Run sh script in Tcl foreach loop - bash

I have a simple bash script,, that takes four arguments.
echo "1: $1"
echo "2: $2"
echo "3: $3"
echo "4: $4"
I try to call this from a Tcl script, test.tcl
exec bash arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4
foreach i {1 2 3} {
exec bash arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4
The first call to the script outputs as I expect it to, but the calls from the foreach loop never seem to do anything. In fact, the exec command can be replaced with exec ls to make things even simpler; the call outside the loop works fine but the one from inside the loop doesn't do anything.
As pointed out in the comments, it's probably important to mention I am using a Tcl console that is built into a software package (VMD, visual molecular dynamics). From that terminal interface, I call these scripts "interactively," and see output on the terminal from the exec outside the loop, but not from the one inside the loop.
My work is on hold because of this, any ideas?

The apparent "issue" stems from trying to run these scripts "interactively." If I modify the bash script as
echo "1: $1" > $5
echo "2: $2" >>$5
echo "3: $3" >>$5
echo "4: $4" >>$5
and the tcl script as
exec bash arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 file1.txt
foreach i {1 2 3} {
exec bash arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 file2.txt
I see both files, file{1,2}.txt, created properly. So it automatically prints to the terminal interface when the script is called outside the loop but not when called inside. This is explained more in the comments above.


Argument evaluation

Look at this bash script (
echo "aaa"
echo "bbb"
echo $1
Now, i am trying to run this script this way:
./ $(cat file1)
I have a problem:
the "cat file1" is run before Bash is evaluating all arguments before running
I would like to run "cat file1" inside, on the "echo $1" line.
How can i do this ?
I have tried this:
./ $(eval 'cat file1')
But it gives me the same result...
I think, there is no way unless you can modify the script
If you can modify, you can write your script like this:
echo "$($1)"
Then call it in this way:
./ "cat file1"
This means, you pass the command to be executed to the script and you echo the result of the executed command in the script.
But the above script is a little cumbersome. This one is simpler and would do the same:

Invalid behavior for arguments in Bash version 4.4 vs version 5.1? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Running a command with bash -c vs without
(1 answer)
Closed last year.
I am confused with this behavior, I have the following script:
#!/bin/bash -x
set -e
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then
echo 'No arguments passed'
exit 1
# Get the arguments
for ARGUMENT in "$#"; do
KEY=$(echo $ARGUMENT | cut -f1 -d=)
VALUE=$(echo $ARGUMENT | cut -f2 -d=)
case "$KEY" in
backup_dir) BACKUP_DIR=${VALUE} ;;
postgres_dbs) POSTGRES_DBS=${VALUE} ;;
backup_name) BACKUP_NAME=${VALUE} ;;
postgres_port) POSTGRES_PORT=${VALUE} ;;
postgres_host) POSTGRES_HOST=${VALUE} ;;
*) ;;
And I am executing it using:
/bin/bash -c /usr/bin/ postgres_dbs=grafana,keycloak backup_name=postgres-component-test-20220210.165630 backup_dir=/backups/postgres postgres_port=5432 postgres_host=postgres.default.svc.cluster.local
/usr/bin/ postgres_dbs=grafana,keycloak backup_name=postgres-component-test-20220210.165630 backup_dir=/backups/postgres postgres_port=5432 postgres_host=postgres.default.svc.cluster.local
But the output is:
+ set -e
+ [[ 0 -eq 0 ]]
+ echo 'No arguments passed'
No arguments passed
+ exit 1
# cat /etc/os-release
VERSION="18.04.3 LTS (Bionic Beaver)"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS"
Bash version where I can reproduce this issue:
GNU bash, version 4.4.20(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
However, this is not happening in the Bash version:
GNU bash, version 5.1.8(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin20.3.0)
It's not a bug, just a feature!
When you use the bash -c 'code …' style, actually the first CLI argument is passed to the inline code as $0, not $1.
Furthermore, if the 'code …' itself invokes an external script such as ./, then you should not forget to pass the arguments using the "$#" construct.
So you could just write (as pointed out in the comments):
bash -c './ "$#"' bash "first argument"
Or most succinctly, just like you mention you had already tried:
bash "first argument"
Additional notes
As your example was not really "minimal" (it had a very long command-line), here is a complete minimal example that you might want to test for debugging purpose:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "\$#: $#"
for arg; do printf -- '- %s\n' "$arg"; done
Then you should get a session similar to:
$ chmod a+x
$ bash -c ./ "arg 1" "arg 2"
$#: 0
$ bash -c './ "$#"' "arg 1" "arg 2"
$#: 1
- arg 2
$ bash -c './ "$#"' bash "arg 1" "arg 2"
$#: 2
- arg 1
- arg 2
$ bash "arg 1" "arg 2"
$#: 2
- arg 1
- arg 2
$ ./ "arg 1" "arg 2"
$#: 2
- arg 1
- arg 2
You wrote two ways to invoke the script, which boil down to:
bash -c ./ arg1 arg2 arg3
./ arg1 arg2 arg3
The second way is the preferred way to invoke scripts. Running them directly tells Linux to use the interpreter listed in the shebang line. There's no reason I can see for this invocation style to drop arguments.
The first, however, does indeed lose all the arguments. It's because -c doesn't belong there. If you want to invoke an explicit bash shell you should write simply:
bash ./ arg1 arg2 arg3
That will correctly pass all the arguments to the script.
When you add -c it turns ./ from the name of a script into a full blown command line. What's the difference? Well, now that command line is responsible for forwarding its arguments to the script, if that's what it wants to have happen. With -c you need to explicitly pass them on:
bash -c './ "$#"' bash arg1 arg2 arg3
Yuck! It's encased in single quotes, and there's an ugly "$#" in there. It's needed, though. Without "$#" the arguments are simply dropped on the floor.
-c also takes an extra argument, the value for $0. So not only is "$#" needed, you also have to add an extra bash argument to set $0. (bash is a good choice since that's what $0 is normally set to when running a bash script.)

