Xcode on Windows - xcode

What are the disadvantage of working with Xcode on Windows? What problems do I encounter from the beginning to the end (upload to the market) of the application development process?

I wasn’t aware you could run Xcode natively on Windows. There are a number of ways of creating the code in Xamarin for example, but I think you still need a Mac to do the code signing/uploading to the App Store. Have you read https://codewithchris.com/xcode-for-windows/ ? Some good ideas on there to try, although I ended up buying a secondhand MBP as it worked out just as easy...

You could try using Virtual Box and Hackintosh to Virtualize a mac.
I don't know if it helps but you could try it.


Unable to install Xcode 8.1 on my Windows 10 computer

I've been trying to download Xcode but when I open it nothing happens.
Do I need to us using a Mac to be programming for iOS? I am currently using Windows 10.
Simply, yes, you need to have a Mac, or some other macOS running computer to run Xcode. But...
There is a way to run Xcode on Windows, however it's a bit of work. You can follow a tutorial on the internet like this one to get Xcode working on Windows.
Let it be known that even though Xcode will run on Windows using this, it is definitely not good in quality compared to on a Mac, as there will be lag and unnecessary difficulties that wouldn't be there on Mac.

Xamarin.iOS crash on 6.1 simulator

i recently received my Macbook and wanted to start developing iOS apps with it.
I Created a default Master-Detail App using the Templates in Xamarin.Studio and everything worked.
Now today i wanted to actually do something in the app, but didn't change a single line of code, still the app doesn't show up anymore in the simulator as long as i want it to use the 6.1 sdk for ios. if i use any other (6.0 etc) it works fine.
I already tried clearing my Cache in /Users/MYNAME/Library/Xamarin/ but this didn't change anything.
What would you suggest me to do now? can i simply reinstall the 6.1 sdk?if so, how would i do this?
Thanks for your help
I had a similar problem where the environment hang when I was trying to debug in the simulator (just showing the spinning ball). I found out that it only occured if I had my phone connected to the computer. Perhaps not valid in your case, but it might be a lead in your problem solving.
I'm using the latest version of everything. :)
From within Xamarin Studio (or MonoDevelop):
Project -> Your.Application.Name Options
Build -> iOS Build (iPhone Build in MonoDevelop)
SDK version: -> 6.1 (it's probably still on 6.0)
This fixed it for me. Also, it wouldn't hurt to make sure the target build in info.plist is set to 6.1.
Delete this folder:
/Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.1
And if your Library folder is hidden:
sudo chflags nohidden ~/Library/
I have experienced this problem several times again and my previous answer doesn't solve it. Ya know what does? Rebooting the computer. Works every time. shrug
You need to fill the Application name, Identifier, Version # in the project setting.
I had the same problem and got it solved that way.

How to Virtualize iOS on a Windows 7 computer

I'm trying to learn to code in Objective C, but I am not ready to commit to purchasing a Mac for just this purpose, seeing as I have a good Dell laptop. My computer has VMware installed on it, but I do not know how to actually go through the steps, and I do not know what I need to install or purchase(if absolutely necessary). Eventually, I hope to get a Mac, so this won't be needed, but until then, I want to find a way to compile Objective C so I can actually learn how to use it. Thanks.
While it is technically possible, I'll tell you from experience:
To run Xcode and the iOS Simulator, you will need to have MacOS running. Oficially it only runs on Apple Hardware, buuut, you can always use virtualizers and Hackintosh. There are plenty of good tutorials online if you choose this method.
My advice: DON'T do it!
When I started to develop iOS apps, I had a Windows PC, but after trying lots of different approaches to virtualize MacOS, with none I had great results. I bought a MacBook on a sale, and it's just a better iOS development experience overall. It's priceless not to have to deal with driver searching and compatibility issues.
First virtualize MacOS X, inside then iOS with XCode. See http://www.macbreaker.com/2012/07/mountain-lion-virtualbox.html
Yes you can, you need to virtualize OSX inside you Windows, and then use XCode as the other stated, however it doesen't work with nearly all AMD CPU's but i think Dell uses mostly Intel. And a Mac costs alot. For example i don't have money for one, the cheapest one costs $1,600 where i come from, but if you are going to get a Mac, i would wait for that.
But they really are expensive, and i only need a Macbook for debugging.
[Assuming you already have the mac installation image or vmware file]
Sadly Vmware does not include support for mac in it's latest versions
So you'll have to patch(aka Vmware Unlocker for OS X) it.
Follow this link http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/files/file/20-vmware-unlocker-for-os-x/ (you'll be required to set up an account)
Or alternatively you can download the VirtualBox(https://www.virtualbox.org/)
Happy Coding
Use virtualbox instead of VMWare. If it does'nt work, install the extension pack for virtualbox.

MonoTouch on OS X VM within Windows?

We're getting into iOS development with MonoTouch. All of our machines are Mac Pros with Windows 7 installed via BootCamp. I'm not crazy about rebooting into OS X just to access the MonoTouch IDE. I'm wondering if it's legal and possible to install OS X on a VM within Windows (if I'm already on Apple hardware, it should be ok, right?). Any other issues with Apple's SDK in a VM (I heard they do some hardware checking of some sort). Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
You can't really run OSX on a VM under windows without going the hacking route. The only way to properly virtualize OSX is to run OSX Server under OSX itself, which is not what you want.
The best option for you is to do what I do: run OSX on your Mac, then use something like VMWare or Parallels to run the Windows you have on your BootCamp as a VM. Works beautifully.
Yup, Eduardo is right, running OSX under non-apple hardware is considered illegal according to apple's license. Moreover, you may run into some issues when creating your developer's account or sumbitting apps.
However, if you still want go the hack way, you can refer to osx86project or just search google for "how to create a hackintosh".

Does MonoTouch work on a virtualized Mac OS?

Is it possible to install it on VirtualBox or other virtualization solution? If yes, how fast it works?
I don't see any problem running MonoTouch frameworks/IDEs in a virtualized Mac.
I can expect a lot of problems transferring across the USB cable the compiled applications to a real iPhone/iPad to test it. iTunes and XCode tend to be very picky about the configurations.
Buying a cheapest Mac might be easier and less costly if you consider the time you might waste, but your mileage may vary.
The evaluation version of MonoTouch will run, but the SDK tools used on the production version wont.
We were able to develop and deploy apps to real devices under VMWare Player and WMWare workstation. The problem we have is MonoTouch activations. It would activate and randomly need reactivation. It would work for a while then it would fail to activate.
Each time it failed we would need to contact support and reset the key so we could continue working. They do not support virtualized hardware and do not plan to fix the activation issue.
In the end we purchased real hardware.
Via VMWare Workstation I have it running quite nicely. Installing apps to iOS devices is fine, but creating a network for softdebug to find the iphone (or vice versa) is the only problem I've seen.
I'm trying to figure that out right now - I'll try and update this thread with the solution.
