Why is Observable functionality getting executed twice for a single call? - java-8

Complete structure of the program
public #interface UserAnnotation {
Then created a Interceptor:
public class UserInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UserInterceptor.class);
UserService userService; // this is not working
public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {
logger.info("UserInterceptor : Interceptor Invoked");
Object result = invocation.proceed();
Observable<List<User>> observable = (Observable<List<Sample>>) result;
observable.flatMap(Observable::from).subscribe(object -> {
User user = (User)object
SampleSender sender = new SampleSender();
logger.info("Pushing Data into Sender");
userService.insert(String.join("_", "key", "value"), sender);
return result;
Then I created a GuiceModule as below:-
public class UserModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
SampleInterceptor interceptor = new SampleInterceptor()
bindInterceptor(Matchers.any(), Matchers.annotatedWith(SampleAnnotation.class), interceptor);
Class in which I am using the above annotation is
// This class also have so many method and this was already declared and using in another services, I created a sample class here
class UserClassForInterceptor {
AnotherClass anotherClass;
// this userMethod() is not a new method, its already created,
// now I am adding annotation to it, because after finishing this functionality,
// I want something should be done, so created annotation and added here
public Observable<List<Sample>> userMethod() {
logger.info("This is printing only once");
return anotherClass.getUser().flatMap(user ->{
logger.info("This is also printing twice");
// this logger printed twise means, this code snippet is getting executed twise
public class AnotherClass{
public Observable<User> getUser(){
Observable<Sample> observableSample = methodReturnsObservableSample();
logger.info("Getting this logger only once");
return observableSample.map(response-> {
logger.info("This logger is printing twice");
//here have code to return observable of User
If I remove annotation loggers inside the observable are printing only one time but when I use annotation those loggers are getting printed twise. Why it is behaving like this I dont know.
I have a RestModule using which I am binding UserClassForInterceptor as follows
public final class RestModule extends JerseyServletModule {
// other classes binding
// other classes binding
install(new SampleModule());
Now I have a bootsrap class in which I am binding RestModule
public class Bootstrap extends ServerBootstrap {
binder.install(new RestModule());
public class SampleRS {
UserClassForInterceptor userClassForInterceptor;
public void someMethod() {

You created an annotation, #UserAnnotation, and an interceptor class to go with the annotation. You attach the annotation to a method, userMethod().
The first thing your interceptor routine does is invoke userMethod() to get the observable that it returns and then the interceptor subscribes to the returned observable, causing the first log messages to appear. Eventually, the interceptor returns the observable to the original caller. When something else subscribes to the returned observable, the observer chain is activated a second time, hence the log messages appear twice.
RxJava Has Side Effects
While RxJava is an implementation of the "functional reactive programming" concept, the observer chains that you construct (in a functional manner) only work when they are subscribed to, and those subscriptions have side effects. Logging output is one side effect, and probably the most benign; changes to variables or invocations of methods that have side effects have a wider impact.
When an observer chain is constructed (properly), it acts as a potential computation until there is a subscriber. If you need to have more than one subscriber, as you might for your problem domain, then you have to decide whether the observer chain needs to be activated for each subscription, the normal case, or only once for all overlapping subscriptions.
If you want all overlapping subscriptions to share the same observable, then you can use the share() operator. There are a number of related operators that affect the lifetime of observables and subscriptions. Here is an overview: How to use RxJava share() operator?
Aspect Oriented Programming: Interceptors And Guice
Your code is using Guice to provide a capability called "aspect oriented programming". This allows you to introduce code into your program to address cross-cutting concerns, or to enhance its functionality by setting up controlled gateways. Using Guice, or similar AOP approaches, requires discipline.
In your case, you used the interception process to cause unexplained (until now) side effects by subscribing to an observer chain that has non-trivial side effects. Imagine that the method you intercepted set up a one-time connection and that your interceptor used up that connection doing its work, leaving the original caller unable to use the connection.
The discipline you need is to understand the rules that the interceptor must follow. Think of rules such as "First, do no harm".
Doing Things The FRP Way
If you need to add an extra step when handling user information, then you should construct a new observable in your interceptor that does that, but only when the original caller subscribed to the observable:
Object result = invocation.proceed();
Observable<List<User>> observable = (Observable<List<Sample>>) result;
Observable<List<User>> newObservable = observable
.doOnNext( sampleList ->
Observable.fromIterable( sampleList )
.subscribe(object -> {
User user = (User)object
SampleSender sender = new SampleSender();
logger.info("Pushing Data into Sender");
userService.insert(String.join("_", "key", "value"), sender);
return newObservable;
By returning a modified observer chain, you don't introduce side effects from the original observer chain, and ensure that the side effects you introduce in your own code will only be triggered when the original observer chain is subscribed to.

