how to fire druid query in jmeter - jmeter

I want to fire druid query using jmeter. For example:
curl -L -H'Content-Type: application/json' -XPOST --data-binary #querypath/filename.json hostname #x.x.x.x:8082/druid/v2/?pretty
Here filename.json is my any druid query.
How to integrate above druid curl command query with the jmeter?
Thanks in advance.

Just record it using HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
Prepare JMeter for recording. The easiest way is via JMeter Templates feature
From JMeter Main Menu choose File -> Templates -> Recording and click "Create"
Expand HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder and click "Start"
Copy filename.json to "bin" folder of your JMeter installation
Execute your curl query through JMeter proxy like:
curl -x http://localhost:8888 -L -H'Content-Type: application/json' -XPOST --data-binary #querypath/filename.json hostname #x.x.x.x:8082/druid/v2/?pretty
That's it, JMeter will store the relevant HTTP Request under the Recording Controller. You will be able to replay it and see the output in the View Results Tree listener.


IF command to check if file exists in SharePoint Online using Bash

This question was closed for lack of clarity in a previous post and i was given the option to either edit or re-post the question. I decided to repost the question so others that may had seen it before could see it again but with better clarity. Thanks
i have a folder (e.g. FOLDERX) in a Sharepoint Online Document Library where i use microsoft graph API to GET files by their FILENAME
MS Graph API:{drive-id}/root:/filename.txt:/content
Note: these API can only GET files by their filename. The files were the same generic filename each day so i knew what filename to expect hence, i could easily just use the filename in the API call
i run a cron job that GET these file using cURL once a day
so for example, if the file being PUT in the folder each day is "FileA.csv", the API call my in script will look like this which then outputs the file into the remote ubuntu server where the script runs
TOKEN=$(<curl command to retrieve the token needed for the api call>)
#api call that from sharepoint online that outputs to a csv file on remote server
curl -L -X GET "<driveID>/root:/FOLDERX/FileA.csv:/content" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" > FileA.csv
Now, that generic filename isn't generic anymore. the filename is now either "FileA.csv" or "FileB.csv". it's either one each day and i can't keep manually editing the filename on my API call each day.
So i was trying to write an IF statement to first check what filename is available on the Sharepoint Online folder (FOLDERX) each day so when the script is run, the API curl knows which filename to GET using the API curl
Below is where i'm at after trying different IF statement scenarios for over a week now. The API calls are working perfectly. Pls, i just need help writing an IF statement that checks the remote Sharepoint Online folder to see what filename is present and then cURL it using the API call.
TOKEN=$(<curl command to retrieve the token needed for the api call>)
if [ <not sure what to put in here> ];
curl -L -X GET "<driveID>/root:/FOLDERX/FileA.csv:/content" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" > FileA.csv
curl -L -X GET "<driveID>/root:/FOLDERX/FileB.csv:/content" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" > FileA.csv
EDIT : I do not know how to write the IF statement, that's why i brought it on here.
Just try both, using --fail to make curl let the shell know when it got a 404, 503, or similar.
curl --fail -L -X GET "<driveID>/root:/FOLDERX/FileA.csv:/content" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" >File.csv \
|| curl --fail -L -X GET "<driveID>/root:/FOLDERX/FileB.csv:/content" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" >File.csv \
|| { echo "ERROR: Could not retrieve either FileA or FileB" >&2; exit 1; }

cURL multiple links in the same time

I have the following command:
curl -XGET {url} -H "Referer: {ref}" -o data/{id}.txt
I wrote a python script that automatically runs it and saves the output in a specific directory. The bottleneck is that I can only process one file at a time.
What can I do to get multiple items in a single call?

