run a function or alias set in bashrc, or profile through nohup [duplicate] - shell

This question already has answers here:
Call a function using nohup
(6 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
My question is similar to this one.
Using aliases with nohup
I took a lot of time customizing a function that I included in my .bashrc
I'd like it to run with nohup, because I'd like to run a command several times in this fashion.
for i in `cat mylist`; do nohup myfunction $i 'mycommand' & done
Any tips?

You can do this with functions (not aliases) by nohuping a bash -c (which is essentially the same as running an external bash script).
In order for this to work, you need to mark your function as exported:
# define the function
echo_args() {
printf '<%s> ' "$#"
printf "\n"
# mark it as exported
declare -fx echo_args
# run it with nohup
nohup bash -c 'echo_args "$#"' bash_ "an argument" "another argument"
The argument bash_ to nohup provides a "name" for the bash -c subshell; that is, it becomes the value of $0 in the subshell. It will be prepended to error messages (if any), so I try to use something meaningful.

nohup will not work with functions. You need to create a shell script which wraps and executes the function. The shell script then you can run with nohup
Like this:
function hello_world {
echo "hello $1, $2"
# call function
hello_world "$1" "$2"
chmod +x and then call it in your for loop:
for i in `cat mylist`; do
nohup ./ $i 'mycommand' &


Redirect copy of stdin to file from within bash script itself

In reference to (also shamelessly stole the title) where the question is how to capture the script's output I would like to know how I can additionally capture the scripts input. Mainly so scripts that also have user input produce complete logs.
I tried things like
exec 3< <(tee -ia foo.log <&3)
exec <&3 <(tee -ia foo.log <&3)
But nothing seems to work. I'm probably just missing something.
Maybe it'd be easier to use the script command? You could either have your users run the script with script directly, or do something kind of funky like this:
main() {
read -r -p "Input string: "
echo "User input: $REPLY"
if [ "$1" = "--log" ]; then
# If the first argument is "--log", shift the arg
# out and run main
main "$#"
# If run without log, re-run this script within a
# script command so all script I/O is logged
script -q -c "$0 --log $*" test.log
Unfortunately, you can't pass a function to script -c which is why the double-call is necessary in this method.
If it's acceptable to have two scripts, you could also have a user-facing script that just calls the non-user-facing script with script:
script -q -c "/path/to/" <log path>
<Normal business logic>
It's simpler:
#! /bin/bash
tee ~/log | your_script
The wonderful thing is your_script can be a function, command or a {} command block!

Pass all args to a command called in a new shell using bash -c

I've simplified my example to the following:
bash -c "./ $#"
echo "first $1"
echo "second $2"
I expect that if I call ./ a b to get:
first a
second b
but instead I get:
first a
In other words, my later arguments after the first one are not getting passed through to the command that I'm executing inside a new bash shell. I've tried many variations of removing and moving around the quotation marks in the file, but haven't got this to work.
Why is this happening, and how do I get the behavior I want?
(UPDATE - I realize it seems pointless that I'm calling bash -c in this example, my actual is a proxy script for a command that gets called locally to run in a docker container so it's actually docker exec -i mycontainer bash -c '')
Change to this with different quoting:
bash -c './ "$#"' - "$#"
- "$#" is passing hyphen to populate $0 and $# is being passed in to populate all other positional parameters in bash -c command line.
You can also make it:
bash -c './ "$#"' "$0" "$#"
However there is no real need to use bash -c here and you can just use:
./ "$#"

How do I translate this bash function to fish shell?

function run () {
nohup python $1 > nohup.out &
On the command line I call this as "run" and bash executes the following command:
python > nohup.out &
Can you help me translate this to fish.
I have this so far..
function run
bash -c "nohup python $1 > nohup.out &"
When I call source on ~/.config/fish/
This exists simply saying
Error when reading file: ~/.config/fish/
without providing any helpful hints as to what the error is.
There's really no need to execute bash here, fish can also execute nohup, the redirections also work and such.
There's a minor difference in that, instead of $1 and $2 and so on, arguments to fish functions are stored in the $argv array.
function run
nohup python $argv > nohup.out &
This will expand $argv to all elements of that as one element each, so run banana would run nohup python banana > nohup.out &. If you truly want just one argument to be passed, you'd need $argv[1].
I actually have no idea why your definition should cause an error when sourcing - which fish version are you using?
This is a perfectly valid (and more correct) replacement for your function in fish:
function run
bash -c 'nohup python "$#" > nohup.out &' _ $argv
This is an equivalent to the native-bash function:
run() {
nohup python "$#" </dev/null >nohup.out 2>&1 &
...which, personally, I would suggest rewriting to use disown rather than nohup.
With respect to the error seen from fish, I'd suggest paying attention to any other (not syntax-related) which may have impacted whether your file could be read -- permissions, etc.

