Handle Hibernate optimistic locking with Spring - spring

I am using Hibernate and Spring Data, it will perform optimistic locking when insert or update an entity, and if the version in database doesn't match with the one to persist, it will throw exception StaleObjectStateException, in Spring, you need to catch it with ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException.
What I want to do is catch the exception and ask the user to refresh the page in order to get the latest data from database like below:
public void cancelRequest()
this.request = topUpRequestService.insertOrUpdate(request);
//perform other tasks...
} catch (ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException ex)
FacesUtils.showErrorMessage(null, "Action Failed.", FacesUtils.getMessage("message.pleaseReload"));
I assume it will also work with the code below but I have not tested it yet.
public void cancelRequest()
RequestModel latestModel = requestService.findOne(request.getId());
if(latestModel.getVersion() != request.getVersion())
FacesUtils.showErrorMessage(null, "Action Failed.", FacesUtils.getMessage("message.pleaseReload"));
this.request = requestService.insertOrUpdate(request);
//perform other tasks...
I need to apply this checking on everywhere I call requestService.insertOrUpdate(request); and I don't want to apply them one by one. Therefore, I decide to place the checking code inside the function insertOrUpdate(entity) itself.
public abstract class BaseServiceImpl<M extends Serializable, ID extends Serializable, R extends JpaRepository<M, ID>>
implements BaseService<M, ID, R>
protected R repository;
protected ID id;
public synchronized M insertOrUpdate(M entity)
return repository.save(entity);
} catch (ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException ex)
FacesUtils.showErrorMessage(null, FacesUtils.getMessage("message.actionFailed"),
return entity;
My main question is, there will be one problem with this approach. The caller side will not know whether the entity persisted successfully or not since the exception will be caught and handled inside the function, so the caller side will always assume the persist was success, and continue do the other tasks, which is I don't want. I want it to stop performing tasks if fail to persist:
public void cancelRequest()
this.request = topUpRequestService.insertOrUpdate(request);
//I want it to stop here if fail to persist, don't load the requests and perform other tasks.
//perform other tasks...
} catch (ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException ex)
FacesUtils.showErrorMessage(null, "Action Failed.", FacesUtils.getMessage("message.pleaseReload"));
I know when calling the insertOrUpdate , I can catch the returned entiry by declaring new model variable, and compare it's version to the original one, if version is same, means the persistance was failed. But if I doing it this way, I have to write the version checking code on everywhere I call insertOrUpdate. Any better approach then this?

The closest way to being able to do this and not having to necessarily make significant code changes at all the invocation points would be to look into some type of Spring AOP advice that works similar to Spring's #Transactional annotation.
#FacesReloadOnException( ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException.class )
public void theRequestHandlerMethod() {
// call your service here
The idea is that the #FacesReloadOnException annotation triggers an around advice that catches any exception provided in the annotation value and does basically handles the call the FacesUtils should any of those exception classes be thrown.
The other options you have available aren't going to be nearly as straight forward and will require that you touch all your usage points in some fashion, its just inevitable.
But I certainly would not consider putting the try/catch block in the service tier if you don't want to alter your service tier's method return types because the controllers are going to need more context as you've pointed out. The only way to push that try/catch block downstream would be if you returned some type of Result object that your controller could then inspect like
public void someControllerRequestMethod() {
InsertOrUpdateResult result = yourService.insertOrUpdate( theObject );
if ( result.isSuccess() ) {
else {
FacesUtils.showErrorMessage( ... );
Otherwise you'd need to get creative if you want to somehow centralize this in your web tier. Perhaps a web tier utility class that mimics your BaseService interface like the following:
public <T extends BaseService, U> U insertOrUpdate(T service, U object, Consumer<U> f) {
try {
U result = service.insertOrUpdate( object );
f.accept( result );
return result;
catch ( ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException e ) {
FacesUtils.showErrorMessage( ... );
But being frank, unless you have a lot of call sites that are similar enough to where such a generalization with a consumer like this makes sense, you may find its more effort and work to generalize it than it would to just place the try/catch block in the controller itself.