This code also helped me
public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {
Object result = null;
logger.debug("Interceptor Invoked");
result = invocation.proceed();
Observable<List<User>> observable = (Observable<List<User>>)result;
return observable
catch(Exception ex){
logger.error("Error: ",ex);
return result;
private void updateUser(List<User> users) {
if(CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(users)) {
for(User user: users) {
SampleSender sender = new SampleSender();
logger.info("Pushing Data into Sender");
userService.insert(String.join("_", "key", "value"), sender);


Implementing smartLifeCycle with a reactor subscription

Below is code I have for a component that starts a Flux and subscribes to it, all within the constructor of the class. This particular flux comes from a mongoChangeStreams call. It does not terminate unless there is an error.
I want the subscription to stay alive constantly so I restart the subscription in the event in terminates due to an error.
It has occurred to me that calling subscribe within a constructor might be a bad idea. Also I should probably enable a way to shut down this app gracefully by calling cancel on the subscription during shutdown.
My guess is that I should be implementing SmartLifeCycle but I'm not sure how to do that. Is there a standard way of implementing SmartLifeCycle on a component backed by a Flux subscription?
class SubscriptionManager(
private val fooFluxProvider: FooFluxProvider, //calling foos() on this returns a Flux of foos
private val fooProcessor: FooProcessor
) {
private var subscription: BaseSubscriber<Foo> = subscribe() //called in constructor
private fun subscribe() = buildSubscriber().also {
private fun buildSubscriber(): BaseSubscriber<Foo> {
return object : BaseSubscriber<Foo>() {
override fun hookOnSubscribe(subscription: Subscription) {
override fun hookOnNext(value: Foo) {
//process the foo
fooProcessor.process(value)//sync call
//ask for another foo
override fun hookOnError(throwable: Throwable) {
logger.error("Something went wrong, restarting subscription", throwable)
//restart the subscription. We'll recover if we're lucky
subscription = subscribe()
Instead of creating a Subscriber subclass that resubscribes on exception, chain one of the retry* operators on the Flux before subscribing. The retry operators will resubscribe to the upstream Flux if it completes with an exception. For example, fooFluxProvider.foos().retry() will retry indefinitely. There are other variations of retry* for more advanced behavior, including an extremely customizable retryWhen that can be used with the reactor.retry.Retry class from reactor-extra.
Instead of passing a subscriber to subscribe(subscriber), call one of the subscribe methods that returns a Disposable. This gives you an object on which you can call dispose() later during shutdown to cancel the subscription.
To implement SmartLifecycle:
In the constructor (or in start()), create the Flux (but do not subscribe to it in the constructor)
In start(), call flux.subscribe() and save the returned Disposable to a member field. The start() method is much better suited for starting background jobs than a constructor. Consider also chaining .subscribeOn(Scheduler) before .subscribe() if you want this to run in the background (by default, the subscription occurs on the thread on which subscribe was called).
In stop(), call disposable.dispose()
Perhaps something like this:
class SubscriptionManager(
fooFluxProvider: FooFluxProvider, //calling foos() on this returns a Flux of foos
fooProcessor: FooProcessor
) : SmartLifecycle {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(javaClass)
private val fooFlux = fooFluxProvider.foos()
// Subscribe on a parallel scheduler to run in the background
// Publish on a boundedElastic scheduler if fooProcessor.process blocks
// Use .doOnNext to send the foo to your processor
// Alternatively use .flatMap/.concatMap/.flatMapSequential if the processor returns a Publisher
// Alternatively use .map if the processor transforms the foo, and you need to operate on the returned value
// Log if an exception occurred
.doOnError{ e -> logger.error("Something went wrong, restarting subscription", e) }
// Resubscribe if an exception occurred
// Repeat if you want to resubscribe if the upstream flux ever completes successfully
private var disposable: Disposable? = null
override fun start() {
if (!isRunning) {
disposable = fooFlux.subscribe()
override fun stop() {
disposable = null
override fun isRunning(): Boolean {
return disposable != null

RxJava not calling subscribe() but still working. How is that possible?

