Why does ES recommend to use single mapping per index and doesn't provide any "Join" functionality for this? - elasticsearch

As you know, starting from version 6, ElasticSearch team deprecates multiple types per index as well as parent-child relationships. Proof is here
They recommend to use join queries instead of parent-child. But let's look on this join query here. They write:
The join datatype is a special field that creates parent/child
relation within documents of the same index.
They offer to use multiple indexes, restrict their indexes to work with only 1 single mapping _doc, but join query is designed to work only in bounds of the same index.
How to live on? How could I create parent-child relationships for separate indexes?
Index: "City"
"name": "Moscow",
"id": 1
Index: "Product"
"name": "Shirt",
"city": 1,
"id": 1
How could I get that "Shirt" above if I know only "Moscow" city name?


Elasticsearch re-index all vs join

I'm pretty new on Elasticsearch and all its concepts. I would like to understand how I could accomplish what I have in my Relational DB in an Elasticsearch architecture.
The scenario is the following
I have a index "data":
"id": "00001",
"content" : "some text here ..",
"type": "T1",
"categories: ["A", "A1", "B"]
The requirement says that data can be queried by:
some text search in the context field
that belongs to a specific type or category
So far, so simple, so good.
This data will not be completed from the creating time. It might happen that new categories will be added/removed to the data later. So, many data uploads/re-indexes might happen along the way
For example:
create the data
"id": "00001",
"content" : "some text here ..",
"type": "T1",
"categories: ["A"]
Then it was decided that all data with type=T1 must belong to both A & B categories.
"id": "00001",
"content" : "some text here ..",
"type": "T1",
"categories: ["A", "B"]
If I have a billion hits for type=T1 I would have to update/re-index a billion entries. Maybe it is how things should work and this where my question lands on.
Is ok to re-index all the data just to add/remove a new category, or would it be possible to have a second much smaller index just to do this association and somehow join both indexes at time to query?
Something like it:
"id": "00001",
"content" : "some text here ..",
"type": "T1"
"type": "T1"
"categories" : ["A", "B"]
Is it acceptable/possible?
This is a common scenario - but unfortunately, there is no 1:1 mapping for RDBMS features in text search engines like Lucene/elasticsearch.
Possible options:
1 - For the best performance, reindex. It may not be practical depending on the velocity of your change
2 - Consider Parent-Child; Though it's a slower option - often will meet performance requirements. The category could be a parent document, each having several thousands of children.
3 - If its category renaming - Consider using IDs for the category and translating it to text in the application.
4 - Update document depends on the number of documents to be updated; maybe for few thousand - run an update query, if more - reindex.
Suggested reading - https://www.elastic.co/blog/managing-relations-inside-elasticsearch

Joining two indexes in Elastic Search like a table join

I am relatively new to this elastic search. So, I have an index called post which contain documents like this:
"id": 1,
"link": "https:www.instagram.com/p/XXXXX/",
"profile_id": 11,
"like_count": 100,
"comment_count": 12
I have another index called profile which contain documents like this:
"id": 11,
"username": "superman",
"name": "Superman",
"followers": 12312
So, as you guys can see, I have all profiles data under the index called profile and all posts data under the index called post. The "profile_id" present in the post document is linked with the "id" present in the profile document.
Is there any way, when I am querying the post index and filtering out the post documents the profile data will also appear along with the post document based on the "profile_id" present in the post document? Or somehow fetch the both data doing a multi-index search?
Thank you guys in advance, any help will be appreciated.
For the sake of performance, Elasticsearch encourages you to denormalize your data and model your documents accordingly to the responses you wish to get from your queries. However, in your case, I would suggest defining the relation post-profile by using a Join datatype (link to Elastic documentation) and using the parent-join queries to run your searches (link to Elastic documentation).

Group by field in found document

The best way to explain what I want to accomplish is by example.
Let us say that I have an object with fields name and color and transaction_id. I want to search for documents where name and color match the specified value and that I can accomplish easily with boolean queries.
But, I do not want only documents which were found with search query. I also want transaction to which those documents belong, and that is specified with transaction_id. For example, if a document has been found with transaction_idequal to 123, I want my query to return all documents with transaction_idequal to 123.
Of course, I can do that with two queries, first one to fetch all documents that match criteria, and the second one that will return all documents that have one of transaction_idvalues found in first query.
But is there any way to do it in a single query?
You can use parent-child relation ship between transaction and your object. Or nest the denormalize your data to include the objects in the transactions. Otherwise you'll have to do an application side join, meaning 2 queries.
Try an index mapping similar to the following, and include a parent_id in the objects.
"mappings": {
"transaction": {},
"object": {
"_parent": {
"type": "transaction"
Further reading:

Relative Performance of ElasticSearch on inner fields vs outer fields

All other things being equal, including indexing, I'm wondering if it is more performant to search on fields closer to the root of the document.
For example, lets say we have a document with a customer ID. Two ways to store this:
"customer_id": "xyz"
"customer": {
"id": "xyz"
Will it be any slower to search for documents where "customer.id = 'xyq'" than to search for documents where "customer_id = 'xyz'" ?
That's pure syntactic sugar. The second form, i.e. using object type, will be flattened out and internally stored as
"customer.id": "xyz"
Hence, both forms you described are semantically equivalent as far as what gets indexed into ES, i.e.:
"customer_id": "xyz"
"customer.id": "xyz"

How can I query/filter an elasticsearch index by an array of values?

I have an elasticsearch index with numeric category ids like this:
"id": "50958",
"name": "product name",
"description": "product description",
"upc": "00302590602108",
"**categories**": [
"price": "15.95"
I want to be able to pass an array of category ids (a parent id with all of it's children, for example) and return only results that match one of those categories. I have been trying to get it to work with a term query, but no luck yet.
Also, as a new user of elasticsearch, I am wondering if I should use a filter/facet for this...
I ended up using a terms query (as opposed to term). I'm still interested in knowing if there would be a benefit to using a filter or facet.
As you already discovered, a termQuery would work. I would suggest a termFilter though, since filters are faster, and cache-able.
Facets won't limit result, but they are excellent tools. They count hits within your total results of specific terms, and be used for faceted navigation.
