I am attempting to create an email template in Odoo 11 for Purchase order and RFQ.
My code is like so, which is copied from another template..
% if user.signature
${user.signature | safe}
% endif
When I create a new Email, the result is like this.
% if user.signature
% endif
I have tried with the : syntax but all i get is a blank template.
I have tried without the if statement and it works as long as there is a signature..
${user.signature | safe}
How can I only display the Signature and not the if statements..
Do I need the if statements??
You have forgotten ':' from syntax
% if user.signature : ${user.signature | safe}
% endif
Try this one.
I’m trying to construct a Syntax to generate a Syntax in SPSS, but I’m having some issues…
I have an excel file with metadata and I would like to use it in order to make a syntax to extract information from it (like this, if I have a huge database, I just need to keep the excel updated – add/delete variables, etc. - and then run a syntax to extract the needed information for a new syntax).
I also noticed the produced syntax has always around 15Mb, which is a lot (applied to more than 500 lines)!
I don’t use Python due to run syntax in different computers and/or configurations.
Any ideas? Can anyone please help me?
Thank you in advance.
(test.xlsx – sheet 1)
Var Code Label List Var_label (concatenate Var+Label)
V1 3 Sex 1 V1 “Sex”
V2 1 Work 2 V2 “Work”
V3 3 Country 3 V3 “Country”
V4 1 Married 2 V4 “Married”
V5 1 Kids 2 V5 “Kids”
V6 2 Satisf1 4 V6 “Satisf1”
V7 2 Satisf2 4 V7 “Satisf2”
(information from other file)
List = 1
1 “Male”
2 “Female”
List = 2
1 “Yes”
2 “No”
List = 3
1 “Europe”
2 “America”
3 “Asia”
4 “Africa”
5 “Oceania”
List = 4
1 “Very unsatisfied”
10 “Very satisfied”
I want to make a Syntax that generates a new syntax to apply “VARIABLE LABELS” and “VALUE LABELS”. So, I thought about something like this:
/SHEET=name 'sheet 1'
STRING vlb (A15) labels (A150) value (A12) lab (A1500) point (A2) separate (A50) space (A2) list1 (A100) list2 (A100).
SELECT IF (Code=1).
COMPUTE labels = CONCAT (RTRIM(Var_label)," ").
COMPUTE point = ".".
COMPUTE lab = CONCAT (RTRIM(Var)," ").
COMPUTE list1 = '1 " Yes "'.
COMPUTE list2 = '2 "No".'.
COMPUTE space = " ".
COMPUTE separate="************************************************.".
WRITE OUTFILE = "list_01.sps" / vlb.
WRITE OUTFILE = "list_01.sps" /labels.
WRITE OUTFILE = "list_01.sps" /point.
WRITE OUTFILE = "list_01.sps" /value.
WRITE OUTFILE = "list_01.sps" /lab.
WRITE OUTFILE = "list_01.sps" /list1.
WRITE OUTFILE = "list_01.sps" /list2.
WRITE OUTFILE = "list_01.sps" /space.
WRITE OUTFILE = "list_01.sps" /separate.
WRITE OUTFILE = "list_01.sps" /space.
If there is only one variable with same list (ex: V1), it works ok. However, if there is more than one variable having the same list, it reproduces the codes as much times as number of variables (Ex: V2, V4 and V5).
What I have (Ex: V2, V4 and V5), after running code above:
V2 "Work"
1 " Yes "
2 " No "
V4 "Married"
1 " Yes "
2 " No "
V5 "Kids"
1 " Yes "
2 " No "
What I would like to have:
V2 "Work"
V4 "Married"
V5 "Kids"
V2 V4 V5
1 " Yes "
2 " No "
I think there are probably ways to automate the whole process better, including the use of your second data source. But for the scope of this question I will suggest a way to get what you asked for specifically.
The key is to build the command with special conditions for first and last lines:
string cmd1 cmd2 (a200).
sort cases by code.
match files /file=* /first=first /last=last /by code. /* marking first and last lines.
do if first.
compute cmd1="VARIABLE LABELS".
compute cmd2="VALUE LABELS".
end if.
if not first cmd1=concat(rtrim(cmd1), " /"). /* "/" only appears from the second varname.
compute cmd1=concat(rtrim(cmd1), " ", Var_label).
compute cmd2=concat(rtrim(cmd2), " ", Var).
do if last.
compute cmd1=concat(rtrim(cmd1), " .").
compute cmd2=concat(rtrim(cmd2), " ", ' 1 " Yes " 2 "No". ').
end if.
