Common part in associations rails, should I use merge? - ruby

Update 2
.where("cama_custom_fields_relationships.custom_field_slug = ? AND
cama_custom_fields_relationships.value LIKE ?","localization",
.where("cama_custom_fields_relationships.custom_field_slug = ? AND cama_custom_fields_relationships.value = ?","type-localization", "2"))
Why this merge doesn't work ?
It returns me same result when executed seperately... Merge should work as intersection so common part should be result. I dont get it
I will try to ask in more conceptual way.
I have model B that have slug:text, value:text, belongs_to: Model A
I have model A that have name:string, has_many: Model B
#posts_one = I search for model B where slug="something", value = "city"
#posts_two = I search for model B where slug="mood", value="good"
I have 2 results based on diffrent parameters. Both belongs_to: model A
Now I want to return only the common belongs_to.
so if
#posts_one will return me 20 results with model_a_ids
#posts_two will return me 20 results with model_a_ids
I want to return only common model_a_ids of those 2 queries and right away to find posts. I try to make it in one query but dont know if its possible
Oryginal post
I use Camaleon CMS and I try to create filters based on additional "custom fields". I think to answer this question you dont have to know this cms.
I want to find common part of 2 queries or make it in one query(that would be the best)
I have
#posts = Cama::PostType.first.posts.includes(:custom_field_values)
#param_localization = "Paris"
#param_type_localization = "House"
#posts_one = #posts.merge(CamaleonCms::CustomFieldsRelationship.
where("cama_custom_fields_relationships.custom_field_slug = ? AND
LOWER(cama_custom_fields_relationships.value) LIKE ?", "localization",
puts #posts_one.count => 2
#posts_two = #posts.merge(CamaleonCms::CustomFieldsRelationship.where(custom_field_slug:
"type-localization", value: #param_type_localization))
puts #posts_two.count => 2
Question is how can I merge it together or make it one query ? When I made it in one where clause it returns me 0 results since I need to find 2 diffrent custom fields relationships that has diffrent values and slugs but it have relations to posts throught :custom_fields_values, so I have to make 2 queries I guess(like I did). First I find customFieldRelationship with slug = localization and second with slug = type_localization and then I need to find common part
I tried to #result = #posts_one.merge(#posts_two) but I got no result then. I thought it will return me "common part" of association which means 2 results
How can I combine it to find me posts that fullfil both queries ?
Let me know if I explained my problem not well enought.

You'll want to combine it in SQL: (untested)
#posts_combined = #posts.merge(CamaleonCms::CustomFieldsRelationship.
where("(cama_custom_fields_relationships.custom_field_slug = ?
OR cama_custom_fields_relationships.custom_field_slug = 'type-localization')
AND LOWER(cama_custom_fields_relationships.value) LIKE ? ", "localization",


Rails 4 and Mongoid: programmatically build query to search for different conditions on the same field

I'm building a advanced search functionality and, thanks to the help of some ruby fellows on SO, I've been already able to combine AND and OR conditions programmatically on different fields of the same class.
I ended up writing something similar to the accepted answer mentioned above, which I report here:
query = criteria.each_with_object({}) do |(field, values), query|
field = if(values.is_a?(Array))
query[field] = values
Now, what might happen is that someone wants to search on a certain field with multiple criteria, something like:
"all the users where names contains 'abc' but not contains 'def'"
How would you write the query above?
Please note that I already have the regexes to do what I want to (see below), my question is mainly on how to combine them together.
#contains'.*' + val + '.*')
#not contains'^((?!'+ val +').)*$')
Thanks for your time!
I was playing with the console and this is working:
MyClass.where(name: /.*abc.*/).and(name: /^((?!def).)*$/)
My question remains: how do I do that programmatically? I shouldn't end up with more than two conditions on the same field but it's something I can't be sure of.
You could use an :$and operator to combine the individual queries:
MyClass.where(:$and => [
{ name: /.*abc.*/ },
{ name: /^((?!def).)*$/ }
That would change the overall query builder to something like this:
components = do |field, value|
field = if(value.is_a?(Array))
{ field => value }
query = components.length > 1 ? { :$and => components } : components.first
You build a list of the individual components and then, at the end, either combine them with :$and or, if there aren't enough components for :$and, just unwrap the single component and call that your query.

How and where to modify Magento search query?

