How and where to modify Magento search query? - magento

First of all, I found similar questions in SO but there is not any answer for them. So, the first part of the question is a little bit duplicated. I want to improve search results in Magento. Here is what I've done already:
1. Search with AND instead of OR when there are multiple words.
2. Ajax search starts searching from anywhere and not only from the beginning of the fields.
3. Trim the last s from the words to prevent empty results when searching with plurals.
4. I changed the search type from Like to Fulltext or Combine but the results were not better and even were worst, so I leave it as is. It's Like now, so there is no relevance ordering.
The last thing which I want to try is adding this to the search query:
SELECT ... other non-full-text-cols
MATCH (product_title) AGAINST ('lean body for her') AS rel1,
MATCH (content) AGAINST ('lean body for her') AS rel2
FROM table
WHERE MATCH (product_title,content) AGAINST ('lean body for her')
ORDER BY (rel1*1.5)+(rel2)
Here is my query but I'm not sure if it would work because I can't test it:
'rel1' => new Zend_Db_Expr('MATCH (name) AGAINST ("'.$queryText.'")'),
'rel2' => new Zend_Db_Expr('MATCH (short_description) AGAINST ("'.$queryText.'")')
->where('MATCH (name,short_description) AGAINST ("'.$queryText.'")')
The main idea is to add bonus weight to a result if the search query is found in the title of the product. The problem is that I don't know where to modify the query. I can't find where it is at all. $this->_productCollection is not the right object, I know it. I looked at all the Collection.php files, resource models, models and even the query log but no luck. There are just little 1 or 2 row parts in some files but not a full query. I'm new to Magento and still have problems with finding this type of stuff. So, where I have to place my additional stuff when I have to extend a query?
Community Edition Magento, version
Note: I know that some extension for improving search results will work much better than my solutions but for now I have to do it in that way. It would be a good experience for me, too.
So, I figured out how to add my custom fields for the ordering but it's
untruly I think. In class Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Layer extends Mage_Catalog_Model_Layer's prepareProductCollection method I added two joins to the query and get the fields rel1 and rel2:
array('cpev' => 'catalog_product_entity_varchar'),
'cpev.entity_id = e.entity_id AND cpev.attribute_id = 96',
array('rel1' => new Zend_Db_Expr('2.01*(LENGTH(cpev.value) - LENGTH(REPLACE(LCASE(cpev.value), LCASE("'.$queryText.'"), ""))) / LENGTH("'.$queryText.'")'))
array('cpet' => 'catalog_product_entity_text'),
'cpet.entity_id = e.entity_id AND cpet.attribute_id = 506',
array('rel2' => new Zend_Db_Expr('(LENGTH(cpet.value) - LENGTH(REPLACE(LCASE(cpet.value), LCASE("'.$queryText.'"), ""))) / LENGTH("'.$queryText.'")'))
I have these fields now but as you can see I have hard coded stuff like attribute_id = 96 etc. which is not good at all and it will not work everytime - I checked these ids directly from the database tables. I wrote it like this because I haven't access to name and short_description fields but they are in the result. Don't know why. So, cpev.value is name field and cpet.value is the short_description field. Moreover I can't order the results by these fields. I tried $collection->addOrder('SUM(rel1+rel2)');, $collection->getSelect()->order(new Zend_Db_Expr('SUM(rel1+rel2)').' DESC');, some addAttributeToFilter stuff etc. but it's not working.
Edit 2:
I accepted #james' answer but finally we bought an extension for improving the search results.

In Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Resource_Fulltext check out prepareResult (line 310 in 1.7 CE) and look for the following:
$select->columns(array('relevance' => new Zend_Db_Expr(0)));
Magento sets all search result relevances as 0 (!); add the relevances you want (higher is better) here. You can create a custom query in Zend_Db_Expr() to generate higher relevances on attribute matches.

The answer to your first question (1):
To make an AND search instead of OR, you will need to rewrite the class
In the method
public function prepareResult($object, $queryText, $query)
you want to switch the part
$likeCond = '(' . join(' OR ', $like) . ')';
$likeCond = '(' . join(' AND ', $like) . ')';
Be sure to reindex the search index afterwards to have an effect.


