error LGHT0311 while including License.rtf file in Wix Toolset Application - windows

I am using WIX Toolset to create MSI Application and I want to provide my own License file to display during the license Agreement on License Agreement Dialog.
I created a new document in word-pad and saved it with .rtf extension. Whatever the content of document wix is not getting build and the error which comes is error LGHT0311.
C:\agent\_work\8\s\src\ext\UIExtension\wixlib\LicenseAgreementDlg.wxs(27,0): error LGHT0311: A string was provided with characters that are not available in the specified database code page '1252'. Either change these characters to ones that exist in the database's code page, or update the database's code page by modifying one of the following attributes: Product/#Codepage, Module/#Codepage, Patch/#Codepage, PatchCreation/#Codepage, or WixLocalization/#Codepage.
Note:- LicenseAgreementDlg.wxs(27,0) contains this line <Text SourceFile="!(wix.WixUILicenseRtf=$(var.licenseRtf))" />
I have tried adding Codepage value as 1252 in Product tag and SummaryCodepage in Package Tag. I have tried even by putting only one character in License file but still getting same error.
Please help me solving this issue?

You need to create your license with WordPad and save it with *.rtf extension.
I was creating the license with Microsoft Office Word, and then saving with *.rtf extension, which was giving error like above.


Getting error after upgrading the joomla site and admin end is blank page

After upgrading the joomla site iam getting the following error and administrator page is blank.
Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context in /home/cll/public_html/libraries/regularlabs/src/File.php on line 283
Please help me to solve this issue.
It's clear that the problem comes from a regularlabs extension so you should disable it.
Since your admin page is blank, you can do this via the file system. Log in to your FTP account (or use the control panel's file manager) and access your root folder (/home/cll/public_html/). The extension you are looking for is probably a plugin so you'll find it in the plugins folder. I assume you'll find the extension in the /plugins/system/ folder (full path: /home/cll/public_html/plugins/system/).
When you'll find the extension's folder look for the plugin's PHP file and rename it.
For example, if the problem comes from "components anywhere" plugin (it's a regularlabs extension) search for componentsanywhere.php and rename it to something else (eg foobar.php).
If this doesn't help contact the developer to help you, he is a good guy.

Logic App Sharepoint Create File not working as expected

I created a set of logic apps to have a very specialized integration between D365 CE (CRM) and SharePoint. I am using the Notes entity in CRM to allow the user to upload a docx file using the native CRM UI. The Logic app finds the file (using CRM List Items action) and returns the file as a base64 encoded string. I was able to view the Logic App execution logs to see the base64 string and I was able to successfully decode it and open it in Word so I know that much is working perfectly.
The problem is when I try to create or update a SharePoint document using LA Create File or Update File actions. The file that results in SharePoint has the correct name, but I get an error when I try to open the file using Word (any version). I inspected the docx file before uploading to CRM and downloading from SharePoint and there is some differences in the bytes between the files - my guess is that something is not handling a Unicode conversion somewhere. In this picture, you see the PK signature (thanks Phil Katz) of the docx appears in the first two bytes and several other strings appear, but (what I think is high-order characters) is not converted correctly (the original file on top, and after downloading from SP on the bottom):
A few more technical details...
I tried to use a base64toBinary() in the logic app to upload the file to SharePoint:
and since the UI is hiding the actual expression, the code for this action looks like this (see line 5):
The problem is that either the base64toBinary() is not returning a faithful representation of the file, or the Create File is not happy about getting a docx file as binary as a parameter. I have tried passing the original base64 string directly to SP, but it just stores it as base64 and requires me to download/convert it before I can open it, and yes, I have tried using base64toString(). I have also tested the process with a plain text file, and that works just fine.
I am using D365 v8.2.2 and O365 SharePoint.
Naturally, after posting a question to the world and then getting a good nights sleep, I found the answer. The problem is in the JSON notation that the Designer generates. In my code above, you see where I used the base64toBody() function. I realized that it had curly braces around the entire function which turned the binary file into an object. By removing the braces, the file is now passed to SP as a binary correctly:
"body": "#base64toBinary(items('For_each_file_attached')?['documentbody'])",
So if you want this to work, I had to use the Code View in the editor to make it correct. I would be interested in knowing if there is a way to do the transformation from base64 to binary between retrieving it from CRM and before using the Create File action so that it could be more OOTB Designer.

Invalid column names for a Magento product import

I'm trying to upgrade from Magento Community to Magento Enterprise. I've got each installed seperately. I did a direct export of product from my Community installation and have attempted to directly import this to Enterprise.
Initially, the error I was received was
'csv' file extension is not supported
I did the following according to a reply on a forum post from someone with a similar problem:
Disable the Magento Compiler under System > Tools > Compilation
However, the next Validation Error I encountered was this:
Column names: "_root_category", "_group_price_website", "_group_price_customer_group", "_group_price_price", "_media_attribute_id", "_media_image", "_media_lable", "_media_position", "_media_is_disabled" are invalid
I've done zero editing to the product CSV Magento provided me. I duplicated it, opened up the file and have found zero problems and zero duplicated columns.
I'm at a loss as to what to do next, any suggestions?
Sample CSV
Link: - Google Docs Preview
Link - Google Drive Download
Open in a text editor and save as UTF-8 encoding
Make sure you are using Import/Export > Import rather than the deprecated Dataflow method of import

Export to PDF file

I am evaluating Teechart 4.1.2012.2287 and I have a problem with the export to PDF function.
My project is written in VS2010, using VB.Net and framework 4.0, and I have Adobe Reader 9.4.7 on my PC.
When I try to open a PDF generated by TChart it says there is an error with the file.
I also get this problem using your Example application.
Is there a version requirment for the Reader?
I'm afraid this is a bug. I get this error message:
An error exists on this page. Acrobat may not display the page
correctly. Please contact the person who created the PDF document to
correct the problem.
Do you get the same? Anyway, I added the issue (TF02016129) to the bug list to be investigated.

how to debug vb6 richtextbox not showing unicode (chinese) properly

I have a simple vb6 editor type application which has a richtextbox as the editor page. It allows users to key in stuff and the store it into a file which will keep all the text in RTF stored as CDATA in xml.
When you load back the file, it will read it off the xml and load back the rtf. We allow for unicode editing, but my problem is I have a user which is using Windows XP, and they have some problems reading the chinese characters. They show up as gibberish in their pc.
It displays fine in both mine and a coworker's. I've already checked that they have the proper regional language and settings in their system. The install files for east asian language is already checked. And they can see chinese words on websites and even type them out.
I feel like I'm missing something here but I'm at a lost on what to check next? Any ideas on what I could test or check next?
my bad for the poor description skills, if anything is not clear just ask me.
That is weird. Try confirming that your user have the same version of RICHTXT32.OCX ?
Could be a problem with font?
Try using font that supports unicode characters (Arial Unicode).
Or try going to a website with chinese characters and paste it into richtextbox, save it to a file and try loading it from the file.
Does that work?
well they should because i packed the app in vs installer setup package.
and for fonts, it's sim sun, and i've already checked with the users that they do have the sim sun fonts under window/fonts.
Btw i've already updated that the data is actually stored in xml under CDATA, although the rtf chunk is kept as it is.
okie, this seems to be the solution although i don't know why. in my msi setup file i've included the riched.dll so when i installed it in, the dll acts up and screw up my chinese character in the richtext control.
but when i repack to exclude that dll file and reinstall using that setup, it seems to work now...