First of all, I found similar questions in SO but there is not any answer for them. So, the first part of the question is a little bit duplicated. I want to improve search results in Magento. Here is what I've done already:
1. Search with AND instead of OR when there are multiple words.
2. Ajax search starts searching from anywhere and not only from the beginning of the fields.
3. Trim the last s from the words to prevent empty results when searching with plurals.
4. I changed the search type from Like to Fulltext or Combine but the results were not better and even were worst, so I leave it as is. It's Like now, so there is no relevance ordering.
The last thing which I want to try is adding this to the search query:
SELECT ... other non-full-text-cols
MATCH (product_title) AGAINST ('lean body for her') AS rel1,
MATCH (content) AGAINST ('lean body for her') AS rel2
FROM table
WHERE MATCH (product_title,content) AGAINST ('lean body for her')
ORDER BY (rel1*1.5)+(rel2)
Here is my query but I'm not sure if it would work because I can't test it:
'rel1' => new Zend_Db_Expr('MATCH (name) AGAINST ("'.$queryText.'")'),
'rel2' => new Zend_Db_Expr('MATCH (short_description) AGAINST ("'.$queryText.'")')
->where('MATCH (name,short_description) AGAINST ("'.$queryText.'")')
The main idea is to add bonus weight to a result if the search query is found in the title of the product. The problem is that I don't know where to modify the query. I can't find where it is at all. $this->_productCollection is not the right object, I know it. I looked at all the Collection.php files, resource models, models and even the query log but no luck. There are just little 1 or 2 row parts in some files but not a full query. I'm new to Magento and still have problems with finding this type of stuff. So, where I have to place my additional stuff when I have to extend a query?
Community Edition Magento, version
Note: I know that some extension for improving search results will work much better than my solutions but for now I have to do it in that way. It would be a good experience for me, too.
So, I figured out how to add my custom fields for the ordering but it's
untruly I think. In class Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Layer extends Mage_Catalog_Model_Layer's prepareProductCollection method I added two joins to the query and get the fields rel1 and rel2:
array('cpev' => 'catalog_product_entity_varchar'),
'cpev.entity_id = e.entity_id AND cpev.attribute_id = 96',
array('rel1' => new Zend_Db_Expr('2.01*(LENGTH(cpev.value) - LENGTH(REPLACE(LCASE(cpev.value), LCASE("'.$queryText.'"), ""))) / LENGTH("'.$queryText.'")'))
array('cpet' => 'catalog_product_entity_text'),
'cpet.entity_id = e.entity_id AND cpet.attribute_id = 506',
array('rel2' => new Zend_Db_Expr('(LENGTH(cpet.value) - LENGTH(REPLACE(LCASE(cpet.value), LCASE("'.$queryText.'"), ""))) / LENGTH("'.$queryText.'")'))
I have these fields now but as you can see I have hard coded stuff like attribute_id = 96 etc. which is not good at all and it will not work everytime - I checked these ids directly from the database tables. I wrote it like this because I haven't access to name and short_description fields but they are in the result. Don't know why. So, cpev.value is name field and cpet.value is the short_description field. Moreover I can't order the results by these fields. I tried $collection->addOrder('SUM(rel1+rel2)');, $collection->getSelect()->order(new Zend_Db_Expr('SUM(rel1+rel2)').' DESC');, some addAttributeToFilter stuff etc. but it's not working.
Edit 2:
I accepted #james' answer but finally we bought an extension for improving the search results.
In Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Resource_Fulltext check out prepareResult (line 310 in 1.7 CE) and look for the following:
$select->columns(array('relevance' => new Zend_Db_Expr(0)));
Magento sets all search result relevances as 0 (!); add the relevances you want (higher is better) here. You can create a custom query in Zend_Db_Expr() to generate higher relevances on attribute matches.
The answer to your first question (1):
To make an AND search instead of OR, you will need to rewrite the class
In the method
public function prepareResult($object, $queryText, $query)
you want to switch the part
$likeCond = '(' . join(' OR ', $like) . ')';
$likeCond = '(' . join(' AND ', $like) . ')';
Be sure to reindex the search index afterwards to have an effect.

Entity Framework, Table Per Type and Linq - Getting the "Type"

I have an Abstract type called Product, and five "Types" that inherit from Product in a table per type hierarchy fashion as below:
I want to get all of the information for all of the Products, including a smattering of properties from the different objects that inherit from products to project them into a new class for use in an MVC web page. My linq query is below:
//Return the required products
var model = from p in Product.Products
where p.archive == false && ((Prod_ID == 0) || (p.ID == Prod_ID))
select new SearchViewModel
ID = p.ID,
lend_name = p.Lender.lend_name,
pDes_rate = p.pDes_rate,
pDes_details = p.pDes_details,
pDes_totTerm = p.pDes_totTerm,
pDes_APR = p.pDes_APR,
pDes_revDesc = p.pDes_revDesc,
pMax_desc = p.pMax_desc,
dDipNeeded = p.dDipNeeded,
dAppNeeded = p.dAppNeeded,
CalcFields = new DAL.SearchCalcFields
pDes_type = p.pDes_type,
pDes_rate = p.pDes_rate,
pTFi_fixedRate = p.pTFi_fixedRate
The problem I have is accessing the p.pTFi_fixedRate, this is not returned with the Products collection of entities as it is in the super type of Fixed. How do I return the "super" type of Products (Fixed) properties using Linq and the Entity Framework. I actually need to return some fields from all the different supertypes (Disc, Track, etc) for use in calculations. Should I return these as separate Linq queries checking the type of "Product" that is returned?
This is a really good question. I've had a look in the Julie Lerman book and scouted around the internet and I can't see an elegant answer.
If it were me I would create a data transfer object will all the properties of the types and then have a separate query for each type and then union them all up. I would insert blanks into the DTO properies where the properties aren't relevant to that type. Then I would hope that the EF engine makes a reasonable stab at creating decent SQL.
var results = (from p in context.Products.OfType<Disc>
select new ProductDTO {basefield1 = p.val1, discField=p.val2, fixedField=""})
from p in context.Products.OfType<Fixed>
select new ProductDTO {basefield1 = p.val1, discField="", fixedField=p.val2});
But that can't be the best answer can it. Is there any others?
So Fixed is inherited from Product? If so, you should probably be querying for Fixed instead, and the Product properties will be pulled into it.
If you are just doing calculations and getting some totals or something, you might want to look at using a stored procedure. It will amount to fewer database calls and allow for much faster execution.
Well it depends on your model, but usually you need to do something like:
var model = from p in Product.Products.Include("SomeNavProperty")
.... (rest of query)
Where SomeNavProperty is the entity type that loads pTFi_fixedRate.