I'm working with RxJava and Retrofit to consumes different endpoints. I'm working with a couple of microservices and all of them make use of RxJava and Retrofit to consume other services.
I don't have experience working with Observables so I'm checking some examples on internet to learn how to use it and also to create a couple of services on my own. I saw that method subscribe() is always used. Something like this:
private MovieDetail movieDetail;
public Observable<Movies> observe() {
.subscribe(new Observer<Movies>() {
public void onCompleted() {
public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
public void onNext(Movies movies) {
allMovies = movies;
In the services of my work, I've searched everywhere and subscribe() is never used but everything is working correctly. How is that possible?
As you can see, in that example I need to return an Observable to keep my personal code aligned with I have in my work but if I use the subscribe() method, it returns a Subscription object and that doesn't work.
This is part of the code of my work where you can see that subscribe() is never called but it works
value = "/something",
public Single<ResponseEntity<Something>> getSomething() {
return retrieveSomethingFactory
.map(something -> {
return ResponseEntity
class retrieveSomethingFactoryImpl implements retrieveSomethingFactory
public Observable<Something> observe() {
return Observable
.defer(() -> {
Observable<Something1> something1 = retrieveSomething1Factory
.call(link) // Retrofit call
Observable<Something2> something2 = retrieveSomething1Factory
.call(link) // Retrofit call
return Observable
.zip(something1, something2.toList(), (something1, something2) -> {
return something;
The Observable returned from your retrieveSomethingFactory.observe() call seems to be a hot observable, meaning it will emit items irrespective of whether it is subscribed to or not. You can read a good article about cold and hot observables here.

Handle Hibernate optimistic locking with Spring

I am using Hibernate and Spring Data, it will perform optimistic locking when insert or update an entity, and if the version in database doesn't match with the one to persist, it will throw exception StaleObjectStateException, in Spring, you need to catch it with ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException.
What I want to do is catch the exception and ask the user to refresh the page in order to get the latest data from database like below:
public void cancelRequest()
this.request = topUpRequestService.insertOrUpdate(request);
//perform other tasks...
} catch (ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException ex)
FacesUtils.showErrorMessage(null, "Action Failed.", FacesUtils.getMessage("message.pleaseReload"));
I assume it will also work with the code below but I have not tested it yet.
public void cancelRequest()
RequestModel latestModel = requestService.findOne(request.getId());
if(latestModel.getVersion() != request.getVersion())
FacesUtils.showErrorMessage(null, "Action Failed.", FacesUtils.getMessage("message.pleaseReload"));
this.request = requestService.insertOrUpdate(request);
//perform other tasks...
I need to apply this checking on everywhere I call requestService.insertOrUpdate(request); and I don't want to apply them one by one. Therefore, I decide to place the checking code inside the function insertOrUpdate(entity) itself.
public abstract class BaseServiceImpl<M extends Serializable, ID extends Serializable, R extends JpaRepository<M, ID>>
implements BaseService<M, ID, R>
protected R repository;
protected ID id;
public synchronized M insertOrUpdate(M entity)
return repository.save(entity);
} catch (ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException ex)
FacesUtils.showErrorMessage(null, FacesUtils.getMessage("message.actionFailed"),
return entity;
My main question is, there will be one problem with this approach. The caller side will not know whether the entity persisted successfully or not since the exception will be caught and handled inside the function, so the caller side will always assume the persist was success, and continue do the other tasks, which is I don't want. I want it to stop performing tasks if fail to persist:
public void cancelRequest()
this.request = topUpRequestService.insertOrUpdate(request);
//I want it to stop here if fail to persist, don't load the requests and perform other tasks.
//perform other tasks...
} catch (ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException ex)
FacesUtils.showErrorMessage(null, "Action Failed.", FacesUtils.getMessage("message.pleaseReload"));
I know when calling the insertOrUpdate , I can catch the returned entiry by declaring new model variable, and compare it's version to the original one, if version is same, means the persistance was failed. But if I doing it this way, I have to write the version checking code on everywhere I call insertOrUpdate. Any better approach then this?
The closest way to being able to do this and not having to necessarily make significant code changes at all the invocation points would be to look into some type of Spring AOP advice that works similar to Spring's #Transactional annotation.
#FacesReloadOnException( ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException.class )
public void theRequestHandlerMethod() {
// call your service here
The idea is that the #FacesReloadOnException annotation triggers an around advice that catches any exception provided in the annotation value and does basically handles the call the FacesUtils should any of those exception classes be thrown.
The other options you have available aren't going to be nearly as straight forward and will require that you touch all your usage points in some fashion, its just inevitable.
But I certainly would not consider putting the try/catch block in the service tier if you don't want to alter your service tier's method return types because the controllers are going to need more context as you've pointed out. The only way to push that try/catch block downstream would be if you returned some type of Result object that your controller could then inspect like
public void someControllerRequestMethod() {
InsertOrUpdateResult result = yourService.insertOrUpdate( theObject );
if ( result.isSuccess() ) {
else {
FacesUtils.showErrorMessage( ... );
Otherwise you'd need to get creative if you want to somehow centralize this in your web tier. Perhaps a web tier utility class that mimics your BaseService interface like the following:
public <T extends BaseService, U> U insertOrUpdate(T service, U object, Consumer<U> f) {
try {
U result = service.insertOrUpdate( object );
f.accept( result );
return result;
catch ( ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException e ) {
FacesUtils.showErrorMessage( ... );
But being frank, unless you have a lot of call sites that are similar enough to where such a generalization with a consumer like this makes sense, you may find its more effort and work to generalize it than it would to just place the try/catch block in the controller itself.

