ActiveAdmin Collection Names - ruby

I have an array of roles in my model:
ROLES = ['super_admin', 'user', 'user_admin']
I have an ActiveAdmin form that shows these roles:
input :roles, as: :check_boxes, collection: User::ROLES
I have to show the roles as humanized, capitalized names instead of snake case on the form:
Super Admin, Salesman, Sales Admin
but when one of them is selected, it has to be saved in snakecase.
I've tried this:
.map { |r| "#{r.humanize}" }
.map { |r|' ') }
but this saves the role as the humanized, capitalized form instead of the snake case form. How can I use the humanized, capitalized version of the words on the form, but save the snake case version?

You can use Rails(Active Support) method String#titleize instead' ')
If you want to store record in DB as snakecase you can do below way: In dropdown option it will be displayed as titalize but it's value will be set as snakecase which will be stored in DB.
>{|e|[e.titleize, e]}
#=> [["Super Admin", "super_admin"], ["User", "user"], ["User Admin", "user_admin"]]
in activeadmin use:
input :roles, as: :check_boxes, collection:{|e|[e.titleize, e]}

If you want to use pure Ruby, one alternative could be:
'super_admin'.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join(' ')
#=> "Super Admin"
So, mapping your array: { |str| [str.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join(' '), str] }
#=> [["Super Admin", "super_admin"], ["User", "user"], ["User Admin", "user_admin"]]
Backward (before_save):
"Super Admin".downcase.gsub(' ', '_') #=> "super_admin"


Ruby exclude specific data from array of hashes

I've got response which hash and array of hashes:
"displayName"=>"John Doe",
"displayName"=>"Chris Sth",
"displayName"=>"Testing Name",
What I need is to pull the name for each hash['actors'] and convert it to the email address. The thing is I need to skip names which are defined as EXCLUDED_NAMES
private_constant :DEFAULT_EXCLUDED_NAMES
I was trying to something like below but still get all names:
def setup_email
dev_role['actors'].map do |user|
if user.include?(EXCLUDED_NAMES)
You can get an array of valid emails with:
emails = dev_role['actors'].map do |user|
"#{user['name']}" unless EXCLUDED_NAMES.include?(user['name'])
Array will only contain ''
If dev_role['actors'] is this:
"displayName"=>"John Doe",
"displayName"=>"Chris Sth",
"displayName"=>"Testing Name",
then it is certain that user in each block would be a Hash object:
"displayName"=>"John Doe",
So, doing user["name"], should produce: "john.doe".
Now, that we have an exclusion list EXCLUDED_NAMES we could use include? like so on it:
=> # true if the name is in the EXCLUDED_NAMES
So, all you need is a small change in your code to fix the condition:
def setup_email
dev_role['actors'].map do |user|
if EXCLUDED_NAMES.include?(user["name"])
There is one problem though, the user.delete would not work as it expects an argument that is supposed to be a key to the hash object.
This can be fixed through by using reject or select(changing to reject as it reads better):
def setup_email
dev_role['actors'].reject do |user|
EXCLUDED_NAMES.include?(user["name"]){ |user| user["name"] }
The nature of the method seems to be returning an array/list, so I would insist that the name of such methods should be plural: setup_emails.
I'd create a lookup hash based upon the the actor name. Then retrieve the values that are not in EXCLUDED_NAMES.
When actors can contain duplicate names:
actors = dev_role['actors'].group_by { |actor| actor['name'] }
actors = actors.values_at(*actors.keys - EXCLUDED_NAMES).flatten(1)
When actors can't contain duplicate names:
actors = dev_role['actors'].to_h { |actor| [actor['name'], actor] }
actors = actors.values_at(*actors.keys - EXCLUDED_NAMES)
emails = { |actor| "#{actor['name']}" }
You could also solve this with an Array#reject/Array#map combination:
emails = dev_role['actors']
.reject { |actor| EXCLUDED_NAMES.include?(actor['name']) }
.map { |actor| "#{actor['name']}" }
The above might be slower when using a large EXCLUDED_NAMES array.
for each_actor in actors
if EXCLUDED_NAMES.include?(each_actor["name"])==false
p "#{each_actor['name']}"

