How can I execute same scenario or feature 10 times concurrently in multiple browser to check the performance of website - ruby

I have a requirement for the performance of webpage,
example : I have a logging page need to run 10 concurrent execution with different users to test the performance of that page.
I have gone through ruby-jmeter gem but It opened only one browser, but in jmeter log it is showing more than 10 sessions.
Can anyone help on this one
Thank you

To run multiple sessions simultaneously you can use the parallel tests gem:
Standard disclaimer: there are a lot of variables in evaluating performance and it is extremely difficult to control those variables sufficiently to get useful information on performance using Selenium or Watir.


Regarding the Chrome and FF multi thread (Process) how to do load test with web protocol?

I wonder if some one solved the issue of browser multi thread with a request response script for load test
If you are going to use real Chrome and FF browsers for load test you can consider the following options:
Selenium Grid
Selenium-Grid allows you run your tests on different machines against different browsers in parallel. That is, running multiple tests at the same time against different machines running different browsers and operating systems. Essentially, Selenium-Grid support distributed test execution. It allows for running your tests in a distributed test execution environment.
Apache JMeter with the WebDriver Sampler plugin. This way you will be able to control concurrency and get performance metrics in form of HTML Reporting Dashboard.
Simulating web browser concurrency is something most load testing tools do very badly, if at all. We have tried to do this in k6 by letting each VU (virtual user) use multiple, concurrent TCP connections to fetch things in parallel. There is a special API function - http.batch() - that enables this functionality. http.batch() accepts multiple URLs as input parameters, and will fetch as many as possible in parallel.
Like Dmitri writes, Jmeter has a plugin that provides concurrency - sort of. However, what it actually does (unless I'm misinformed) is to spread out requests over multple VUs. Each VU will still only use one concurrent connection, which means that if you e.g. want to simulate 100 real browser users, you may need to fire up 1,000 VUs to do so realistically. This is not very different from what you would get with any other load testing tool, in my opinion: all of them allow you to start more VUs to create more concurrency and more traffic.
I'd say that apart from k6 and maybe one or perhaps two other tools (and Jmeter is not one of them), your only option if you want to really simulate the way browsers behave, is to use Selenium Grid or something similar to fire up a large number of real, actual browsers to do the load testing. The drawback is that real browsers are very expensive to run: they want lots of CPU and memory. But they provide the by far best browser "simulation".

JMeter Load Testing Time Verification

I use JMeter for checking load testing.
I note a time with stopwatch when i check load time personally it was
8.5 seconds
when i run same case with JMeter it gave load time of 2 seconds
There is huge difference between them, How can i verify the actual time?
e.g : if one user taking 9 seconds to load the form while in JMeter it is given load time 2 seconds
Client time is a complex item, as you can see from the clip from the Chrome Developer tools, performance tab, above. There's lots going on at the client which does lead to a difference between the time you see with an HTTP protocol test tool, such as JMETER (and most of the other performance test tools on the planet) and the actual client render.
You can address this Delta in a number of ways:
Run a single GUI Virtual user. Name your timing records such as "Login" and "login_GUI." The delta between the two is your client weight. Make sure to run the GUI virtual user on a dedicated host to avoid resource contention
Run a test with all browsers. This was state of the art in 1995. Because of the resource cost and the skew imposed on trying to figure out the cost of the server response the entire industry shifted to protocol level virtual users. Some are trying to bring back this model as "state of the art." It is not
Ask a performance question earlier, also known as "shift left..." Every developer has these developer tools at their disposal, as does every functional tester. If you find that a client is slow for one user, be curious and use the developer tools to identify, "why?" If you are waiting to multi user performance testing to answer questions related to client weight, then you have waited too long and often will not have the time or resources to change the page architecture in meaningful ways to reduce the client page cost. This is where understanding earlier has tremendous advantages for making changes.
I picked the graphic above deliberately to illustrate the precise challenge you have. Notice, the loading of the components takes less than a tenth of a second. These are the requests that JMETER would be making. But the page takes almost five seconds to "render." Jmeter is not broken, it is working as designed. It is your understanding that needs to change on which tools can be used to pull particular stats for analysis.
You can't compare JMeter load time to browser as is, also because your browser will load JavaScript files and can call JavaScript functions on page load while JMeter doesn't execute JavaScript.
JMeter is not a browser, it works at protocol level. As far as
web-services and remote services are concerned, JMeter looks like a
browser (or rather, multiple browsers); however JMeter does not
perform all the actions supported by browsers. In particular, JMeter
does not execute the Javascript found in HTML pages. Nor does it
render the HTML pages as a browser does (it's possible to view the
response as HTML etc., but the timings are not included in any
samples, and only one sample in one thread is ever displayed at a
Just a side note - you can use plugin to check exact load time in chrome.
Well-behaved JMeter test timing should be equal or similar to real user timing, if there is a 4x times difference - most probably your JMeter configuration is not correct.
Probably the most important. Make sure your HTTP Request samplers are configured to retrieve so called "embedded resources" (images, scripts, styles) which are referenced in the web page
If your application is using AJAX technology make sure you execute AJAX-driven requests as well and add their elapsed time to main sampler using i.e. Transaction Controller.
Make sure you mimic browser's:
Cookies via HTTP Cookie Manager
Headers via HTTP Header Manager
Cache via HTTP Cache Manager
Assuming all above you should be receiving similar to real user experience page load time. See How to make JMeter behave more like a real browser article for more detailed information on the above tips.
In addition to the answers provided by James and user7294900, please find these images to help you understand the reason behind the difference in time given by your stop watch and JMeter.
Below image gives the ideology behind how JMeter provides the time.
Below image gives the ideology behind how you have measured the time with
your stop watch.
Notice that there are additional actions performed by the browser when you are taking the time using your stop watch. This is the reason behind the huge difference in time between JMeter and your stop watch.
In addition to this, ensure that you are using the same test environmental conditions for both the tests (like same network conditions, same LG etc.)
Hope this helps!

