Different body for same Curl request sent from Windows and Ubuntu - windows

I'm trying to send a curl request from both Windows and Ubuntu system to a Rest API. following is the request
curl -k -X POST -d 'sample_param={"user_info":{"name":"abc","age":"20"}}'
When I read this from the server side, I get the following two different content data from each OS
Body for curl request from Ubuntu:
Body for curl request from Windows:
(Note that double quotations are missing)
As a result I cannot get the json object from the request.
Can someone point out the mistake and give a solution for this.
Thanks in advance

Changing the curl command to following worked
curl -k -X POST -d "sample_param={\"user_info\":{\"name\":\"abc\",\"age\":\"20\"}}"


How do I format a variable inside the broken double quotes of a curl command?

I am trying to test the Sumo Logic API by updating the information of my collector. The second curl command is the one that is causing the issue 'curl: (55) Failed sending PUT request'. It works in my terminal but not in the bash script.
readonly etag=$(curl -u '<accessId>:<accessKey>' -I -X GET https://api.sumologic.com/api/v1/collectors/<id> | grep -Fi etag | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d \''"\')
echo ${etag}
curl -vvv -u '<accessId>:<accessKey>' -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "If-Match: \"${etag}\"" -T updated_collector.json https://api.sumologic.com/api/v1/collectors/<id>
set -x
The first curl command is assigned to the variable called 'etag' which stores the necessary etag. The etag is used in the second curl command to make a request to update the information stored in the 'updated_collector.json'. The updated_collector.json file is not the issue as I have successfully updated the information via the terminal with it. I suspect the content-type is not being sent in the header because someone ran the script on their end and it was not showing that information with the -vvv tag.
Here you can find the Sumo Logic Collector API Methods and Examples from which I got the curl commands to test the API: https://help.sumologic.com/APIs/Collector-Management-API/Collector-API-Methods-and-Examples
Update: I retieved the etag and then ran the second command in a bash script. I manually inserted the etag into the ${etag} portion of the second curl command. I then ran the script and it worked. Therefore, the etag variable isn't correctly formatted inside the second curl command. I do not know how to fix this.
The issue was partially the syntax but after fixing that, I was still getting an error. "If-Match: \"${etag}\" in my command should be "If-Match: ${etag}" instead. I had to add the --http1.1 flag for it to work. I'm sure this is a sumo logic issue. I am able to execute GET requests no problem using http2.0.

get post response using curl and send it laravel api

i am new to curl and i started using it, so i have a situation where i have to post using curl to a url and get json response back, everything works fine upto this. So what i wanted to do is have this json response send to a laravel api which in turn parses out and saves to database. this is curl script i use
curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Basic Sjg2eFZzdVFkOVFUMTlScEd0==" \
-d "grant_type=client_credentials" \
--cert /etc/letsencrypt/live/www.sample.com/fullchain.pem \
--key /etc/letsencrypt/live/www.sample.com/privkey.pem \
i am not sure if curl can save the response directly to mysql and also how can i setup a scheduling the above script to run every 2 hours in ubuntu?
i figured it out by creating bash script and storing it to variable and then subsequent post request to api, also did a crob job and it worked like charm

Jira API GET all users from Jira project with specific status

In my Ruby app I'm trying to get all agent users from my service desk board. It means all users with status: 'ServiceDesk'. Is it possible using only base auth?
In curl I was trying something like:
curl -D -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://company_name.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/user/assignable/search?project=SERVICEDESK
But all what I get is an error:
Warning: The file name argument '-u' looks like a flag.
curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL
{"errorMessages":["Internal server error"],"errors":{}}%
Is there any way to get those data with basic auth?
I think there's an issue with the curl command, try this
curl -D- -u USERNAME:PASSWORD https://company_name.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/user/assignable/search?project=SERVICEDESK