run PublishSubject on different thread rxJava

I am running RxJava and creating a subject to use onNext() method to produce data. I am using Spring.
This is my setup:
public class SubjectObserver {
private SerializedSubject<SomeObj, SomeObj> safeSource;
public SubjectObserver() {
safeSource = PublishSubject.<SomeObj>create().toSerialized();
**safeSource.subscribeOn(<my taskthreadExecutor>);**
**safeSource.observeOn(<my taskthreadExecutor>);**
safeSource.subscribe(new Subscriber<AsyncRemoteRequest>() {
public void onNext(AsyncRemoteRequest asyncRemoteRequest) {
LOGGER.debug("{} invoked.", Thread.currentThread().getName());
public void publish(SomeObj myObj) {
The way new data is generated on the RxJava stream is by #Autowire private SubjectObserver subjectObserver
and then calling subjectObserver.publish(newDataObjGenerated)
No matter what I specify for subscribeOn() & observeOn():
my threads
The onNext() and the actual work inside it is done on the same thread that actually calls the onNext() on the subject to generate/produce data.
Is this correct? If so, what am I missing? I was expecting the doSomething() to be done on a different thread.
In my calling class, if I change the way I am invoking the publish method, then of course a new thread is allocated for the subscriber to run on.
taskExecutor.execute(() -> subjectObserver.publish(newlyGeneratedObj));
Each operator on Observable/Subject return a new instance with the extra behavior, however, your code just applies the subscribeOn and observeOn then throws away whatever they produced and subscribes to the raw Subject. You should chain the method calls and then subscribe:
safeSource = PublishSubject.<AsyncRemoteRequest>create().toSerialized();
.subscribeOn(<my taskthreadExecutor>)
.observeOn(<my taskthreadExecutor>)
.subscribe(new Subscriber<AsyncRemoteRequest>() {
public void onNext(AsyncRemoteRequest asyncRemoteRequest) {
LOGGER.debug("{} invoked.", Thread.currentThread().getName());
Note that subscribeOn has no practical effect on a PublishSubject because there is no subscription side-effect happening in its subscribe() method.

Does CompletableFuture have a corresponding Local context?