CakePHP Pagination sort() on Related Models

I have two models: Plans and PlanDetails.
Relationship is: PlanDetails hasMany Plans. Plans belongTo PlanDetails.
In the PlanDetails view.ctp, I am pulling in related Plans.
I am trying to sort the Plans by ANY field (I've tried them all), and I cannot get it working. I assume I am overlooking something very simple.
Here is my base code:
PlanDetail >> view.ctp:
...foreach ($planDetail['Plan'] as $plan_edit) :
$class = null;
if ($i++ % 2 == 0) {
$class = ' class="altrow"';
<?php echo $this->Paginator->sort('Plan ID', ''); ?>...
...<?php echo $plan_edit['id']; ?>
...function view($id = null) {
if (!$id) {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid plan detail', true));
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
$this->PlanDetail->recursive = 2; // To run the editable form deeper.
$this->set('planDetail', $this->PlanDetail->read(null, $id));
$this->set('plan', $this->paginate('Plan'));
I should add, no errors are being thrown and the sort() arrows on the ID field are showing as expected, but the sort order DOES not change when clicked either way.
Sorry, I'm not able to comment on the question itself, but I've noticed that in your action, you set planDetail to be the PlanDetail record you read (with recursive set to 2), and then you set plan to be the result of the paginate call.
Then, in your view template, you're iterating over $planDetail's contained Plan association, like this:
foreach ($planDetail['Plan'] as $plan_edit):
But in order to get the sorting and pagination done, you need to be displaying the results of the paginate call i.e. iterate over the records contained in $plan.
Do a debug($plan) in your view template to see what results you get there and to see if the records' ordering changes when you sort by different fields.
Also, perhaps you're using syntax I'm not aware of, but if you simply call $this->paginate('Plan') in your controller, I don't know that you're going to get only the related Plan records for your particular PlanDetail record. (There's nothing tying the $id passed into your view action with the Plan records.) You might need to add some conditions to the paginate call, like so:
$this->paginate['Plan'] = array('conditions' => array('Plan.plan_detail_id' => $id));
$this->set('plans', $this->paginate('Plan'));
Here is what I did to solve this. Based on some helpful direction from johnp & tokes.
...$i = 0;
foreach ($plan as $plan_edit) : // note $plan here.
In my plan_details_controller.php view action:
$conditions = array("Plan.plan_detail_id" => "$id");
$this->set('plan', $this->paginate('Plan', $conditions)); // note "plan" in the first argument of set (this is required to pass the results back to the view). Also. The $condition is set to return ONLY plans that match the plan_detail_id of id (on the plan_details table).
And in my view, in order to get my results (because I changed the array name), I had to change the way I was getting the values to:
$plan_edit['Plan']['modified'] // note I placed ['Plan'] in front of these calls as the array called for this to get the data...
Well until the next problem! SOLVED.

ActiveRecord: Find through multiple instances

Say I have the following in my controller:
and I want to find all stores associated with those two categories...
#stores = #category1.stores + #category2.stores
this does work, but unfortunately returns an unaltered Array, rather than a AR::Base Array, and as such, I can't do things like pagination, scope, etc...
It seems to me like there's a built-in way of finding through multiple instance association... isn't there?
##stores = #category1.stores + #category2.stores
#if you want to call API methods you can just add conditions with the category id
#stores = Store.find(:all, :conditions => ['category_id=?', a || b])
With ActiveRecord, whenever you're finding a set of unique model objects, calling find on that model is usually your best bet.
Then all you need to do is constrain the join table with the categories you care about.
#stores = Store.all(:joins => :categories,
:conditions => ['category_stores.category_id in (?)', [,]])