how to access whole nessus through shell script

I am trying to do a script to get me access of advance scan option of nessus in localhost. So I want advance scan operation through shell script without GUI. I want all operations like login, advance scan and export report are performed through shell script without GUI access.
Why do you want to do it with bash script?
You can do this much easier with the nessus API.
Have a look at the link below
the simplest way of doing automatisation in nessus is to use the nessus API.
its located at https://NessusServerIP:8834/ - if you visit it, you will be greeted by the API-Documentation.
There are various API-Implementations available - if you google 'Nessus API client' you'll get a glimpse.
If you, as you said, want to to run bash-skripts than the simplest way is probably using CURL for the API-Requests.
A typical workflow will look like this:
authorize yourself to the NessusAPI (either via TOKEN or API-Key)
launch or configure a scan (and wait until it finished)
export a report (and wait until it finished)
download the exported report
CURL #1 (authorize using token):
curl -X POST --data '{"username":"NessusUser","password":"YourPassword"}' -k "https://NessusServerIp:8834/session"
--header "Content-Type:application/json" | python -m json.tool
..which will yield you following JSON yielding an Token which you need for the other API-Calls:
{"token": "e411e443521adee4496d79823a510cc68c5bf05aeda6e6eb"}
CURL #2 (launch a scan):
curl -X POST -H 'X-Cookie: token=e411e443521adee4496d79823a510cc68c5bf05aeda6e6eb' -H 'Content-Type:application/json'
--data '{"scan_id":"21", "alt_targets":[]}'
-k "https://NessusServerIp:8834/scans/21/launch" | python -m json.tool
...which will be answered with a JSON like this, containing the ID of the just startet scan:
CURL #3 (exporting a scan):
curl -X POST -H 'X-Cookie: token=766ef7a2302780c189ba563b89c5eb3706140c0ef1e4de8b' -H
'Content-Type:application/json' --data '{"scan_id":"33", "format":"html"}' -k
"https://NessusServerIP:8834/scans/33/export" | python -m json.tool
...which will yield this JSON response, containing a token to the exported file and the file_id:
...so now we are ready to download the report. in this case, since i have specified "format: html" in the last call, its a .html you will need to safe the outcome into.
Curl #4 (download exported report):
curl -X GET -H 'X-Cookie: token=7d155aef4359d02addea29d8d56bca4a5045ca61efeb38ee' -H 'Content-Type:application/json'
--data '{"scan_id":"21", "alt_targets":}'
-k "https://NessusServerIP:8834/scans/17/export/945237343/download" > report.html
...which should leave you with a report.html in the folder you started your script.
Now... how do you automatize this? Well write a Bash-Skript, put in this calls, parse the answers to extract the information you need - and then enjoy! :)
ps: i use the python -m json.tool to beautify the otherwise not very beautiful output of CURL.
Hope i have helped,

How to post PUT request under the Windows using curl?

I need to post XML data via curl.exe under windows using PUT request.
In the curl help I found:
-d/--data <data> HTTP POST data (H)
What should I supply for <data>?
curl sample calls
# with inlining plain data
curl -X PUT -d "payload" http://localhost
# referrring file
curl -X PUT -d #myXmlFile.xml http://localhost
If your windows curl-port does not support it go for cygwin. It is a linux-like environment for windows and also offers "a proper" curl.
In windows, if a double-quoted argument itself contains a double quote character, the double quote must be doubled.
For example, enter 'This is "quoted" payload' as "This is ""quoted"" payload" which is very different than in Unix.
curl -X PUT -d "This is ""quoted"" payload" http://localhost
in windows you'll need to put the # inside the quotes for the file you're sending:
curl -XPUT --data-binary "#uploadme.txt"
otherwise you'll get weird errors as it tries to use the content of the file as the url:
curl: (6) Couldn't resolve host 'upload'
curl: (6) Couldn't resolve host 'me!'
(uploadme.txt contains "upload me!")
on Windows CMD, curl refers to C:\Windows\System32\curl.exe so you can use
curl -X PUT -d "payload" http://localhost
instead on Windows PowerShell curl refers to Invoke-WebRequest so it is not working with curl syntax. you can use curl.exe on PowerShell to call C:\Windows\System32\curl.exe so it will solve the issue.
curl.exe -X PUT -d "payload" http://localhost