Jmeter reporting higher load time

I am performing baseline performance test on a project. Average load time reported by jmeter is much higher than actual load time in browser(fresh- no cache and cookies).
What will be the issue?
I suggest to check the following:
Load generator overload. Re-run JMeter test with one user/thread and compare with Firefox. If the results will be comparable then the response time in JMeter may be excessive due to its overload. Try to address it by adding more load generators.
Inaccurate browser emulation. If even with one user the response time in the load test is higher, then it can be caused by inaccurate emulation of browser paralel connections. To troubleshoot it, compare waterfall diagrams. To get it from Firefox, use Firebug. Route JMeter traffic through Fiddler which displays the waterfall on the Timeline tab. If the waterfalls are different, you may have the following issue: a web browser downloads resources in parallel, while by default JMeter replays recorded traffic sequentially. To fix it, add these settings: Simulating browsers using JMeter.
Are you checking with browser during the load test ? or at another time ?
In the latter case, you would be comparing apples and oranges.
Are you using JMeter GUI mode ? if yes, it's a bad practice, GUI mode is for scripting, NON GUI mode for load testing:
How much threads are you using ? and which version of Jmeter ?
For embedded resources testing, 3.0 is the most realistic and performing:
Whenever you run performance tests instead of Average response times, always consider 90th percentile. In some cases avg. response time is skewed even if one request takes long to respond. So please check 90th Percentile.
If you are running the test with multiple users, try to hit the application from browser while load test is going on and check the response time on browser. This will tell you if your observation is correct.
The load generator may not be able to establish enough connections due to which you might see higher response time. Check load generator utilization in case if you doubt. In some cases load generator itself can't generate enough load.
Check your sever utilization when you run the performance test. This will give you an idea if the application is not able to handle the load or if it's the issue with load generator.
If you are running tests from UI mode, please try to run tests with non-UI mode. (Can you specify with how many users you are running these tests?)
Increase JMeter memory if you see issue with load generator and keep eye on load generator CPU usage too.
Check if load generator and browser from which you are hitting the application are on the same network and check network latency to check if there is network problem.

LOAD Testing without correlation

I am working for a startup. We need to Load test 500 requests for sec and 10,000 concurrent users at any given time.
We cannot afford loadrunner or any of these fancy softwares. We tried to implement it Jmeter. But it is unable to process this load.
Is there any cheaper software / online website, which can help with all the correlation issues and run the above load?
You can try our new service
In case it is close to your needs but you need more threads please let me know
SmartMeter supports automatic correlations in the Light (free) version. It is based on JMeter, so in order to achive the desired load, follow #UBIK LOAD PACK tips.
JMeter can support this load without any issue, ensure you follow best-practices:
If you don't have time to work on this, then select one of the available SAAS:

IIS7 Performance Issues for Web-services

We are experiencing slow processing of requests under heavy load. When looking at the currently running requests during these bursts I can see many requests to our web-service code.
The number of requests is not that large but they appear to be stuck in a preprocessing state. Below is an example:
We are running an IIS7 app pool in classic mode due to the need to support some legacy code.
Other requests continue to be processed but these stuck requests gradually seem to fill up the available threads leading to slow processing of other pages.
Does anyone have any idea on where these requests are getting stuck.
There appears to be no resource issue with the DB and the requests state show suggest this is all preprocessing.
We have run load tests on the code involved on local machines and can not replicate the issue.
Another possible factor is we are making use of MVC and UrlRouting.
Many thanks for any help.
Some issues only happen at production servers unfortunately, as load test can never simulate real world users.
You can try to capture hang dumps when performance is bad, and then analyze them (on your own or open a support case via to work with Microsoft support).
Usually you might have hit the famous thread pool bottleneck, Dump analysis can easily tell the culprit and help locate a solution.
Why not move them into their own AppPool to separate them from the Classic ASP app - you'll then have more options to tune.