Adding a custom sorting to listing with an aggregate in shopware 6

I am trying to build a custom sorting for the product listings in shopware 6.
I want to include a foreign table (entity is: leasingPlanEntity), get the min of one of the fields of that table (period_price) and then order the search result by that value.
I have already built a Subscriber, and try it like that, what seems to work.
public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
return [
//ProductListingCollectFilterEvent::class => 'addFilter'
ProductListingCriteriaEvent::class => ['addCriteria', 5000]
public function addCriteria(ProductListingCriteriaEvent $event): void
$criteria = $event->getCriteria();
$criteria->addAggregation(new MinAggregation('min_period_price', 'leasingPlan.periodPrice'));
// Sortierung hinzufügen.
$availableSortings = $event->getCriteria()->getExtension('sortings') ?? new ProductSortingCollection();
$myCustomSorting = new ProductSortingEntity();
$myCustomSorting->setTranslated(['label' => 'My Custom Sorting at runtime']);
'field' => 'leasingPlan.periodPrice',
'order' => 'asc',
'priority' => 1,
'naturalSorting' => 0,
$event->getCriteria()->addExtension('sortings', $availableSortings);
Is this already the right way to get the min(periodPrice)? Or is it taking just a random value out of the leasingPlan table to define the sort-order?
I didn't find a way, to define the min_period_price aggregate value in the $myCustomSorting->setFields Methods.
Update 1
Some days later, I asked a less complex question in the shopware community on slack:
Is it possible to use the DAL to define a subquery for an association in the product-listing?
It should generate something like:
) AS ...
The answer there was:
Don't think so
Update 2
I also did an in-deep anlysis of the DAL-Query-Builder, and it really seems to be not possible, to perform a subquery with the current version.
Update 3 - Different approach
A different approach might be, to define custom fields in the main entity. Every time a change is made on the main entity, the values of this custom fields should be recalculated.
It is a lot of overhead work, to realize this. Especially when the fields you are adding, are dependend on other data like the availability of a product in the store, for example.
So check, if it is worth the extra work. Would be better, to have a solution for building subqueries.
Unfortunately it seems that in your case there is no easy way to achieve this, if I understand the issue correctly.
Consider the following: for each product you can have multiple leasingPlan entities, and I assume that for a given context (like a specific sales channel or listing) that still holds. This means that you would have to sort the leasingPlan entities by price, then take the one with the lowest price, and then sort the products by their lowest-price leasingPlan's price.
There seems to be no other way to achieve that, and unfortunately for you, sorting is applied at the end, even if it is sort of a subquery.
So, for example, if you have the following snippet
$criteria = $event->getCriteria();
->addSorting(new FieldSorting('price', FieldSorting::ASCENDING))
The actual price-sorting would be applied AFTER the leasingPlan entities are fetched - essentially the results would be sorted, meaning that you would not get the cheapest leasing plan per product, instead getting the first one.
You can only do something like that with filters, but in this case there is nothing to filter by - I assume you don't have one leasingPlan per SalesChannel or per language, so that you could limit that list to just one entry that could be used for sorting
That is not to mention that this could not be included in a ProductSortingEntity, but you could always work around that by plugging into the appropriate events and modifying the criteria during runtime
I see two ways to resolve your issue
Making another table which would store the cheapest leasingPlan per product and just using that as your association
Storing the information about the cheapest leasingPlans in e.g. cache and using that for filtering (caution: a mistake here would probably break the sorting, for example if you end up with too few or too many leasingPlans per product)
public function applyCustomSorting(ProductListingCriteriaEvent $event): void
// One leasingPlan per one product
$cheapestLeasingPlans = $this->myCustomService->getCheapestLeasingPlanIds();
$criteria = $event->getCriteria();
->addSorting(new FieldSorting('price', FieldSorting::ASCENDING))
->addFilter(new EqualsAnyFilter('id', $cheapestLeasingPlans))
And then you could sort by
$criteria->addSorting(new FieldSorting('leasingPlan.periodPrice', FieldSorting::ASCENDING));
There should be no need to add the association manually and to add the aggregation to the criteria, that should happen automatically behind the scenes if your custom sorting is selected in the storefront.
For more information refer to the official docs.

