How to get params value based on specific label? - ruby

I am parsing JSON and passing it as fields_array to render an erb template. This is a Sinatra app.
I have:
def fields_params
# example of parsed JSON, Company Name sometimes is Field6 but sometimes Field3
[["Company Name", "Field6"], ["Email", "Field5"]]
def company_name
# I want to return company name from params[company_field_id]
# Maybe something like:
id ={|field| field[0] == "Company Name" }.flatten[1]
def fields_array
fields_params.collect do |label, param_id|
{ label: label, value: params[param_id] } if params[param_id]
How should I get company_name from params?

[["Company Name", "Field6"], ["Email", "Field5"]] is a commonly seen data pattern, and, once you recognize it you'll know it can easily be coerced into a Hash:
hash = Hash[[["Company Name", "Field6"], ["Email", "Field5"]]]
Here's what it looks like now:
"Company Name" => "Field6",
"Email" => "Field5"
At that point, it's easy to get the value:
hash['Company Name']
=> "Field6"
So, I'd modify your code to return a hash, making it a lot easier to retrieve values:
def fields_params
# example of parsed JSON, Company Name sometimes is Field6 but sometimes Field3
Hash[ [["Company Name", "Field6"], ["Email", "Field5"]] ]
A lot of the time the JSON I see is already going to result in a Hash of some sort after parsing. Without seeing your input JSON I can't say for sure, but it could already be in that format, and something you're doing is turning it into an array of arrays, which is what a hash looks like if run through map or collect or has had to_a applied to it.

Use the find method
fields_params.find{|x| x.first == "Company Name"}.last # => "Field6"


Ruby exclude specific data from array of hashes

I've got response which hash and array of hashes:
"displayName"=>"John Doe",
"displayName"=>"Chris Sth",
"displayName"=>"Testing Name",
What I need is to pull the name for each hash['actors'] and convert it to the email address. The thing is I need to skip names which are defined as EXCLUDED_NAMES
private_constant :DEFAULT_EXCLUDED_NAMES
I was trying to something like below but still get all names:
def setup_email
dev_role['actors'].map do |user|
if user.include?(EXCLUDED_NAMES)
You can get an array of valid emails with:
emails = dev_role['actors'].map do |user|
"#{user['name']}" unless EXCLUDED_NAMES.include?(user['name'])
Array will only contain ''
If dev_role['actors'] is this:
"displayName"=>"John Doe",
"displayName"=>"Chris Sth",
"displayName"=>"Testing Name",
then it is certain that user in each block would be a Hash object:
"displayName"=>"John Doe",
So, doing user["name"], should produce: "john.doe".
Now, that we have an exclusion list EXCLUDED_NAMES we could use include? like so on it:
=> # true if the name is in the EXCLUDED_NAMES
So, all you need is a small change in your code to fix the condition:
def setup_email
dev_role['actors'].map do |user|
if EXCLUDED_NAMES.include?(user["name"])
There is one problem though, the user.delete would not work as it expects an argument that is supposed to be a key to the hash object.
This can be fixed through by using reject or select(changing to reject as it reads better):
def setup_email
dev_role['actors'].reject do |user|
EXCLUDED_NAMES.include?(user["name"]){ |user| user["name"] }
The nature of the method seems to be returning an array/list, so I would insist that the name of such methods should be plural: setup_emails.
I'd create a lookup hash based upon the the actor name. Then retrieve the values that are not in EXCLUDED_NAMES.
When actors can contain duplicate names:
actors = dev_role['actors'].group_by { |actor| actor['name'] }
actors = actors.values_at(*actors.keys - EXCLUDED_NAMES).flatten(1)
When actors can't contain duplicate names:
actors = dev_role['actors'].to_h { |actor| [actor['name'], actor] }
actors = actors.values_at(*actors.keys - EXCLUDED_NAMES)
emails = { |actor| "#{actor['name']}" }
You could also solve this with an Array#reject/Array#map combination:
emails = dev_role['actors']
.reject { |actor| EXCLUDED_NAMES.include?(actor['name']) }
.map { |actor| "#{actor['name']}" }
The above might be slower when using a large EXCLUDED_NAMES array.
for each_actor in actors
if EXCLUDED_NAMES.include?(each_actor["name"])==false
p "#{each_actor['name']}"

