how to disable alert this link needs to be opened with an application - firefox

how to remove the alert that ask to open link in other application?
this alert
i followed this stack and it works fine
but i want to know how can i remove alert and just open IE directly like the default option of windows10 (microsoft-edge:url(it ask nothing from user and just open the edge browser with url))

From your description, It looks like you want to use Internet Explorer as your default browser.
Here I assume that you are using Windows 10 OS.
You can follow steps below to make Internet Explorer as a default browser.
(1) Open Settings in Windows 10.
(2) Go to Apps and click on it.
(3) Select Default apps option.
(4) Find a category for Web browser.
(5) Click on the web browser, It will show you the option for Internet Explorer.
(6) Select IE and set it as default app for web browsing.
Change your default browser in Windows 10
In the same dialog, For choosing the app. you can choose the app and check the check box to remember your choice may also help you to remove this dialog.


How do I stop a web browser from openning the same website everytime I start it?

Context: I have three web browsers installed on my Windows 10 computer which are Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.
Problem: Whichever browser I newly open, they all start with this website:
How it happened: I clicked a link on a website yesterday and it automatically downloaded several applications and automatically installed themselves without showing any instructions to install them.
Thing I have tried: I have reset the browser On startup setting to open my homepage, but it still opens with the aforementioned weird URL.
Thing that may help: Opera browser is very considerate cause it has this option regarding the On startup setting, which is Ask me when Opera is started by a shortcut specifying an URL.
Analysis and need your help: Usually, I start a browser by clicking on the shortcut in Windows start menu, or the shortcut in desktop. This worked normally until the problem appeared. According to Thing that may help, this hostile URL must reside somewhere. Where can I find this unwelcoming shortcut on my computer? How come this shortcut can attach itself to every web browser on my computer? What is the next step I can do to resolve this problem? Is this kind of a virus?
Usually when that happens, you'll have to:
reset the browser settings (or at least reset the startup websites on settings)
go to the browser .exe, open it's properties and remove any flags that were added on the path.
I think you shoud uninstall these applications first.

localhost web server on win10 with no admin

so, I want to create a web server and store it into my computer (it's a win10 btw) and i am not the admin.
and when I search localhost it shows an image that if I click it will send me to the IIS site.
pls help me.
Disable it IIS :)
there is no reason to install it or have it installed if you dont use it
Hit the Windows-key type: "Add or Remove Programs". If you get the new Settings app of win10
You have look to right top corner
from there click Add/Remove Windows Components.
Select the Internet Information Services (IIS) uncheck box, click Next, then click Finish.
than try to host your server again

Adobe connect stuck on connecting

I installed adobe connect and configured on a server and I have a domain, It's all connected and working, I can create meetings and every thing, but when I try to get in to a meeting I can't and adobe connect application stuck on connecting. I opened 443,80,1935 ports on server and I tried connecting even with firewall off but I had no luck, what else should I do on server?
try to delete Internet Explorer cache and cookies . Follow these steps :
1. Open run box by pressing Windows key and “R” at the same time.
Type “inetcpl.cpl” in the run box and hit OK.
Click on General tab and under browsing history section click on “Delete”.
Under Delete Browsing History window, make sure Temporary Internet files, Cookies and History is checked.
Click on Delete and relaunch the meeting room.
Additional Information:
You can try launching the same meeting from other web browsers as well if they are available.

do classic ASP application launch Firefox as default?

I am currently working with a classic ASP web application. What I'm wondering about is how it knows which browser to launch, I've looked over everything and am unable to find anywhere that it says to Launch Firefox in order to open the application. If i have firefox uninstalled, then it launches Chrome, however, when I hvae both Chrome and Firefox, then Firefox launched even if I have Chrome set as my default browser. Anyone have an idea?
your asp code has no connection whatsoever with what browser is used, it's browser independent. in order for you web app to run, you must open a browser FIRST, then go to the url of your web app, which will then fire off the asp code. It would be a huge security issue if i went to a web site, and it decided to open a different browser on my computer!
if you want to set Chrome as your default browser, follow these instructions:
for firefox -
for IE -
Your default browser is a different setting than the "open this file type with this program" setting. If double-clicking an .asp file opens in Firefox, then that's the latter type of setting.
To change it, right-click an .asp file, choose the "Open with >" option, then "Choose default program...".
That all said, 99.999% of users will never have occasion to double-click an .asp file, because most of us don't use web servers as our normal everyday computers.

Show Firefox OS devtools on Firefox Developer Edition 'desktop'

I've an iMac with OS X Yosemite v.10.10.3. I use Firefox Developer Edition 40.0a2. I've a ZTE Open C (FR version) with Firefox OS; Boot2Gecko (B2G OS).
What I'd like to do is the following: I've a basic webpage (mostyl HTML, CSS and JS) opened in my browser on my Firefox OS phone. I'd like to get the devtools (Cmd+Shift+i) and be able to edit that webpage with my Firefox Developer Edition browser on my iMac.
I've already tried these things:
Use webIDE.
Follow this potential solution.
Connecting a Firefox OS device.
WebIDE Troubleshooting.
Comment déboguer facilement du web y compris sur tablettes et téléphones—french article.
With webIDE, I can build a new app for Firefox OS (with or without a base theme) and I can use the devtools to inspect the DOM and stuff like that. I just want to achieve the exact same thing but directly on my desktop computer.
Do you have any clue?
Feel free to ask me if you need more piece of informations. ;)
Current status
When I launch the Firefox OS browser app, I can inspect (via the devtools) the homepage (DOM stuff, etc.). But when I load another webpage (Google for example), I can't inspect the DOM. Any idea about that?
I often get this message: when I switch to several apps I want to debug.
If I understand correctly, you're trying to connect the Firefox Developer Edition WebIDE on your desktop to a tab that is open on your Firefox OS phone. Something like this?
If that's right, once you connect to your phone in the WebIDE, you should see a list of open browser tabs at the bottom of the "Open App" menu, which is in the top left of the WebIDE panel.
When you connect your phone, you have to accept remote debugging.
Then on the left of the window, you should see a dropdown menu with the apps that you can debug. By default, you can only debug unprivileged applications.
Click on the app, the you want to debug and in the middle of the screen click on the "wrench". It is the button to activate debugging.
Now the complicated part. In order to debug privileged apps such as the web Browser. You have to root your phone and change some preferences. To check that you have a rooted phone. Click on the runtime menu and then runtime info.
If your adb is in root mode, then you can press the button to request higher privileges. You can also do that by hand.
There for more info:
Using a real device
On your computer, enter the following command in Terminal/console to enter your device's filesystem via the shell:
adb shell
Your prompt should change to root#android. Next, stop B2G running using the following command:
stop b2g
Navigate to the following directory:
cd /data/b2g/mozilla/*.default/
Here, update the prefs.js file with the following line:
echo 'user_pref("devtools.debugger.forbid-certified-apps", false);' >> prefs.js
After you've finished editing and saving the file, start B2G again using the following command:
start b2g
Exit the android filesystem using the exit command; this will return you to your normal terminal prompt.
Next, reconnect to the App Manager and you should see certified apps appear for debugging.
When this is done, you should see the application "Browser" in the list of available apps for debugging. At the same time, you should see all other application of your phone available as debugging.