Fetch under one key ruby

I have this json:
{"name"=>"Lebron James",
I want to be able to retrieve the values of the self keys, but only the ones that has "type" => "email_contact_method_reference" and "summary"=>"Mobile". This is what I thought would work.
phone ="employee_phone_api.txt", "w+")
jdoc.fetch("user").fetch("contact_methods").each do |contact|
if contact["type"] == "email_contact_method_reference" and contact["summary"] == "Mobile"
phone.puts contact["self"]
Thoughts? And/or suggestions?
No need to use #each, as there are more expressive ways of handling this problem. As with many Ruby problems, you want to get an Array and then transform it. In this case, you want to select certain contacts and then pull out particular values.
Your sample hash has a "contact" key but not a "contact_methods" key. I'm using "contact" for my example. Also, your sample contains no objects that meet the criteria, so I'm modifying it to include one.
First we get an Array of all the contacts:
contacts = jdoc.fetch("user").fetch("contact")
Then we filter them to the desired type using Enumerable#select, which results in an Array of a single Hash object:
email_contacts = { |contact| contact['type'] == 'email_contact_method_reference' && contact['summary'] == 'Mobile' }
#=> [{"id"=>"PO0JGV7", "type"=>"email_contact_method_reference", "summary"=>"Mobile", "self"=>"", "html_url"=>nil}]
Next we map out just the information we want:
urls = { |contact| contact['self'] }
This results in urls being assigned an Array of a single string:
#=> [""]
In the real world, you will want to have a method that accepts arguments, making the logic flexible. You might do something like this:
def fetch_urls(doc, type, summary)
.select { |contact| contact['type'] == type && contact['summary'] == summary }
.map { |contact| contact['self'] }
>> fetch_urls(jdoc, 'email_contact_method_reference', 'Mobile')
#=> [""]
Now that you have a working method, you can use it in your file writer:
>> phone ="employee_phone_api.txt", "w+")
>> phone.puts fetch_urls(jdoc, 'email_contact_method_reference', 'Mobile').join("\n")
>> phone.close
#=> "\n"

Ruby on Rails 4: Pluck results to hash

How can I turn:
Person.all.pluck(:id, :name)
[{id: 1, name: 'joe'}, {id: 2, name: 'martin'}]
without having to .map every value (since when I add or remove from the .pluck I have to do he same with the .map)
You can map the result:
Person.all.pluck(:id, :name).map { |id, name| {id: id, name: name}}
As mentioned by #alebian:
This is more efficient than
Person.all.as_json(only: [:id, :name])
pluck only returns the used columns (:id, :name) whereas the other solution returns all columns. Depending on the width of the table (number of columns) this makes quite a difference
The pluck solution does not instantiate Person objects, does not need to assign attributes to the models and so on. Instead it just returns an array with one integer and one string.
as_json again has more overhead than the simple map as it is a generic implementation to convert a model to a hash
You could simply do this,:name).as_json
You could try this as well
Person.all.as_json(only: [:id, :name])
I see three options:
1) pluck plus map:
Person.pluck(:id, :name).map { |p| { id: p[0], name: p[1] } }
2) pluck plus map plus zip and a variable to make it DRY-er:
attrs = %w(id name)
Person.pluck(*attrs).map { |p| }
3) or you might not use pluck at all although this is much less performant: { |p| p.slice(:id, :name) }
If you use postgresql, you can use json_build_object function in pluck method:
That way, you can let db create hashes.
Person.pluck("json_build_object('id', id, 'name', name)")
#=> [{id: 1, name: 'joe'}, {id: 2, name: 'martin'}]
Could go for a hash after the pluck with the ID being the key and the Name being the value:
Person.all.pluck(:id, :name).to_h
{ 1 => 'joe', 2 => 'martin' }
Not sure if this fits your needs, but presenting as an option.
You can use the aptly-named pluck_to_hash gem for this:
It will extend AR with pluck_to_hash method that works like this:
Post.limit(2).pluck_to_hash(:id, :title)
# [{:id=>213, :title=>"foo"}, {:id=>214, :title=>"bar"}]
# [{:id=>213}, {:id=>214}]
It claims to be several times faster than using AR select and as_json
There is pluck_all gem that do almost the same thing as pluck_to_hash do. And it claims that it's 30% faster. (see the benchmark here).
Person.pluck_all(:id, :name)
If you have multiple attributes, you may do this for cleanliness:
Item.pluck(:id, :name, :description, :cost, :images).map do |item|
id: item[0],
name: item[1],
description: item[2],
cost: item[3],
images: item[4]
The easiest way is to use the pluck method combined with the zip method.
attrs_array = %w(id name)
Person.all.pluck(attrs_array).map { |ele| }
You can also create a helper method if you are using this method through out your application.
def pluck_to_hash(object, *attrs)
object.pluck(*attrs).map { |ele| }
Consider modifying by declaring self as the default receiver rather than passing Person.all as the object variable.
Read more about zip.
Here is a method that has worked well for me:
def pluck_to_hash(enumerable, *field_names)
enumerable.pluck(*field_names).map do |field_values|{}) do |(key, value), result_hash|
result_hash[key] = value
I know it's an old thread but in case someone is looking for simpler version of this
Hash[Person.all(:id, :name)]
Tested in Rails 5.

