I want to ignore similar urls with diffrent version or parameters.Is there a way to achieve that using XMLUnit?
Control XML:<script src="https://test.com/test.js?param=12345" type="text/javascript"/>
Test XML:<script src="https://test.com/test.js?param=123" type="text/javascript"/>
I want to ignore such diffrences while generating all diffrences.
You can tell XMLUnit to use a DifferenceEvaluator that you provide yourself.
With this evaluator you'd return the original outcome unless it is an ATTR_VALUE comparison and you can identify it is the src attribute on a script element (look at the Comparison's control target and its parent) - in which case you return SIMIALR or even EQUAL.
I'm generating an XML report, using the JDF standard for PDFs going into a printing workflow.
There are 3 "DPart" sections, and I can use an xPath query to recognize them, but I want to grab the "Separation" attribute of each "cip4:Part". I can also get a query to find that, but it does not distinguish between the multiple "DPart"s.
<DPart End="0" ID="0003" ParentRef="0002" Start="0">
<cip4:Intent cip4:ProductType="ProductPart"/>
<cip4:Part Separation="K1"/>
<cip4:Color cip4:ActualColorName="Black" cip4:ColorType="Normal">
<cip4:Part Separation="S1"/>**
<cip4:Color cip4:ActualColorName="Dieline" cip4:ColorType="Normal">
<cip4:ColorantControl ColorantOrder="K1 S1" ColorantParams="K1 S1"/>
<eg:InkCov eg:Mm2="0.000000" eg:Pct="0.000000" eg:Separation="K1"/>
<eg:InkCov eg:Mm2="182.337538" eg:Pct="0.721209" eg:Separation="S1"/>
I want to do something like:
/DPM[2]/*[name ()='cip4:Part'], but it's not working.
I'm in a low-code pre-press environment (Esko Automation Engine), but the system gives me tools to parse an xPath, and throw some JavaScript at it.
There are at least three reasons your XPath selects nothing:
DPM is not an immediate child of the root node
There is only one DPM, so DPM[2] won't select anything
There is no child of a DPM whose name is cip4:Part.
You also say in the narrative that there are three DPart's, which implies that DPart is not actually the outermost element as it appears to be in your sample. This makes it difficult to provide the correct XPath. However, you might be able to make a start with
I have the following XML -
<d><m:properties xmlns:m="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata" xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices">
<d:TextLine>ecom header text 1</d:TextLine>
and trying to retrieve the TextLine nodelist as based on TextId = ZC01 -
<TextLine>ecom header text1</TextLine>
when I applied the xpath as --> //m:properties[d:TextId = 'ZC01']/d:TextLine
I get the output as -
<d:TextLine xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices">ecom header text 1</d:TextLine>
how can I remove the prefix and namespace? I tried using local-name(), but that didn't work
May be used it wrong way.
Thank you for your help!
XPath is a selection language: it can only retrieve nodes that are actually there, it can't change them in any way. If the selected element has a prefix and namespace in the original, then it will have a prefix and namespace in the result.
However, you need to distinguish what the XPath selects (a node) from the way it the result is displayed. This depends on the application that is evaluating the XPath. The two popular ways of displaying a node selected by an XPath expression are (a) by serialising the node as XML (which is what we see in your case), and (b) by showing a path to the selected node, such as /d/m:properties/d:TextLine. You haven't told us how you are evaluating the XPath expression or displaying its result, and you may have options here.
But perhaps you should consider XSLT or XQuery, which (unlike XPath) allow you to construct new XML that differs from your original.
On this page
I have:
//*[text()='Reception']//preceding::th[contains(#id, 'ep')]//following::I
But it only registers following.
The default firepath selector is: .//*[#id='mw-content-text']/div/table[5]/tbody/tr/td[1]/I but this kind of selector is known to break quite frequently. Just wondering if there is a better way of doing this and I thought this might be a way.
