Is it possible to run Spring boot 2.x on Jboss EAP 6.4.x? - spring-boot

Is it possible to run Spring boot 2.x on Jboss EAP 6.4.x?
After deploying I can't reach the service.
I get 404 when trying to reach the service.
Thanks in advance!

I have already answer to my question.
You can't use Spring boot 2 with Jboss 6.x because Spring Boot is build on Spring 5 and Spring 5 does not support Servlet 3.0 which is used in Jboss 6.x.
Spring 5 supports Servlet 3.1 and above


spring cloud 2020.0.4 and spring-kafka:2.6.6 compatibility

I am using spring cloud 2020.0.2 and spring-kafka:2.6.6 with spring boot 2.5.8. This works fine.
But when I upgrade spring cloud to 2020.0.4 then spring kafka throws following error.
MessageHandling exception, Missing header kafka_acknowledgement.
Can anyone please help me if spring cloud 2020.0.2 and spring-kafka:2.6.6 is compatible?
Thank you
2020.0.x switched to Spring Boot 2.5 in 2020.0.3 (see
Boot 2.5.x uses Spring for Apache Kafka 2.7.x.

Are Spring boot 2.2.x apps deployable to Servlet 3.0 containers

I didn't find enough documentation on spring-boot and Servlet Container compatability. What should be the minimum Servlet specification implementation required for deploying Spring-boot 2.2.x apps?
as written in the documentation of Spring boot 2.2.0.RELEASE on page 4-5.
'You can also deploy Spring Boot applications to any Servlet 3.1+ compatible container.'

How to deploy Spring Cloud Gateway 2.1 on Jboss or Tomcat?

I want to a deploy Spring Cloud Gateway but it is built on Spring Framework 5, Project Reactor.
Can I create a WAR file and deploy it on a traditional application server such as Jboss or Tomcat.
The Spring documentation in this page says it is possible.
Spring WebFlux is supported on Tomcat, Jetty, Servlet 3.1+ containers
this is Spring Cloud Gateway project link
I don't think this is possible, as Spring Cloud Gateway is itself a Spring Boot WebFlux application and this use case is only supported with embedded servers, as mentioned in the Spring Boot reference documentation.

Tomcat 7 deployment issue for Spring boot application

I have created an application on spring boot using JPA and JDK 7 but I am unable to deploy this to Tomcat 7. Does tomcat 7 support Spring boot 2.0.5.RELEASE version and the associated jar for JPA/Hibernate.
Spring Boot 2.0, requires a Servlet 3.1 container. Tomcat 7 is a Servlet 3.0 container.
So it wont work.

Can I deploy a spring-boot 2.0 WAR on a Tomcat 8.0.x?

spring-boot 2.0 has been available for a week now. The blog posts mention that there's now a Tomcat 8.5 baseline for embedded tomcat.
Does that also mean I need to have a Tomcat 8.5 if I use WAR deployment of my spring-boot 2.0 application, or would a Tomcat 8.0.x still work?
The official Spring Boot 2.0.0 documentation points to Tomcat 8.5 as the baseline version for embedded servers.
Spring Framework 5.0 itself requires Servlet 3.1+ containers and Tomcat 8.5+ for both embedded and war deployments.
Although deploying Spring MVC applications to a Tomcat 8.0.x server might still work, it won't be officially supported by Spring Framework nor Spring Boot.