Mongoid push with upsert

I've got model User:
class User
field :username, type: String
embeds_many :products
class Product
field :name, type: String
embedded_in :user
I would like to have single operation that would:
insert the user
update the user in case the user exists already (this i can easily do with upsert)
push the products
This works for upserting: 'Hello').upsert
The problem is that this will delete the embedded products (the products attribute is not specified).
Can I ask mongoid to skip setting array to empty?
Can I ask mongoid to push new products at the end of products array?
Something like this: 'Hello').push(products: [ 'Screen')]).upsert
Finally I ended up by manually writing the following query:
User.mongo_client[:users].update_one({username: 'Hello'},
{"$set" => {first_name: 'Jim', last_name: 'Jones'},
"$pushAll" => [products: [{name: 'Screen'}, {name: 'Keyboard'}]
upsert: true)
$set - are the params that we want to set for a given document
$pushAll - when you use $push you can specify only one element, $pushAll allows you to append multiple elements (when you specify only one it will behave like $push)
upsert - will do the insert/update magic in the mongodb
In the second hash you can also specify $inc, $dec, $pop, $set etc... which is quite useful.

How to get params value based on specific label?

I am parsing JSON and passing it as fields_array to render an erb template. This is a Sinatra app.
I have:
def fields_params
# example of parsed JSON, Company Name sometimes is Field6 but sometimes Field3
[["Company Name", "Field6"], ["Email", "Field5"]]
def company_name
# I want to return company name from params[company_field_id]
# Maybe something like:
id ={|field| field[0] == "Company Name" }.flatten[1]
def fields_array
fields_params.collect do |label, param_id|
{ label: label, value: params[param_id] } if params[param_id]
How should I get company_name from params?
[["Company Name", "Field6"], ["Email", "Field5"]] is a commonly seen data pattern, and, once you recognize it you'll know it can easily be coerced into a Hash:
hash = Hash[[["Company Name", "Field6"], ["Email", "Field5"]]]
Here's what it looks like now:
"Company Name" => "Field6",
"Email" => "Field5"
At that point, it's easy to get the value:
hash['Company Name']
=> "Field6"
So, I'd modify your code to return a hash, making it a lot easier to retrieve values:
def fields_params
# example of parsed JSON, Company Name sometimes is Field6 but sometimes Field3
Hash[ [["Company Name", "Field6"], ["Email", "Field5"]] ]
A lot of the time the JSON I see is already going to result in a Hash of some sort after parsing. Without seeing your input JSON I can't say for sure, but it could already be in that format, and something you're doing is turning it into an array of arrays, which is what a hash looks like if run through map or collect or has had to_a applied to it.
Use the find method
fields_params.find{|x| x.first == "Company Name"}.last # => "Field6"