Fetch under one key ruby

I have this json:
{"name"=>"Lebron James",
I want to be able to retrieve the values of the self keys, but only the ones that has "type" => "email_contact_method_reference" and "summary"=>"Mobile". This is what I thought would work.
phone ="employee_phone_api.txt", "w+")
jdoc.fetch("user").fetch("contact_methods").each do |contact|
if contact["type"] == "email_contact_method_reference" and contact["summary"] == "Mobile"
phone.puts contact["self"]
Thoughts? And/or suggestions?
No need to use #each, as there are more expressive ways of handling this problem. As with many Ruby problems, you want to get an Array and then transform it. In this case, you want to select certain contacts and then pull out particular values.
Your sample hash has a "contact" key but not a "contact_methods" key. I'm using "contact" for my example. Also, your sample contains no objects that meet the criteria, so I'm modifying it to include one.
First we get an Array of all the contacts:
contacts = jdoc.fetch("user").fetch("contact")
Then we filter them to the desired type using Enumerable#select, which results in an Array of a single Hash object:
email_contacts = { |contact| contact['type'] == 'email_contact_method_reference' && contact['summary'] == 'Mobile' }
#=> [{"id"=>"PO0JGV7", "type"=>"email_contact_method_reference", "summary"=>"Mobile", "self"=>"", "html_url"=>nil}]
Next we map out just the information we want:
urls = { |contact| contact['self'] }
This results in urls being assigned an Array of a single string:
#=> [""]
In the real world, you will want to have a method that accepts arguments, making the logic flexible. You might do something like this:
def fetch_urls(doc, type, summary)
.select { |contact| contact['type'] == type && contact['summary'] == summary }
.map { |contact| contact['self'] }
>> fetch_urls(jdoc, 'email_contact_method_reference', 'Mobile')
#=> [""]
Now that you have a working method, you can use it in your file writer:
>> phone ="employee_phone_api.txt", "w+")
>> phone.puts fetch_urls(jdoc, 'email_contact_method_reference', 'Mobile').join("\n")
>> phone.close
#=> "\n"

Ruby String #{} doesn't work

I have this is my code:
class Template
def initialize(temp_str)
#str = temp_str
def render options={}
puts #str
template ="{{name}} likes {{animal_type}}")
template.render(name: "John", animal_type: "dogs")
I was hoping the result would be John likes dogs, but it was
#{options[:name]} likes #{options[:animal_type]}
Why doesn't the #{} get interpolated?
#{} is not some magic that gets converted to interpolation whenever it occurs. It's a literal syntax for interpolating. Here you are not writing it literally, you get it by doing a replacement. Instead, you could do something like:
template = "{{name}} likes {{animal_type}}"
options = {name: 'John', animal_type: 'dogs'}
template.gsub(/{{(.*?)}}/) { options[$1.to_sym] } # => "John likes dogs"
This captures the name inside the moustaches and indexes the hash with it.
Even better would be to utilize the existing format functionality. Instead of moustaches, use %{}:
template = "%{name} likes %{animal_type}"
options = {name: 'John', animal_type: 'dogs'}
template % options # => "John likes dogs"

Parsing recursive hashes into data records in Ruby

I've struggled with this problem for a while, and I'm finally going to ask here for help.
Take a very straightforward hash that represents some event:
:details=> {
My goal is to create a 'master record' for the entire hash, with the fields in the record being all the keys that do not contain values that are also hashes. When I run into a value that is a hash (in this case 'details'), I need to create a separate record for each k/v pair in that hash bearing the same record id as the parent master record.
I'm not getting the recursion right somehow. Ideally I would get back a single primary record:
And a distinct entry for each key in the nested hash:
And so on. I'm trying to get this set of records back as an array of hashes.
I've gotten as far as being able to generate the master record, as well as a detail record, but the detail record contains all the keys in the detail.
def eventToBreakout(eventhash,sequenceid = -1, parentrecordid = nil, records = [])
recordid = SecureRandom.uuid
sequenceid += 1
recordstruc = {:record_id => recordid, :parent_record_id => parentrecordid, :record_processed_ts =>, :sequence_id => sequenceid}
eventhash.each_pair do |k,v|
if recurse?(v)
if !recordstruc.keys.include?(k)
records << recordstruc
I've included my code and here is the output I'm currently getting from it.
:record_processed_ts=>2016-04-25 16:46:10 -0500,
:record_processed_ts=>2016-04-25 16:46:10 -0500,
:eventts=>2016-04-25 22:10:32 -0500,
Maybe you want something along these lines?
input = { id: 'parent', value: 'parent value', child: { child_value: 1}}
record = {}
input.each do |k,v|
if v.is_a? Hash
v[:parent_id] = input[:id]
(record[:children] ||= []) << v
record[k] = v
puts record
# {:id=>"parent", :value=>"parent value", :children=>[{:child_value=>1, :parent_id=>"parent"}]}
By the way this is a good example to get started with "spec" or "test" frameworks like minitest or rspec (both can be used for both). You have defined input and expected output already and "just" need to code until all test/spec-runs are green.