The commands are now ready, but we don't want to get them mixed up so we'll stack them one under the other, and only then write them out:
add files /file=* /rename cmd1=cmd /file=* /rename cmd2=cmd.
WRITE OUTFILE = "var definitions.sps" / cmd .
Note that the code above assumes you've already run a select cases if code = ... and that there is a single code in all the remaining lines.
Note also I added an exe. command at the end - without running that the new syntax will appear empty.
Hello I am taking an example from learn python the hard way and working to understand python. I have already caught one error in the book and realized you need () to print out strings. So maybe there could be some more mistakes in the syntax. when I ran this file I received an error that said
ValueError: not enough values to pack (expected 2, got 1) syntax error. And another general syntax error. So I can't set prompt to raw_input.
rom sys import argv
script, user_name = argv
prompt = '>'
print ("Hi %s, I'm the $s script.") % user_name, script
print ("I'd like to ask you a few questions.")
print ("Do you like %s?") % user_name
likes = raw_input(prompt)
print ("Where do you live %s") % user_name
lives = raw_input(prompt)
print """
(Alright, so you said %r about liking me.
You live in %r. Not sure where that is.
And you have a %r computer. Nice)
"""& (likes, lives, computer)
Is there a typo in the code example? $s instead of %s in the format string?
I suspect that your actual code has this:
print ("Hi %s, I'm the %s script.") % user_name, script
And you meant to write this:
print "Hi %s, I'm the %s script." % (user_name, script)
That is, print a single string which is the result of applying the format string to two arguments.
I need to create a new variable based on 3 variables.
If someone is coded as 1 against any 1 of 3 variables, they are coded as 1 in the new variable
If they don’t code 1 on any variable, but code as 2 against any 1 of 3 variables they are coded as 2 in the new variable
Everything else is coded as 99
In syntax, I’ve written this as:
IF (Keep_Any=1 OR Find_Any=1 OR Improve_Any=1) Keep_Find_Improve=1.
IF ((Keep_Find_Improve~= 1) & (Keep_Any=2 | Find_Any=2 | Improve_Any=2)) Keep_Find_Improve=2.
IF (Keep_Find_Improve~=1 & Keep_Find_Improve~=2) Keep_Find_Improve=99.
However, the first part correctly identifies cases coded as 1, but the rest of the syntax doesn't work. This is in despite of using some syntax that uses the exact same logic on other variables:
COMPUTE Keep_Any= Q9a_recoded = 1 | Q9b_recoded = 1 | Q9c_recoded = 1.
IF (Q9A_recoded=1 OR Q9B_recoded=1 OR Q9C_recoded=1) Keep_Any=1.
IF ((Keep_Any~=1) & (Q9A_recoded= 2 OR Q9B_recoded=2 OR Q9C_recoded=2)) Keep_Any=2.
IF (Keep_Any~=1 & Keep_Any~=2) Keep_Any=99.
Does anyone have any ideas of why this is happening and how to fix it?
COMPUTE Target1=99.
COMPUTE Target1=ANY(2, V1, V2, V3).
COMPUTE Target1=ANY(1, V1, V2, V3).
Or better still (more efficient, even if more lines of code)
DO IF ANY(1, V1, V2, V3)=1.
COMPUTE Target2= 1.
ELSE IF ANY(2, V1, V2, V3)=1.
COMPUTE Target2 = 2.
COMPUTE Target2=99.
The reason your syntax isn't working is the second condition you are using:
IF ((Keep_Find_Improve~= 1) & ...
When the first condition wasn't met, Keep_Find_Improve is still missing, and therefore doesn't meet the condition of ~=1.
The same thing goes later for IF (Keep_Any~=1 & Keep_Any~=2).
So you shouldn't be comparing Keep_Find_Improve to 1 or 2, you should be checking if it has received a value or if it's still missing:
IF (Keep_Any=1 OR Find_Any=1 OR Improve_Any=1) Keep_Find_Improve=1.
IF (missing(Keep_Find_Improve) & (Keep_Any=2 | Find_Any=2 | Improve_Any=2)) Keep_Find_Improve=2.
IF missing(Keep_Find_Improve) Keep_Find_Improve=99.
