Tomcat 7 deployment issue for Spring boot application - spring-boot

I have created an application on spring boot using JPA and JDK 7 but I am unable to deploy this to Tomcat 7. Does tomcat 7 support Spring boot 2.0.5.RELEASE version and the associated jar for JPA/Hibernate.

Spring Boot 2.0, requires a Servlet 3.1 container. Tomcat 7 is a Servlet 3.0 container.
So it wont work.


Are Spring boot 2.2.x apps deployable to Servlet 3.0 containers

I didn't find enough documentation on spring-boot and Servlet Container compatability. What should be the minimum Servlet specification implementation required for deploying Spring-boot 2.2.x apps?
as written in the documentation of Spring boot 2.2.0.RELEASE on page 4-5.
'You can also deploy Spring Boot applications to any Servlet 3.1+ compatible container.'

How to deploy SpringBoot and Keycloak war on tomcat 9

I want to use SpringBoot 2.1.4.RELEASE, Keycloak 6.0.1, java 8 and deploy the war in an external tomcat 9 that also has other applications.
Keycloak documentation mentions -
'If you plan to deploy your Spring Application as a WAR then you should not use the Spring Boot Adapter and use the dedicated adapter for the application server or servlet container you are using. Your Spring Boot should also contain a web.xml file.'
Keycloak does not have tomcat 9 adapter.
is there any way to deploy the war on tomcat 9 ?
in my app, I don't have web.xml. Should I create an empty web.xml ?

Is it possible to run Spring boot 2.x on Jboss EAP 6.4.x?

Is it possible to run Spring boot 2.x on Jboss EAP 6.4.x?
After deploying I can't reach the service.
I get 404 when trying to reach the service.
Thanks in advance!
I have already answer to my question.
You can't use Spring boot 2 with Jboss 6.x because Spring Boot is build on Spring 5 and Spring 5 does not support Servlet 3.0 which is used in Jboss 6.x.
Spring 5 supports Servlet 3.1 and above

Spring boot 2 with webflux and Router functions war does not work with standalone tomcat server

The application runs fine on spring boot embedded tomcat 8.5.28 (gradle bootRun) but when I create the war and put the same in stand alone tomcat server (8.5.28) the application always throws 404 for any of the routes configured.
The application runs fine on spring boot embedded tomcat 8.5.28 (gradle bootRun) but when I create the war and put the same in stand alone tomcat server (8.5.28) the application always throws 404 for any of the routes configured.
Spring Boot 2.0 does not currently support WAR deployment for WebFlux applications.
See the Spring Boot issue you created:

Can I deploy a spring-boot 2.0 WAR on a Tomcat 8.0.x?

spring-boot 2.0 has been available for a week now. The blog posts mention that there's now a Tomcat 8.5 baseline for embedded tomcat.
Does that also mean I need to have a Tomcat 8.5 if I use WAR deployment of my spring-boot 2.0 application, or would a Tomcat 8.0.x still work?
The official Spring Boot 2.0.0 documentation points to Tomcat 8.5 as the baseline version for embedded servers.
Spring Framework 5.0 itself requires Servlet 3.1+ containers and Tomcat 8.5+ for both embedded and war deployments.
Although deploying Spring MVC applications to a Tomcat 8.0.x server might still work, it won't be officially supported by Spring Framework nor Spring Boot.