How to upload .jtl file to blazemeter sense

I created a Jenkins job where it run some JMeter scripts and return .jtl files. Now, I want to upload this files to Blazemeter Sense to see the performance test, downloads pdf reports, etc.
I've searched a lot of information, where I find that to upload some file, I can use this command thats running from Windows CMD:
curl -v -H "Authorization: Token 'cat ~/.loadosophia.token'" -F "projectKey=Project_name" -F "jtl_file=#jtl.gz"
The only values that I change are
cat ~/.loadosophia.token, where I replaced for my Upload Token (finded in Blazemeter Sense -> Options -> Settings -> Your Upload Token)
projectKey where I replaced by my project name (test_taurus)
jtl_file where I replaced by the file directory generated by Jmeter test (.jtl)
The final command is:
curl -v -H "Authorization: Token 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXYLaa'" -F "projectKey=test_taurus" -F "jtl_file=/path/of/file/file.jtl"
I missed some? What is my wrong? Existe another posibility to make it?
Thanks everyone
U P D A T E:
I did what Dmitri T said. Thats works. But when I run the command, the output is the following:
What could be the issue?
You need to remove quotation marks around the token
You need to add an "at" symbol before the .jtl file path
Fixed command would be something like:
curl -v -H "Authorization: Token XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXYLaa" -F "projectKey=test_taurus" -F "jtl_file=#/path/of/file/file.jtl"
More information: Upload files with CURL
You might find BM.Sense Uploader plugin more convenient to use, the plugin can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager:

how to access whole nessus through shell script

I am trying to do a script to get me access of advance scan option of nessus in localhost. So I want advance scan operation through shell script without GUI. I want all operations like login, advance scan and export report are performed through shell script without GUI access.
Why do you want to do it with bash script?
You can do this much easier with the nessus API.
Have a look at the link below
the simplest way of doing automatisation in nessus is to use the nessus API.
its located at https://NessusServerIP:8834/ - if you visit it, you will be greeted by the API-Documentation.
There are various API-Implementations available - if you google 'Nessus API client' you'll get a glimpse.
If you, as you said, want to to run bash-skripts than the simplest way is probably using CURL for the API-Requests.
A typical workflow will look like this:
authorize yourself to the NessusAPI (either via TOKEN or API-Key)
launch or configure a scan (and wait until it finished)
export a report (and wait until it finished)
download the exported report
CURL #1 (authorize using token):
curl -X POST --data '{"username":"NessusUser","password":"YourPassword"}' -k "https://NessusServerIp:8834/session"
--header "Content-Type:application/json" | python -m json.tool
..which will yield you following JSON yielding an Token which you need for the other API-Calls:
{"token": "e411e443521adee4496d79823a510cc68c5bf05aeda6e6eb"}
CURL #2 (launch a scan):
curl -X POST -H 'X-Cookie: token=e411e443521adee4496d79823a510cc68c5bf05aeda6e6eb' -H 'Content-Type:application/json'
--data '{"scan_id":"21", "alt_targets":[]}'
-k "https://NessusServerIp:8834/scans/21/launch" | python -m json.tool
...which will be answered with a JSON like this, containing the ID of the just startet scan:
CURL #3 (exporting a scan):
curl -X POST -H 'X-Cookie: token=766ef7a2302780c189ba563b89c5eb3706140c0ef1e4de8b' -H
'Content-Type:application/json' --data '{"scan_id":"33", "format":"html"}' -k
"https://NessusServerIP:8834/scans/33/export" | python -m json.tool
...which will yield this JSON response, containing a token to the exported file and the file_id:
{"token":"3e13ab381c480caa1e377411c0b561970c46e5d78894c5a0cb2be0e7f00fefe0","file":1434780027} now we are ready to download the report. in this case, since i have specified "format: html" in the last call, its a .html you will need to safe the outcome into.
Curl #4 (download exported report):
curl -X GET -H 'X-Cookie: token=7d155aef4359d02addea29d8d56bca4a5045ca61efeb38ee' -H 'Content-Type:application/json'
--data '{"scan_id":"21", "alt_targets":}'
-k "https://NessusServerIP:8834/scans/17/export/945237343/download" > report.html
...which should leave you with a report.html in the folder you started your script.
Now... how do you automatize this? Well write a Bash-Skript, put in this calls, parse the answers to extract the information you need - and then enjoy! :)
ps: i use the python -m json.tool to beautify the otherwise not very beautiful output of CURL.
Hope i have helped,

Different body for same Curl request sent from Windows and Ubuntu

I'm trying to send a curl request from both Windows and Ubuntu system to a Rest API. following is the request
curl -k -X POST -d 'sample_param={"user_info":{"name":"abc","age":"20"}}'
When I read this from the server side, I get the following two different content data from each OS
Body for curl request from Ubuntu:
Body for curl request from Windows:
(Note that double quotations are missing)
As a result I cannot get the json object from the request.
Can someone point out the mistake and give a solution for this.
Thanks in advance
Changing the curl command to following worked
curl -k -X POST -d "sample_param={\"user_info\":{\"name\":\"abc\",\"age\":\"20\"}}"