How to echo script invocation without variable expansion of its args

From within a bash script, I'd like to echo script invocation without expanding variables passed as arguments.
Echoing script invocation with expanded variables can be achieved with
echo "${BASH_SOURCE[0]} ${*}"
Echoing (the script's, or any other comand's) history using
echo "$(tail -n 1 ~/.bash_history)"
shows script invocation without variable expansions, as desired, however not for the running script (only for scripts completed).
How to echo script invocation without variable expansion of its arguments from within the running script?
If you can execute your script with bash -c script args, what you want is doable with the BASH_EXECUTION_STRING variable:
$ bash -c 'echo "$BASH_EXECUTION_STRING"'
This output is not easy to understand but you can see that the echo command, when executed, prints the unexpanded command. This is because the value of the BASH_EXECUTION_STRING variable is the literal: echo "$BASH_EXECUTION_STRING".
So, if your script is, for instance:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "script name: $script"
echo "command line: $cmd"
echo "parameter: $1"
you can execute it as:
$ a=42 bash -c './ "$BASH_EXECUTION_STRING" "$a"'
script name: ./
command line: ./ "$BASH_EXECUTION_STRING" "$a"
parameter: 42

Converting string to a list of paramaters in BASH [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Variable containing multiple args with quotes in Bash
(4 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have a bash script that launches another bash script and needs to pass multiple parameters (which may contain spaces). In the launcher script I am defining the parameters as a single string, escaping any spaces as necessary. However I can't seem to get the parameters passed properly.
Here is my test setup to replicate the problem I am having:
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
echo "${1}"
args="arg1 arg2 arg\ 3 arg4"
./ ${args}
Running directly from command line (./ arg1 arg2 arg\ 3 arg4)
arg 3
I've tried multiple variations of double quotes, read, IFS, etc, but I can't seem to get the results I am looking for. Any guidance would be appreciated.
A friendly tip
After reading your entire question it seems you're trying to re-invent the wheel.
You should have tried read --help. It explains how to split user input into an indexed array.
read -a args -p 'Input args: '
Full code example
for sArg in "$#" ;do
echo "$sArg"
read -a args -p 'Input args: '
./ "${args[#]}"
Use a bash array or xargs in
args=(arg1 arg2 "arg 3" arg4)
./ "${args[#]}"
echo =======================
args="arg1 arg2 arg\ 3 arg4"
echo $args | xargs ./
$ ./
arg 3
arg 3

run a function or alias set in bashrc, or profile through nohup [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Call a function using nohup
(6 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
My question is similar to this one.
Using aliases with nohup
I took a lot of time customizing a function that I included in my .bashrc
I'd like it to run with nohup, because I'd like to run a command several times in this fashion.
for i in `cat mylist`; do nohup myfunction $i 'mycommand' & done
Any tips?
You can do this with functions (not aliases) by nohuping a bash -c (which is essentially the same as running an external bash script).
In order for this to work, you need to mark your function as exported:
# define the function
echo_args() {
printf '<%s> ' "$#"
printf "\n"
# mark it as exported
declare -fx echo_args
# run it with nohup
nohup bash -c 'echo_args "$#"' bash_ "an argument" "another argument"
The argument bash_ to nohup provides a "name" for the bash -c subshell; that is, it becomes the value of $0 in the subshell. It will be prepended to error messages (if any), so I try to use something meaningful.
nohup will not work with functions. You need to create a shell script which wraps and executes the function. The shell script then you can run with nohup
Like this:
function hello_world {
echo "hello $1, $2"
# call function
hello_world "$1" "$2"
chmod +x and then call it in your for loop:
for i in `cat mylist`; do
nohup ./ $i 'mycommand' &