Vert.x: how to process HttpRequest with a blocking operation

I've just started with Vert.x and would like to understand what is the right way of handling potentially long (blocking) operations as part of processing a REST HttpRequest. The application itself is a Spring app.
Here is a simplified REST service I have so far:
public class MainApp {
// instantiated by Spring
private AlertsRestService alertsRestService;
public void init() {
public class AlertsRestService extends AbstractVerticle {
// instantiated by Spring
private PostgresService pgService;
private int restEndpointPort;
public void start(Future<Void> futureStartResult) {
HttpServer server = vertx.createHttpServer();
Router router = Router.router(vertx);
//enable reading of the request body for all routes
router.route(HttpMethod.GET, "/allDefinitions")
result -> {
if (result.succeeded()) {
} else {
private void handleGetAllDefinitions( RoutingContext routingContext) {
HttpServerResponse response = routingContext.response();
Collection<AlertDefinition> allDefinitions = null;
try {
allDefinitions = pgService.getAllDefinitions();
} catch (Exception e) {
response.putHeader("content-type", "application/json")
Spring config:
<bean id="alertsRestService" class="com.my.AlertsRestService"
<bean id="mainApp" class="com.my.MainApp"
Now the question is: how to properly handle the (blocking) call to my postgresService, which may take longer time if there are many items to get/return ?
After researching and looking at some examples, I see a few ways to do it, but I don't fully understand differences between them:
Option 1. convert my AlertsRestService into a Worker Verticle and use the worker thread pool:
public class MainApp {
private AlertsRestService alertsRestService;
public void init() {
DeploymentOptions options = new DeploymentOptions().setWorker(true);
Vertx.vertx().deployVerticle(alertsRestService, options);
What confuses me here is this statement from the Vert.x docs: "Worker verticle instances are never executed concurrently by Vert.x by more than one thread, but can [be] executed by different threads at different times"
Does it mean that all HTTP requests to my alertsRestService are going to be, effectively, throttled to be executed sequentially, by one thread at a time? That's not what I would like: this service is purely stateless and should be able to handle concurrent requests just fine ....
So, maybe I need to look at the next option:
Option 2. convert my service to be a multi-threaded Worker Verticle, by doing something similar to the example in the docs:
public class MainApp {
private AlertsRestService alertsRestService;
public void init() {
DeploymentOptions options = new DeploymentOptions()
.setInstances(5) // matches the worker pool size below
Vertx.vertx().deployVerticle(alertsRestService, options);
So, in this example - what exactly will be happening? As I understand, ".setInstances(5)" directive means that 5 instances of my 'alertsRestService' will be created. I configured this service as a Spring bean, with its dependencies wired in by the Spring framework. However, in this case, it seems to me the 5 instances are not going to be created by Spring, but rather by Vert.x - is that true? and how could I change that to use Spring instead?
Option 3. use the 'blockingHandler' for routing. The only change in the code would be in the AlertsRestService.start() method in how I define a handler for the router:
boolean ordered = false;
router.route(HttpMethod.GET, "/allDefinitions")
.blockingHandler(this::handleGetAllDefinitions, ordered);
As I understand, setting the 'ordered' parameter to TRUE means that the handler can be called concurrently. Does it mean this option is equivalent to the Option #2 with multi-threaded Worker Verticles?
What is the difference? that the async multi-threaded execution pertains to the one specific HTTP request only (the one for the /allDefinitions path) as opposed to the whole AlertsRestService Verticle?
Option 4. and the last option I found is to use the 'executeBlocking()' directive explicitly to run only the enclosed code in worker threads. I could not find many examples of how to do this with HTTP request handling, so below is my attempt - maybe incorrect. The difference here is only in the implementation of the handler method, handleGetAllAlertDefinitions() - but it is rather involved... :
private void handleGetAllAlertDefinitions(RoutingContext routingContext) {
fut -> { fut.complete( sendAsyncRequestToDB(routingContext)); },
res -> { handleAsyncResponse(res, routingContext); }
public Collection<AlertDefinition> sendAsyncRequestToDB(RoutingContext routingContext) {
Collection<AlertDefinition> allAlertDefinitions = new LinkedList<>();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
return allAlertDefinitions;
private void handleAsyncResponse(AsyncResult<Object> asyncResult, RoutingContext routingContext){
try {
routingContext.response().putHeader("content-type", "application/json")
} catch(EncodeException e) {
} else {
How is this different form other options? And does Option 4 provide concurrent execution of the handler or single-threaded like in Option 1?
Finally, coming back to the original question: what is the most appropriate Option for handling longer-running operations when handling REST requests?
Sorry for such a long post.... :)
Thank you!
That's a big question, and I'm not sure I'll be able to address it fully. But let's try:
In Option #1 what it actually means is that you shouldn't use ThreadLocal in your worker verticles, if you use more than one worker of the same type. Using only one worker means that your requests will be serialised.
Option #2 is simply incorrect. You cannot use setInstances with instance of a class, only with it's name. You're correct, though, that if you choose to use name of the class, Vert.x will instantiate them.
Option #3 is less concurrent than using Workers, and shouldn't be used.
Option #4 executeBlocking is basically doing Option #3, and is also quite bad.