How To Use Magento Collections to Run Query, Get Results, and Print Them

I am fairly new to programming, php, Magento, and most of all, SQL. Please forgive me if this is somehow a dumb question.
I am trying to use Magento collections to select two different columns in two different tables and join them. These two columns contain product numbers that follow the same conventions and my goal is to get and display the product numbers that field a (lets call it 'product_id') contains that field b ('item_nr') does not.
Here is my function so far, located currently in a model that will be called by a controller action.
public function importCompare() {
$orderlistCollect = Mage::getModel('personal_orderlist/orderlist')->getCollection()
->addFieldToFilter('b.item_nr', null)
->joinLeft( array('b'=>$this->getTable('catalog/product')), 'main_table.product_id = b.item_nr', array('b.item_nr'));
echo $orderlistCollect;
By echoing the variable, I get the following query.
SELECT `main_table`.`product_id`, `b`.`erp_item_nr`
FROM `mag1personal_orderlist` AS `main_table`
LEFT JOIN `` AS `b` ON main_table.product_id = b.item_nr
WHERE (b.item_nr = '')
This looks fairly close to what I want, however the big problem is that I have no idea how to retrieve the information I should derive from this query and echo it. I've tried to use a variety of collection manipulation methods to no avail. Is it easy to use them out of order as well?
Any help here is appreciated.
Collections use interfaces from PHP's standard library to implement for each-able behaviors.
If that sounded like greek, give this a try.
foreach($orderlistCollect as $item)
$data = $item->getData();
$sku = $item->getSku();
$sku = $item->getData('sku');
If you're interested in learning how to do with with your own PHP objects, the Object Iteration section of the manual is a good place to start. However, there's no need to dive deep on this — just treat a collection like you would an array of objects, and you'll be fine.

Finding Last Name Using LINQ

I am trying to get last name using linq in visual studio. In my database, i have the Field name like "FullName".
In this Field I have value like "Subbu Cargos"
I Wanna Display the "Cargos" in my textbox.
How can i make a simple linq query?
Would it be over simple to say:
return FullName.Split(' ').Last()
I would suggest breaking it up into different fields - Firstname, Middlename, lastname, Title - and rebuilding the name on the fly when you come to display it.
If you're still determined to use one field, then consider a query like:
string s = "Subba Cargos";
var lastnames = from name in s.Split(new Char[] { ' ' }).Last<string>()
select name;
I would suggest not trying to parse out the last name. Like you say, first and last names could be switched around, someone might have a second name, or a last name that consists of multiple words (“van Dijk”), or may not have entered a last name at all.
Check out this article: Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names
If you still want to do this however, try something like this:
customers.Select(c => c.FullName.Split(' ').Last());
You might not be able to this on the server side. In that case:
.Select(c => c.FullName)
.Select(n => n.Split(' ').Last());
Untested, but this should give a rough idea.
You could also do it like this:
.Select (b => b.FullName.Substring ((b.FullName.IndexOf(' ') + 1)));