How can a ksh script determine the full path to itself, when sourced from another?

How can a script determine it's path when it is sourced by ksh? i.e.
$ ksh "."
I've seen very nice ways of doing this in BASH posted on stackoverflow and elsewhere but haven't yet found a ksh method.
Using "$0" doesn't work. This simply refers to "ksh".
Update: I've tried using the "history" command but that isn't aware of the history outside the current script.
$ cat k.ksh
. j.ksh
$ cat j.ksh
a=$(history | tail -1)
echo $a
$ ./k.ksh
270 ./k.ksh
I would want it echo "* ./j.ksh".
If it's the AT&T ksh93, this information is stored in the .sh namespace, in the variable .sh.file.
echo "Sourced: ${.sh.file}"
$ ksh -c '. ./'
Sourced: /var/tmp/
The .sh.file variable is distinct from $0. While $0 can be ksh or /usr/bin/ksh, or the name of the currently running script, .sh.file will always refer to the file for the current scope.
In an interactive shell, this variable won't even exist:
$ echo ${.sh.file:?}
-ksh: .sh.file: parameter not set
I believe the only portable solution is to override the source command:
source() {
. "$1"
And then use source instead of . (the script name will be in $sourced).
The difference of course between sourcing and forking is that sourcing results in the invoked script being executed within the calling process. Henk showed an elegant solution in ksh93, but if, like me, you're stuck with ksh88 then you need an alternative. I'd rather not change the default ksh method of sourcing by using C-shell syntax, and at work it would be against our coding standards, so creating and using a source() function would be unworkable for me. ps, $0 and $_ are unreliable, so here's an alternative:
$ cat ; cat ; ./
echo "PPID: $$"
echo "FORKING"
If we set the invoked script in a variable, and source it using the variable, that variable will be available to the invoked script, since they are in the same process space.
echo "PID:$pid"
command=`ps -o args -p $pid | tail -1`
echo "COMMAND (from ps -o args of the PID): $command"
echo "COMMAND (from's \$_ ) : $arguments"
echo "\$SCRIPT variable: $SCRIPT"
echo dirname: `dirname $0`
echo ; echo
Output is as follows:
COMMAND (from ps -o args of the PID): /bin/ksh ./
COMMAND (from's $_ ) :
$SCRIPT variable:
dirname: .
PPID: 21665
COMMAND (from ps -o args of the PID): /bin/ksh ./
COMMAND (from's $_ ) : ./
$SCRIPT variable:
dirname: .
So when we set the SCRIPT variable in the caller script, the variable is either accessible from the sourced script's operands, or, in the case of a forked process, the variable along with all other environment variables of the parent process are copied for the child process. In either case, the SCRIPT variable can contain your command and arguments, and will be accessible in the case of both sourcing and forking.
You should find it as last command in the history.

How to include nohup inside a bash script?

I have a large script called mandacalc which I want to always run with the nohup command. If I call it from the command line as:
nohup mandacalc &
everything runs swiftly. But, if I try to include nohup inside my command, so I don't need to type it everytime I execute it, I get an error message.
So far I tried these options:
nohup (
exit 0
and also:
nohup bash -c "
exit 0
" # and also with single quotes.
So far I only get error messages complaining about the implementation of the nohup command, or about other quotes used inside the script.
Try putting this at the beginning of your script:
case "$1" in
$0 < /dev/null &> /dev/null & disown
exit 0
# do stuff here
If you now start your script with --daemon as an argument, it will restart itself detached from your current shell.
You can still run your script "in the foreground" by starting it without this option.
Just put trap '' HUP on the beggining of your script.
Also if it creates child process someCommand& you will have to change them to nohup someCommand& to work properly... I have been researching this for a long time and only the combination of these two (the trap and nohup) works on my specific script where xterm closes too fast.
Create an alias of the same name in your bash (or preferred shell) startup file:
alias mandacalc="nohup mandacalc &"
Why don't you just make a script containing nohup ./original_script ?
There is a nice answer here:
### make sure that the script is called with `nohup nice ...`
if [ "$1" != "calling_myself" ]
# this script has *not* been called recursively by itself
datestamp=$(date +%F | tr -d -)
nohup nice "$0" "calling_myself" "$#" > $nohup_out &
sleep 1
tail -f $nohup_out
# this script has been called recursively by itself
shift # remove the termination condition flag in $1
### the rest of the script goes here
. . . . .
the best way to handle this is to use $()
nohup $( command1, command2 ...) &
nohup is expecting one command and in that way You're able to execute multiple commands with one nohup