* alternatively: recode Keep_Find_Improve(miss=99).
All this being said, I recommend you use the more advanced code suggested by #JigneshSutar.
I am using printf command to log some values in a file as follows:
printf "Parameter = $parameter v9_value = $v9_val v9_line = $V9_Line_Count v16_val = $v16_val v16_line = $V16_Line_Count"
But the output I am getting as follows:
v16_line = 8elayServerPort v9_value = 41 v9_line = 8 v16_val = 4571
Seems like the line is printed in rotation manner, and last values are coming from starting.
Expected Output:
Parameter = RelayServerPort v9_value = 41 v9_line = 8 v16_val = 4571 v16_line = 8
But v16_line = 8 is overwritten on Parameter = R in line.
printf doesn't add a NL on the end. You need to add \n to the end of your printf.
Not seeing the rest of your program, or where you get your variable values, it's hard to say what else could be the issue.
One thing you can do is to redirect your output to a file and look at that file either through a good program editor or using cat -v which disables control characters.
See if you see ^M in your output. If you do, it could be that you have ^R in your variables.
Also remove $v16_val from your printf (temporarily) and see if your output looks better. If so, that $v16_val might have a CR (^M) in it.
I am currently making my first python effort, a modification of some code written by a friend. I am using python 2.6.6. The original piece of code, which works, extracts information from a log file of data from donations made by credit card to my nonprofit. My new version, should it one day work, will perform the same task for donations that were made by paypal. The log files are similar, but have different field names and other differences.
The error messages I'm getting are:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "../logparse-paypal-1.py", line 196, in
convert_log(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], access_ids)
File "../logparse-paypal-1.py", line 170, in convert_log
output = [f(record, access_ids) for f in output_fns]
TypeError: 'str' object is not callable
I've read some of the posts on this forum related to this error message, but so far I'm still at sea. I can't find any consequential differences between the portions of my code that related to the likely problem object (access_ids) and the code that I started with. All I did related to the access_ids table was to remove some lines that printed problems the script finds with the table that caused it to ignore some data. Perhaps I changed a character or something while doing that, but I've looked and so far can't find anything.
The portion of the code that is producing these error messages is the following:
# Use the output functions configured above to convert the
# transaction record into a list of outputs to be emitted to
# the CSV output file.
print "Converting %s at %s to CSV" % (record["type"], record["time"])
output = [f(record, access_ids) for f in output_fns]
j = 0
while j < len(output):
os.write(csv_fd, output[j])
if j < len(output) - 1:
os.write(csv_fd, ",")
os.write(csv_fd, "\n")
j += 1
convert_count += 1
print "Converted %d approved transactions to CSV format, skipped %d non-approved transactions" % (convert_count, skip_count)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print "Usage: logparse.py INPUT_FILE OUTPUT_FILE [ACCESS_IDS_FILE]"
print " INPUT_FILE Silent post log containing transaction records (must exist)"
print " OUTPUT_FILE Filename for the CSV file to be created (must not exist, will be created)"
print " ACCESS_IDS_FILE List of Access IDs and email addresses (optional, must exist if specified)"
access_ids = {}
if len(sys.argv) > 3:
access_ids = load_access_ids(sys.argv[3])
convert_log(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], access_ids)
Line 170 is this one:
output = [f(record, access_ids) for f in output_fns]
and line 196 is this one:
convert_log(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], access_ids)
The access_ids definition, possibly related to the problem, is this:
def access_id_fn(record, access_ids):
if "payer_email" in record and len(record["payer_email"]) > 0:
if record["payer_email"] in access_ids:
return '"' + access_ids[record["payer_email"]] + '"'
return ""
return ""
def load_access_ids(filename):
print "Loading Access IDs from %s..." % filename
access_ids = {}
for line in open(filename, "r"):
line = line.rstrip()
access_id, email = [s.strip() for s in line.split(None, 1)]
if not email_address.match(email):
if email in access_ids:
access_ids[string.strip(email)] = string.strip(access_id)
return access_ids
Thanks in advance for any advice with this.
I'm not seeing anything right off hand, but you did mention that the log files were similar and I take that to mean that there are differences between the two.
Can you post a line from each?
I would double check the data in the log files and make sure what you think is being read in is correct. This definitely appears to me like a piece of data is being read in, but somewhere it is breaking what the code is expecting.