Loading Thousands of Codes to Map to a Shopping Cart Rule in Magento

I've been looking at the salesrule_coupon table, and I've discovered that I can map many coupon codes to a single rule, if the rule itself is of type 'Auto.' This is highly convenient as my client needs us to sync the codes periodically with a feed of data.
So in loading in these thousands of codes (using a custom module & direct SQL calls) they load just fine, and I can test and verify that many of them work.
However in working my way down the list of these codes, they stop working. The first 30 or so will work just fine, but thereafter, Magento says that the codes are invalid.
I'm still debugging this, and I'll post updates if I discover anything... but I've tried and experienced this with two separate price rules now. One rule crapped out at the 31st code, the second at the 39th.
What's really strange is that, if I change these codes to point to a different rule (one with less than 30 codes) they're recognized and accepted. Nothing else changed, that I can determine.
Any ideas on how to proceed here? Has anyone attempted this before? This is an interesting one.
I fixed the same issue when I was creating something similar for one of my customers. The source of the problem for retrieving of valid coupon Magento Core Sales Rule module uses FIND_IN_SET() with GROUP_CONCAT() MySQL functions instead adding additional condition for joined table. So FIND_IN_SET just truncates number of coupon codes that are used in group concatenation to 31 item (32 bits mask). Also I noticed that they are using HAVING instead of where, so it affects performance a bit.
So what you need to do are the following:
Create rewrite for this resource model: Mage_SalesRule_Model_Mysql4_Rule_Collection (salesrule/rule_collection)
Then in your resource model that rewrites core one, you need to redefine this method setValidationFilter($websiteId, $customerGroupId, $couponCode='', $now=null) that applies limitations for sales rules on the frontend. Here the method body that I used:
* Fix for validation with auto-coupons
* #todo remove this fix, after the bug in core will be fixed
* (non-PHPdoc)
* #see Mage_SalesRule_Model_Mysql4_Rule_Collection::setValidationFilter()
public function setValidationFilter($websiteId, $customerGroupId, $couponCode='', $now=null)
if (is_null($now)) {
$now = Mage::getModel('core/date')->date('Y-m-d');
$this->getSelect()->where('find_in_set(?, website_ids)', (int)$websiteId);
$this->getSelect()->where('find_in_set(?, customer_group_ids)', (int)$customerGroupId);
if ($couponCode) {
$couponCondition = $this->getConnection()->quoteInto(
'extra_coupon.code = ?',
array('extra_coupon' => $this->getTable('salesrule/coupon')),
'extra_coupon.rule_id = main_table.rule_id AND extra_coupon.is_primary IS NULL AND ' . $couponCondition,
. $this->getSelect()->getAdapter()->quoteInto(' main_table.coupon_type <> ?', Mage_SalesRule_Model_Rule::COUPON_TYPE_SPECIFIC)
. $this->getSelect()->getAdapter()->quoteInto(' OR primary_coupon.code = ?', $couponCode) . ')'
. $this->getSelect()->getAdapter()->quoteInto(' main_table.coupon_type <> ?', Mage_SalesRule_Model_Rule::COUPON_TYPE_AUTO)
. $this->getSelect()->getAdapter()->quoteInto(' OR extra_coupon.code IS NOT NULL') . ')'
} else {
$this->getSelect()->where('main_table.coupon_type = ?', Mage_SalesRule_Model_Rule::COUPON_TYPE_NO_COUPON);
$this->getSelect()->where('from_date is null or from_date<=?', $now);
$this->getSelect()->where('to_date is null or to_date>=?', $now);
return $this;
Test fix & Enjoy Magento Development :)
Another solution is to increase the mysql limit you are running into with
SET GLOBAL group_concat_max_len=9999999;
as Ivan explained the FIND_IN_SET does not return all your coupon codes. You need to increase group_concat_max_len to be able to hold the length of all your coupon codes delimited by a comma (COUPON1, COUPON2, COUPON3).
Since you have likely used different codes with different lengths, this would explain why 1 rule worked for 30 while the other worked for 38.

LINQ Query to find all tags?

I have an application that manages documents called Notes. Like a blog, Notes can be searched for matches against one or more Tags, which are contained in a Note.Tags collection property. A Tag has Name and ID properties, and matches are made against the ID. A user can specify multiple tags to match against, in which case a Note must contain all Tags specified to match.
I have a very complex LINQ query to perform a Note search, with extension methods and looping. Quite frankly, it has a real code smell to it. I want to rewrite the query with something much simpler. I know that if I made the Tag a simple string, I could use something like this:
var matchingNotes = from n in myNotes
where n.Tags.All(tag => searchTags.Contains(tag))
Can I do something that simple if my model uses a Tag object with an ID? What would the query look like. Could it be written in fluent syntax? what would that look like?
I believe you can find notes that have the relevant tags in a single LINQ expression:
IQueryable<Note> query = ... // top part of query
query = query.Where(note => searchTags.All(st =>
note.Tags.Any(notetag => notetag.Id == st.Id)));
Unfortunately there is no “fluent syntax” equivalent for All and Any, so the best you can do there is
query = from note in query
where searchTags.All(st =>
note.Tags.Any(notetag => notetag.Id == st.Id))
select note;
which is not that much better either.
For starters see my comment; I suspect the query is wrong anyway! I would simplifiy it, by simply enforcing separately that each tag exists:
IQueryable<Note> query = ... // top part of query
foreach(var tagId in searchTagIds) {
var tmpId = tagId; // modified closures...
query = query.Where(note => note.Tags.Any(t => t.Id == tmpId));
This should have the net effect of enforcing all the tags specified are present and accounted for.
Timwi's solution works in most dialects of LINQ, but not in Linq to Entities. I did find a single-statement LINQ query that works, courtesy of ReSharper. Basically, I wrote a foreach block to do the search, and ReSharper offered to convert the block to a LINQ statement--I had no idea it could do this.
I let ReSharper perform the conversion, and here is what it gave me:
return searchTags.Aggregate<Tag, IQueryable<Note>>(DataStore.ObjectContext.Notes, (current, tag) => current.Where(n => n.Tags.Any(t => t.Id == tag.Id)).OrderBy(n => n.Title));
I read my Notes collection from a database, using Entity Framework 4. DataStore is the custom class I use to manage my EF4 connection; it holds the EF4 ObjectContext as a property.