- You can see that it's getting stuff under the table which is not what I want :S
Try to use below XPath to match required elements:
//th[contains(#id, 'ep')]/following::I[./following::*[text()='Reception']]
This looks more simple
//tr[contains(#class, 'vevent')]//i
Don't overcomplicate things. You need I tag inside each row. So just find row locator tr[contains(#class, 'vevent')] and get it's I
Another good approach in case you want to check that inside of parent element is located some special element, but you want to find some 3rd element is to use such style: //element[./specific]//child , so in your case:
//tr[contains(#class, 'vevent')][./th[contains(#id,'ep')]]//i
so it's I tag inside row that contains #id,'ep' in header
Am automating things using Selenium. Need your help to handle Dynamic Xpath as below:
As above INQ_2985 changes to 2986,2987,2988 etc during each run
< div> class="context-menu-item-inner" style="background-image:url(../images/productSmall.png);">Tender Assignment < /div>
Tried different combinations as below but with no success:
// Driver.findElement(By.name("//input[#name='Tender Assignment']")).click();
// Driver.findElement(By.className("context-menu-item-inner")).click();`
Can you help me on this.
you can try using contains() or starts-with() in xpath,
above xpath can be rewritten as follows,
if you can post more of your html, we can help improve your xpath..
moreover using such long xpath's is not recommended, this may cause your test to fail more often
for example,if a "new table data or div" is added to the UI, above xpath will no longer be valid
you should try and use id, class or other attributes to get closer to the element your trying to find
i personally recommend using cssSelectors over xpath
you can use many methods,
use implicity wait;
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[contains(text(), 'select2-result-label-535')]").click();
Good to use Regular expression
Note: If you have single ID with name starts from INQ_ then you can take action on the element . If a bunch of ID then you can extract as a List<WebElements> and then match with the specific text of the element ( element.getText().trim() =="Linked Text" and if it matched then take action. You can follow other logic to traverse and match.
you can use css -
Use this xpath:
The best choice is using full xpath instead of id which you can get easily via firebug.
if your xpath is varying
Ex: "//*[#id='msg500']" , "//*[#id='msg501']", "//*[#id='msg502']" and so on...
Then use this code in script:
for (int i=0;i<=9;i++) {
String mpath= "//*[#id='msg50"+i+"']";
How to access the comments inside the XML document using XPath?
For example:
<length> 12 </length>
<!--Some comment here-->
I want to access the "Some comment here".
EDIT: I am using MSXML DOM ActiveX and the command comment() seems to be failing... Any idea why?
With the path
you can select all comments in the /foo/bar element. May depend on your language of choice, of course. But generally this is how you do it.
Use comment() function for example:-
selects the first comment that follows the length element.
Manoj asks in a comment to this answer why this isn't working in MSXML. The reason will be you are using MSXML3. By default MSXML3 does not use XPath as its selection language, it defaults to an earlier much weaker language (XSL pattern). You need to set XPath as the selection language via the DOMDocument's setProperty method. E.g (in JScript):-
var dom = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0");
dom.setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath");
Now the full XPath language will work in your queries (note one breaking change is indexer predicates are 1 based in XPath whereas they were 0 based in XSL Pattern).
Based on the OP's comments to posted answers (and my curiosity as to why this simple thing would not work), here is my suggestion:
Using the XPath expression suggested by #Anthony, I was able to successfully load the comment node with the following JS function:
function SelectComment(s)
var xDoc = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0");
if (xDoc)
var selNode = xDoc.selectSingleNode("/table/length/following::comment()[1]");
if (selNode != null)
return selNode.text;
return "";
Sample invocation:
SelectComment("<table><length> 12</length><!--Some comment here--></table>");
"Some comment here"
a. Your MSXML version may vary. Please use appropriately.
b. This kind of code is definitely not recommended because it works only on IE. However, since this is your explicitly stated requirement, I have used the ActiveXObject.
c. You have not mentioned in your comments what fails in the suggested XPath expressions. My guess is that you are not querying the text property of the retrieved node. Keep in mind that the SelectSingleNode always returns an IXmlNode and you need to query its data or text properties.
Maybe this coud help,
This sample removes Comments
XmlNodeList list = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//comment()");
foreach(XmlNode node in list)
Leaned from here link text
<!-- krishna k -->
<name>FX Update USD</name>
<!-- Since this plan updates existing adj's no ajd's will be created using this id -->
Am facing the similar Issue my application is reading comments which causes stack crash. How can I avoid reading comments by DOM.