Transactional Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW not work

I try save list of entities to Oracle Db.
public void save() {
for (QuittanceType quittanceType : quittance) {
On each step I call this method:
public void parseQuittance(QuittanceType quittance) {
try {
//logick create payToChargeDb
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("Ignore.", e);
and method
public PaymentsToCharge saveAndFlushIn(PaymentsToCharge paymentsToCharge) {
return paymentToChargeRepository.saveAndFlush(paymentsToCharge);
When I try save entity with constraint My main transaction rollback and I get stacktrace:
Caused by: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: ORA-02290: CHECK integrity constraint violated(MYDB.PAYMENTS_TO_CHARGE_CHK1)
But I want skip not success entities and save success. I marck my method
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
and it look like this:
public void parseQuittance(QuittanceType quittance) {
try {
//logick create payToChargeDb
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("Ignore.", e);
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public PaymentsToCharge saveAndFlushInNewTransaction(PaymentsToCharge paymentsToCharge) {
return paymentToChargeRepository.saveAndFlush(paymentsToCharge);
But when I try save entity with constraint I not get exception and not enter to catcj block. just stop working debugging and the application continues to work. I do not get any errors. and as if rollback is happening
The proxy created by #Transactional does not intercept calls within the object.
In proxy mode (which is the default), only external method calls
coming in through the proxy are intercepted. This means that
self-invocation (in effect, a method within the target object calling
another method of the target object) does not lead to an actual
transaction at runtime even if the invoked method is marked with
#Transactional. Also, the proxy must be fully initialized to provide
the expected behavior, so you should not rely on this feature in your
initialization code (that is, #PostConstruct).
The same documentation recommends use of AspectJ if you want this behaviour.

Spring-Retry: Create custom annotation similar to #Retryable

I have a number of microservices which needs a retry mechanism if connection with database fails.
This retry mechanism has to be triggered when SQLException and HibernateException occurs.
Passing a proper interceptor in #Retryable will work but this has to be incorporated in all the microservices.
Can we make a custom annotation similar to #Retryable like #DatabaseRetryable which will trigger retry on SQLException and HibernateException.
Usage of this annotation would be roughly as following
void executeQuery()
//some code
There are several approaches for this:
Use the spring-retry project and integrate that into your application. But as you stated this is not what you want. This framework provides more than just simple retries on exceptions and is much more extensive than it seems at first glance.
Use an AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) model and libraries like AspectJ
Create a custom annotation, introspect your classes before you run the methods and see if it annotated with the #CustomRetryable and then run the retry method or not. This however is not very simple and needs to be properly integrated with your classes. Which in term depends on how your application is designed etc.
If you want to keep it as simple as possible: create a helper class to perform retries for you.
My suggestion is look at your problem, is you desired solution needed for more than just these retries? Then go with a library. Is it simple one/two use case scenarios then go with a utility class/method approach.
A very crude example of this could be a util class:
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class RetryOperation {
public static void main(String args[]) {
retryOnException(() -> {throw new Exception();} , Exception.class, 4);
interface CustomSupplier<T> {
T get() throws Exception;
static <E extends Exception, T> T retryOnException(CustomSupplier<T> method, Class<E> exceptionClass, int retries) {
if (method == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method may not be null");
if (exceptionClass == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Exception type needs to be provided");
int retryCount = 0;
T result = null;
while (retryCount < retries) {
try {
result = method.get();
} catch (Exception exception) {
if (exceptionClass.isAssignableFrom(exception.getClass()) && retryCount < retries) {
// log the exception here
Logger.getLogger(RetryOperation.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, String.format("Failed %d time to execute method retrying", retryCount));
} else {
throw exception;
return result;
Note that this is a crude example and should only function to explain my thinking behind it. Look at what you exactly need and design from there.
You can solve this by creating a meta-annotation with your desired name:
#Target({ ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE })
value = { SQLException.class, HibernateException.class }
public #interface DatabaseRetryable {
You can use this meta-annotation as drop-in replacement for #Retryable. The same constraints apply - it just allows to configure some common behavior in a single place. You might also use this to use the same backOff for all related services.

