row totals and percentages) still needs to be "Both Genders."
I hope there is a simple way to do this using keylabel, but haven't figured it out so far.
proc tabulate data=dmhrind format=8.1;
format gender $gendfmt. ethnic $ethnic.;
class ethnic gender;
table (ethnic all)*f=4. , (gender all)*(n*f=4. colpctn*f=5.1 rowpctn*f=5.1) ;
title 'Ethnic Distribution by Gender';
label ethnic='Race/Ethnicity';
keylabel N='N' colpctn='%' all='Both Genders' reppctn='%' rowpctn = 'Total';
Thanks in advance for any assistance provided.
The only way to do this that I can see is to make a dummy column that simulates All. Using sashelp.class:
data class;
set sashelp.class;
allage = 'All Ages';
proc tabulate data=class format=8.1;
class sex age allage;
table (age allage=' ')*f=4. , (sex all)*(n*f=4. colpctn*f=5.1 rowpctn*f=5.1) ;
title 'age Distribution by sex';
label age='Age';
label allage='All Ages';
keylabel N='N' colpctn='%' all='Both Sexes' reppctn='%' rowpctn = 'Total';
It needs to have the text you want as the label as its actual value, and you need to replace all in the tabulate with that variable (and add it to the class statement), and add =' ' to override the extra label subrow.
For this, you need to do the titling within the table statement. The following example is similar to yours, using sashelp.class (as in #Joe's example) where age is used as your ethnicity variable:-
** This option helps improve proc tabulate output on some systems;
options formchar="|----||---|-/\<>*";
** The key is adding the column titles directly in the table stmt;
proc tabulate data=sashelp.class format=8.1;
class sex age;
table (age all='Total')*f=4. , (sex='' all='Both Sexes')*(n='N'*f=4. colpctn='Col %'*f=5.1 rowpctn='Row %'*f=5.1) ;
The output should look like this:-
| | F | M | Both Sexes |
| |----------------|----------------|-----------------
| | N |Col %|Row %| N |Col %|Row %| N |Col %|Row %|
|Age | | | | | | | | | |
|----------------------- | | | | | | | | |
|11 | 1| 11.1| 50.0| 1| 10.0| 50.0| 2| 10.5|100.0|
|12 | 2| 22.2| 40.0| 3| 30.0| 60.0| 5| 26.3|100.0|
|13 | 2| 22.2| 66.7| 1| 10.0| 33.3| 3| 15.8|100.0|
|14 | 2| 22.2| 50.0| 2| 20.0| 50.0| 4| 21.1|100.0|
|15 | 2| 22.2| 50.0| 2| 20.0| 50.0| 4| 21.1|100.0|
|16 | .| .| .| 1| 10.0|100.0| 1| 5.3|100.0|
|Total | 9|100.0| 47.4| 10|100.0| 52.6| 19|100.0|100.0|
im trying to create table with multiple sum using cross-tab in ireport, but i think cross-tab don't support multiple sum. my query is look like
|no|info |city |M |F |Total |
|1 |info1 |bandung |10 |5 |15 |
|2 |info1 |jakarta |13 |7 |20 |
and im looking for something like
|no|info |bandung |jakarta |total |
|__|_________|M |F |T |M |F |T |M |F |T |
|1 |info1 |10|5 |15|13|7 |20|23|12|35|
thanks before, sorry for my poor english.
i have resolved my problem, just drag item from pallet panel to add another variable.
I have a jqgrid table and I'd like to allow users to click on an icon, invoke a URL and display the resultant data as a table inside a tool tip:
| title1 | title2 | title 3| |
| data1 |data 2 ? | data 3 |
|data11 |data 21 ?| data 3 |
| child table |
| |
In the above picture, the child table would be a tool tip