What's an efficient way (without parsing and re-encoding) to put a string representing JSON into a Ruby hash?

I have a JSON string which has been generated by Jbuilder:
json = "{name: 'Peter', email: ''}"
This is currently a string. However I want to combine it into a new hash (ideally in Ruby) before finally outputting it as JSON.
output = {result: :success, data: json}
However if I convert this to JSON the json value gets double-encoded such that it's sent as a string:
#=> "{\"result\":\"success\",\"data\":\"{name: 'Peter', email: ''}\"}"
Now I could parse the JSON into a Ruby hash and then re-output it but that seems like a big fat waste of parsing when what I'd really like to do is to say "hey, this node is already JSON, don't re-encode it already!".
Is there any equivalent to the raw() method Rails has in views? i.e.
output = {result: :success, data: raw(json)}
so that the json evaluation of this then becomes:
#=> "{\"result\":\"success\",\"data\": {\"name\":\"Peter\",\"email\":\"\"}"
Here’s a way you can do this, it’s a bit of a hack but you might find it useful.
First restating the problem:
# Note the quotes, your example isn't actually valid
json = "{\"name\": \"Peter\", \"email\": \"\"}"
output = {result: :success, data: json}
# Without changing anything
puts JSON.generate(output)
This results in the following, where the value of data is a single string:
{"result":"success","data":"{\"name\": \"Peter\", \"email\": \"\"}"}
The json gem uses a to_json method that is added to all objects to convert them to json, so the simplest fix would be to replace that method on objects you want to behave differently:
# As before
json = "{\"name\": \"Peter\", \"email\": \"\"}"
# Replace to_json on the singleton object
def json.to_json *args
output = {result: :success, data: json}
# Generate the output (output.to_json gives the same result)
puts JSON.generate(output)
This creates the following, where the data value is now itself a hash, as desired:
{"result":"success","data":{"name": "Peter", "email": ""}}
A cleaner way to do this, to avoid manipulating singletons in your code could be to create a subclass of string that has this behaviour:
class JsonSafeString < String
def to_json *args
You can now create a JsonSafeString when you want the contents included directly in a JSON object:
json = "{\"name\": \"Peter\", \"email\": \"\"}"
output = {result: :success, data:}
puts JSON.generate(output)
The result is the same as above:
{"result":"success","data":{"name": "Peter", "email": ""}}
You could wrap the call to in a method like raw_json if you wanted.
Obviously this leaves the task of ensuring your string is valid to you – the main point of using a library for this is the user doesn’t have to concern themselves with things like whether to use single or double quotes, so you could be vulnerable to generating invalid JSON if you’re not careful. Also this is just a quick hack, there are probably a load of things I haven’t considered. In particular I haven’t taken character encodings into account, so watch out.
This doesn't address your question, but may help you avoid it altogether...
Do you really need to generate your json variable into JSON before adding it to the hash? Jbuilder can generate a hash just as easily as a JSON string, e.g.:
hash = do |json| 'Peter' ''
# => {"name"=>"Peter", "email"=>""}
output = {result: :success, data: hash}
eval will put it out as raw code.
eval "{name: 'Peter', email: ''}"
=> {:name=>"Peter", :email=>""}
And the results.
output = {result: :success, data: eval("{name: 'Peter', email: ''}") }
=> {:result=>:success, :data=>{:name=>"Peter", :email=>""}}
And to string
=> "{:result=>:success, :data=>{:name=>\"Peter\", :email=>\"\"}}"
require 'json'
=> true
=> "{\"result\":\"success\",\"data\":{\"name\":\"Peter\",\"email\":\"\"}}"