In the olden days, we had ThreadLocal for programs to carry data along with the request path since all request processing was done on that thread and stuff like Logback used this with MDC.put("requestId", getNewRequestId());
Then Scala and functional programming came along and Futures came along and with them came Local.scala (at least I know the twitter Futures have this class). Future.scala knows about Local.scala and transfers the context through all the map/flatMap, etc. etc. functionality such that I can still do Local.set("requestId", getNewRequestId()); and then downstream after it has travelled over many threads, I can still access it with Local.get(...)
Soooo, my question is in Java, can I do the same thing with the new CompletableFuture somewhere with LocalContext or some object (not sure of the name) and in this way, I can modify Logback MDC context to store it in that context instead of a ThreadLocal such that I don't lose the request id and all my logs across the thenApply, thenAccept, etc. etc. still work just fine with logging and the -XrequestId flag in Logback configuration.
As an example. If you have a request come in and you are using Log4j or Logback, in a filter, you will set MDC.put("requestId", requestId) and then in your app, you will log many log statements line this:
log.info("request came in for url="+url);
log.info("request is complete");
Now, in the log output it will show this:
INFO {time}: requestId425 request came in for url=/mypath
INFO {time}: requestId425 request is complete
This is using a trick of ThreadLocal to achieve this. At Twitter, we use Scala and Twitter Futures in Scala along with a Local.scala class. Local.scala and Future.scala are tied together in that we can achieve the above scenario still which is very nice and all our log statements can log the request id so the developer never has to remember to log the request id and you can trace through a single customers request response cycle with that id.
I don't see this in Java :( which is very unfortunate as there are many use cases for that. Perhaps there is something I am not seeing though?
If you come across this, just poke the thread here
to implement something like twitter Futures which transfer Locals (Much like ThreadLocal but transfers state).
See the def respond() method in here and how it calls Locals.save() and Locals.restort()
If Java Authors would fix this, then the MDC in logback would work across all 3rd party libraries. Until then, IT WILL NOT WORK unless you can change the 3rd party library(doubtful you can do that).
My solution theme would be to (It would work with JDK 9+ as a couple of overridable methods are exposed since that version)
Make the complete ecosystem aware of MDC
And for that, we need to address the following scenarios:
When all do we get new instances of CompletableFuture from within this class? → We need to return a MDC aware version of the same rather.
When all do we get new instances of CompletableFuture from outside this class? → We need to return a MDC aware version of the same rather.
Which executor is used when in CompletableFuture class? → In all circumstances, we need to make sure that all executors are MDC aware
For that, let's create a MDC aware version class of CompletableFuture by extending it. My version of that would look like below
import org.slf4j.MDC;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
public class MDCAwareCompletableFuture<T> extends CompletableFuture<T> {
public static final ExecutorService MDC_AWARE_ASYNC_POOL = new MDCAwareForkJoinPool();
public CompletableFuture newIncompleteFuture() {
return new MDCAwareCompletableFuture();
public Executor defaultExecutor() {
public static <T> CompletionStage<T> getMDCAwareCompletionStage(CompletableFuture<T> future) {
return new MDCAwareCompletableFuture<>()
.completeAsync(() -> null)
.thenCombineAsync(future, (aVoid, value) -> value);
public static <T> CompletionStage<T> getMDCHandledCompletionStage(CompletableFuture<T> future,
Function<Throwable, T> throwableFunction) {
Map<String, String> contextMap = MDC.getCopyOfContextMap();
return getMDCAwareCompletionStage(future)
.handle((value, throwable) -> {
if (throwable != null) {
return throwableFunction.apply(throwable);
return value;
The MDCAwareForkJoinPool class would look like (have skipped the methods with ForkJoinTask parameters for simplicity)
public class MDCAwareForkJoinPool extends ForkJoinPool {
//Override constructors which you need
public <T> ForkJoinTask<T> submit(Callable<T> task) {
return super.submit(MDCUtility.wrapWithMdcContext(task));
public <T> ForkJoinTask<T> submit(Runnable task, T result) {
return super.submit(wrapWithMdcContext(task), result);
public ForkJoinTask<?> submit(Runnable task) {
return super.submit(wrapWithMdcContext(task));
public void execute(Runnable task) {
The utility methods to wrap would be such as
public static <T> Callable<T> wrapWithMdcContext(Callable<T> task) {
//save the current MDC context
Map<String, String> contextMap = MDC.getCopyOfContextMap();
return () -> {
try {
return task.call();
} finally {
// once the task is complete, clear MDC
public static Runnable wrapWithMdcContext(Runnable task) {
//save the current MDC context
Map<String, String> contextMap = MDC.getCopyOfContextMap();
return () -> {
try {
return task.run();
} finally {
// once the task is complete, clear MDC
public static void setMDCContext(Map<String, String> contextMap) {
if (contextMap != null) {
Below are some guidelines for usage:
Use the class MDCAwareCompletableFuture rather than the class CompletableFuture.
A couple of methods in the class CompletableFuture instantiates the self version such as new CompletableFuture.... For such methods (most of the public static methods), use an alternative method to get an instance of MDCAwareCompletableFuture. An example of using an alternative could be rather than using CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(...), you can choose new MDCAwareCompletableFuture<>().completeAsync(...)
Convert the instance of CompletableFuture to MDCAwareCompletableFuture by using the method getMDCAwareCompletionStage when you get stuck with one because of say some external library which returns you an instance of CompletableFuture. Obviously, you can't retain the context within that library but this method would still retain the context after your code hits the application code.
While supplying an executor as a parameter, make sure that it is MDC Aware such as MDCAwareForkJoinPool. You could create MDCAwareThreadPoolExecutor by overriding execute method as well to serve your use case. You get the idea!
You can find a detailed explanation of all of the above here in a post about the same.