MyBatis-Spring rollback not working with multiple transaction managers

I have configured an application to work with MyBatis-Spring and I would like to connect to multiple databases.
For this purpose, in my applicationContext.xml I have defined one datasource, one Transaction Manager (org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager), one Sql Session Factory (org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionFactoryBean) and one MapperScannerConfigurer (org.mybatis.spring.mapper.MapperScannerConfigurer) for each one of them.
Then, inside my service class I would like to perform CRUD operations with multiple databases inside the same method. As I must point to the correct transaction manager I have done what is commented below:
public class MyServiceDB implements MyService {
#Transactional(value = "TransactionManager1", rollbackFor = MyCustomException.class)
public MyUser multipleMethod(final int idUser) throws MyCustomException {
MyUser myUser = null;
int rowsAffected1 = -1;
int rowsAffected2 = -1;
try {
myUser = this.mapperOne.getById(idUser);
if (myObject != null) {
rowsAffected1 = this.mapperOne.deleteByIdUser(idUser);
if (rowsAffected1 == 1) {
} catch (DataAccessException dae) {
throw new MyCustomException(TRANSACTION_ERROR, dae);
if ((myUser == null) || (rowsAffected1 != 1)) {
throw new MyCustomException(TRANSACTION_ERROR);
return myUser;
#Transactional(value = "TransactionManager2", rollbackFor = MyCustomException.class)
public void insertUser(final MyUser myUser) throws MyCustomException{
int rowsAffected = -1;
try {
rowsAffected = this.mapperTwo.insert(myUser);
**throw new MyCustomException();**
} catch (DataAccessException dae) {
throw new MyCustomException(TRANSACTION_ERROR, dae);
//if (rowsAffected != 1) {
// throw new MyCustomException(TRANSACTION_ERROR);
So each method points to its corresponding transaction manager.
If I throw the custom exception in the second method after the insert, I get the delete made in the first method correctly rolled back. However, the insert performed by the second Transaction Manager is not rolled back properly as I would desire. (i.e. the user is inserted in the second database but not deleted in the first one).
My questions are:
Is it possible to achieve what I want?
How should I configure the #Transactional annotation?
Thanks in advance.
I found the solution here by #RisingDragon:
"If you are calling it from another local method then it will not work, because spring has no way of know that it is called and to start the transaction.
If you are calling it from a method of another class by using autowired object of the class which contains insertNotes() method, then it should work."
In my case, I created a second class (e.g. RisingDragom´s NoteClass) with some #Transactional methods (e.g. insertUser in my code) and then, the rollback worked!! This second class appeared in the debugger with the tail "$$EnhancedByCGLib".
However, if you need a method with several steps in different databases another "custom" rollback should be applied...The rollback is just applied method by method, not for the full process, so surely some data should be restored "by hand" in case of failure in any of the steps.

Addressing Scalability,Performance and Optimization issues in RMI Application?

my problem is: this design is working fine for one ball but i m unable to get it work for multiple balls, i have basically problem in replacing the "this" keyword in updateClients ().
i thought i need to do something like this but i m failed:
System.out.println("in ballimpl" + j.size());
for (ICallback aClient : j) {
The current situation of code is :
The model remote object, which is iterating client list and calling update method of them,
public class BallImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject implements Ball,Runnable {
private List<ICallback> clients = new ArrayList<ICallback>();
protected static ServerServices chatServer;
static ServerServices si;
BallImpl() throws RemoteException {
public synchronized void move() throws RemoteException {
loc.translate((int) changeInX, (int) changeInY);
public void start() throws RemoteException {
if (gameThread.isAlive()==false )
if (run==false){
/** Start the ball bouncing. */
// Run the game logic in its own thread.
public void run() {
while (true) {
// Execute one game step
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
public void updateClients() throws RemoteException {
si = new ServerServicesImpl();
List<ICallback> j = si.getClientNames();
System.out.println("in messimpl " + j.size());
if (j != null) {
System.out.println("in ballimpl" + j.size());
for (ICallback aClient : j) {
} else
System.err.println("Clientlist is empty");
The client which is implementing callback interface and has update method implementation :
public final class thenewBallWhatIwant implements Runnable, ICallback {
public void updateClients(final Ball ball) throws RemoteException {
try {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception: " + e);
thanks for any feedback.
Separate your RMI logic from your Ball logic.
You should be able to run your ball simulation without needing any RMI modules. Just to run it locally, to test it. Then you should find a way to wrap that process in RMI so that you can still run it locally to test it without any sort of RMI interface. This block of code is the engine, and it is very important to be able to test it in as atomic a form as possible. Having extra parts integrated with it just increases the complexity of what will undoubtedly be some of the most complex code.
Don't let any extra interfaces into your engine. It should be very specific and few the packages required to use your engine. Any new functionality your software needs, implement it appropriately in the engine to support generic design. Wrap that to provide specific functionality outside the core of the engine. This protects the engine design against changes to the environment. It also allows for more complete testing of the engine.
We make exceptions sometimes in cases where something will only ever be used in one way. But in this case, testing without RMI would seem to be critical to getting your engine working correctly. If your engine runs faster than the network can keep up due to large numbers of clients connecting, do you want the whole game to slow down, or do you want the clients to lag behind? I say, you want to be able to make that choice.
